Longevity Species

Chapter 891 Master Lei, are you sure you want to go to this place? (third change)

"Great dominate?"

Master Qinglian was very shocked, the aura on Lei Dao was clearly the aura of the great master, she could not be wrong about this, it was the breath of the great master.

Master Qinglian couldn't be more familiar with Lei Dao.

At the beginning, Lei Dao only came to the ancient continent, and he was just a great master. It took less than a year for him to become the master in the ancient continent.

Moreover, when Lei Dao just left the ancient continent, he was just a master.

Why did Lei Dao become the master in the blink of an eye now?

Didn't Lei Dao go back for a few months, but hundreds of years?

She was so dizzy after retreating in the cave, how many hundred years?

How can it be?

"Senior sister, I had some chances when I went back this time, so I was lucky enough to become the master."

"Another chance..."

Master Qinglian was very speechless, as if opportunities could appear in Lei Dao anytime and anywhere. It seems that Lei Dao's breakthrough from master to great master is as simple as eating and drinking.

But is it really that simple?

"Leidao, to be honest, are you sure that you will become the first ancestor? After a year or so, you will become the first ancestor?"

Master Qinglian asked in a deep voice.

"Being the first ancestor? Are you kidding me, senior sister, to be honest, this time I met the master, and only then did I know that my path to the first ancestor may have been broken..."

Lei Dao looked sad.

"The road to the ancestors is short?"

Master Qinglian was full of disbelief.

It's this set again, this feeling, this tone, is so familiar.

Whenever Lei Dao speaks like this, it won't be long before people are surprised.

If you really believe Lei Dao's words, then there will be ghosts.

"Senior sister, listen to me, this is what Master said personally..."

Lei Dao wanted to explain, but Master Qinglian shook his head, as if he didn't believe it. Obviously, she has been "trapped" by Lei Dao's "routine" many times, and she will never believe it again.

"Who is this?"

Master Qinglian saw Master Xinghe again, but he didn't recognize him.

This is actually very normal, the ancestor Kong has accepted many disciples, even if the disciples do not know each other, it is really normal.

"Master Qinglian, I am under Master's command, Master Xinghe."

"Master of the Galaxy? Are you a brother?"

Master Qinglian was slightly taken aback.

Although I haven't seen it, some "senior brothers" who are still in the Ming Realm have heard of it.

Especially the Master of the Galaxy is not a nameless person.

After all, she has been guarding the Xinghe clan, and Qinglian was similar in the past, but when she came to the ancient continent, she was much more than the Xinghe ruler.

"I'm ashamed, I started before Master Qinglian, but my cultivation is far lower than Master Qinglian, how can I be called a senior brother?"

Master Xinghe looked ashamed.

It seems that one of the disciples under Master's command now has a higher cultivation base than him.

Even Lei Dao is many times stronger than him. You know, Lei Dao is the only disciple recently accepted by the ancestor Kong Kong.

"It turns out to be Brother Xinghe, come, come, please come in."

Master Qinglian welcomed Lei Dao and Master Xinghe into the cave, and the three of them sat on the futon.

At this moment, Lei Dao couldn't help asking directly: "Senior sister, what's going on in Pancheng?"


Master Qinglian naturally knew what Lei Dao was asking, her eyes flickered with a gleam and she said: "The ancient continent has undergone great changes, the ancestors and saints have disappeared one after another, not only the ancestors and saints around, many saints and ancestors have disappeared That's it. Our master seems to be still sitting in the dark world, but the master is involved in something, and once he frees his hand, it seems to disappear."

Lei Dao thought quickly.

Master did not tell him about this point, but he must have known it, and it would be useless to tell him. After all, only the ancestors and saints have the strength to explore the fall of the sage Xi.

"Is it because of the fall of the sage Xi?"

Reid asked again.

"The rumors are like this. It is estimated that it is not far from ten. A saint has fallen, and it is not in the era of the catastrophe. This is very rare, and it may even be the first time! One of the impacts of this incident on the saints and ancestors Big, it’s beyond what we can imagine, if we don’t investigate clearly, all saints will feel uneasy, and the ancestors also have sympathies, I’m afraid they will be uneasy.”

Both Lei Dao and the Master of Galaxy were silent.

They are not saints, nor are they ancestors. Even if they know that the saint Xi has fallen, the two of them actually don't know the significance of the fall, and they can't empathize with it.

It can only be deduced and come to a conclusion.

The saint is afraid!

Yes, the saint is afraid, is afraid.

It's very rare, if not impossible, to happen, but it does happen.

The primordial spirit of the saints entrusts the void of the ancient continent. If the ancient continent is not destroyed, the saints will not be destroyed. Even if it is the impact of the Great Tribulation of the Era, it will not be said that it will really smash the ancient continent into dust, it is simply impossible.

Even if the saints will be greatly impacted or even die under the Great Tribulation of the Era, they still have a great hope of surviving the Great Tribulation of the Era.

But this time is different.

The sage Xi actually fell, not during the Great Calamity of the Era. This shows that there is any power or strength that can kill a saint.

For the sage, this is like a stick in his throat, and he has to investigate it clearly.

Otherwise, it would be like a sharp knife hanging above the head, making the saints restless all the time.

