Longevity Species

Chapter 866 Are swords precious? I still have a bunch here, you can pick and choose! (Second more)

Seeing that the master of the sword became the master, everyone was very excited and excited, even Lei Dao was deeply moved.

Only Master Xuanjian seems to have noticed something, but his eyes are fixed on the sword of the emperor in the hand of the master of swords. He clearly sees that the master of swords is able to perform because of the sword of the emperor. Achieve consummation, completely break through and become the master.

In particular, Master Xuanjian felt the terrifying swordsmanship contained in the Great Emperor's Sword.

That kind of swordsmanship seemed to resonate with his swordsmanship faintly, which made him feel very kind, but it was superior to the master of the mysterious sword, which made the master of the mysterious sword feel itchy.

Even Master Xuanjian felt that this was his chance.

Once he gets the opportunity, it is very likely that he will also become a master!


Master Xuanjian was very excited.

In fact, his time to become a master is not short. Although compared with other sword clan masters, it is not too long, or even very short, but the key is that the mysterious sword master now understands that he is a real top genius. It's been so long, and I haven't become a master yet, what's going on?

In the past, Master Xuanjian also wanted to go out for a trip, to try his luck, but he never made it. But now, he finally came out to travel, but he really came across a chance.

And the opportunity may lie on this sword.

"Brother Lei, where did you get this sword?"

Master Xuanjian asked cautiously.

Lei Dao was a little surprised and said: "That sword? Oh, you are talking about the Emperor's Sword, right? I got it from the ancient continent. Why, the master of Xuanjian also wants it?"

"Uh...such a precious treasure, I'm afraid..."

The Master of Xuanjian hadn't finished speaking yet, but he saw Lei Dao flipping his hands, and took out several swords of the Great Emperor from the territory in his body, and said pickily, "Is this one okay? Not right, this one The handle seems a bit gimmicky, but what about this one?"

Seeing the "one" sword of the Great Emperor in Lei Dao's hand, the eyes of Xuanjian Juggernaut turned green.

This is an opportunity!

But how could he have so many chances?

Is Raidou a devil?

Take out a bunch of Great Emperor's Swords...

In fact, these swords of the Great Emperor are trivial to Lei Dao. They are just the swords of the Great Emperor. In Pancheng, there are not many other things. .

Compared with the various treasures obtained by Lei Dao, the Emperor's Sword is not worth mentioning at all.

Lei Dao is still very cautious. Although he chose the sword of the emperor for the master of swords, what if it does not conform to the master of swords? Or does the master of swords not like it?

Therefore, prepare a few more swords of the Great Emperor, so that the master of the sword can choose.

Now it seems that the master of the sword is useless, just a sword of the emperor makes the master of the sword become the master, and these swords of the emperor are useless.

Since Master Xuanjian likes it, then give it to him.

"Master Xuanjian, if you like it, I will give it to you..."

The master of Xuanjian could no longer be calm, but he couldn't give up in the face of opportunities, so he carefully selected Lei Dao's hands, and finally chose a Great Emperor's Sword that fit his swordsmanship very well.

With this Great Emperor's Sword, Xuanjian Master is full of confidence.

He is confident that he will become a master within ten years!

Thinking of this, Master Xuanjian felt emotional: "It seems that the legends in the family are indeed true. They all say that if you want to break through the realm, it is best to go out and travel. I only went out once, and I got such a chance. Go out and travel a few times, maybe you will become a top master, or even the first ancestor."

Master Xuanjian suddenly regretted it.

Knowing that there are so many benefits of traveling, how can he wait until now to travel?


At this time, the master of the sword finally made a breakthrough. He came to Lei Dao and returned the Emperor's Sword to Lei Dao: "Master Lei, thanks to your sword this time. Without this sword, I It will take a few more years before I can truly achieve perfection and achieve a breakthrough to become a master! This sword is of no use to me now, so it will be returned to its original owner."

The master of the sword still knows that a sword like this must be very precious, and the kendo contained in it is the kendo of the great master. For Lei Dao to be able to obtain such a sword, he must have gone through untold hardships in the ancient continent. How difficult is it?

It might even be Lei Dao's life in exchange for it, how can the master of the sword occupy it?

For a sword like this, the master of the sword will naturally return it to its original owner.


The eyes of many masters also brightened.

Although they are not kendo practitioners, they can still feel the terrifying power contained in it. It is obviously a top-notch treasure, not to mention comparable to the Great Master, but if the Master has such a treasure, his strength will definitely be enhanced a lot.

Lei Dao shook his head, and said with a relaxed face: "Master of the sword, you can keep this sword, it was specially prepared for you. Moreover, you only used a sword, I have prepared more here There are so many precious swords, and it seems useless to have so many precious swords left after giving Xuanjian Master one."

