Longevity Species

Chapter 859: The Profound Sword Ruler's Decision! (first update)

"Xuanjian, do you want to go on a trip?"

A top sword master, the top master, couldn't help but asked in surprise.

For so many years, Master Xuanjian has performed very well, but he has never thought of traveling in the past, at most he only travels in the sword domain, and the risks of the sword domain are controllable.

"That's right, please agree with the Great Elder."

The Master of Xuanjian is the top master who the Sword Clan pays special attention to. Therefore, his every move will be noticed by the Sword Clan, and he cannot leave at will.

If you want to leave, you must get the consent of the Sword Clan.

"where are you going?"

"Probably the lotus side."

"Lotus? So far away?"

"Yes, it is indeed far away. But I haven't left the Sword Realm these years. Now that I have become a master, I also have the power to protect myself. Therefore, I want to go out and have a look."

The elder hesitated a little.

The Lotus Clan is really too far away.

It stands to reason that it is perfectly normal for the master to travel abroad. Many sword clan masters have traveled, not only in the sword domain, but there are also many masters who are far away from the sword domain.

But the key is that the master of Xuanjian is different.

The Xuanjian master's talent is very strong, and he is even praised by the great sword ancestor. He feels that he has the hope of becoming the ancestor, but he is the most promising top genius in the entire sword clan.

Such a genius, if there is any danger outside, the sword clan will suffer a lot.

After a long time, the Great Elder sighed and said: "Xuanjian, hold it for a while, and when you become the Great Master, you will naturally be sent to a place. In that place, strong people gather, resources are abundant, and there are even You have the opportunity to become the ancestor. But the strength of the master is still a bit insecure, you need at least a great master."

In fact, the Great Elder was talking about the ancient continent.

Originally, under normal circumstances, Juggernaut would be able to enter the barren ancient continent. Moreover, Juggernaut is also the main force, the backbone, in the barren ancient holy land.

But the Sword Clan was afraid that something would happen to Master Xuanjian, so they never told Master Xuanjian about the desolate ancient continent. Originally, I wanted to wait until the Profound Sword Master became the Great Master, and then let the Profound Sword Master go to the Desolate Ancient Continent.

Who knew that the master of Xuanjian couldn't bear it now, and wanted to go out for an adventure?

"Sure enough, my strength is very weak. Even the Great Elder thinks that I will be in danger if I go out. It seems that Master Lei is right. The clansmen really protected me too much. Everything I experienced before was an illusion ..."

Seeing the great elder's attitude, Master Xuanjian became more determined in his heart.

He must travel abroad.

Not just following Lei Dao, but he wants to go out and have a look, and wants to see the "real" world.

In the Sword Clan, it is impossible for Xuanjian Master to see the "real" world.

"Great Elder, I have made up my mind, please agree with the Great Elder!"

Master Xuanjian gritted his teeth and said directly.

He has made up his mind.

Seeing Master Xuanjian's firm expression, the Great Elder sighed slightly in his heart. Now the master of Xuanjian is already the master, and has been given a sword pavilion among the sword clan.

This is equivalent to having full self-action ability.

Don't talk about traveling, even if it is other more excessive things, in fact, Master Xuanjian can also do it. Now Master Xuanjian came to inform the Great Elder, it was just a respect for the Great Elder and the Sword Clan.

The Great Elder didn't stop the Xuanjian Juggernaut any more.

"Forget it, Master Xuanjian, if you want to go out, this elder can't stop you. But we can make an agreement. No matter what, you must come back within ten years."

"ten years?"

Master Xuanjian frowned.

Ten years seemed too short to him.

What can ten years do?

However, it seems that this is the bottom line of the Great Elder.

The Sword Clan valued him so much, it was already very good to let him go out for ten years.

In the future, you can fight for it slowly.

Thinking of this, Master Xuanjian also nodded and said: "Okay, just ten years. No matter what, I will definitely return to the Sword Clan within ten years."

"That's all, this is a sword talisman, which contains a sword spirit of the sword ancestor. This is the treasure of my sword family. When you go out, everything will depend on you in the future. Therefore, you take this sword talisman with you. If you encounter a life-or-death crisis, you can activate this sword talisman, and even a top master can kill with a single strike!"

Master Xuanjian originally wanted to refuse, but seeing the resolute expression of the First Elder, he knew that he could not refuse. Moreover, this is also the kindness of the great elder, and it is a life-saving thing.

Only in this way, the Great Elder will be relieved.

So, Xuanjian Master nodded, took the sword talisman, and then cupped his hands and said: "Thank you, Great Elder, for giving me the treasure!"

Even Master Xuanjian has countermeasures.

The big deal is not to use it, anyway, the sword talisman is in his hand, so he has the final say on whether to use it or not.

If it really comes to a life-and-death crisis, there is also a trump card, but just don't rely on it too much, and it must not be used until the time of life-and-death crisis!

"Okay, let's go."

Master Xuanjian saluted again, then turned and left resolutely.

