Longevity Species

Chapter 893 Could it be him? (Second more)

"came back."

"Junior Brother Lei, how are you doing?"

Seeing Lei Dao returning from the space passage, Master Xinghe and Qinglian were very concerned, and hurried forward to ask.

"It should work."

Reid said with a smile.

"What's the meaning?"

"If you go all out, traveling through space should not be a problem, but you can only travel a very short distance, so short that it may be beyond your imagination."

"How short?"

"Uh... about ten steps away."

"How much? Ten steps? Are you sure it's not ten miles?"

"Yes, ten steps!"

Lei Dao is very sure that he knows without even trying. He can only travel a distance of ten steps. collapse.

As for being shorter, it really can't be any shorter...


Master Xinghe and Master Qinglian looked at each other, and there was a trace of strangeness in their eyes.

Ten steps away, is this considered a space shuttle?

Can it be shorter?

A mere ten steps can also be called space shuttle?

With the strength of their masters, even if they took a random step, it would be more than a mere ten steps away.

They even doubted whether Lei Dao was a space shuttle.

However, since Lei Dao said it was a space shuttle, it must be a space shuttle.

It's just that such a short distance can't be used in battle at all, and it doesn't help the battle at all. As for escape? Hurry up? That's even more useless.

Moreover, it has to consume a huge amount of power, and even involves a lot of energy. After all, even with Lei Dao's Zu Peng divine body, it is impossible to travel through space at will like in the Ming Realm.

He has to do his best to open the space channel and enter the space channel.

"Senior sister, senior brother, you can't pay attention to the length of the distance. No matter how short the distance is, it is also a space shuttle. This is fundamentally different from our direct flight. Perhaps, for combat, this distance has no effect, and It is not so easy to shuttle, but what is our purpose? It is to break through the magic circle arranged by the sage quietly and enter the Yuanling Dojo. Then my space shuttle will be effective. Don't say Ten steps away, even if it is only one step away, I can pass through the magic circle of the Yuanling Dojo and enter the dojo. At that time, the inside should be combined with the outside, and I can break through the circle of the Yuanling Dojo from the inside. Isn't it easy?

Lei Dao's words really brightened the eyes of the two of them.

That's right, their purpose is not to use space shuttle to fight, but as long as they can enter Yuanling Dojo. Such a short space shuttle is also a space shuttle, and it is enough to easily pass through the magic circle arranged by the saint!

Moreover, in the entire barren ancient continent, and even the entire Ming world, under the first ancestor, it is estimated that only Lei Dao has such an ability.

This is Lei Dao's unique method!

"So, we can really enter the saint dojo, and even search the dojo?"

Master Qinglian thought of this, and couldn't help being a little excited.

That's the saint dojo!

Saints are comparable to ancestors!

No, even saints have a higher status in the ancient continent, and they can collect more treasures. Basically, except for the special precious ones that will be carried with them, the rest of the treasures of saints will be placed in the dojo.

After all, the dojo is the place where the saint is most at ease.

Except for other saints or ancestors, no one can open the magic circle of the saint dojo.

But Lei Dao has a short-distance space shuttle, which is different.

"Done, although it is a bit dangerous, it is worth the risk!"

Master Xinghe gritted his teeth, and said in a firm tone. Obviously, Master Xinghe has made up his mind deep in his heart.

"Yes, it's really worth it! No matter what, I have to take a risk this time, even if I die!"

Master Qinglian also made up her mind.

Lei Dao can handle even the most difficult sage dojo array, so why should they hesitate? This is Lei Dao "leading" them to search for treasures.

If you don't go, you won't go!

"Okay, since the two of you have made up your mind, let's do it!"

Lei Dao was also full of emotion and pride. This time, he is also going to do a big job, search a lot of treasures, and then gain a lot of lifespan, and push the Undead Zu Penggong to a great success, or even to perfection.

To see if it is possible to continue the path of his ancestors.

"Let's plan carefully."

Thus, the three of them began to carefully plan their trip to the "Saint Dojo" in the secret room of the cave mansion.


The Huofeng tribe is currently caught in a melee, but all the Huofeng gods and demons, even the Huofeng emperor, seem to be at a disadvantage, and the entire Huofeng tribe is on the verge of collapse.

"Hurry up, it's sycamore wood!"

"Hahaha, the plane tree belongs to me!"

"Get out, who dares to get involved in the sycamore tree?"

Countless masters and great masters are searching for the treasures of the Huofeng tribe.

Among them, the most precious treasure of the Huofeng tribe is undoubtedly the phoenix wood, which is the foundation of the Huofeng tribe. With the sycamore wood, the Huofeng can continue to be reborn from the ashes, which can be said to be immortal.

Once the sycamore wood is lost, it will be very difficult for the fire phoenix to be reborn from the ashes.


However, at the next moment, a huge horn slammed through the sycamore wood.