Even if it is the first ancestor, the overall strength is stronger than the saints, but it will not bring such a big threat to the saints.

"So, maybe the saints won't return for a while?"

Lei Dao said slowly.

"That's right, the saints won't return for a while. Therefore, Pancheng, Shangcheng, and Wudata points have all started a big fight. They are robbing resources in the entire ancient continent. It has caused panic in the entire ancient continent. Chaos, which is an opportunity, but also a danger."

Raidou nodded.

He understands that masters can kill and plunder wantonly, and those gods and demons and emperors can also do the same. Many masters, great masters, and even top masters will fall because of this.

However, once there is a good opportunity, maybe someone will get the Dragon Transformation Pond like the bull devil master. Or, like Lei Dao, get the Dragon Tree.

That's a step up to the sky!

"Senior sister, why didn't you act?"

Master Qinglian also came to the Desolate Ancient Continent to find opportunities, but stayed in the cave all the time, which is a bit abnormal.

Master Qinglian said with a smile: "I have just finished my retreat, but after I learned the news, I am planning to leave Pancheng recently. You know, there are many places in the ancient continent with unimaginably rich resources. In the past There are saints in charge. Once you go deep into the ancient continent, you may encounter the emperor's siege. But now it is different, even the saints have disappeared. No one has the prestige to replace the saints and command all the tribes of gods and demons. Therefore, I am also prepared Go to the depths of the ancient continent."

"Senior sister, how about the three of us going out together?"

Lei Dao invited Qinglian to dominate.

"Haha, Junior Brother Lei, you are an expert at snatching treasures. I even suspect that you have great luck. Going out with you, I wish for it!"

Master Qinglian naturally agreed.

Lei Dao went out twice, and got precious treasures both times. Thinking about it makes people greedy. Since she has the opportunity this time, of course she also wants to go to the depths of the ancient continent with Lei Dao.

"Okay, then it's decided like this. The distribution of treasures..."

Lei Dao hesitated.

He wanted to share it equally, but considering that he needed life-extending treasures, it was a bit troublesome.

But the Master of the Galaxy said at this time: "Let's fight together, and the treasures we get depend on our own abilities. However, Junior Brother Lei is the strongest among us, so he should have the greatest harvest. Doesn't Junior Brother Lei want life-extending treasures? All the longevity-extending treasures we get will be given to Junior Brother Lei. In addition, we must each share 30% of the treasures we have obtained with Junior Brother Lei and Junior Sister Qinglian, what do you think?"

Master Xinghe's distribution plan is already very "biased" to Lei Dao, and even Master Qinglian is a little puzzled.

Moreover, Master Xinghe said that Lei Dao is the strongest among the three of them, Master Qinglian also has a different opinion.

"Junior Sister Qinglian, Junior Brother Lei is not an ordinary master. You may not know that when he was in the Ming Realm, as a master, he was able to defeat top masters. After becoming a master, he even defeated Zeng Zonghengming. The world, the invincible demon master black and white dominates!"

Master Xinghe silently transmitted voice to Master Qinglian.

"What, defeated the demon master Black and White Master?"

Master Qinglian was also shocked.

Demon Lord!

Even though she is the disciple of the first ancestor, she has heard the name of the devil lord countless times.

The demon lord is fierce and mighty, he beheaded countless top masters back then, and even the first ancestor was furious, which shows the strength of the demon lord.

But such a terrifying demon lord was defeated by Lei Dao.

How strong is Lei Dao?

I'm afraid that one of the most powerful masters in Pancheng, the bull demon master, may not necessarily be Lei Dao's opponent.

With this kind of "invincible master", wouldn't it be a great security guarantee to go to the depths of the ancient continent?

"Okay, just follow Brother Xinghe's distribution plan."

Master Qinglian also nodded in agreement.

However, her gaze kept on looking at Lei Dao, as if she wanted to "see through", how could Lei Dao defeat such a powerful existence as the Demon Lord?

Lei Dao originally wanted to refuse, but seeing that even Master Qinglian agreed, it would be a bit hypocritical for him to refuse again.

Therefore, Lei Dao could only agree.

However, in his heart, Lei Dao also secretly made up his mind that this time he must salvage a fortune in the ancient continent and search for a lot of resources. Only in this way can he live up to the trust of Master Qinglian and Master Xinghe in him.

"By the way, the gods and demon tribes near Pancheng are probably patronized by those masters and great masters. Where should we go?"

Lei Dao began to search on the map.

Around Pancheng, the Tianlong tribe is the strongest. But the Tianlong tribe has been defeated and has no resources. As for some powerful tribes comparable to the Tianlong tribe, they have long been targeted by those big masters, and even patronized them once.

"Huh? This place is huge, and it looks like the center. It should be rich in resources. Where is it?"

Lei Dao asked, pointing to an area on the map.

When Lord Qinglian saw the area on the map, his expression froze, and even his gaze became extremely strange.

"Master Lei, are you sure you want to choose this place?"

"That's right, the resources here are so rich, it seems that they haven't been targeted by anyone, it's just perfect, by the way, have those top masters been here?"

"No, those top masters have never been here. If they really went, the harvest should be very rich."

"That's great! By the way, what is this place?"

"This is Yuanling Dojo! Saint Yuan's dojo!"


The atmosphere in the cave suddenly became strange.

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