Longevity Species

Chapter 699: The atmosphere has changed! (third change)

In Xiagong District, since Lei Dao, the phenomenal "big brother", appeared, the atmosphere in Xiagong District has changed.

Those disciples who "went through the back door" in the past, the disciples who couldn't hold their heads up, were all full of energy, with their heads held high, as if their status in the lower palace area had greatly increased.

No one mentioned anything about going through the back door anymore.

The reason is very simple, if you mention the back door, are you questioning the big brother Lei Dao?

Now Lei Dao is the number one true god in the entire Shanggong District and even the entire Guardian God Palace, and he is a real senior brother!

Those kinds of deeds have even become legends, being told over and over again.

Lu Xiaopang, in particular, was even more sought after. After all, he was a disciple who had "fighted side by side" with Lei Dao, and he also gained great prestige in Xiagong District.

Now, Lu Xiaopang is promoting to many Xiagong District disciples the deeds of him and Lei Dao "fighting side by side", and also promoting Lei Dao's practice know-how.

Although Lei Dao repeatedly mentioned that it should not be easily spread, but Lu Xiaopang still "inadvertently" slipped his mouth.

"Do you know why senior brother was able to enter the upper palace area from the lower palace area in just a few months, and even became the number one true god of my patron saint palace?"

Lu Xiaopang said complacently, while the other disciples shook their heads. They were really curious, but almost no one could see Lei Dao.

On the contrary, Lu Xiaopang was different.

Lu Xiaopang wandered around the lower palace area all day long, as long as they said a few good words, Lu Xiaopang would be especially willing to teach them some secrets of cultivation.

Moreover, it is said to be the secret of the big brother Lei Dao!

"Of course you can't know, only I know, and it's also my elder brother who has a lifelong friendship with me. We fought side by side, lived and died together, and forged a deep friendship. Therefore, elder brother is willing to pass on the secrets of cultivation to me. "

"Senior brother Lu, what is the secret of cultivation?"

"It's okay to tell you. I believe that the senior brother also hopes that the disciples of our Guardian Shrine will make rapid progress. This is a great thing for the entire Guardian Shrine. The secret of the senior brother's practice is difficult or difficult, and it is easy to say. It is hard work, hard work and more hard work! If hard work is not enough, then persist, persist and persist! In short, with hard work and persistence, nothing is impossible!"

Lu Xiaopang said "proudly".

"That's all? Hard work and persistence?"

Many disciples don't seem to believe it. If hard work is useful, why do you need talent? What's more, they can walk from the peripheral area to the Xiagong area step by step. Hard work is the basic condition, can they succeed without hard work?

But no matter how hard they try, their achievements are limited. Not to mention being promoted to the Shanggong District, it is hard to say whether he will be able to become a venerable in the future.

"Why, don't look down on hard work and persistence? In fact, the reason why you haven't reached your ideal height is because you haven't worked hard enough, and you haven't been too persistent. You see, I have been working hard and persisting recently, but I In a short period of time, two more divine patterns were condensed!"

Lu Xiaopang looked very proud.

It is true that he has been working hard recently, but he is trying to consume contribution points, exchanged them for a large amount of resources, and forcibly condensed two divine lines.

This kind of "effort" is of course invisible to other disciples.

"In this case, we have to go back and work harder!"

"Yes, it must be because we are not as hardworking as the elder brother, otherwise, we will keep working hard and persevere, not to mention reaching the level of the elder brother, but no matter what, it will be no problem to be promoted to the upper palace area, right?"

"Yes, it seems that the effort is still not enough, we have to work harder!"

All of a sudden, many disciples in Xiagong District "suddenly realized", as if they suddenly realized their own problems. It seems that if they didn't advance to the upper palace area, they just didn't work hard enough, and even gave up on themselves and exiled themselves.

Without that kind of courageous, diligent and persistent heart, it is naturally impossible to increase the speed of practice.

For a while, the "climate" of the entire Xiagong District seemed to improve a lot. Countless disciples were working hard, even if the hard work had no effect, they were still persevering.

Because, this is the cultivation secret of senior brother Lei Dao!

Even, this kind of atmosphere in the lower palace area has spread to the upper palace area.

Some Shanggong district disciples were also skeptical.

They were able to be promoted to the Shanggong District, so they were naturally the proud sons of heaven, and every disciple of the Shanggong District was extremely proud. But compared to Lei Dao, in a short period of time, after being promoted to Shanggong District, he became a big brother, the number one true god of the Guardian God Palace, and they have to admit that they are not as good as Lei Dao!

Could it be that Lei Dao really worked hard and persevered to get what he is today?

Could it be that they really slack off?

For a while, many Shanggong District disciples were "asking themselves", whether they were really slack, especially after entering the Shanggong District, did they not practice actively and did not persevere?

As a result, one by one, the proud sons of heaven, as if they were stimulated, declared retreat one by one, and practiced desperately.

Seeing this scene, some great elders of the Guardian God Palace felt a little dumbfounded.

A Lei Dao actually changed the practice atmosphere of the Guardian Shrine?

