Longevity Species

Chapter 922 Saint Yuan: Where's My Dojo? (Second more)

"Expand the internal domain!"

The next moment, Lei Dao didn't hesitate at all, he had a strong sense of urgency in his heart, so he began to improve his strength at all costs, and the best way was to expand the internal domain.


Lei Dao was shocked, and then, the domain in his body began to expand crazily. It had already reached the level of twenty times the domain. At this time, it seemed that there was no limit at all, and it expanded wildly all the way.

This can't help but make Lei Dao feel a little bit emotional. At the beginning, he was still sighing, is there no limit to the expansion of the realm in the body? But later, he could feel that there is a limit to the realm in the body. After all, Lei Dao has a physical body and a divine body, and his inner realm must also be in the divine body.

Therefore, the strength of the divine body determines the upper limit of the inner domain of Lei Dao.

Originally last time, Lei Dao could vaguely feel that the realm in his body was about to reach its limit, but now, Lei Dao didn't feel any limit.

This shows what?

It shows that Lei Dao's divine body has been strengthened, and the upper limit of the inner domain has been increased.

After all, Lei Dao's ancestor's blood only reached 1% last time, but now, Lei Dao's divine body has also been reorganized once, transforming into the ancestor's divine body, and the ancestor's blood has reached 2%, a qualitative improvement .

Therefore, the body domain has also reached the upper limit.

Twenty-one times, twenty-two times, twenty-three times, twenty-four times, twenty-five times...

Lei Dao's internal realm expands at an astonishing speed, because he has a lifespan of 90 billion years, so Lei Dao can expand his internal realm without restraint, as long as he does not reach the limit, he can improve in any way.

Therefore, in an instant, Lei Dao's internal body boundary expanded to nearly thirty times.

But it is not enough, far from enough.

Lei Dao didn't think about increasing the blood of the ancestors now, he just wanted to improve his strength as soon as possible. Although he didn't know where the danger in the dark came from, it was a very bad thing to have such a feeling.

Twenty-six times, twenty-eight times, thirty times, thirty-two times, thirty-four times...

Gradually, the expansion of Lei Dao's body boundary slowed down.

In the end, it reached thirty-five times the realm!

This is a very terrifying number. The domain has expanded from twenty times to thirty-five times the domain, which is equivalent to expanding the domain by fifteen times. This is a full fifteen times the domain!

Every time the domain is doubled, it needs about 5 billion years of lifespan, so fifteen times the domain, that is 75 billion years of lifespan! It seems that there is still a distance from Lei Dao's 90 billion-year lifespan, and Lei Dao can continue to improve.

But Lei Dao stopped.

Because, he felt the limit.

"Is this the limit?"

Raidou murmured softly.

When he expanded the internal realm to thirty-five times, he felt faintly that the ancestral divine body seemed a bit unbearable. Although it could continue to improve, there should be no major events, but it was a little out of balance.

It seems that 2% of the divine body can no longer bear the huge realm in Lei Dao's body. After all, there is a limit, and the internal realm cannot be expanded infinitely.

There still has to be a balance.

Once the realm in the body expands again, it will become unbalanced, and the final result will lead to the collapse of the ancestor's divine body, and the realm that lost the divine body is actually rootless duckweed, which will soon dissipate.

The current realm has not yet reached the point where it can exist independently without the body.

Lei Dao mobilized his ability to check his body data.

Name: Lei Dao (33 years old)

Life Form: Primordial Divine Body

Lifespan: 18 billion 10 million years

Internal world: thirty-five times the domain (expandable)

Ancestral bloodline: 2% (four kinds of bloodlines complete)

There are 18 billion years left in Lei Dao's lifespan, which can be regarded as very large, but he cannot continue to expand the internal realm. Once the divine body and the internal realm are out of balance, the consequences will be very serious.

"Sure enough, in theory, the body domain can expand infinitely, but in fact there are various restrictions, and it is impossible to expand infinitely."

Lei Dao nodded secretly.

In fact, the realm within the body is limited by reality and cannot be expanded infinitely. This is true.

It would be unreal if it were the limitless and crazy expansion of the realm within the body, because no power can grow infinitely, and there will be various restrictions in the end.

Lei Dao's previous ideas now seem to be just wishful thinking, too idealistic.

At this time, in a certain sense, there are some "connections" between the inner realm and the divine body.

The blood of the ancestors is equivalent to "enlightenment", and the realm in the body can bring Lei Dao tyrannical strength, which is equivalent to "protection".

Enlightenment is of course important, but it doesn't work without the means to protect it.

Therefore, the two need to complement each other.

