Longevity Species

Chapter 846 The light of wisdom illuminates the way forward! (third change)

"A wooden box?"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

Although the wooden box is small, it is exquisite. It seems that such a small wooden box can't hold anything at all, but Lei Dao is very happy.

Because according to his experience, the smaller something is, the more precious it is!

The majestic sage Xi, a great existence aloft, the treasures he sells cannot be ordinary, the smaller the size, the more precious the treasures are.

Therefore, Lei Dao is looking forward to, what is the treasure of the sage Xi?

So, Lei Dao slowly opened the wooden box.

"Huh? A jade pendant?"

Lei Dao saw a white jade pendant in the wooden box, with some exquisite patterns carved on it, which looked very exquisite. But, how precious is a jade pendant?

"Could it be some kind of treasure to assist cultivation?"

Lei Dao thought of this possibility, so he held the jade pendant in his hand.

Yupei was a little cold.

"Wait, it doesn't seem to be a treasure. It is rumored that the saints in the ancient continent can make some space treasures. In this regard, they are stronger than the ancestors. The ancestors can also make space treasures, but it is far less easy than the saints. Could it be , is this a space treasure?"

Lei Dao thought of a possibility.

Therefore, Lei Dao immediately swept away his spiritual thoughts, and sure enough, there was a universe inside this small jade pendant, and there was actually a huge space.

"Okay, okay, it really is a space jade pendant! This is a space treasure, even in the ancient continent, it is very precious. As for the bright world, it is even more rare, and only the ancestors and some top masters have it. There are only a few space treasures. How many precious treasures must be placed in such a jade pendant? Saint Xi is worthy of being a saint, and his skills are extraordinary!"

Lei Dao was extremely happy in his heart.

The space jade pendant is used to place the treasures, which shows how "luxury" the sage Xi is. Can there be less treasures in the jade pendant?

So, Lei Dao looked forward to extending into the space inside the jade pendant with his divine sense, to check the treasures stored in the space.


However, when Lei Dao's divine sense extended into the space of the jade pendant, Lei Dao's face suddenly froze, and then he froze all of a sudden.

"This...how is this possible?"

Lei Dao couldn't believe his eyes, let alone the scene in front of him.

It turned out that there is indeed a huge space in the space jade pendant, but this space is empty, there is nothing, this is an empty space.

"The reward for the tower of life on the first floor is just a space treasure? It's just a space jade pendant..."

Lei Dao was speechless.

A space treasure, if such a space treasure is obtained in other places, Lei Dao will be very happy. But this is the tower of life, and it is a treasure bestowed by the sage Xi.

The results of it?

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Given such a space jade pendant, and the space is so big, but the inside is empty, what are you planning to do? Is it possible to prepare for future rewards?

"Huh? There is a possibility. This is only the reward of the first floor. There are also the second and third floors. Could it be that there are so many treasures that need space treasures to hold them?"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up, as if he had figured out the "deep meaning" of the sage Xi.

Therefore, Lei Dao began to check the test of the tower of life on the second floor.

"This tower of life on the second floor, it can't be a problem, right?"

Lei Dao was a little uncertain.

Judging from the situation of the tower of life on the first floor, this sage Xi did not play cards according to common sense, and often did some amazing things. Who knows what the test of the tower of life on the second floor is?

Soon, the Tower of Life on the second floor vibrated slightly, and a dazzling light appeared in front of Lei Dao.

The light quickly spread out, and then, a densely packed picture full of various lines appeared, and a message appeared in Lei Dao's mind.

"Lifeline spectrum? What is this thing?"

Lei Dao's expression was dumbfounded.

Lei Dao had never even heard of the lifeline spectrum.

It's just that these dense lines, thousands of them, look very complicated and powerful, and seem to contain some profound laws.

Is it about the perception of the law of life?

After all, this is the test of the tower of life of the sage Xi. Practitioners in the barren ancient continent need to understand some laws and even the Dao. Saint Xi's tower of life contains the comprehension of the law of life, which is perfectly normal.

And the test on the second floor seems to be the same as before, similar to the first floor, very "wonderful".

"Life is very complicated, and life is also very noble and great. The saint spent endless time drawing this lifeline spectrum, which represents the principle of life. Please find out how many lifelines in the lifeline spectrum can form a complete life Spectrum."

After Lei Dao saw the problem, his mind went blank.

who I am?

where am I?

Where am I going?

Now Lei Dao is in such a state of ignorance that he has no idea what this so-called lifeline spectrum is. However, the sage Xi spent endless time making this lifeline spectrum diagram, which seems to be quite powerful.

But the point is, Lei Dao can't understand it!

I don't understand, how can I choose this?

For a while, Lei Dao felt a little troubled.

At this moment, the first floor of the Tower of Life.

Lei Dao didn't know that this first floor stumped countless gods and demons and masters, and it wasn't just as simple as "stuck". Many gods and demons felt extremely complicated, as if they were very "disappointed".

The assessment of the tower of life on the first floor turned out to be a question, what the hell is this?

"My God, how could anyone get the right answer?"

"Sage Xi, the great sage Xi, how can anyone get the correct answer? Even if it is deduced for a thousand or ten thousand years, it is impossible to get the correct answer."

"There seems to be more than one correct answer. We have tried so many, and as a result, they all failed."