Looking at the back of the master Xuanjian leaving, the Great Elder sighed and said: "After all, I have grown up. With the strength of the Xuanjian, I can even compete with ordinary masters. The young eagle will spread its wings after all, and I hope to travel ten years. In the next year, Xuanjian can break through the shackles and become a great master, and by then, he will be able to go to the ancient continent..."


Three days later, Lei Dao and Master Xuanjian were together, and both of them were ready.

"Master Xuanjian, do you want to take another look at the Endless Sword Realm? After all, this is your home, and you will miss your home very much when you go out in the future."

Lei Dao let out a long sigh, and he was deeply touched by this.

In the past, he didn't feel anything when he was in the Guardian God Palace, but after leaving the Guardian God Palace, and even the Ming Realm, Lei Dao was in the ancient continent, and his longing for his hometown was increasing day by day.

That is the root of Raidou!

If Lei Dao is like this, so will the master of Xuanjian in the future, but the master of Xuanjian can't understand it now.

"I remember every plant and tree in the endless sword world, don't read it, let's go."

Xuanjian's master's attitude is very firm, he has seen everything that needs to be seen, and has prepared what needs to be prepared.

"Okay, let's go!"

Therefore, Lei Dao and Xuanjian Juggernaut got into the space channel in an instant, and began to shuttle through the space channel, and the figure disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The two of them travel through space together, and the gap is reflected.

The speed of Lei Dao's shuttle is too fast, and there is almost no pressure. The distance of one time shuttle is more than ten times, or even dozens of times, than the distance of Xuanjian Juggernaut.

Such a gap is too big.

Originally, the Master of Xuanjian was a practitioner of swordsmanship. In fact, he still has an advantage in traveling through space. His speed of traveling through space is not slow, and he was also outstanding among the masters of the sword clan in the past.

But now, Master Xuanjian clearly knows the gap between him and Lei Dao.

This gap is not a little bit, or even a gap in one aspect, but a gap in all aspects. Lei Dao can crush Xuanjian Master in all directions.

And Lei Dao is just an ordinary master. This is what Lei Dao said himself, and there are many masters who are stronger than Lei Dao.

Thinking of this, Master Xuanjian became even more sad.

All the scenery he once had in the Sword Clan now seem so ridiculous.

Even when traveling through the space, the master of the sword clan was "releasing water", which made him really think that he was an invincible top master. But actually? That's just an illusion, even Lei Dao thinks that ordinary masters can't compare.

Fortunately, Master Xuanjian finally came to his senses, and he also has a target to pursue, and his target is Lei Dao!

"After all, I am a genius of the Sword Clan who has been praised by the Sword Clan. I was a little arrogant before, which led to me becoming a master, but I am afraid that I am the weakest master. But my talent must not be bad. Now I have awakened. As long as I Seriously, then Lord Lei will be overtaken by me sooner or later!"

Master Xuanjian murmured in a low voice.

He is also full of confidence!

After all, his talent is not bad, and Lei Dao's talent, he also saw that it was mediocre.

If he can't even surpass Lei Dao, then what kind of genius is he?

Regarding this point, Master Xuanjian is very confident!

"It's so far away..."

After walking and stopping, it was already a month later when they arrived at the Lianzu.

For a whole month, they were on their way.

Of course, this is because the Master Xuanjian shuttled too slowly. If it was Lei Dao, he would have already shuttled to the Lotus Clan.

Moreover, when they shuttled, if they encountered some strange places, they would delay for a while, so it took a whole month.

However, this month, Lei Dao didn't think too much of it.

He refines the life seeds every three days.

It has been two months since I left the ancient continent, and many of the life races refined by Lei Dao have also been refined, but there are still a few months before they are completely refined.

Lei Dao is not in a hurry, anyway, after returning to the Guardian Palace, there is plenty of time to slowly refine it.

"Is this the Lotus Clan? It's really strange, it's very different from the Sword Field."

Master Xuanjian felt novelty about everything.

The territory of the Lotus Clan is just a territory, and the power of the domain has not yet been born, so it is naturally incomparable with the sword domain.

But to the master of Xuanjian, this is rather novel, after all, the master of Xuanjian has never left the sword domain.

"Finally arrived at the Lotus Clan. It's not far from the human territory. Master Xuanjian, we haven't reached the big destination yet, so we continue to shuttle."

Therefore, Lei Dao and Xuanjian Juggernaut continued to shuttle.

This time, it was almost to the human territory, and even Lei Dao couldn't help feeling a little excited because of the so-called feeling of being close to the countryside.


The next moment, when the two of them got out of the space again, they found something was wrong around them.

A wave of terrifying battle fluctuations swept in all directions.

"This is... a battle at the dominance level?"

Lei Dao was startled, could it be that human beings are in crisis again?

Lei Dao remembered that he had arranged everything before he left, and even deliberately spread the news that he was the disciple of the first ancestor! Also, when human beings are in trouble, they can go to the Lotus Clan for help.

How can you still be in trouble?

"No, this is not the five great shrines of human beings. This is the breath of the undead. Could it be the territory of the undead?"

There was a strange look on Lei Dao's face.

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