Longevity Species

Chapter 888 The world practice system derived by the ancestor Kong! (third change)

"Disciple pays homage to Master!"

In the void, only Lei Dao, Master Xinghe and others were left, and both of them quickly came to the ancestor Kong to salute.

"Let's go to the teacher's cave, there are some things that I need to explain to you."

Therefore, the ancestor Kong directly brought Lei Dao and Xinghe Master into the dark world, and came to the cave in the huge "leaf".

"Xinghe, Leidao, do you two have many questions now?"

Lei Dao and Master Xinghe looked at each other, and finally Lei Dao nodded and said: "That's right, I do have a lot of doubts, Master, please clarify your doubts."

"Ask, ask any questions."

"That ancestor Jie, why is it sacred?"

Lei Dao asked immediately.

"Ancestor Jie, that is a very difficult old guy. Even if he is a teacher, he can't say that he can deal with it. Everyone knows that a teacher has experienced at least five times of era calamity, but how many era era disasters have he experienced? However, few people know about it. As a teacher, I can tell you that I have experienced a total of seven era calamities for my teacher. And the ancestor robber, like my teacher, has experienced seven times of era calamity. The ancestors who were born."

"What, the Seventh Epoch Tribulation?"

The Master of Galaxy and Lei Dao were shocked.

The Ming Realm actually kept secrets about the ancestors, and they didn't know much about them. What's more, the ancestors' gods and dragons can't see the head but don't see the tail. Therefore, many people don't know how many ancestors there are in the Ming Realm.

Not to mention knowing how many epochs the ancestors have experienced.

Ancestor Kong is considered to be the ancestor who has appeared more in the Ming world, so many practitioners still have a certain understanding of Ancestor Kong. Many practitioners in the Ming Realm speculate that the ancestor Kong has experienced more than five epoch catastrophes, but the exact number is unknown.

Unexpectedly, the ancestor Kong took the initiative to say it now.

seven times!

The ancestor Kong has experienced seven era catastrophes!

According to the rumors, every time an ancestor experiences a catastrophe of the era, his strength will become much stronger. So the ancestor Kong can be regarded as the top ancestor? Or, one of the top progenitors.

And the first ancestor robbery is actually comparable to the first ancestor Kong, and both have experienced seven times of era catastrophe.

Shocked to see Lei Dao and the Master of Galaxy, Ancestor Kong continued: "Our ancestors seem to be at ease and have gone through one era after another, but in fact, the catastrophe of the era is also a huge threat to our ancestors. Some ancestors can survive one or two era catastrophes, but they may not be able to survive three or four era catastrophes."

"And, the further you go, the lower the possibility of surviving the Era Tribulation. I have already passed through seven Era Tribulations, and this era is my eighth Era Tribulation. Therefore, for this As a teacher, he was not sure that he would be able to survive the eighth era catastrophe. The same is true for the ancestor catastrophe. He wants to see if there will be some accidents and changes after the Ming Realm and the Ancient Continent collide. Perhaps, he will be able to seize the opportunity and have a chance to survive the catastrophe of the eighth era."

Although Lei Dao was still in shock, he listened to it.

Lei Dao even frowned, and asked in a low voice: "So, the ancestor Jie was just for a little speculation, or for one of his experiments. As for whether the experiment is good or bad, he doesn't have any idea." If he is sure, he dares to push the Ming Realm to collide with the ancient continent? Dare to use countless living beings as test subjects?"

Ancestor Kong took a deep look at Lei Dao, sighed, and said, "Teacher, what is a living being to an ancestor like the First Ancestor Jie? He has experienced the Seven Great Tribulations of the Era, and has seen too many creatures. All of them were reduced to ashes under the great calamity of the era. For him, these creatures have no meaning. An experiment, even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance, he will try it at all costs."

Terrible, terrible!

Even Lei Dao felt shuddering.

What is heinous?

This is!

What is the greatest evil?

This is!

Moreover, the most frightening thing is that such a sinful and powerful existence like the first ancestor Jie doesn't feel that he is evil at all, or he doesn't care about good and evil at all.

For them, maybe the creatures in Ming Realm and Desolate Ancient Continent are like ants, and they don't care at all. How could an ordinary person care about the life and death of the ants under his feet?

But the more this happened, the more shuddering Lei Dao felt.

In the eyes of the ancestor Jie, Lei Dao is actually just an "ant".

"Master, the disciple understands."

Lei Dao took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"What do you unserstand?"

The ancestor Kong said with a half-smile.

"The meaning of the master is to let the disciples understand that in this world, there are many people who are stronger than us. Even the master is actually groping forward. There are many forces hidden in the dark, and the master can't do anything about it."

Lei Dao said with a solemn face.

"That's right, children can be taught!"

