Longevity Species

Chapter 920: The Origin of the Epoch Tribulation Reveals! (third change)

The boundless dark world is as dark as ever, the surroundings are pitch black, and you can't see your fingers. Even the divine sense is not working.

But at this moment, somewhere in the dark world, at some point, a figure appeared.

This figure may not be too majestic, but it exudes a kind of light.

Not even light can travel in the dark world.

But what is strange is that the ray of light on that figure is like the sun shining all over, extremely dazzling, illuminating the surroundings of the dark world very brightly.

If you look carefully, you can also find that not only this figure, but also several other figures in the darkness. It's just that these figures are all hidden in the dark world, and they don't exude dazzling light like that figure.

"Sage Yuan, this is the place. The message left by the sage Xi is here."

A voice sounded.

"Ancestor Shang, of course I know it's here. But when we get here, the aura of the saint Xi has disappeared. I'm afraid we will have to work together to find out what's special here."

Saint Yuan exudes dazzling light all over his body.

He is a saint with extraordinary means, even in the dark world, it can't affect him in any way.

In fact, many saints and ancestors gathered here.

In addition to the sage Yuan, there are also the sage Gu, the sage Ju, the sage Xuan, and the sage Chi, a total of five sages, all of whom are good friends with sages such as sage Yuan.

Of course, these saints certainly do not represent the saints of the entire ancient continent, but they are also a force that should not be underestimated, even a terrifying force.

Such a lineup is very strong!

However, in the darkness, there is also another camp of people, that is the lineup of the ancestors of the Ming world.

Ancestor Kong, Ancestor Pan, Ancestor Shang, and Ancestor Xia, although there are only four ancestors, seem to be a little less than saints in number, but in the dark world, the power of the ancestors has not weakened at all.

The ancestors belonged to themselves with great power, no matter where they went, their strength would not be affected. The saints are not the same, the soul of the saints has been integrated into the ancient continent, the farther away from the ancient continent, the power of the saint will be weakened.

Therefore, on the whole, in fact, the four great ancestors not only did not have the disadvantage in the dark world, but even had some advantages.

The first ancestor Shang heard the words and said coldly: "Sage Yuan, we have an agreement to find out the reason for the fall of the sage Xi, and then each stop. But it's just this time, if there is danger, we will not go up."

"Hmph, First Ancestor Shang, don't you want to know the reason for Saint Xi's fall? Don't need too much nonsense, just find out the reason for Saint Xi's fall."

Saint Yuan's tone was not polite at all.

This time, their five great saints acted together, and actually "pulled" the four great ancestors. These four ancestors are "passive". The two sides must cooperate together and guard against each other.

"You want to find out the reason for the fall of the sage Xi, how can you do without me?"

Suddenly, a sound came into everyone's ears.

Regardless of whether it was the saint camp or the ancestor camp, they were slightly startled, and then immediately locked onto a figure that suddenly appeared in the dark world.

This figure is an ancestor!

"Ancestor Tribulation! You're here too?"

After seeing this figure, Ancestor Kong's eyes flickered. This figure was obviously Ancestor Jie, who had obstructed Ancestor Kong in the Dark Realm before.

"Why can't I come to such a big event? What's more, I have had a good relationship with Saint Yuan for a long time, haven't I, Saint Yuan?"

The ancestor Jie looked at the sage Yuan with a half-smile.

"It turned out that you were the one who secretly helped me get rid of the ancestor space and enter the Ming Realm. Hehe, interesting, really interesting. You, the ancestors of the Ming Realm, seem to be full of contradictions."

Sage Yuan found it very interesting and sneered.

He has always known that there are some open and secret struggles among the ancestors of the Ming Realm, and there has even been a mysterious ancestor who secretly helped his people enter the Ming Realm.

But who it is, Sage Yuan is not clear.

But now, he knew, it was the Saint Jie.

Ancestor Kong's face darkened, it was obviously not a good thing for Ancestor Jie to come at this time. After all, the idea of ​​the first ancestor Jie is different from his, and it is not the same as their four great ancestors.

"Ancestor Jie, what exactly do you want to do? Could it be that there is going to be a big battle?"

Ancestor Kong's tone sank, and there was even a hint of murderous intent faintly. He has fought against the ancestor Jie for countless times, and neither side can do anything to the other.

First Ancestor Jie smiled and said, "What am I here for? Naturally, I want to help you find out the reason for Saint Xi's fall. In fact, I know very well about Saint Xi's fall. Because I was behind Saint Xi at that time."

"What? You killed the sage Xi?"

Saint Yuan's complexion changed drastically.