Lei Dao directly showed all the swords in his hand.

Immediately, a mighty aura of the way of the sword rose up, and all the masters, including the master of the sword, froze suddenly.

What about the sword you agreed to get in exchange for desperately?

Can the swords that were exchanged desperately be a bunch?

At this time, even the master of the sword began to doubt whether Lei Dao simply "wholesale" packed a batch of swords in the ancient continent.

Could it be that this kind of sword is everywhere in the ancient continent, and you can just pick it up?

Of course, the master of the sword would not be so naive as to think that such a sword can be seen everywhere. Even though the Ancient Continent is a bit special, these swords contain a kendo that is comparable to that of a master, but there is absolutely no mistake.

Could it be that the ancient continent is full of terrifying existences comparable to the Great Overlord?

That's simply impossible!

Although Lei Dao seems to have obtained too many swords, no one would think too little of such swords, so the Master of Swords thought for a while and said: "These swords are extraordinary, but Master Lei really doesn't need them. , then our five human gods will jointly establish a sword pool. Put some top swords in the sword pool, and wait for future generations to take them."

"Yes, this idea is very good. In the future, these swords can be taken out as long as they are destined. At that time, there may be many more top-notch masters of swordsmanship and even great masters."

"This line of thinking can be extended a bit. Can it be not just the sword pool? There are other treasures, too, and this method can be used for future generations to acquire them."

"Yes, doing so can also save us human descendants from taking some detours..."

Many masters responded one after another, and felt that the proposal of the master of swords was very good.

Lei Dao naturally agrees. Anyway, these swords of his are also for human beings, and it is useless for him to keep them.

"By the way, there is one more thing. Today I am the master, and we humans can finally feel proud, so there are some things that should be resolved."

There was a gleam of brilliance in the eyes of the master of the sword.

"What's the meaning?"

Lei Dao is still a little unclear.

"Flood Dragon Clan!"

The master of the sword said in a deep voice: "The surrounding area of ​​our humans is actually relatively safe. The scorpion clan has been wiped out, and many races have expressed their surrender. Only the dragon clan has not expressed anything. At the beginning, the dragon clan and the guardian palace reached an agreement. Some agreements were reached, and the two sides temporarily ceased fighting. At that time, our human race had not yet had a master, so naturally we couldn't help the Flood Dragon Clan, but now? Since I have become the master, it's time to stand up!"


The master of the sword needs to stand up!

It's not about establishing prestige within humans, but establishing prestige as a human being, which is equivalent to establishing prestige for the entire human race.

Only when the Lord of Swords personally destroys the Flood Dragon Clan with the force of a thunderbolt, will the countless races around know that a Great Master has been born for human beings.

From then on, human beings are the hegemony!

The overlord has never relied on the compliments of others, but on the status he has achieved!

"The Flood Dragon Clan? When I was weak, I fought against the Flood Dragon Clan, but I couldn't turn the tide. Now that I am a human being, I am no longer what I used to be, and the Master of the Sword has also become the Great Master. It is indeed time to stand up."

Lei Dao also nodded, agreeing.

In fact, the target of the master of the sword, Liwei, is the undead. After all, in terms of threats, the undead have obtained an undead essence pearl, and it is very likely that a strong master of the master level will be born in the near future, which poses a greater threat to human beings.

However, the undead are too "obedient".

Especially after Lei Dao "saved" the undead, the undead became more obedient, and even had no bottom line, faintly showing signs of becoming a subordinate race of human beings.

Subordinate races, although different from being annexed, actually have a very low status, and almost all life and death are controlled by other races. Therefore, no race is willing to become a subordinate race.

But the undead have this sign.

Although it has not become an affiliated race yet, what if in the future?

When human beings become stronger, maybe the undead will give up completely and become a subordinate race of human beings. This is much more beneficial than exterminating the undead.

The undead are also an ancient and powerful race.

If the undead can be made a subsidiary race of humans, it will undoubtedly be like a tiger with wings added to humans.

Excluding the undead, there are not many races around humans. Even the scorpion race has been wiped out, and other small races have surrendered one after another.

Only the Jiaolong tribe is still supporting it, which is in line with the goal of the master of the sword to establish his prestige.

"Then when are we going? Do you want the master of the sword to stabilize the realm first?"

Raido asked.

"Where do we need to stabilize what realm? It's not too late. Now that I have just become the Great Master, I will naturally go now. Flood Dragon Clan, I can't wait for a moment!"

At this time, the master of the sword is full of killing intent!

This is the real swordsman! This is the first master of mankind!

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