Longevity Species

Chapter 814 Actually, I'm Better at Killing My Opponent! (first update)

"Back, back, back quickly! This operation failed, back to Pancheng..."

Great Master Yunhai yelled, and his whole body immediately retreated crazily.

It's just that Great Master Yunhai reacted quickly, but the reaction of the god who sealed the king was even faster.

"Sure enough, despicable extraterrestrial demons, you are here for the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree. Since you already know the news about the Treasure Tree, you have no choice but to die!"

The eyes of this king-sealing god and demon flashed brightly, and murderous intent emerged from his whole body.

The extraterrestrial demons already knew about the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree, which was almost a disaster for the Black Fang Tribe. Everyone knows how powerful the extraterrestrial demons are. Once the news spreads, the Black Fang tribe will face a steady stream of extraterritorial demons. At that time, what will the Black Fang tribe do to resist the extraterritorial demons?

Even, not only the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree could not be kept, but even the entire Black Fang tribe would be destroyed.

Therefore, the only way now is to keep all the five extraterritorial celestial demons this time, perhaps, to control the news from spreading.

This is the only chance for the Black Fang tribe!

Great Master Shenaxe and Great Master Dragon Sword roared angrily. The two were top-notch Great Masters, but at this moment, they seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, struggling to move forward.

The same is true for Great Monarch Yunhai.

The three top lords were all trapped. Obviously, this was the method used by the third lord to seal the king.


Great Master Yunhai let out an angry roar, he took out a strange treasure, maybe it was his life-saving object, and threw it directly behind.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed, and then, a terrifying breath erupted instantly.


The void is vibrating. This is the power of the master. I don't know what method it uses, but it can explode at once, and everything erupts.

The mighty power swept away everything, even leveling part of the Black Fang tribe below.

Even the blockade of the third King's title seemed to be blasted away. Master Yunhai immediately felt that the restraints on his body disappeared at once. He seized the time and frantically fled towards the Black Fang Tribe.

And he yelled loudly: "There are three king gods and demons in the Black Fang Tribe, run away, run away quickly!"

The voice came out loud and mighty.

At this time, both Lei Dao and Master Yuhua heard the voice of Master Yunhai.

"It's Lord Yunhai!"

"Failed? There are three gods and demons in the Black Fang Tribe?"

"Great Master Yunhai failed..."

Great Master Yuhua's face changed drastically, but the expression of King Feng Shenmo on the opposite side of Great Master Yuhua seemed to be even worse.

"It turns out that your goal is the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree. The damned extraterrestrial demons are indeed insidious and cunning. None of you can leave today, so leave them all to me!"

Great Master Yuhua immediately felt the pressure, and the gods and demons in front of him even started to fight desperately. A strong man at the master level was desperate, even though Great Master Yuhua was extremely fast, he couldn't bear it faintly.

The same is true for Lei Dao, he also heard the words of Great Master Yunhai.

Knowing that Great Master Yunhai and others failed.

On the other side of Lei Dao, the king-sealing demon had even more murderous intent in his eyes, as if he wanted to tear Lei Dao into pieces.

"No one can escape!"

Great Master Yunhai had just escaped, but the king-sealing god and demon opposite Lei Dao suddenly gave up on Lei Dao and rushed towards Great Master Yunhai instead.

In terms of speed, Great Master Yunhai is definitely far inferior to Lei Dao, and it is far easier to kill Great Master Yunhai than Lei Dao.

"Does this leave me alone?"

Lei Dao was a little surprised. The King Feng Shenmo on the opposite side gave up on him so quickly, and he didn't care about him at all, and instead rushed towards the Great Master Yunhai. So now Lei Dao has two choices, either to leave immediately, or to save Great Master Yunhai.

This operation must have failed.

From the shout of Great Master Yunhai just now, it can be known that there are actually three gods and demons in the Black Fang tribe. Obviously, this is beyond what Great Master Yunhai expected.

It can even control the situation of the battle!

If the action fails, basically they all flee for their lives.

However, with the current situation on the battlefield, the Great Master Dragon Sword and the Great Master Axe have not yet appeared. I am afraid that there is more danger than good luck. The three of them acted, and only Great Master Yunhai escaped.

But even if Grand Master Yunhai was targeted by Lei Dao's opponent, a king-sealing demon, if there were no accidents, it would be more or less ominous.

There is also Great Monarch Yuhua, her limit is almost a quarter of an hour, and it is already very remarkable to be able to hold back a king of gods and demons for a quarter of an hour.

But now that the king and gods and demons are also desperately trying their best, it may depend on luck if Master Yuhua wants to escape completely.

Lei Dao and the other five great lords were a little careless this time. Except for Lei Dao, everyone else may be in danger.

"Isn't everything planned properly and foolproof before? Why has everything collapsed now?"

Lei Dao was speechless.

Before the Great Master Yunhai was as fierce as a tiger, Lei Dao thought that the Great Master Yunhai was quite reliable.

But looking at it now, it's a piece of chicken feather, how can the Great Master Yunhai be reliable? He even fell into a quagmire, and even himself was in danger.

"Strength, without strength, even the best plan will fail."

Raidou shook his head.

In fact, he also knew that Great Master Yunhai's plan was not incomplete, but the key was that there was an accident in the middle. Who would have thought that the Black Fang Tribe would be the third god and demon king?

If there is one more king, god and demon, it can completely change the situation of the battle.

Therefore, strength is the key!

If Great Master Yunhai is the master of Yunhai, how can he be afraid of a sudden extra king god and demon?

