Longevity Species

Chapter 709 One thousand and eighty divine lines, so terrifying! (first update)

"Giant scorpion!"

Lei Dao stood with his hands behind his back, his expression still calm, without even a trace of fluctuation in his expression, and he took a leisurely look at these four giant scorpions.

He could feel that these four giant scorpions should be very strong.

However, Lei Dao didn't know how strong it was. The only thing Lei Dao could feel was that although these four giant scorpions were very strong, they didn't seem to pose much threat to him.


Seeing that Lei Dao was still calm, without even a defensive posture, just standing quietly in the void, for a while, the four giant scorpions also felt "underestimated".

They are the ruling seeds of the ninth floor of the Scorpion Clan's God's Nest. The blood in their bodies is too strong. As long as there is enough time, they are almost destined to become the Grand Master step by step, and there will be no problems.

Of course, as the master seed, becoming a great master is not their pursuit.

Their real goal is to dominate!

Under normal circumstances, they don't need to do anything, just let the giant scorpions on the eighth and seventh floors of God's Nest deal with them. Like the nine-headed giant scorpions that are currently besieging Jian Wuya, they are actually the giant scorpions on the eighth floor of God's Nest. .

As for the ninth floor?

Each giant scorpion is comparable to more than 500 divine patterns, and they are all seeds of dominance. Not only are they powerful, but their status is extremely noble.

This time, the reason why they can be dispatched is because the Scorpion Clan also wants to see the strength of human beings. Otherwise, the Scorpion Clan seeds on the ninth floor of God's Nest would not be dispatched at all.

"True God of Humanity, let me show you today how powerful my scorpion clan is! Even if you have five hundred divine patterns, we can still swallow you!"

The four giant scorpions violently displayed their giant scorpion avatars, becoming infinitely huge. The terrifying body set off Lei Dao like an insignificant ant. It opened its mouth wide and swallowed it directly towards Lei Dao.

Lei Dao shook his head and said: "I want to swallow Lei, I'm afraid you don't have such a good appetite!"


The next moment, Lei Dao also displayed his divine body, and his divine body expanded infinitely, instantly becoming larger than the four giant scorpions, and the four giant scorpions simply displayed their tail hooks.


The four tail hooks are the strongest means of the scorpion clan. Even a body stronger than them cannot block the thrust of the tail hooks, let alone the joint stab of the tail hooks of the four giant scorpions.

Even if Lei Dao has five hundred or even six hundred divine patterns, it is useless.

"He's done!"

"He can't hide."

"If you can't avoid our tail hook, it's a dead end, hahaha!"

There were smiles on the faces of the four giant scorpions. They knew very well the power of the tail hooks. Judging from the fact that each of them was comparable to five hundred divine patterns, once the tail hooks were cast, no matter how strong the divine body was, it would be pierced.

But Lei Dao did nothing.

"It's dangerous!"

In Jianluo Great World, the Great Master of Sword God Palace also sweated for Lei Dao. He was even ready to make a move at any time. Lei Dao can be defeated, but he must not die!

Even if he, the Great Senior, took action himself, he couldn't let Lei Dao die.

He still underestimated the Scorpion Clan, but they were able to send out four top experts who were comparable to five hundred divine patterns. The background of the Scorpion Clan was far beyond the imagination of the Sword God Palace.

After so many years, human beings have only given birth to Lei Dao, a true god with more than five hundred god marks.

But the Scorpion Clan sent four of them casually!

Even the Great Senior is sure that these four scorpion tribes are definitely not the real trump card of the scorpion tribe. There must be stronger existences of the scorpion tribe. Now they are just in contact with humans, so there is no need to send them out.

"Well done!"

Everyone was staring at Lei Dao and the four scorpions.

Lei Dao didn't even think about avoiding it, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Come on, he just wants to try, how strong is his current divine body?


Finally, the tail hooks of the four giant scorpions stabbed fiercely on Lei Dao's divine body, and immediately, the four giant scorpions were overjoyed.

However, soon their expressions changed drastically.

"This this……"

The tail hooks of the four giant scorpions pierced Lei Dao's divine body fiercely with great force, but in their imagination, the scene where Lei Dao's divine body instantly became fragmented or collapsed did not appear. Above the divine body of Dao, a shocking and terrifying power suddenly burst out. .

That kind of power made the four giant scorpions feel as if they were facing a violent storm.


The next moment, the expressions on the faces of the four giant scorpions instantly became ferocious.


Unparalleled pain!

The tail hooks of their four giant scorpions were actually directly broken by Lei Dao's divine body. Lei Dao didn't even move at all, the tail hooks of the four giant scorpions not only failed to pierce Lei Dao's divine body, but were directly broken!

For a moment, everyone seemed to be unable to believe their eyes.

"No... how is it possible?"

The giant scorpion seemed unable to believe his eyes.


But the next moment, Lei Dao opened his eyes, and there was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth: "It seems that your tail hooks are not working, you are all one of the most powerful true gods in the scorpion clan, but It seems that even my divine body can't be broken, it really disappoints me!"

