Longevity Species

Chapter 912 Lei Dao at this moment looks down on all living beings! (first update)

"Okay, what a sinister, cunning, despicable and shameless extraterrestrial demon actually took away the Tongtian Pillar. Hand over the Tongtian Pillar, otherwise, no one will be able to comprehend it, and at worst, this innate secret realm will be ruined!"

The great emperors of the ancient continent said coldly.

If it wasn't for comprehending the Tongtian Pillar, would they live in such a "harmonious" way with the extraterrestrial demons? It's simply not possible.

And now Lei Dao even accepted the Tongtian Pillar, which made the emperor of the ancient continent unbearable. If the connecting pillars are gone, why do they still keep this innate secret realm?

It's a big deal, and no one can understand it.

"Master Thunder..."

Some top masters frowned, trying to persuade Lei Dao.

After all, their greatest purpose is for the Tongtianzhu, to comprehend the Dao and become aspirants. Under this goal, all hatred, positions, etc. can be put down first.

Lei Dao put away the Tongtian Pillar, obviously to intensify the conflict. If the top emperors of the ancient continent make trouble, fight each other, and even destroy this innate secret realm in the end, it will really hurt both sides, and no one can take advantage.

They don't want this outcome.

"You also want to comprehend the Tongtian Pillar?"

Lei Dao's eyes moved slightly.

He doesn't like these gods and demons and emperors very much, but it's just a matter of position. But if you think about it carefully, the gods and demons and the emperor in the ancient continent are actually hostile because of their positions.

But in fact, the master who came to the ancient continent is, in a sense, an "invader". No one thought of completely exterminating all gods and demons in the ancient continent.

Just for profit.

It's all for profit, so why can't you sell the quota to the gods, demons and emperors of the ancient continent?

The Hualongchi quota cannot be sold, but why can't the "admission quota" of this innate secret realm be sold?

Moreover, these gods, demons, and emperors are local snakes. If they are willing to collect life-extending treasures, it must be far easier than the masters of the Ming Realm to collect life-extending treasures.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao suddenly felt his eyes light up.

"Access quota", this one is very good!

Not only are access quotas issued to masters, but Lei Dao also needs to issue admission quotas "without discrimination" to the gods and demons and emperors of the ancient continent.

This is more profitable than the Hualongchi quota.

Therefore, Lei Dao said directly: "The Innate Secret Realm is under the control of Lei, but Lei treats everyone equally, whether it is a god, a demon, or a ruler, you can use treasures to buy the admission quota for this Innate Secret Realm. As long as you buy it quota, you can enter this innate secret realm, and you can comprehend the Tongtian Pillar. The comprehension time, um, tentatively set for one year, how about it?"

Lei Dao's words immediately caused an uproar.

Many rulers and great emperors couldn't even believe it.

what is this?

Lei Dao didn't want to dominate Tongtianzhu, did he simply start "blackmailing" them? You know, they were the first to discover and enter this innate secret realm.

Moreover, no one can completely control the innate secret realms discovered in the past, let alone require certain conditions to enter. Only the ancestors or the saints took action and captured the secret realm.

But basically saints or ancestors have a tacit understanding that this innate secret realm is an opportunity on the ancient continent, and gods, demons and masters can enter the innate secret realm to find opportunities.

And what about Raidou?

This is to control the innate secret realm, and even sell some access quotas, and exchange treasures for quotas, which is even more overbearing than the ancestors or saints.

For a while, not to mention those gods and demons or the great emperor, even the rulers of the Ming Realm were very dissatisfied with Lei Dao. It is obvious that you can comprehend it casually, but now you need to use treasures to enter the secret realm. Who would be satisfied?

If you say you are satisfied, Lei Dao must be very satisfied.

He felt more and more that this method was better.

Tong Tianzhu will definitely not only exist for one year, but one year is more and more, and less is less. After one year, if you want to continue to understand Tong Tianzhu, you have to buy another admission quota.

This is a steady stream of wealth, so there is no need for Lei Dao to find life-extending treasures by himself.

If it is really successful, then the gods and demons and emperors of the ancient continent, the masters and masters of the Ming world will take the initiative to help Lei Dao collect life-extending treasures.

Simply perfect!

"Wishful thinking! Even if you control the Innate Secret Realm, so what? Just kill you? I believe that your companions in the Ming Realm won't stop them, right? Hahaha..."

The great emperors of these ancient continents all laughed, and all of them stared at Lei Dao with murderous intent.

The other top masters of the Ming Realm did hesitate, but when they saw the Tongtianzhu behind Lei Dao, they were all silent. Indeed, if Lei Dao insisted on selling the so-called admission quota, they would naturally not help Lei Dao.