"It seems that... Feng Wang Shenmo is not that strong?"

Lei Dao hesitated.

If it was before, he would leave immediately without the slightest hesitation, after all, he is not the opponent of Juggernaut.

But this time, Lei Dao faced a god who sealed the king. Although Lei Dao relied on Kunpeng's divine body to dodge constantly throughout the whole process, this King Feng Shenmo couldn't put too much pressure on Lei Dao, and it seemed to be nothing more than that.

Of course, Lei Dao is still very cautious, who knows if this King Feng Shenmo did it on purpose?

However, at this time, Lei Dao was still unwilling to come here for nothing.

A weeping blood fruit is extremely precious. I don’t know how many life-extending treasures it can be exchanged for. If I miss it this time, I won’t have a chance next time.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao's eyes flashed brightly, as if he had made up his mind.


The next moment, Lei Dao's figure flashed, and he flew towards the Great Master Yunhai in the blink of an eye.

Great Master Yunhai was fleeing crazily at this moment, but who would have thought that Lei Dao's opponent would actually abandon Lei Dao and fly directly towards Great Master Yunhai.

Even Great Master Yunhai has already played all the trump cards just now, and he is powerless to fight against a king-sealing god and demon.

"My life is over!"

Great Master Yunhai's face was pale, he knew that this time he was doomed. After all, he is not Lei Dao and Yuhua Dazun, who possesses extremely fast speed and can deal with kings, gods and demons.

If he confronts the gods and demons of the Shangfeng King, he will only die!


Great Master Yunhai suddenly felt a figure in front of him, and then he disappeared without a trace from under the eyes of the god who sealed the king at a lightning speed.

"Master Lei?"

Great Master Yunhai was simply overjoyed.

It was Lei Dao who saved him.

"Great Master Yunhai, have you found the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree?"

Lei Dao asked immediately.

"Weeping Blood Treasure Tree?"

Great Master Yunhai nodded and said: "I found the Weeping Blood Tree, but, under the Weeping Blood Tree, there is actually a king-conferring god and demon, even if there are five Weeping Blood Fruits on it, we can't get it. This time we lost, we lost, Master Dragon Sword and Master God Ax probably had a lot of bad luck, they were beheaded by the third King God Demon, so we should flee back to Pan City as soon as possible, and make a long-term plan."

Great Master Yunhai only wanted to escape back to Pancheng now, as long as he could save his life, there was still a chance.

"No, if you miss this opportunity, it will be impossible to find the Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood next time."

Lei Dao's tone was serious.

He knew that the gods and demons of the Black Fang Tribe were not stupid, knowing that the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree had been discovered, would they continue to stay here? It's impossible, I'm afraid the family will migrate immediately.

When the time comes, where can I find the Black Fang Tribe on Lei Dao?

To seize the Weeping Blood Fruit, this time is the only chance!


The next moment, Lei Dao suddenly felt that the surroundings seemed to be trapped in a quagmire, and the surroundings were actually blocked.

"Here, here we come, the third god of the king. He has killed the dragon sword and the god of the axe, and came to support the other two gods of the king. Moreover, this should be his god. Demons are gifted with supernatural powers, we can't escape..."

Great Master Yunhai's face became even paler.

His life-saving thing has been used, what else can he use to break free from the restraint of the third king god and demon?

"Innate supernatural powers?"

Lei Dao's expression gradually became serious.

Of course he knows that ordinary gods and demons have no supernatural powers. Only some very few gods and demons will be born with supernatural powers when they become gods and demons.

Each talent has a different effect. But there is no doubt that every kind of talent and supernatural power is very powerful.

Apparently, the third king-sealing demon of the Black Fang Tribe has a supernatural power, which seems to be able to restrain the space, making the enemy seem to be trapped in a quagmire, and any advantage of speed cannot be exerted.

This is simply a natural restraint against speed opponents.


Sure enough, a god and demon flew from a distance, and merged with the king god and demon that Lei Dao had held back before.

Two king gods and demons!

Lei Dao and Yun Dahai are now facing the two king gods and demons.

"I can't escape..."

A look of despair appeared on the face of Great Master Yunhai.

Two king gods and demons are equivalent to two masters. If it was in the Ming Realm, facing a master, the Great Master Yunhai would not be an opponent. A master could easily crush countless great masters to death.

It's almost the same now, the king of gods and demons can also crush countless great masters to death.

Losing the advantage of speed, both Lei Dao and Yunhai Dazun fell into a desperate situation.

Lei Dao took a deep breath, sighed and said: "Master Yunhai, you asked me to hold off Feng Wang Shenmo for a quarter of an hour, it seems that I can't do it."

Great Master Yun Hai shook his head and said, "Great Master Lei, it's not your fault, it's my plan that went wrong, and I'm the one who hurt you..."

The aura on Lei Dao's body climbed step by step, as if there was a "seal" in his body, as if it was broken all of a sudden, and his aura climbed crazily.

At the same time, phantom worlds appeared one after another above Lei Dao's head.

Lei Dao raised his head and said word by word: "Master Yunhai, I didn't say something before. In fact, I'm not good at entanglement with the enemy. It's a little bit reluctant for me to hold back Feng Wang Shenmo for a quarter of an hour."

"It's all right now, I finally don't have to entangle with my opponent."

"Actually, I'm better at killing opponents! Now, I'm going to try, can I kill Feng Wang Shenmo?"


As soon as the words fell, Lei Dao's aura also erupted in an all-round way, just like a volcanic eruption, terrifying power spewed out, instantly sweeping away the "banned" power around him.

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