What a surprise!

However, hard work and persistence, really useful?

"it works!"

In the secret room of Lei Dao's cave in Shanggong District, after Lei Dao took a life-prolonging treasure, his lifespan increased rapidly, which shows that the life-prolonging treasure is still useful to him.

Although, the effect is a bit worse.

But as long as it works.

He believed that as long as he worked hard to earn contribution points and insisted on using life-prolonging treasures to increase his lifespan, then one day he would be able to reach the ninth level of the Thousand Extremes Divine Art.

Well, use supernatural powers to improve the conditions for the ninth level of the Thousand Extremes Divine Art.

Lei Dao exchanged all 380,000 contribution points into life extension treasures. He is also preparing to work hard in the secret room. This time, he must increase his lifespan by a large amount, preferably reaching five million years!

Lei Dao has been concentrating on taking the life-extending treasure all the time, so his lifespan has also soared.

Ten thousand years, twenty thousand years, thirty thousand years...

One hundred thousand years, two hundred thousand years, three hundred thousand years...

As Lei Dao uses more and more longevity treasures and becomes stronger, Lei Dao's lifespan grows faster. However, Lei Dao also keenly noticed that as his lifespan increased, it seemed that the effect of these life-prolonging treasures was getting worse and worse.

Last time, Lei Dao contributed 170,000 points, which increased his lifespan by almost two million years.

But now, with Lei Dao's 380,000 contribution points, how many years of life can be added is really uncertain.

However, Lei Dao is still working hard now.

He believes that the life expectancy of five million years should not be far away.

1 million years, 2 million years, 3 million years, 3.2 million years, 3.5 million years...

The number of life-extending treasures in Lei Dao's secret room decreased rapidly, and Lei Dao consumed more and more life-extending treasures, but Lei Dao's lifespan increased more and more slowly.

Especially after reaching three million years, the increase in life expectancy will be greatly reduced.

In the end, Lei Dao used up all the life extension treasures exchanged for 380,000 contribution points. As a result, his life span was increased by 4.1 million years!


Raidou opened his eyes.

"That's a lot of vitality... But, it still seems to be a lot worse."

Lei Dao mobilized his abilities and began to check his data.

Name: Lei Dao (28 years old)

Life Form: True God

Lifespan: 4,127,308 years and two months

God pattern: 512 lines (can be upgraded)

Thousand Extremes Divine Art: Eighth Floor (can be upgraded)

Sure enough, although Lei Dao's lifespan has been greatly improved, which has increased by more than four million years, it is still more than eight hundred thousand years away from five million years, almost nine hundred thousand years.

This is not a small number.

Judging from the current vitality of Lei Dao, if he wants to gain another 900,000 years of life, the life-prolonging treasures he needs must be quite advanced, and the number must be quite large.

This requires a large amount of contribution points.

"Contribute, worry! Do you want to sell the Boundary Stone?"

Lei Dao came up with the idea of ​​a boundary stone.

He flipped his hand, and a beautiful boundary stone appeared in his palm, which seemed to contain infinite power. Lei Dao is confident that once he wants to "sell" this boundary stone, there will be venerables and even great venerables vying to compete.

If you want to get enough contribution points or enough life-extending treasures to increase your lifespan to five million years, there is no problem at all.

Once the lifespan of five million years has passed, Lei Dao will be able to use his supernatural powers to directly raise the Thousand Extremes Divine Art to the ninth level of Dzogchen. At that time, it will be logical to open up the inner world and become a venerable!

Simply perfect!

However, Lei Dao couldn't bear it.

This is the boundary stone!

Even if Lei Dao opened up the inner world, the Boundary Stone would be even more helpful to Lei Dao. If Lei Dao's goal is only the Great Senior, then perhaps it doesn't matter whether he has this Boundary Stone or not.

But Lei Dao's goal is not the venerable, not even the great venerable, but the supreme master!

To become a master, there must be various opportunities. Even if Lei Dao reaches the limit of a true god and opens up a world in his body, Lei Dao is not half sure that he can become a master.

On the road to domination, the most solid foundation must be laid every step of the way.

And the boundary stone can make the foundation of Lei Dao more solid. Perhaps, the key to Lei Dao's success in the future is that this boundary stone increases the potential of Lei Dao's internal world.

Boundary stone is opportunity!

This kind of opportunity can be met but not sought after, and it cannot be purchased with contribution points.

Therefore, exchanging Boundary Stones for contribution points is tantamount to putting the cart before the horse, and it is really not worthwhile.

Moreover, this boundary stone was "given" to Lei Dao by Tong Dazun, the master of the Eastern Guardian Temple, Lei Dao sold it after changing hands, what is this?

Tong Dazun didn't look good either.

"Forget it, the Boundary Stone is something you can meet, but you can't ask for it. You can't sell it easily. As for the life span of about 900,000 years, at worst, I will do some tasks and try to earn contribution points. With my hard work and persistence, I will earn contribution points." It shouldn't be too difficult!"

Thinking of this, Lei Dao regained his energy and immediately got up and walked out of the secret room.

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