"I heard that someone really succeeded, but it was those hateful extraterrestrial demons."

"What, someone from the extraterrestrial celestial demons has found the correct answer?"

"That's right, it's the ruler of an extraterrestrial demon, and has already entered the second floor of the Tower of Life. However, it seems to be based on luck."

"Luck? From the looks of it now, I have no choice but to fight. I will choose the six hundred and sixty-six laws of life!"

A group of gods and demons seemed to be tormented insane by the "test" on the first floor.

Among these gods and demons, many are proficient in deduction, and even know the whole process of the rise of the saint Xi. It can be said that it is exhausting to analyze and deduce all kinds of clues together.

It's a pity that the operation is as fierce as a tiger.

They racked their brains, deduced it over and over again, and found that their deduction did not work at all.


Suddenly, a ray of light enveloped one of the gods and demons, which was just a king god and demon.

Even the king god and devil didn't react, and was sent to the second floor of the tower of life immediately after.

"What, succeeded?"

"Someone succeeded again, and this time it was us gods and demons who succeeded."

"Quick, quick, which answer did he choose?"

"I saw it, it's six hundred and sixty-six laws of life."

Many gods and demons became excited.

The correct answer appeared.

For a while, the rulers became anxious again. Except for Lei Dao, none of the masters of Pancheng and Shangcheng could get the correct answer so far, thus entering the second floor of the Tower of Life.

"Oops, those gods and demons actually know the correct answer. Could it be that we have to stay on the first floor all the time?"

Some masters are a little worried.

However, the bull demon master sneered and said: "Don't worry, keep looking for the correct answer, we just have to try our luck, don't deduce it, because it's meaningless. As for those gods and demons, hehe, they can't rely on the so-called correct answers. The answer goes to the second layer."

"The ruler of the bull demon, why are you so sure?"

The overlord of the Bull Demon didn't answer.

Why is he so sure?

Isn't that easy?

Because he has already tried it.

Lei Dao chose a correct answer, but the bull demon master chose the exact same answer again, but ended in failure. Same answer, only the first choice is considered a success.

Sure enough, after those gods and demons tried, they were all sent out of the tower of life one by one.

Obviously, choosing the same answer doesn't work.

"By the way, why don't you try the number of Zhou Tian's perfection, the 360 ​​laws of life?"

In trying again and again, the bull devil master chose this answer.


The next moment, the bull demon ruler was shrouded in light.

"This... was successful?"

"The bull demon master has succeeded again?"

"Okay, on our side of the Ming Realm, there are now two masters who have entered the second floor of the Tower of Life."

"Hahaha, we practitioners of the Ming Realm are even better!"

"Presumably the Lord of the Bull Demon and the Lord of Thunder will soon be able to reach the third and fourth floors. It is impossible for these gods and demons in the ancient continent to compare with us!"

Many masters saw that the bull demon master successfully entered the second floor of the tower of life, and there was a smile on their faces.

Although these masters and gods and demons did not fight, they were actually fighting secretly.

See who can get to the second floor or even the third floor first, and see which side has more numbers.

Right now, it is clear that the side of the Ming Realm has the upper hand.



The second floor of the tower of life.

Lei Dao saw a ray of light, and his face changed slightly.

There was another figure, which meant that someone had come to the second floor again.

A god and demon had already come before, but that god and demon is now sluggish, and it seems that the test on the second floor is even more "wonderful".

This time, it is no longer as simple as choosing an answer, but to select a few lines among the many lifelines.

How to choose this?

This is not dozens or hundreds, but tens of thousands.

No, tens of thousands are considered less, but hundreds of thousands, millions, it seems densely packed, so many lifeline spectrums, there are countless combinations, how to choose?

"Huh? Bull demon master?"

Lei Dao was a little surprised to see that the second figure was actually the Bull Demon Lord.

The bull demon master also analyzed the correct answer?

"Master Lei, I finally met you. I was lucky and accidentally chose the correct answer. By the way, there should be rewards for breaking through the tower of the first floor, right?"


Lei Dao said expressionlessly: "You are late, only the first one to break through the Tower of Life will be rewarded with treasures."


The bull demon master was a little speechless, and let Lei Dao take advantage of all the benefits.

However, the Bull Demon Lord doesn't need treasures too much, what he wants is the understanding of the law of life, so he turned to the second test.

"Is this the second test?"

The next moment, the excited expression on the face of the Bull Demon Master froze in an instant.

Looking at the densely packed lifeline spectrum, the Bull Demon Master felt dizzy.

How do you choose?

The bull demon master is desperate!

Combining the lifeline spectrum at will is simply fatal. There are countless combinations. Once he fails, he will even have to start all over again. Could it be that he will be sent home and returned to the first floor just after he came to the second floor?

Moreover, the bull demon master didn't think anyone could break through the second floor.

"Master the Bull Demon, I already have the answer! Regardless of success or failure, you have to give it a try."

The next moment, Lei Dao had already stood up. After analyzing for so long, he finally had an answer.

"Uh...Master Lei, are you sure you analyzed it? Didn't you choose a few lifelines randomly?"

"I relied on my wisdom and worked hard for a long time to analyze it. Although the success rate may be less than 10%, I have to try anyway!"

The light of wisdom illuminates the way forward!

At this time, Lei Dao had made up his mind deep in his heart!

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