Longevity Species

Chapter 877 Who Is My Brother? (first update)

"what happened?"

Lei Dao is a little strange, his messenger stone has always been very calm, and only a few people know about this messenger stone, and it was bestowed on him by his master.

"Could it be Master?"

Lei Dao took out the communication stone. If it's Shizun, it's even more strange, Shizun rarely takes the initiative to contact Lei Dao.

"Huh? It's not a summons, this is... a call for help?"

Lei Dao looked at the message stone, how could there be a message for help? And it was a distress message from a stranger.

"Wait, Master gave me this communication stone. As long as you are an official disciple under Master's command, you can contact me if you have one..."

Reido remembered.

This messenger stone is a bit special.

It was the ancestor Kong who bestowed Lei Dao, who could send a message to all the disciples of the ancestor Kong.

Of course, this kind of communication is only for the "distress" signal.

If you want to contact alone, you still have to know the specific message information of the other party, just like Lei Dao and his senior sister Qinglian Master.

The distress message now is just a disciple of the ancestor Kong, or Lei Dao's senior brother or sister, as long as the distance is close, the message can be received.

If it is far away, there is no way.

Moreover, even if you receive a distress message, it is hard to say whether you will go to the rescue. Therefore, this distress message is completely a matter of luck, there is no guarantee, it is just a little bit of hope.

"With spatial coordinates, it's easy to handle, but, do you want to go?"

Lei Dao hesitated.

"Forget it, it doesn't seem good to see death and do nothing. However, Master's disciples are at least masters or even great masters. If I lose at that time, I can also escape calmly. In the Ming Realm, apart from the first ancestor, there should be no Who can trap me."

In this regard, Lei Dao is very confident.

He has the Kunpeng divine body, in the bright world, as long as he is not trapped in the dark world, then he can leave calmly.

Even in the Dark Realm, with Lei Dao's speed, who can catch up to him?

Even if there might be some danger in this rescue, Lei Dao is not afraid.

Lei Dao is a good person after all, it is a bit unreasonable to let him refuse to save him, not to mention, this is his senior brother or sister, how can he refuse to save him?

Thinking of this, Lei Dao said directly: "Master Xuanjian, I have some things here, and I may not be able to send you off."

"Brother Lei, if you have a chance, you must come to the Sword Clan to find me."

"If you have a chance, you must go."

The master of Xuanjian didn't mention the matter of sparring at all. He had a faint feeling that maybe it would be difficult to catch up with Lei Dao in his whole life. However, after all, he and Lei Dao shared weal and woe, and the two were still friends, maintaining a friendship.


Master Xuanjian took a step forward and disappeared into the void, leaving the human territory.

"Master Lei, are you busy?"

The Guardian Juggernaut seems to have noticed something.

Lei Dao nodded and said: "That's right, the disciples under Master's command are asking for help, and I just received a message for help, so I have to go and see if I can help."

"A disciple of the ancestor Kong asking for help?"

The master of the sword raised his eyebrows, then straightened his expression, and said in a solemn tone: "Master Lei, the disciples of the ancestor Kong, at least they are all masters or even great masters. Moreover, they are well-known, and the disciples of the ancestor are all in trouble and even need help. , How troublesome is that? It must not be a trivial matter, Master Lei still needs to be careful."

"I understand that if there is nothing I can do, I will leave immediately. It is most important to protect myself. However, there are not many people who can trap me in the Ming Realm..."

Lei Dao let out a long sigh, and stood with his hands behind his back. There seemed to be a faint "breath" all over his body.

This breath is very familiar.

The corner of the sword ruler's mouth twitched slightly.

He didn't say anything more, and if he continued, he might be beaten to pieces by Lei Dao again.

What do you mean there are not many people who can trap Lei Dao now?

Lei Dao is just a master.

No matter how powerful it is, it is only a master.

The master of the sword thinks about himself, he has finally become the only great master of human beings, but now it seems that he has been left behind by Lei Dao early.

"That's good, Master Lei, be careful in everything."

Lei Dao nodded, and then confirmed the space coordinates on the distress message. The figure flashed, and he had already entered the space channel.

According to the space coordinates on the distress message, Lei Dao estimated that with his current Kunpeng Divine Body consummation, it only takes two shuttles to arrive.

"It seems to be a little farther than the territory of the Lotus Clan? If Senior Sister Qinglian Master is still there, I guess Senior Sister can also receive messages for help."

Raidou murmured softly.

However, he wasn't too worried.

He even felt that with so many master disciples, maybe a more powerful top master would appear, and he would not be needed at that time, he just needed to watch from the side and make soy sauce.

Therefore, Lei Dao continued to shuttle in the space towards the space coordinates.


"Aiding the evil, you are assisting the evil! Moreover, do you know what your behavior is? This seat is the disciple of the great ancestor. If you kill this seat, there will be no room for you in the Ming Realm." It's here!"

