Longevity Species

Chapter 812 Nobody can imagine the joy of hard work! (Second more)

"Do you have any questions?"

Great Master Yunhai swept his eyes away.

"No, I agree."

"Okay, let's do that,"

"no problem."

Many people nodded in agreement, and Lei Dao didn't have any doubts.

"Okay, then go to Shenmeng to notarize the agreement!"

Great Master Yunhai got up immediately, took Lei Dao and others to the League of Gods quickly.

Shenmeng has a magnificent and huge palace in the most central area of ​​Pancheng.

Grand Master Yunhai, Lei Dao and the others performed the notarization in front of a master. Of course, this also required some sacred stones, and it was impossible for Shenmeng to notarize for no reason.

But Great Master Yunhai doesn't care about this sacred stone.

After many notarizations were completed, they returned to the cave of Great Master Yunhai.

"Great Master Yunhai, can you tell which tribe you belong to now?"

Great Master Shenaxe asked.

They were only summoned by Yun Hai Dazun before, and did not mention the specific location and tribe.

"Of course it can be said now. In fact, it is not far from Pancheng. There is a tribe in the southeast called the Black Fang tribe. It used to be a medium-sized tribe, but this tribe suffered heavy losses, and now it is slowly recovering. However, it's just that two king gods and demons were born."

"The Black Fang tribe? No wonder there is a treasure tree of Qi and Blood. If it was a medium-sized tribe, it is really possible."

Great Master Dragon Sword also spoke.

"I have been observing the Black Fang Tribe for a long time, and I even know the exact location of the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree. If I want to take action, I can start immediately. However, I have to make sure, Master Yuhua, Master Lei, How long can you hold off the two king gods and demons of the Black Fang Tribe?"

Great Master Yuhua hesitated for a moment, and said, "Even if it's a top master, I can probably hold back a quarter of an hour."

"Where is Master Lei?"

Lei Dao thought for a while, he originally wanted to say that it would be okay to delay for a few hours, and once he released the black coffin, even the master of the Black Fang Tribe attacked, but Lei Dao couldn't do anything about it.

But Lei Dao still felt that he should keep a low profile.

So, Lei Dao tried to say: "Can an hour work?"

"Uh... Great Master Lei, are you sure you can do it in an hour?"

"One hour is indeed short, how about three hours?"

After Lei Dao finished speaking, he saw that the complexions of Master Yunhai and others had turned dark, and he didn't know what was going on for a while.

"Isn't three hours enough? Five hours is enough, right?"

Raidou murmured softly.

"Okay, Great Master Lei, fifteen minutes is enough, at least fifteen minutes, I wonder if Great Master Lei can delay it?"

Great Master Yunhai let out a long sigh.

He regrets finding Lei Dao now, and always feels that Lei Dao seems a bit unreliable.

"It's only a quarter of an hour? It will definitely last, don't worry!"

Lei Dao said confidently.

It's just that he held off the master for a quarter of an hour, and he wasn't a great master. Lei Dao had no fear at all, so he still had this bit of self-confidence, but looking at the appearance of Great Master Yunhai, it seemed that he still didn't quite believe it.

But Lei Dao couldn't help it. No one would believe him when he told the truth.

"It's still not strong enough! The powerful existence in the legend, facing anyone, just needs to stand there, and the aura of domineering is undoubtedly revealed, and no one will doubt it."

Lei Dao shook his head, he felt that it would be difficult for him to be treated like that.

"Okay, then it's settled! We only have a quarter of an hour. After a quarter of an hour, everyone can escape as far as they can. Then return to Pancheng and meet again in my cave. "

Great Master Yunhai revealed the whole plan.

In fact, this is not a big deal.

Perhaps, for Yun Hai Dazun and others, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, even their only chance. But to the masters and masters in Pancheng, a small tribe is nothing.

This is also a difference in strength and a different way of looking at problems.

"Set off!"

Great Master Yunhai gave an order, and immediately, the five Great Masters set out from Pancheng and left Pancheng quickly.

Along the way, Lei Dao and the others had nothing to say.

Only Master Yuhua and Master Yuhua needed to "fight together" this time. Both of them had to draw out the Juggernaut, and entangled the Juggernaut for a quarter of an hour, which could be regarded as fighting side by side.

"Grand Master Yuhua, you have also reached the limit of the Great Master, do you have to go to the ancient continent to fight for your life?"

Raido asked.

Great Master Yuhua glanced at Lei Dao, then nodded and said: "I am an innate life, and I have no race, so I have nothing to worry about alone. Like an innate life like me, I am a true god innate, and I have not encountered any problems since I grew up all the way. What kind of setbacks have you encountered, and you have reached the Grand Master. However, reaching the top Grand Master is the limit. If you want to go further, break the shackles, and become the master, it is difficult to have such an opportunity in the Ming Realm. Moreover, by chance , I also met a master who was willing to take me into the ancient continent to seek opportunities, so I went to the ancient continent."

Raidou nodded.

He knew the innate life, when he was born he was a true god, even a venerable, and then he didn't even need to practice along the way, he only needed to eat, eat, sleep and sleep, and when the time came, he would naturally be able to reach the peak.

