Longevity Species

Chapter 886 As expected of the Demon Lord, I can't suppress it with half of my strength! (first

"I, too weak?"

The demon lord, black and white, was stunned, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

How could someone despise him for being too weak?

What he is facing is not the grand ancestor, but just a great master, who actually despises him as weak? Is it because he can't kill anymore, or is the world changing too fast?

It was so fast that even the famous demon master couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

"Hahaha, good, good, good! Since you want to die, then this old man will fulfill you!"

At this moment, the demon lord had a murderous intent towards Lei Dao, and it was a sky-high killing intent.

A terrifying killing intent erupted from the demon lord, as cold as ice, as if it could freeze the void. It's just that it doesn't work. In Lei Dao's domain, all forces are suppressed.

Lei Dao's domain power covers the range, as if it is a domain. If he cannot break through his domain, he will be restricted, constantly suppressed and weakened by the domain, and finally completely crushed into powder.

This is the real horror of the power of the realm.

Whether it is the power of the world or the power of the territory in the past, it can only explode power and act on Lei Dao's divine body, making Lei Dao's divine body burst out with terrifying power.

But now it's different.

The power of the realm was born in Lei Dao's body!

This kind of domain power can not only make the domain in the body explode, but can also be extended to form a comprehension, which greatly improves Lei Dao's strength.

With the power of the realm at his side, the only shortcoming of the human ruler's poor defense will be made up for. After all, this is a field, which is equivalent to the integration of offense and defense.

The demon lord, the black and white master, was completely enraged. The black and white rays of light on his body became more and more intense, and one side of the black rays of light showed a strong sense of death, just like a death penalty zone.

On the other side, the white light is full of vitality, and it seems to be full of vitality. It is indeed very strange that these two completely different auras appear on one person at the same time.

But the aura of the demon lord Black and White Juggernaut is constantly improving. In the end, the black and white rays of light are faintly blended together.

"This old man is the ruler of black and white. Black represents death, and white represents vitality. This old man controls life and death, and wanders in the Ming Realm. Wherever he passes, those who follow will prosper and those who oppose will perish!"

This is the real Demon Lord!

At this moment, the aura of the black and white master has reached its peak. As the black and white master broke out his true power, Lei Dao immediately felt the terrifying power of this once invincible and invincible top master.

The opponent's "black and white" rays of light actually formed circles of strange power, constantly impacting Lei Dao's domain power. You know, Lei Dao exploded with the power of the domain, forming a domain, even the previous master of black and white, was suppressed, and there was nothing he could do.

But now, the master of black and white can actually erode Lei Dao's domain power little by little, gradually confronting Lei Dao, and reverse the decline in one fell swoop.

The aura of the master of black and white became more and more powerful, and he slowly approached Lei Dao step by step. And every step closer, the power of Lei Dao's domain is constantly being compressed.

Even the power of Lei Dao's domain seemed faintly unable to withstand it.

"Hahaha, you are indeed a Demon Lord. Back then, you were invincible and invincible. How could you care about a newly promoted Great Master?"

The blue-robed master finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now he really felt very dangerous, and even his heart kept sinking, feeling that he was going to capsize in the gutter today. But fortunately, the devil is the devil, and he can turn things around in an instant after his strength erupts.

On the other hand, Master Xinghe's expression was a little gloomy.

After all, he wasn't very optimistic about Lei Dao before, but Lei Dao surprised him by being able to suppress the Demon Lord. But now, after all, he is back on track. No matter how strong Lei Dao is, he has just broken through and become the Great Master. How can he suppress the Demon Lord?

Being able to temporarily suppress it for a while is already a very remarkable achievement.

"Junior Brother Lei still has the Kunpeng clan method, even if the devil wants to keep him, it is impossible, but, maybe after this battle, I will die..."

The master of the galaxy fell silent.

He is not worried about Lei Dao. After all, Lei Dao's Zu Peng divine body is unparalleled in speed, and it is easy to travel through space. Even the devil master can't kill Lei Dao.

But Galaxy Master is different.

The root of the ruler of Xinghe is in the Xinghe Clan, he can't leave, once he leaves, who knows if the blue-robed ruler will be sad and mad, and simply wipe out the Xinghe Clan?

Once Lei Dao is defeated, the Master of Galaxy may fall.

At this moment, the fate of the ruler of Xinghe has long been firmly linked with Lei Dao.

The demon lord's black and white master's eyes are cold and stern, and his momentum is rising steadily. His black and white light almost suppresses Lei Dao's domain power to the limit. Step by step, Lei Dao's domain power is slowly being compressed.

If this continues, it is very likely that Lei Dao's power in the domain will be crushed by the devil.

"Didn't you say that the old man is too weak? Hahaha, a master who has just broken through, watch the old man completely crush your domain, crush it for me!"

The demon lord shouted loudly, raised his head to the sky and screamed, and then his aura surged again, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, surging towards the power of Lei Dao's realm.

However, the demon lord is already bluffing now, and looks a bit strong on the outside.

Being able to suppress Lei Dao's domain power is already his current limit.

Crush the realm of Lei Dao?

