Longevity Species

Chapter 915 Reorganize the physical body again! (first update)

"Master Yang Emperor, you..."

The top emperor hesitated to speak.

Emperor Yang sighed and said: "Suppressing a hundred top emperors, I can't do it. However, the innate secret realm is on the territory of the saint after all. The saint asked me to keep it stable before he left. There is such a congenital secret realm, there is such a A powerful extraterritorial celestial demon, how can we talk about stability? So, this old man still has to go meet this Lord of Thunder for a while, and see how far he has come?"

Hearing that Emperor Yang was actually willing to go to the Xiantian Secret Realm to meet Lei Dao for a while, the top emperor was overjoyed.

In his opinion, with Emperor Yang, a real aspirant, to take action, Lei Dao will definitely be solved.

After all, Emperor Yang is an aspirant who is very valued by the ancient capital of saints. Before leaving, he handed over the management of the entire site to Emperor Yang. At this moment, Emperor Yang is equivalent to the status of ancient saints, ruling over ancient saints. all sites.

Moreover, Emperor Yang became famous very early, and he became an aspirant very early. No one knows how far his Taoism has gone, but only knows that Emperor Yang is unfathomable.

Maybe, Emperor Yang couldn't suppress hundreds of top emperors, but beheading hundreds of top emperors was a piece of cake!

This is Emperor Yang!

"The old man will go back as soon as he goes."

After finishing speaking, Emperor Yang quickly turned into a stream of light and disappeared in the saint dojo.


"Finally refined."

Lei Dao let out a long sigh of relief.

In the Innate Secret Realm, Lei Dao refined all the life-extending treasures he obtained this time, and the refining time was also very fast. complete.

Of course, there are more and more people coming from outside the secret realm, but not many people want to buy admission places. Even if Lei Dao's admission quota is not too expensive, it is not something that ordinary masters or great masters can buy.

Lei Dao mobilized his abilities and began to check his body data.

Name: Lei Dao (33 years old)

Life Form: Great Master

Lifespan: 75 billion 10 million years

Inner world: ten times domain (expandable)

Ancestral bloodline: 1% (Kunpeng's bloodline is perfect, Giant Spirit's bloodline is perfect)

Lei Dao's lifespan has reached 75 billion.

This is a scary number, what does it mean?

It means that the life extension treasures obtained by Lei Dao's 30 quotas have increased the life span by 70 billion years in total, which is already very good. On average, each quota has increased the life span by more than 2.3 billion years.

However, although the lifespan of 75 billion years seems to be a lot, in fact there are many places that Lei Dao needs, and now Lei Dao has encountered a problem.

How should he choose.

Should he choose to continue cultivating the bloodline and strengthen the bloodline of the ancestors, or to expand the realm of the body and improve his strength?

In Lei Dao's understanding, now his ancestor's path has become the ancestor's blood.

This is also the ancestor's path provided to him by the ability. It stands to reason that it should be the top priority. First of all, the blood of the ancestor should be improved. Only by promoting the blood of the ancestor can Lei Dao become the ancestor.

But the key point is that the lifespan required to upgrade the ancestor's bloodline is too much.

Even if Lei Dao further upgrades the bloodlines of Tianlong and Huofeng, together, it will definitely consume at least 16 billion years of lifespan, or even more.

But the blood of the ancestors may not be able to increase by one percent.

As for the improvement of strength, it is even more negligible.

Of course, it's not that there is no improvement at all. If this kind of improvement is placed on other top masters, they must be ecstatic. Even putting it on other aspirants is extremely gratifying.

How enviable is it to be able to improve steadily little by little?

But the key is that Lei Dao still has the inner body realm.

He only needs to expand the internal realm, and then his strength can be increased crazily. The little increase in the strength of the ancestor's blood is not worth mentioning at all.

Now Lei Dao needs to choose.

Is it to strengthen the blood of the ancestors or to expand the internal domain?

"In my current situation, I have to defend this innate secret realm first. Only by defending the innate secret realm, then the number of admission places sold will continue to increase. Maybe not only thirty, but fifty or even one hundred. Therefore, strength is very important, without strength, if you encounter a strong challenge and cannot keep the innate secret realm, what is the admission quota?"

Many thoughts flashed through Lei Dao's mind, and finally, Lei Dao made a decision deep in his heart.

The most important thing is to expand the internal domain first.

Lei Dao's strength can be greatly improved only if the internal realm is improved, and it is possible to defend the innate secret realm. Lei Dao does not think that he monopolizes the innate secret realm, and other top emperors or top masters just ignore it.

How can it be?

Now those people are not moving, they are just brewing and saving.

Once the brewing is enough, it will be shot, and the shot will be thunderous, with absolute certainty, and Lei Dao will not be given time to react.

Therefore, now we must try our best to improve our strength.

"Expand the domain!"

The next moment, Lei Dao's heart moved, and he immediately began to expand the realm in his body.


Lei Dao's body domain began to expand again.