The bull demon master grabbed the sycamore tree directly with his big hand, and uprooted the huge sycamore tree.

"The sycamore tree belongs to me now!"

The voice of the bull demon master was mighty and mighty, spreading to all directions.

The other masters all looked at each other in blank dismay, but none of them competed with the bull demon master. The reason is simple, the bull demon ruler is too strong.

Originally, the bull demon master was very strong, and he was one of the top masters in Pancheng. He even played a key role in destroying the Tianlong tribe.

Later, in Hualongchi, the master of the bull demon reorganized his physical body once, and his strength was unfathomable, but in fact, many masters didn't know how far he had reached.

Until today, the bull demon master led many masters and the great master to attack the Huofeng tribe, and they were lucky to see the bull demon master make a move.

As soon as he made a move, he was shocked, crushing several of the strongest Huofeng emperors of the Huofeng tribe, thus laying a huge advantage for the masters of Pancheng.

Otherwise, it would not be easy to destroy the Huofeng tribe.

The sycamore tree was in hand, but the bull demon ruler felt a little empty in his heart.


The bull demon master is really melancholy, and there is a emptiness deep in his heart.

At this stage of his life, he already understood that the first ancestor was still a hundred and eight thousand miles away from him, which was too far away, even if he reorganized his physical body once.

But among the masters, he has truly reached the top level, and there are very few masters or emperors who are his opponents.

This time, the Huofeng Tribe got the sycamore wood so easily, but the Bull Demon Master didn't feel too excited.

He couldn't help thinking of a figure in his mind.

Back then he carried Hualongchi back to Pancheng, but that figure also carried Tianlongshu back to Pancheng.

He was called Niu Yidao, and that figure was called Lei Yidao.

Now that the sycamore wood is in hand, where is Lei Yidao?

"Life is really lonely like snow... no rivals, no competition, no comparison, it feels empty..."

The Bull Demon Master still wanted to see that figure.

Unfortunately, that figure is gone.

The other party didn't seem to be in Pancheng.

But so what if it was in Pancheng?

A mere master, who was lucky to get the Tianlongshu last time, how could he be so lucky this time?

Perhaps, that figure has disappeared from everyone.

From then on, he was the only one in Pancheng!

"This time the sycamore tree is brought back, if you don't kill it hard, I'm really sorry for my name..."

There was a smile on the corner of the Bull Demon Master's mouth.

At some point, he also fell in love with the title of "Niu Yidao".

The feeling of mercilessly slaughtering someone with a knife is really "so cool", which makes him very happy physically and mentally.

Even, the bull devil master felt that if this continues, it is not impossible for him to become the ancestor.


Suddenly, a terrifying wave rose up in an instant and spread in all directions. Even in the Huofeng tribe, many masters could sense it very clearly.

The bull demon master narrowed his eyes slightly, and then his expression became concentrated: "That is... the location of the Yuanling dojo? The saint's dojo has changed. This terrifying fluctuation is caused by the broken magic circle of the dojo?"

The bull demon master was slightly startled.

Saint Dojo!

Someone had the idea of ​​playing the saint's dojo?

You know, that's the saint dojo! Even if it is as strong as the bull demon master, he only dares to fight the Huofeng tribe's idea.

However, although the Huofeng Tribe is also very strong, it is far inferior to the Tianlong Tribe. The Bull Demon Lord is not happy about this gain.

But if it's a saint dojo, it's different.

The Bull Demon Master had also considered the Yuanling Dojo, but the magic circle arranged by the sage Yuan himself made the Bull Demon Master dispel the idea. He couldn't break the array arranged by the saint Yuan himself.

But now, someone actually broke the formation of the Yuanling Dojo, is this possible?

Who can do it?

What means?

For a moment, the bull demon master had countless questions in his mind.

As for the problems in the dojo, that is simply impossible. In this situation, no one knows that the Saint Dojo is an absolutely safe place, and no gods and demons will be stupid enough to destroy the formation arranged by the Saint.

What's more, the saint dojo is sacred and inviolable in the hearts of the gods and emperors, and its status is very high. No gods and demons dare to destroy the saint dojo.

Well, there is only one possibility.

Practitioners from the Ming Realm destroyed the Saint Dojo.

"Could it be him?"

For some reason, a figure flashed in the mind of the Bull Demon Lord.

But then he shook his head, thinking it was impossible.

The figure in his mind, although "as famous" as him in terms of slaying people, is only a mere lord, capable of slaying people, as for breaking the formation of the saint's dojo, it is simply impossible.

However, no matter who breaks the saint dojo, since the dojo formation has been broken, then this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


In the next moment, the Bull Demon Lord did not hesitate, and at the fastest speed, his figure turned into a stream of light and flew towards Yuanling Dojo.

ps: The third update is before 18:00. Well, this is rigorous enough, hahaha

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