It's possible, but it's very unlikely.

Lei Dao is like a flat boat in the wind and rain. It looks like it will be broken at any time, but in fact it is extremely stable.

Seeing the offensive of the demon lord black and white, it seems to be continuous, and Lei Dao's situation seems to be very dangerous, Lei Dao's expression also becomes extremely dignified.

Lei Dao couldn't help but solemnly said: "As expected of the Demon Lord, he is invincible across the bright world. I can't suppress it with half of my strength. It seems that I can't hold back. I have to give the Demon Lord the greatest respect."

"Therefore, I will do my best!"

Lei Dao's words froze the expression of the demon lord who was screaming up to the sky just now, and the smile on his face seemed to froze all of a sudden.

"One...half the power?"

The demon lord, Black and White, seemed unable to believe his ears. What did he hear just now? Lei Dao said, only half the power? How can this be?

The demon lord has already exploded with all his strength, even in some cases, he even used forbidden techniques, so that he can barely suppress the realm of Lei Dao.

But now?

Lei Dao actually said that he only used half of his strength?

"Psychological warfare, yes, this is psychological warfare!"

The demon master seemed to wake up all of a sudden, he sneered and said: "I am dying, and I still want to use psychological warfare to disturb my mind, hum, idiots are dreaming, today you must die! Not only you must die, but also the master of the galaxy, and even The entire Star River Clan, this old man will be wiped out!"

Today the demon master is about to start a killing spree, Lei Dao made him furious, if he didn't vent his anger, how could he express his anger? He had made enough gestures in front of the blue-robed master before, and once he made a move, he would definitely win the battle.

But what about the result?

Almost capsized in the gutter.

All this is because of Lei Dao.

Therefore, the demon lord, black and white, wants to kill and vent his hatred!

"Huh? Sure enough, you are a heinous person with unrelenting desire to kill and do all kinds of evil. Now you actually want to vent your anger on others, and even behead the entire Xinghe Clan. A vicious person like you must not be let go today." !"

Raidou took a deep breath.

Originally, he still thought that the demon lord, Black and White Ruler, was quite capable, so he wanted to compete more. But now it seems that he took it for granted, that he was too wishful thinking.

If such a vicious person like the devil lord gives him a chance, he will kill countless innocent people. The opponent is going to wipe out the entire race and slaughter the Xinghe clan at every turn. How cruel is this?

Lei Dao can't keep his hand anymore, otherwise, it would be a great crime to let the devil escape.

Therefore, the devil must be left behind completely today!

"Devil Lord, Lei will never let such a vicious person like you go! Forget it, I will kill you today, so that you will not be able to harm the Ming Realm in the future!"

Lei Dao's voice was mighty and majestic, spreading throughout the void.

"Still bluffing."

The demon lord sneered, and he didn't believe that Lei Dao still had any power left. As for killing him, is it possible? After so many years, how many people in the Ming Realm want to kill the demon lord? But so what?

He is still the invincible devil lord across the Ming world!


The next moment, Lei Dao did not hesitate at all, and the second realm in his body exploded.

Immediately, a mighty power of the domain gushed out from Lei Dao's body again, surging and turbulent. Together with the first power of the domain, it merged and expanded, and its power soared instantly.

Seeing this scene, the Demon Lord Black and White Master opened his eyes wide, as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

"No, no, why do you still have such terrifying power? Double? This is double the power before. You really only used half the power?"

The demon lord, Black and White, was already stunned, he opened his mouth wide but didn't know what to say.


Lei Dao really only used half of his strength!

Ridiculous, really ridiculous!

He just tried his best, used all his strength, and even used forbidden techniques. What he tried his best to suppress was only half of Lei Dao's power?

Then his previous high-spirited and arrogant, isn't it the biggest joke?


The next moment, the power of the two domains of Lei Dao exploded in an instant, easily tearing apart the black and white light of the demon lord, driving straight in, and crushing the black and white light of the demon lord like a broken bamboo.

Moreover, the domain formed by the two domain forces expanded wildly, covering the demon master black and white almost in the blink of an eye.

Once involved in the domain, the demon master black and white master even escape is an extravagant hope.

"It's over..."

The blue-robed master's face changed instantly, turning ashen ashes.

When he saw that the Demon Lord was drawn into the realm by the power of Lei Dao's domain, he knew that the Demon Lord was finished!

However, the blue-robed lord was also very decisive, and he reacted almost immediately, and was about to enter the dark world again to escape.

But this time, the blue-robed master was not so lucky, he was directly swept up by Lei Dao's domain power and dragged into the domain.


The blue-robed master was so frightened that he couldn't help shouting loudly: "Master, help me, save my disciple..."

But, at this time, who will come to rescue the blue-robed ruler?

Even the Demon Lord was suppressed by Lei Dao's realm, let alone other people?


Originally, the overall situation was settled, Lei Dao suppressed the Demon Lord and the Blue Robe Master, both of them were extremely vicious people, Lei Dao would not let them escape anyway.

But at this moment, a warning sign suddenly appeared in Lei Dao's heart, as if a great danger was approaching.

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