It has already reached the point of ten times the domain, and now it has turned on the "skyrocketing" mode and started to expand wildly.

Eleven times, twelve times, thirteen times, fourteen times...

Lei Dao's inner body realm is expanding crazily, and the expansion speed is very fast, it has expanded by four or five times in a blink of an eye, but Lei Dao has no intention of stopping at all.

Anyway, he still has a lot of lifespan now, so he can unscrupulously expand the internal domain.

Fifteen times, sixteen times, seventeen times, eighteen times, nineteen times, twenty times!

Lei Dao's internal realm expanded like a blowing balloon, no, even faster than blowing a balloon, and expanded from ten times the realm to twenty times the realm in a blink of an eye.

And to expand the domain twice, it will take about 5 billion years of lifespan.

If the domain is expanded ten times, it will consume 50 billion years of lifespan.

Lei Dao's body power swelled wildly, and he was even faintly unable to control it. The power increase was too great, and it took time to adapt.

"It's almost done, let's stop for now. There are 25 billion years of life left, and it's not very meaningful to continue to expand the internal domain."

Lei Dao temporarily stopped, and did not continue to expand the realm in the body. It has expanded to twenty times the realm, which is a very terrifying number.

It is equivalent to, on the basis of the previous ten times the domain, it has doubled in size!

And the strength is more than just doubling.

Lei Dao even doubted whether there is a limit to this internal realm?

According to the truth, everything has a limit, including the inner body domain, there must be a limit, but Lei Dao has not reached it for the time being.

However, Lei Dao had a faint feeling.

It seems that his divine body is struggling.

With such a huge realm in the body, how can it be effortless? This shows that the realm within Lei Dao's body has gradually affected the divine body. If it continues to expand, Lei Dao's divine body may not be able to bear it.

This is the limit!

"So, we have to upgrade the bloodline of the ancestors and strengthen the divine body?"

Lei Dao thought of this possibility.

It is also impossible for him to really overwhelm the divine body before strengthening the divine body, then it will be too late. But now, Lei Dao looked at the remaining 25 billion years of life, and immediately made a decision in his heart.

"Then upgrade the bloodlines of Tianlong and Fire Phoenix."

As soon as Lei Dao gritted his teeth, he simply started to upgrade the blood of Tianlong and Fire Phoenix. These two bloodlines are powerful bloodlines, not inferior to the bloodlines of giant spirits, and even stronger!

It's just inferior to Kunpeng's bloodline.

Therefore, Lei Dao directly used the ability to upgrade the two bloodlines.


Lei Dao began to practice the skills of the Tianlong tribe, and the blood of the Tianlong in his body also rapidly strengthened. Of course, the life span consumed was also very "touching".

From entry to consummation, it actually consumed a full 12 billion years of lifespan, which is 4 billion years more than the 8 billion years of lifespan of the giant spirit blood.

This shows that the Tianlong bloodline is indeed stronger than the Juling bloodline, but not as good as the Kunpeng bloodline.

Lei Dao also integrated the blood of Tianlong into the blood of the ancestors, but the blood of the ancestors still has not undergone transformation, it is still only one percent of the blood of the ancestors, it seems to be even worse.

Lei Dao didn't stop, but gritted his teeth and continued to cultivate the Fire Phoenix bloodline.

The fire phoenix bloodline, like the Tianlong bloodline, is a relatively powerful bloodline. After Lei Dao spent a little time getting started, his lifespan was directly increased.

Getting Started, Small Success, Great Success, Consummation!


This time, the fire phoenix bloodline has consumed a total of 10 billion years of lifespan, which is slightly less than the Tianlong bloodline, but stronger than the giant spirit bloodline.

The Tianlong bloodline and the Fire Phoenix bloodline consumed a total of 22 billion years of lifespan. If we add the 8 billion years lifespan consumed by the giant spirit bloodline, these three relatively powerful bloodlines consumed a total of 30 billion years. life.

And the Kunpeng bloodline, from entry to mastery, also consumed a total of 30 billion years of lifespan.

Is this a coincidence?

Lei Dao was thoughtful.

However, the next moment, when he merged the fire phoenix blood into the ancestor's blood, the entire divine body was shaking violently.


With the violent concussion of the divine body, Lei Dao clearly felt that the blood of the dragon and phoenix in his body were rapidly disappearing, merging into the blood of the ancestor, and finally completely integrated into one body.

At the moment of complete integration, the blood of Lei Dao's ancestor suddenly surged.

"Kacha Kacha".

Lei Dao manifested the divine body of Zu Peng.

At this moment, Zu Peng's divine body is actually reorganizing.

Yes, physical reorganization!

Just like when Lei Dao became the master and the great master at the beginning, he was reorganized in the physical body.

It's just, how can the physical body be reorganized now?

Lei Dao did not enter Hualongchi again.

Besides, Lei Dao has already entered Hualongchi once, without a qualitative transformation, how could he reorganize his body?

"Two percent..."

Suddenly, Lei Dao seemed to think of something, and a look of shock appeared on his face.

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