Longevity Species

Chapter 899 Dojo is destroyed? This is really an accident! (Second more)

In the treasure house of Yuanling Dojo.

Master Xinghe and Master Qinglian looked at Lei Dao with complicated eyes.

They have seen with their own eyes what happened outside just now.

Dozens of masters and masters, including the Bull Demon Lord and Xuanzun Great Master, were suppressed by Lei Dao on his own, even the bull demon who has been so powerful recently and faintly known as the number one master of Pancheng Juggernaut, was suppressed by Lei Dao and couldn't move.

What kind of terrifying power is this?

Even if Master Xinghe had already seen Lei Dao defeating the black and white masters, he was still very shocked when he saw Lei Dao suppressing so many masters and great masters with his own power in Yuanling Dojo.

As for Master Qinglian, the impact was even greater.

After all, Master Qinglian watched Lei Dao advance by leaps and bounds all the way from the great master to become a top master, and now he is able to suppress countless masters by himself.

What's this?

This is invincible!

Even, from Lei Dao's body, Master Qinglian felt invincible!

Invincible, this is very rare. Whether it is a Venerable or a Great Venerable, or a Master or a Great Master, it is very difficult to accumulate an invincible force.

It must be the kind of genius who is astonishing and brilliant to the extreme, so that it is possible to accumulate invincible momentum.

Even among the thousands of disciples under the command of the master ancestor Kong, none of them can actually accumulate invincible power.

"Junior Brother Lei, could it be that you have embarked on the path of the ancestor and become an aspirant?"


Lei Dao's eyes widened. He really didn't know what an aspirant was, and he didn't know what it meant to set foot on the path of the ancestors.

Master Qinglian also seems to know that Lei Dao "lacks common sense". After all, Lei Dao grows too fast, and has no time to accumulate background and understand a lot of common sense.

So, she explained to Lei Dao in detail what an aspirant is.

Aspirant, in fact, is the name for those top masters who have embarked on the path of the ancestors among the top masters.

In the Ming Realm, it is also known as the Limit Master!

Later, when I came into contact with the Ancient Desolate Continent, I discovered that the Ancient Desolate Continent also had the title of this kind of person, called the Aspirant. Therefore, later on, everyone also felt that aspirants were more appropriate, so they called those top experts who had embarked on the path of ancestors or sages as aspirants.

The so-called aspirant actually embarked on the path of the ancestor or the path of the sage.

There is actually a clear direction for oneself to become a saint or an ancestor. There is no actual standard of measurement for this, but only the practitioner himself knows it.

But every aspirant who has embarked on the path of the ancestor is very powerful, surpassing any great master. Therefore, in a sense, if Lei Dao can easily suppress the Bull Demon Overlord, then it is indeed possible that he is the Aspirant.

"Sure enough, even the top masters are different, and the difference is very big. Otherwise, the gap between the top masters and the ancestors seems to be too big."

Lei Dao looked suddenly enlightened.

"The questioner who embarks on the path of the ancestors has to check whether the path of the ancestors is wide enough? Is it long enough? How far has he traveled? For example, one mile? Ten miles? Or even a hundred miles? If you want to become the first ancestor, you have to travel tens of thousands of miles?"

Lei Dao's appearance of "knowing it" already made Master Qinglian a little confused.

What did she just say?

Didn't you just say that you set foot on the path of the ancestor and become the master?

Didn't you just say you became a questioner?

How come Lei Dao has made up his mind, what is the distance? If you really think that you have walked out of the path of the ancestor, you really have to measure it by distance?

"Junior Brother Lei, I don't know where your messy thoughts come from. After all, I am not an aspirant either. I only know that each of the aspirants has amazing combat power, but what is the specific situation of the aspirants? Not too sure."

Master Qinglian also told the truth.

Don't know, she doesn't talk nonsense.

Random guesses like Lei Dao's are simply too terrifying.

Lei Dao was noncommittal. Anyway, he felt that once he embarked on the path of the ancestor, it would definitely be of great help to the achievement of the ancestor. Even if he had a direction, he was naturally envious.

After all, Lei Dao knew his own business.

His strength is based on the solid foundation he laid before. At the beginning, he worked hard and worked hard to lay a solid foundation. Now, it has finally paid off.

And the reward was so great that it even exceeded Lei Dao's expectation.

So, he is not a questioner. He doesn't even know where the road to the ancestors is now, so how can he ask? This "Tao" can be the path of ancestors, or the path of holiness, it's all the same anyway.

At least, Lei Dao did not find the direction to become the ancestor, so he also did not become the aspirant.

"It seems that the strongest among the top masters should be these askers. I haven't stepped into the realm of askers yet, and I am still far away from them."

Lei Dao also understands that if he wants to find the direction of becoming the ancestor and embark on the road of the ancestor, I am afraid that he will not be able to achieve it overnight. Still need to work harder.

The treasury of the dojo in front of him was Lei Dao's hard work.