However, such an innate life is basically the limit of a Dazun, and it is difficult to automatically grow into a master.

Moreover, it is ten or a hundred times more difficult for an innate life to break through to master than for an acquired practitioner.

Perhaps, this is fair.

God gave the innate life the best birth, but it also set up some obstacles for the innate life.

However, it also takes courage for Great Master Yuhua to be able to go all the way to the Desolate Ancient Continent. Many innate lives have reached their limits, and they basically just muddle through. After all, they have a long life and can enjoy it slowly.

There are not too many practitioners who can really go forward bravely, seek the true meaning of life, pursue the essence of practice, and reach a higher level.

"Master Lei, what about you? You also reached your limit, and you came to the ancient continent?"

Great Master Yuhua was also very curious about Lei Dao.

It was also the first time she saw Lei Dao, but Lei Dao's previous performance seemed a little exaggerated, which made people feel a little unreliable. But those who can enter the ancient continent must either have a background or be able to work hard.

If there is a background, there is no need to fight desperately with them, so Senior Yuhua judges that Lei Dao has no background. But Lei Dao's appearance doesn't seem to be desperate.

Therefore, Great Senior Yuhua felt very strange.


Lei Dao's eyes suddenly became deeper. With his hands behind his back, he let out a long sigh, and said meaningfully: "I'm not here to work hard, nor to reach the limit. I'm here to find the true meaning of life. I'm here for constant challenges. Myself, break through my own limit! I yearn for cultivation, the true meaning of life, and the essence of cultivation. I want to know the great state of my ancestors. I came to the ancient continent to reach the ultimate state of cultivation and stand on the top of cultivation. Looking down on all living beings, you can truly achieve great freedom and freedom!"

This is Raidou's true words.

His goal has never been a master or a master.

In Lei Dao's view, as long as he works hard and perseveres, and becomes the master, the great master, there will be almost no problems, and it is a sure thing.

What's more, the happiness of hard work is beyond the imagination of others!

As long as Lei Dao works hard, then Lei Dao believes that his abilities will not disappoint him.


Great Senior Yuhua suddenly felt that there was no way to continue the conversation today.

How can we talk about this?

She was forced to come to the ancient continent in order to break through the limit, hoping to break the limit and become the master. But what about Raidou?

Lei Dao's goal is no longer the master, but the ancestor!

High above, overlooking the ancestors of all living beings!

This realm, this awareness, Lei Dao and her are completely different, how can we talk about it?

Therefore, Great Senior Yuhua decisively shut up and stopped chatting with Lei Dao. She had a feeling that if the chat continued, she might not be able to help but do something to Lei Dao.

Sure enough, Lei Dao was too exaggerated.

Great Master Yuhua thought that Lei Dao was different before, but now, she is very sure that Lei Dao is really exaggerated, if there is no exaggeration, it is exaggeration!

How could a Great Senior expect to be the first ancestor?

And why take the initiative to enter the barren ancient continent, in order to explore the true meaning of life and pursue the essence of practice?

Why doesn't Lei Dao go to heaven?

Anyway, Great Master Yuhua kept silent, and even Great Master Yunhai and others actually heard the conversation between Lei Dao and Great Master Yuhua, and everyone felt even more helpless.

Especially Master Yunhai felt that Lei Dao was a big hole.

He was really worried, would Lei Dao be able to hold on to the ruler for a quarter of an hour?

Even, Great Master Yunhai reminded secretly in his heart that this time, he must try his best to find the Weeping Blood Fruit as quickly as possible, otherwise, Lei Dao might not be able to hold back the Black Fang Juggernaut for a quarter of an hour.

If that were the case, there could be big trouble.

But now that he has set off, Master Yunhai can only choose to believe in Lei Dao.

Lei Dao originally wanted to talk more about cultivation with Master Yuhua, but seeing that Master Yuhua had already kept silent, and Master Yunhai and others were also busy on their way, Lei Dao stopped talking .

Maybe everyone is nervous.

After all, this time we are going to a tribe in the ancient continent, there are enemies everywhere, and even masters, how can we not be nervous?

"Everyone is so nervous. It seems that Black Fang is not underestimated. It is also the first time I have encountered the gods and demons of the ancient continent, so I must not be careless!"

Lei Dao took a deep breath, and secretly warned himself that he must not let his guard down.

In the barren ancient continent, there are many things that capsize in the gutter.


Finally, everyone flew for a while, luckily, they didn't encounter any trouble, and soon they could see a tribe in the distance.

"Here we are, the Black Fang Tribe is ahead."

Great Master Yunhai said with a solemn expression.

"According to the plan, Master Lei and Master Yuhua, it is up to you to lead out the two masters of the Black Fang Tribe first, remember, you must lead out the two masters of the Black Fang Tribe, only one alone, Neither was successful."

"Of course we are clear. Don't worry, my lords, Lei will definitely lead out the master who never falls out of his teeth!"

Lei Dao and Senior Yuhua looked at each other, and then they quickly flew towards Hei Fang Bu Luo.

ps: The third one will be a little later, Lao Yue is working hard to save the code words, so as to resume regular updates.

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