Lei Dao shook his head, and then he stretched out his hand directly, and divine lines appeared on his forehead instantly, and turned into a web, covering the four giant scorpions in an instant.

Five hundred, eight hundred, one thousand...

Everyone stared blankly at the divine pattern emerging from Lei Dao's body.

Not five hundred, nor six hundred, but soaring all the way, directly to one thousand and eighty!


Lei Daoxu pressed his hand, and the 1,080 divine patterns turned into a large net, which seemed to burst out with terrifying power. The four top scorpion seeds on the ninth floor of the god's nest, their bodies are like Like an egg shell, it exploded instantly.

Without even a little resistance, it was completely reduced to dust.


The four top scorpion tribes were wiped out by Lei Dao's palm just like that!

What's more, Lei Dao didn't even use too much force, just pressing with the divine pattern, the four top giant scorpions couldn't hold it anymore, and were crushed into powder.

Everyone's mouths fell open.

Even Jian Wuya couldn't help showing a hint of shock.

He dealt with nine giant scorpions, far inferior to Lei Dao's four giant scorpions, but he already felt very strenuous. Even if it continues like this, he even feels that he will lose!

Those giant scorpions are really strong!

But such a powerful giant scorpion was wiped out by Lei Dao's palm, just like crushing a few bugs to death.

"True God Wuya, Lei will help you!"

Lei Dao faced the nine-headed giant scorpion next to Jian Wuya from afar, and the void was also pressed down, densely packed with divine patterns, falling down overwhelmingly.


The void seemed to be shattered, but the void in the Ming Realm was very strong, and Lei Dao couldn't shatter the void now, but none of the nine giant scorpions were spared, and were directly crushed into powder by Lei Dao's divine patterns.

Thirteen giant scorpions, the entire army was wiped out!

"The ninth floor, the ninth floor of the Thousand Extremes Divine Art!"

In the Sword Luo Great World, all the venerables and great lords of the Sword God Palace were extremely excited.

The ninth floor of the Thousand Extremes Divine Art!

What this represents is not the general meaning, this is the limit of the true god!

The true limit of human beings!

Since the birth of the Thousand Extremes Divine Art, no one has been able to cultivate even the fifth level. The former No. 1 divine art of the true god stage has almost become a tasteless one, and no one is going to practice this magical art anymore.

But now, someone has finally practiced the Thousand Extremes Divine Art.

Moreover, the strength of Lei Dao, who has practiced the Thousand Extremes Divine Art, has reached an unbelievable level.

In the true god stage, it is almost invincible!

This has extraordinary significance for the entire human race.

"Hahaha, with 1,080 divine patterns, we humans can also give birth to a true god with 1,080 divine patterns! This is the true top true god, the limit of a true god, even if it is placed in the vast Ming Realm, Those are the top true gods, below the Venerable, they are well-deserved invincible!"

"At the beginning, the master had something to say, if anyone can practice the ninth level of the Thousand Extremes Divine Art, it will even be of great benefit to becoming a master. This is the seed of mastery, the seed of mastery for us human beings!"

"After so many years, we humans finally have the master seed again!"

"Although they are not disciples of our Sword God Palace, the five great god palaces are connected with each other. As long as they are human beings, this is a great blessing, hahaha!"

Many venerables and great venerables of Sword God Palace were extremely excited.

This is simply more exciting than them defeating the Moluo tribe, or even destroying the Moluo tribe.

"Thirteen giant scorpions! One giant scorpion has twenty great merits, and thirteen giant scorpions are two hundred and sixty great merits. After removing the one hundred great merits given to me by the Sword God Palace, I still have one hundred and sixty. great merit!"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

One hundred and sixty great achievements, these are all contribution points, a lot of contribution points!

In Lei Dao's eyes, contribution points are almost equivalent to lifespan. With a large number of contribution points, are you afraid that you will not have lifespan?

However, now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

These Mo Luo clan can also increase credit, whether it is great or small merit, it is a contribution point!

If you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to get another opportunity like this.

As a result, Lei Dao hardly stopped, the divine pattern on his body burst out instantly, and the divine body swelled to the limit all at once.

A series of divine patterns, densely packed, weaves into a large net in the void. One thousand and eighty divine patterns represent the limit of the true god, and also represent a qualitative transformation.

Therefore, the large net woven by one thousand and eighty divine patterns fell directly.


The void with a radius of hundreds of miles seemed to "collapse" all of a sudden.

Of course, this is not the collapse of the war, but all the Moluo clan in the void with a radius of hundreds of miles, whether it is the top true god level or the ordinary true god level of cannon fodder, there is no difference under Lei Dao's divine pattern at this moment.

All ground into fine powder!

Just this one, Lei Dao didn't know how much he made.

One thousand and eighty divine patterns, under one blow, are so terrifying, it is unimaginable.

What is the difference between this and His Holiness?

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