Longevity Species

Chapter 870 Violently beat up the Giant Spirit Emperor! (third change)

"Ah... If you want to kill me, I can't take care of it anymore. Damn extraterrestrial demons, despicable, cunning and shameless, I want you all to die!"

Patriarch Jiaolong seemed to be stimulated.

At this time, he really felt the crisis of life and death, and he didn't dare to hold back any more, even at the expense of revealing his identity.


The next moment, the ancestor Jiaolong "exploded".

To be precise, it completely exploded into a cloud of blood mist, but then, this cloud of blood mist continued to surge, vaguely forming a sacred "giant" exuding dazzling light.


This giant exudes dazzling light, mighty, and has a terrifying coercion. Everyone present, including the master of the sword, felt a kind of coercion from the depths of their hearts. It seemed that the giant in front of them was very terrifying.

But isn't the ancestor of Jiaolong a Jiaolong?

Why did he become a giant now?


"Old Ancestor, what's wrong with you?"

"Old Ancestor, how did it become like this?"

Master Flood Dragon was also dazed, they didn't know what was going on at all, why did the well-behaved ancestor Flood Dragon become a giant now?

And the most important thing is that there is no longer the breath of the dragon on his body.

This is simply unbelievable!

If it is a technique of transformation, in the Ming Realm, no one can hide it, and no one will change into another race, because it can be seen through at a glance, but this change of the ancestor of Jiaolong, people can't see through it at all.

"Wait, why is this breath so familiar?"

Lei Dao's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at this sacred "giant", but Lei Dao felt very familiar with the aura of the "giant".

Although he was sure he had never seen this giant, but the giant's aura was very familiar.

"Master Lei, come back quickly, this person is a great master! And he should be very powerful!"

At this time, the voice of the master of the sword also reached Lei Dao's ears.

"Great dominate?"

Lei Dao was puzzled.

He has seen the Great Master, but this giant is definitely not the breath of the Great Master.

It is impossible for the Great Master of the Ming Realm to have such an aura.

It's like... the gods and demons of the ancient continent?

"By the way, gods and demons, why does this giant have the aura of gods and demons? With Master sitting in the dark realm, no gods and demons can enter the bright world. It's not a gods and demons, but it has the breath of gods and demons? "

Lei Dao shook his head, he was getting more and more confused.

However, this "giant", Lei Dao can be sure, is definitely not the master, but the identity is really a bit too "weird", so it's okay to be careful.

The current giant image of Patriarch Jiaolong is actually his real body.

He is a family of giant spirits in the ancient continent, born with infinite strength, and born as a powerful god and demon. And he, the giant spirit emperor, is the top emperor among the giant spirit clan, the strongest giant spirit clan in history!

That's why the Giant Spirit Emperor was appointed by the saint and came to Ming Realm after paying a huge price.

But after arriving in the Ming Realm, the Giant Spirit Emperor discovered that the Great Dao of the Desolate Ancient Continent had disappeared, and that he was a top emperor, second only to the ancestor's terrifying power, and had disappeared without a trace.

And pure physical strength, in fact, is only at the level of ordinary emperors, or at best senior emperors, which has dropped too much.

If he was in the ancient continent, he could kill all the masters here with a single breath, but now, without daring to reveal his real body, he was actually suppressed by a mere master.

This is simply a great shame!

"Today, all of you are going to die, and none of you can escape! Human beings, you forced me to leave, but you stopped me. If that's the case, then die!"

The giant spirit emperor's voice was loud and loud.

Afterwards, his body swelled again, and he really swelled into a towering giant. Afterwards, he directly slapped Lei Dao hard.

Looking at the extremely ferocious Giant Spirit Emperor, Lei Dao said in a deep voice: "Sure enough, you are indeed a very vicious person. If you disagree, you will kill us all and all human beings. If you were released before, wouldn't you Has it caused a catastrophe? So, no matter who you are, today, no matter what, even if you risk your life, I will kill you!"

The next moment, Lei Dao took a deep breath.

This is no longer a fight, but a desperate effort!

Lei Dao seemed to feel that every inch of God's body was excited, cheering, and excited.

This feeling is all too familiar.

Although it was desperate, it was this feeling that made Lei Dao feel excited and excited.


The next moment, Lei Dao's Kunpeng divine body was stimulated to the extreme, as if it was vaguely fitting the space. With a flash of Lei Dao's figure, he almost didn't use any special force, he had already got into the space.


The giant spirit emperor's palm slapped, and the void shattered. As soon as Lei Dao got into the space channel, the space was already shattered. Lei Dao's figure flashed and turned into a stream of light, and he rushed directly to the Giant Spirit Emperor.

Speed, this is the biggest advantage of Kunpeng Divine Body!

Even if you travel through the space, the space may be shattered by people.