In order to obtain this treasure house, Lei Dao has put in a lot of effort, not only traveling through the space, crossing the dojo formation, but also beheading the Lingji Emperor.

In the end, he frightened the many masters of Pancheng, and only then did he hold the dojo treasure house in his hands.

So now, it's time to harvest.

"Have you counted all the treasures in the treasury?"

Lei Dao asked Master Qinglian and Master Xinghe.

"No, we are still waiting for Junior Brother Lei. Moreover, we discussed it. For this harvest, each of us can only take 10% of the treasures in the treasure house."

The Master of Galaxy said with a complicated expression.

"10%? No, no, it's too little. It's been agreed before. Why do you only take 10%?"

Lei Dao firmly disagrees.

It was said before that it is as good as it is, how can it be temporarily changed? Lei Dao is a man of faith, and has always adhered to the concept of honesty, how can he change it just by saying it?

Master Qinglian also spoke at this time: "Junior Brother Lei, don't worry, this is a decision we made after careful consideration and discussion. Everyone wants treasures, who doesn't want treasures? But we are all masters , How can we take too much advantage of the younger brother? We asked for a certain share before, because we thought that we could help the younger brother to contain some gods and demons and the emperor after the big formation was broken, and we can be considered as a contribution."

"But now, whether it's breaking the formation of the Yuanling Dojo, or defeating the many gods and demons and emperors in the Yuanling Dojo, or even shocking the masters of Pancheng, it's up to you, Junior Brother Lei, to undertake it on your own. The role of the two of us It’s very small, if it weren’t for us, at least we would have taken care of the dojo’s treasury, I’m afraid we would be embarrassed to take even 10% of it. So, even if it’s only 10% this time, we’ve taken advantage of it.”

"So, Junior Brother Lei doesn't need to say anything more, we will be satisfied once we succeed. If we keep taking advantage, we will be embarrassed to act with Junior Brother Lei next time."

Lei Dao was a little surprised by Qinglian's words.

However, when he thought about it carefully, it seemed to be the case.

Whether it was capturing the Yuanling Dojo or intimidating those masters of Pancheng, it seemed that Lei Dao did it all by himself. As for Master Qinglian and Master Xinghe, they have been "watching" from the sidelines, perhaps still "silently" cheering for Lei Dao.

That's all.

The two of them didn't put much effort at all, if they occupied too many treasures, it would appear that they were insatiable.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao also nodded and said: "Okay, since the senior brother and senior sister have made a decision, let's distribute according to your decision. However, this is not the place to count the treasure house, um, let's go back to Pancheng first. Bar."

"Then the treasure here?"

"Of course I take them all away!"

Lei Dao originally wanted to put all these treasures into the body realm, but this is unfair to the Master of Galaxy and Qinglian. Who knows if Lei Dao will be able to take out all the treasures by then?

What if there is interception?

Lei Dao is based on honesty, so naturally he would not do such a thing, but it is inevitable that there will be some suspicions.

Therefore, Lei Dao simply grabbed it with his big hand, and the power of the realm in his body quickly enveloped the entire treasure house.


Following Lei Dao's loud shout, the Yuanling Dojo was shaken violently.

The treasure house is the root of the Yuanling Dojo. Therefore, it is equivalent to a hub and center. Once the treasure house is removed, the entire Yuanling Dojo is almost destroyed.


But Lei Dao didn't know about this, he just wanted to move the entire treasure house back to Pancheng, just like the bull demon master returned to Pancheng with a pond of Hualong on his back.

Now Lei Dao is also preparing to return to Pancheng with a dojo treasure house.

As the power of Lei Dao's domain continued to forcibly "uproot" the treasure house of the dojo, the whole dojo was shaken violently.


A series of cracks appeared in the entire Yuanling Dojo. When Lei Dao completely moved the treasure house into the air, the entire Yuanling Dojo also collapsed completely, turning into ruins, and even filled the sky with smoke and dust.

The majestic Saint Dojo was turned into ruins.

"Uh... the dojo collapsed?"

Lei Dao frowned, he seemed to feel something was wrong.

"By the way, the gods and demons in the dojo seem to have said that once the dojo is destroyed, Saint Yuan will not let it go. I didn't think about destroying the dojo? I just wanted to move the treasure house. This seems to be an accident..."

Lei Dao really didn't think about destroying the dojo.

This is the saint dojo, even if he is really strong, but he is not even a questioner, how dare he really offend the saint to death, when the time comes, the saint will be shameless and keep chasing him, there is probably nowhere to escape .

But the point is that the dojo has been destroyed, and it was destroyed by an "accident", at least that's what Lei Dao thinks. When the saint Yuan returns, how can Lei Dao be spared?

"Forget it, it's all ruined. The majestic Saint Dojo, I didn't expect it to be so frustrating. At worst, ask the ancestor to explain to Saint Yuan that it was an accident."

Lei Dao didn't worry about the collapse of the dojo any more, and directly "carried" the treasure house of the dojo, and headed back towards Pancheng.

ps: The third update is before 18:00.

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