This is a loss of their interests!

In the face of interests, the so-called "friendship" is nothing at all. What's more, Lei Dao has no friendship with them yet, so they can only be regarded as unfamiliar "companions".

"Oh? Are you going to kill me?"

Lei Dao immediately became serious.

These gods and demons in the ancient continent are indeed not good things, and they will kill people at every turn. Lei Dao is just selling some admission quotas, these gods and demons are going to kill people, how cruel is this?


Without the slightest hesitation, some of the top emperors of the Desolate Ancient Continent made a move, and the first move was earth-shattering. The space of the innate secret realm was shattered, and the entire secret realm became very unstable.

Seems like it's about to shatter at any moment.

Lei Dao's face sank, this is not possible, now he has regarded the innate secret realm as his pocket, and he is the master of the secret realm now. Then this secret realm is his "treasure". Now that these top emperors are working in the secret realm, destroying the secret realm, and even trying to destroy the secret realm, aren't they destroying Lei Dao's treasure?

Can't bear it!

"Stop it all!"

Lei Dao yelled loudly, and at the same time, the power of the realm in his body erupted instantly, and the mighty power of the realm formed a terrifying realm and descended directly.


It's indescribable, it's simply indescribable how terrifying this domain power is.

After the power of the Thunder Dao Domain descended, the entire void seemed to be imprisoned at once, and the originally broken void suddenly solidified.

Those top emperors who were shouting to fight and kill just now showed a trace of bewilderment and a trace of fear on their faces.


They are suppressed!

And it was still suppressed with absolute power, how could this be possible?

They are not one or two great emperors, but tens of hundreds of great emperors. Can Lei Dao suppress so many top emperors alone? Even the aspirants can't do it, can they?

It is not that they have not seen the questioner.

Can the aspirant suppress hundreds of top emperors at once?

Totally impossible!

"Break it for me!"

All the great emperors are crazy, they are bursting with strength crazily, hundreds of top great emperors are indeed very terrifying, and they really shake the realm of Lei Dao.

"It's really shaken? It seems that using half of the power can't suppress so many top emperors. Five times the realm can't do it, so let's ten times the realm!"

The next moment, Lei Dao didn't hesitate at all, and mobilized all the power of the realm in his body.

Suddenly, ten times the power of the domain exploded!

This is the first time after Lei Dao expanded to ten times the domain, he broke out with full strength, and exploded with the power of ten times the domain.


How terrifying is the power of ten times the realm?

I'm afraid even Lei Dao doesn't know.

However, when Lei Dao erupted with ten times the power of the domain, the entire void seemed to be imprisoned to death like an iron plate. Whether it was an ordinary emperor or a top emperor, it was as if his whole body was killed by the powerful force. The dead are imprisoned, no matter how they explode, it has no effect.

This is the suppression of absolute power!

Is it possible for a top master to suppress hundreds of their top emperors with absolute power?

Even the aspirants seem to be unable to do it!

Seeing this scene, those masters who had conflicted moods and were even very dissatisfied with Lei Dao just now opened their mouths wide, and their eyes were full of shock.

They couldn't keep calm at all. In their eyes, Lei Dao didn't even move, just stood quietly in the void, and then a magical power came, which seemed to be the power of the domain.

With the arrival of this force, hundreds of top emperors were suppressed, without the slightest resistance, they were all suppressed just like that, and they were suppressed right in front of them.

How much shock and shock did this give them?

These top emperors are comparable to top masters. At least, there are hundreds of top masters here, and they don't have the slightest confidence that they can deal with the hundreds of top emperors on the opposite side.

Even, they feel that even the aspirants seem to be unable to do this step.

Perhaps only the first ancestor can suppress so many top emperors at the same time!

But Raidou did it!

And it's still so understated, it seems very relaxed and freehand.

Lei Dao stood with his hands behind his back, standing in the middle of the void, looking at all living beings, as if overlooking hundreds of great masters on the other side, and said lightly: "Who else?"

In the vast void, no one answered.

Even the top masters who were dissatisfied with Lei Dao before were silent at the moment.

What can they say?

What dare they say?

Look at the great emperor who dares to speak and do, what will happen now?

Suppressed by Lei Dao!

As for those top emperors, they must have a lot to say, but they were suppressed tightly, let alone talking, and they couldn't even move.

"Okay, it seems that you all agree with Lei's access quota, so it will be easy. From today onwards, only those who have purchased the admission quota can enter this innate secret realm. Violators will be killed without mercy!"

A cold killing intent also flashed across Lei Dao's body.

The next moment, Lei Dao directly used the power of the domain to cover the hundreds of great masters, and with a flash of his figure, he directly moved these top masters and top emperors out of the innate secret realm.

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