The Galaxy Territory, this is the territory of the Galaxy Clan.

Everyone knows that the Master of the Galaxy Clan is the disciple of the ancestor Kong. He is so famous that no one dares to provoke him.

But now, the Master of Galaxy seems to be in trouble, and it's a huge trouble. His whole body has been torn apart a lot, and he looks very embarrassed.

In front of him was a ruler wearing a blue robe, with a very youthful aura. The blue-robed master seems to be sealing a group of special masters, and he doesn't know what method he used.

The two sides fought in the void, both were great masters, and even the galaxy master was almost close to the top master, but they were far from the opponent of the blue-robed master.

Therefore, the master of the galaxy could only send a distress signal.

He also sent it to Shizun, but Shizun didn't know where he went, and he didn't seem to have any response.

As time went by, Master Xinghe became more and more hopeless and hopeless.

"Really? I'll kill you to see who can avenge you. Your master, the ancestor Kong, probably doesn't have the leisure time to avenge you."

A sneer appeared on the corner of the mouth of the master in blue robe.

Who doesn't know the disciple of the ancestor Kong?

The first ancestor taught without discrimination, and he accepted too many disciples.

Except for a few disciples, the ancestor Kong would not stand up for his disciples at all.

Even if he died, his skills were inferior to others.

"Hmph, I have already reported your investigation of gods and demons in the ancient continent to the master. If I really die, do you think the master will pursue it?"

The Master of Galaxy can only fight to the death now.

"you wanna die!"

After the master in blue robe heard the words of Master Xinghe, his face seemed to change abruptly, appearing very angry.

Indeed, under normal circumstances, when masters fight each other, they will die if they die, and the ancestor Kong will never pursue it. After all, the killers are always killing people, and their skills are not as good as others. It is a disgrace to the ancestors. How could the ancestors do it themselves?

But if it is related to the ancient continent, it will be different.

Even if Ancestor Kong will not take action himself, he will definitely send someone to investigate.

At that time, maybe something bad will happen.

Thinking of this, the blue-robed ruler was naturally very angry.

He is the top master, and it is not difficult to kill the master of Xinghe, but after all, the master of Xinghe is the disciple of the ancestor Kong, who is practicing a special skill, and his recovery power is amazing. If he wants to kill him, even if he is the top master, It also takes a little bit of time.

And now, it's almost gone.

"See how long you can carry it?"

The blue-robed master waved his hand, and a huge phantom appeared behind him. This phantom was like a dark cloud, directly enveloping the master of the galaxy.

Although the Master of Galaxy is not a top master, he has obtained a black element indestructible skill from the ancestor Kong. If this method can be cultivated to a perfect state, it can be called the strongest defense among the great masters!

In terms of defense alone, even the Kunpeng clan is much inferior.

Of course, the Master of the Galaxy did not cultivate it to perfection, it was only a small success.

But even Xiaocheng's defense is terrifying.

Hei Yuan Immortality Kung Fu will cultivate a special kind of power called Hei Yuan Power.

This kind of black energy has been accumulated for a long time, and it is slowly cultivated. Xiaocheng's black energy is not destroyed, and the efficiency of condensing black energy is very slow.

But if he wanted to kill the Master of Galaxy, he had to spend a little bit of Hei Yuan.

It is precisely because the black essence is difficult to be consumed that the blue-robed ruler cannot completely kill the galaxy ruler for a while, otherwise, facing a top-notch master, the galaxy ruler would have fallen long ago.

But now, the Master of Galaxy seems to be unable to last much longer, the black energy in his body is running low, almost only one-tenth of what it was in its heyday.

"Has no one come yet? Am I really going to die here today?"

The Master of Galaxy was very unwilling.

He investigated the gods and demons in the ancient continent, but he encountered such a life-and-death crisis.

But the distress message has already been sent out, even sent a message to Master, he has no other way, and now he can only resign himself to fate.

And the black essence in his body was being wiped out rapidly.

"Hei Yuan's indestructible skill is indeed very strong. It's a pity that you are only a small success. If you are a big success, I can't do anything to you. As for now, you have no chance and can only die!"

The master in blue obviously also knows this technique, and seems to understand it very well.

Once Dacheng's black essence is indestructible, he will be a top master, and the blue-robed master will naturally be unable to do anything about it.

But for Xiao Cheng, even if it takes a little time, he can obliterate it.

The face of Master Xinghe became more and more ugly, and even his body began to be crushed and damaged. The black energy in his body was almost exhausted.

Once Hei Yuan was completely consumed, it was the moment when he fell completely.


Suddenly, a space ripple appeared in the void.

Immediately afterwards, a figure stepped out from the space passage.

"Well, it's finally here."


Immediately, both eyes focused on the person who came.

"Uh...Which of you is my senior brother?"

Lei Dao glanced over, a little uncertain.

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