But the speed is unmatched!

Lei Dao's fighting spirit was high, the eighteen territories in his body vibrated crazily, and there was a huge "territory" vaguely above his head, which seemed to be about to form a boundary.

Lei Dao's power has at least increased several times.

This is Lei Dao's strongest power!

"This kind of power... the Thunder Master is really the Master?"

Seeing Lei Dao's power at the moment, Master Xuanjian was extremely shocked.

He has now determined that the Giant Spirit Emperor is definitely the master, and he is not considered weak among the masters, at least, he should be stronger than the master of the sword.

But even so, Lei Dao still blatantly killed him.


Lei Dao punched out, and the huge palm of the Giant Spirit Emperor also fell down.

The terrifying power crazily impacted on Lei Dao's divine body, and Kunpeng's divine body also felt tremendous pressure, but at this time, Kunpeng's divine body's "defensive" characteristics were also brought into play to the fullest, despite the impact of the power of the Giant Spirit Emperor, he remained unmoved .

Moreover, the power of the world in the eighteen territories in Lei Dao's body erupted, which was extremely terrifying.

The smile on the giant spirit god's face froze all of a sudden.

Because, he felt a power that shocked him from Lei Dao, and even, with his natural terrifying power of the Giant Spirit Race, he couldn't suppress it faintly, and the terrifying power directly rushed into him In his body, he frantically destroyed his giant spirit body.

"how so?"

The Giant Spirit Emperor's eyes widened in disbelief.

Even if he came to the Ming Realm, he would lose the support of "Da Dao" and be unable to display the strength of the top emperor. But relying on his giant spirit body alone, he can completely crush the general master.

Just like the only great master in the void, the master of swords, the Giant Spirit Emperor is sure to defeat or even kill the master of swords. But how come Lei Dao, the mere master, is still suppressed now?

He has displayed his real body!

"No, I am the Giant Spirit Emperor. How could I be defeated by a mere master of the Heavenly Demon from outside the territory? Wrath of the Giant Spirit, die for me!"

The giant spirit emperor's body swelled again, and his strength almost increased by several percent.

Don't underestimate a few percent, a top powerhouse like the Giant Spirit Emperor, even if it only increases by a few percent, it is a terrifying power.

"Become stronger again? As expected of a mysterious top master, he can still become stronger, but this is a good opponent!"

Lei Dao took a deep breath, and he rushed up again. The eighteen realms in his body exploded with the power of the world crazily, which was endless and endless.

Lei Dao's Kunpeng Divine Body bears the heavy responsibility of defense.

This time, the giant spirit emperor's attack was indeed very fierce, causing Lei Dao's Kunpeng divine body to rupture and suffer damage, but this damage is not worth mentioning at all.

Lei Dao finally resisted, and he didn't even have a chance to display the "immortality characteristic" of Kunpeng's divine body. Then, Lei Dao approached the giant spirit emperor, and the terrifying power of the world poured crazily on the giant spirit emperor. .


Cracks actually appeared on the body of the Giant Spirit Emperor.

Then, like a deflated balloon, the giant spirit emperor's body shrunk rapidly, and the aura in his whole body became sluggish.

The Giant Spirit Emperor was really scared.

His giant spirit body was wiped out quickly. If it continues to be wiped out, he will die, really die!

"Ah... liars, you extraterrestrial demons are all liars! How can you be the master? You are clearly the great master, this seat... this seat is about to die!"

The Giant Spirit Emperor roared crazily.

He is really sad and angry now.

They have already displayed their real bodies, but they are still "beaten up" by a mere master in front of them, and they don't even have the strength to fight back.

Don't look at him attacking Lei Dao's divine body, it seems that the divine body is miserable, but in fact, Lei Dao's Kunpeng divine body did not undergo too much "test" and recovered quickly.

This is also the strength of the Kunpeng divine body. The power of the Kunpeng divine body is not only suitable for space, but also very difficult to defend. This is one of the important reasons why the Kunpeng clan master was known as the most difficult master in the Ming world. .

"Liar? Lei is obviously the master..."

Lei Dao frowned, he is the master himself, how could he deceive the other party?

"Hahaha, you are still a master. If you are just a master, then wouldn't this seat be an ordinary god and demon? This seat is in the Ming Realm, even if its strength is suppressed, it can still crush ordinary masters, but in the end it was defeated by you. Forget it, this seat is defeated, winner and loser, let you deal with it!"

The Giant Spirit Emperor has now completely resigned himself to his fate.

He knew that he was completely "planted" this time.

It's just that he was very aggrieved.

Lei Dao is obviously a master, even a very powerful master, but he pretends to be a master in the end?

If he had known that Lei Dao was so powerful, the Giant Spirit Emperor would never have tried his best to escape, but unfortunately, it was too late now.

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