The ancestor Kong nodded in satisfaction, and Lei Dao seemed to have finally "opened up".

In fact, this is not Lei Dao's "enlightenment", he understands a lot of truths, but he just didn't bother to think about it before. But this time, he was facing a life-and-death crisis, which made Lei Dao wake up suddenly.

It turned out that death was so close to him.

Even if he became the Great Master with a hundred territories, even if he defeated the mighty Demon Lord Black and White Master, in the eyes of the real strong, he is not much different from the ants.

Therefore, he is really weak, far from being at ease. What's more, even if you have reached the level of Master Zukong, aren't you all worried about the eighth era of catastrophe?

Practice is a path of no return.

Once you set foot on it, you can only keep going, there is no turning back.

"Master, will Ancestor Jie let go of this matter? Junior Brother Lei still has a few gods and demons from the Desolate Ancient Continent. If Ancestor Jie comes back again, then..."

The Master of Galaxy asked cautiously.

"No problem."

Ancestor Kong shook his head and said: "Do you think that Ancestor Jie really cared about those mere gods and demons? In fact, in the plan of Ancestor Jie, more than a few gods and demons came to the Ming Realm. When he was a teacher in the Dark Realm, he was entangled Staying here is the handwriting of the ancestor Jie. Therefore, this time it is the teacher who came in such a timely manner, and the teacher has been following the ancestor robber. After this incident, the ancestor robber will not come again, and you don’t have to worry about it.”

In fact, why did the ancestor Jie care about those gods and demons?

What Ancestor Jie really cared about was Ancestor Kong!

For the first ancestor, this incident was just a small episode and had no impact at all, but for Lei Dao and the master of the galaxy, it was like the sky falling, and it was a matter of life and death.

"Lei Dao."

Ancestor Kong took a deep look at Lei Dao, and said with a smile: "Your potential may not even be realized by yourself. The potential is amazing. Recently, as a teacher, I have taken time to help you deduce the world practice system of human beings. , As a result, being a teacher is actually unable to perfect the world's practice system. I have to say, you humans who created this practice system are really amazing!"

"Master deduced the world practice system?"

Lei Dao was overjoyed.

What kind of person is Master?

That is the dignified ancestor!

Wouldn't it be a matter of course to deduce the world's practice system as the dignified ancestor? However, the master has not perfected the world's practice system, which is a bit unbelievable.

"Master, is there something wrong with our human world practice system?"

Lei Dao immediately thought of a possibility.

The world practice system, after all, is a human being's initial creation, and even the master has not been born before, so how can it be perfected? If the world practice system is wrong, it will have a great impact on Lei Dao.

"No, there is no problem. Not only is there no problem, but the potential is extremely huge. However, your world practice system also has some problems. For example, you created a practice system based on the Ming Realm, right?"

"Yes, it is a practice system created on the basis of the Ming Realm."

"That's right, but the key point is, none of you can become the first ancestor, so how much do you know about the entire Ming Realm? Even, your current theory of the world's practice system has big mistakes."

"Is there a big mistake? Please correct me, Master!"

Lei Dao's expression froze, this was related to his fundamentals, and he had to be nervous.

Even if he has the Zupeng Divine Body, in fact, the Zupeng Divine Body is just an auxiliary. The main body of the real practice is actually the world practice system, which is the realm within Lei Dao's body. This is the root of Lei Dao!

It is also the foundation of human beings!

Therefore, when it comes to the fundamentals, Lei Dao can't be too cautious.

"Mingjie, what do you think Mingjie is?"


This one smelled thunderous.

Although Lei Dao has been to many places, he really doesn't know much about the Ming Realm.

Lei Dao can only explain with his own experience.

"The bright world should include worlds, territories, realms, etc., which are infinitely huge, and only when they are combined can they become the bright world."

"Then why can't life be born in your internal body world for a long time? Even life can't survive in it."


Lei Dao hesitated because he didn't know how to answer.

In fact, Lei Dao was also faintly aware of this problem, but he never thought about it carefully.

If the practice system of the world really completely imitates the Ming Realm, then the Ming Realm will naturally give birth to life. Why can't the human inner world?

If the realm is not enough, Lei Dao has become the master, but there is still no life in the realm of the body.

Even life cannot survive in the domain for a long time, this is the problem!

"So our world is flawed?"

"Yes, there are flaws, huge flaws. Because what you imitate is not the real Bright Realm. The real Bright Realm is not only the world, territory, and realm, but also the Dark Realm, and even the ancient continent. This is a whole! Only in this way can your world practice system be completely perfected, and perhaps, by that time, you will be able to give birth to life."

In fact, there is still a word that has not been said.

Perhaps, after the birth of the Dark Realm and the Ancient Continent, under the world's practice system, an ancestor will truly be born!

A different kind of ancestor, even beyond everyone's imagination!

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