"No, how could I kill the sage Xi? You should all know that the sage's primordial spirit resided in the void of the ancient continent. How could I kill the sage? In fact, the reason why the sage Xi fell was because he wanted to explore the mystery of the great calamity of the era. .So he got into a place."

"Exploring the mystery of the Great Tribulation of the Era, entered a place? Which place?"

"Source channel!"

"What, the source point channel appeared again?"

After the first ancestor Jie's voice fell, all the saints and the first ancestor were surprised, and even fell silent.

If it is said that the saints and ancestors have a thorough understanding of the entire Ming world and the ancient continent, even the dark world, in fact, the ancestors and saints also know a lot.

After all, over the long years, the Epoch Tribulation time and time again, no matter how violent the Epoch Tribulation is, there will still be the Bright Realm, the Dark Realm, and the Desolate Ancient Continent in the end, and this remains unchanged.

Every time I explore, I basically understand the dark world, the bright world, and the ancient continent.

But the only one who doesn't understand, whether it's a sage or an ancestor, they keep secret about the source channel.

The reason is simple, the source channel is very dangerous!

Anyone who steps into the channel of the source point, whether it is an ancestor or a saint, will die.

That was a total fall.

Just like the sage Xi, he fell completely.

It's just that not everyone can find the source channel, but it appears randomly. Sometimes it will appear during the Great Tribulation of the Era, and sometimes it will appear for no reason.

Some ancestors or saints, if they feel that they cannot survive the catastrophe of the era, they will try to enter the source point channel after the source point channel appears.

But in the end, without exception, all the saints and ancestors, who entered the source channel, all fell.

No one knows what the source point channel is.

Some people say that the source channel may be the only channel from the dark world to the outside world.

The dark world, the bright world, and the ancient continent, the trinity, are actually like a huge eggshell. They are just the world inside the eggshell, and there is a vaster world outside the eggshell.

The source channel is the only channel leading to the outside world.

Of course, this is just an argument.

In fact, many sages and ancestors felt that this statement was nonsense, and they were more inclined to believe that the source channel was a very dangerous forbidden place, which contained terrifying power of destruction.

Neither the ancestor nor the saint can bear it.

"Sage Xi has been looking for the source of the Great Tribulation of the Era. Later, he really found it, which is the source point channel. I don't know how he found the source point channel, whether he found it on his own initiative or came across it by accident. In short, the saint Xi found the source point channel, and felt that the source point channel was the source of the Great Tribulation of the Era, and then resolutely entered into the source point channel. As a result, everyone has also seen that the sage Xi has completely fallen."

Having said this, Ancestor Jie also showed a trace of sadness on his face.

Saint Xi is a majestic saint, immortal, yet he died, no matter whether it is the ancestor or the saint, there is a feeling of sympathy.

"Wait, Ancestor Jie, why are you together with the saint?"

Ancestor Kong frowned and asked.

Immediately, the gazes of all saints and ancestors also looked at ancestor Jie.

Indeed, they also wanted to know why the ancestor Jie and the saint Xi were together?

"The reason is very simple. I need the sage Xi. This is the eighth era, and I don't have any confidence to survive this time. Therefore, I found the sage Xi, whose number of derivations is the highest among all saints." , First Ancestor. I hoped that he could find the source of the Great Tribulation of the Era, and maybe find a way to survive the Great Tribulation of the Era, but I didn’t expect..."

The ancestor Jie shook his head, feeling sorry.

"Ancestor Jie, since you witnessed the sage Xi entering the source channel, you naturally know where the source channel is, right? In such a short period of time, the source channel will not disappear so quickly."

Saint Yuan asked in a deep voice.

"Of course I know, aren't you all near the source channel?"

"What? Nearby?"

Many saints and ancestors became nervous and immediately started searching.

The source point channel is a terrifying place where countless ancestors and saints have fallen. No one wants to enter the source point channel inexplicably.

"The source channel, most saints and ancestors haven't seen it? If you haven't seen it, I'm afraid it's hard to know the source channel..."

After all, the ancestor Jie waved his hand.


Immediately, the dark world shook violently, and then, a little light appeared in the dark world. This little light is also a "black light", which seems to blend into the surrounding dark world, making it difficult to detect.

But everyone is a saint and ancestor, and they are keenly aware of the difference in this "black light".

Everyone took a closer look.

That point of black light was as small as a thumb, and even smaller, just appearing in the dark world, inconspicuous. However, any divine thoughts and any power entering it disappeared without a trace.

"This is the source channel!"

Ancestor Jie said solemnly, and said in a deep voice.

"so small?"

Everyone was surprised.

How did the sage Xi get into such a thumb-sized source channel?

Moreover, how could so many saints and ancestors fall into the source channel?

"If you don't believe me, you can try it."

The ancestor Jie said lightly, with a calm expression.

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