"Strength, should be enough..."

Raidou murmured softly.

Even if he has been unclear about his own strength, this is actually quite normal. Today Lei Dao can still defeat ordinary aspirants, but tomorrow, Lei Dao's inner body domain may expand countless times.

How to measure strength?

Therefore, sometimes Lei Dao is a little unclear about his own strength, which is completely normal. Who made him improve too fast? Ordinary top masters may only increase their strength by 10 to 20 percent in tens of thousands of years.

And what about Raidou?

It may take a few days for his strength to double. His practice cannot be judged by common sense at all. Therefore, Lei Dao often does not know how strong his own strength is.

But now, even if he doesn't know his specific strength, Lei Dao can have some feeling.

He is very strong!

Very strong!

It is so strong that it far exceeds the imagination of ordinary top masters, and even far exceeds the imagination of ordinary aspirants.

With such power, Lei Dao felt a little relieved.

Unfortunately, his lifespan is short.

If his lifespan is long enough, he will cultivate the ancestor's bloodline, and strive to cultivate the ancestor's bloodline to the level of 3%. At that time, the ancestor's body will be reorganized again, and he will be able to improve his internal realm by a large amount.

"The crisis is still not resolved, and the sense of crisis is still there. What kind of crisis will I encounter this time?"

Lei Dao really panicked this time.

He wished he could return to Pancheng right away, but after looking at the Innate Secret Realm, it was a treasure he couldn't give up, and each quota represented at least two billion years of lifespan. Going further, he also counted on this innate secret realm, how could he be willing to give up so easily?

Therefore, even if he could feel the danger in the dark, he still gritted his teeth and decided to stick to the innate secret realm. Even if there was real danger, this innate secret realm was worth his risk.


Sage Yuan is back.

He returned to the ancient continent, from the dark world back to the ancient continent, the familiar feeling made Saint Yuan feel a little relieved.

"Source channel..."

Thinking of the source point channel, and thinking that the Era Tribulation seemed to be coming soon, Saint Yuan felt heavy in his heart. He has already survived the Era Tribulation three times so far.

This is the fourth era.

Whether he can survive the fourth era catastrophe, in fact, the sage Yuan has no idea.

Originally, he could take some time to prepare calmly, but he didn't expect that the source channel had already appeared. Thinking of the sage Xidu who was in despair, entered the channel of the source point to wander, but ended up falling, the sage Yuan felt a faint feeling of sympathy in his heart.

The sage Xi will fall, so he will also fall.

The sage Xi had no other way out, so he went to the source channel because of despair, so what about him?

How much better can he be than the sage Xi?

Saint Yuan was in a bad mood, and after saying goodbye to the other saints, he was about to return to the Yuanling Dojo.

When he comes back this time, he must make a good plan and start preparing for the fourth era catastrophe. In any case, let's go through the fourth era catastrophe first.

At that time, in the fifth era, he will have another chance.

A new era, new opportunities!

Of course, the premise of everything is to survive the catastrophe of the fourth era!


The sage Yuan traveled through the void and returned directly to the Yuanling Dojo.

However, when he came to the sky above Yuanling Dojo, he was a little puzzled, and he seemed a little confused.

"Where is my Yuanling Dojo?"

Saint Yuan remembers very clearly that this is his Yuanling dojo, and it is impossible not to even remember his dojo. This is indeed his dojo!

However, there are ruins and ruins everywhere below, a pitted, messy, and extremely desolate place. No matter how you look at it, it is a ruin. How could it be his ashram?

In the majestic saint's dojo, there are gods and demons like clouds, and emperors like rain. I don't know how many there are. Resplendent, sacred and solemn, it can't be like this.

Then the question arises, what about the dojo of Saint Yuan?

"By the way, you can find out if you have summoned Lingji."

Saint Yuan remembered that he let Emperor Lingji preside over the overall situation of the Yuanling Dojo. Saint Yuan didn't know what happened now, but it must be clear when he summoned Emperor Lingji.

Thus, the sage Yuan began to contact the Lingji Emperor.


Time passed little by little.

There was no movement, and the Lingji Emperor didn't respond at all.

It's almost impossible!

Whenever Saint Yuan took the initiative to contact, didn't Emperor Lingji respond immediately?

Now the Lingji Emperor unexpectedly did not respond.

This is impossible!

"Could it be..."

Saint Yuan already had a vague guess in his heart.

Seeing the ruins below, and feeling it carefully, it even smelled of the magic circle he had arranged by himself.

Saint array!

This is clearly Yuanling Dojo, there can be no mistake.

Then think of the Lingji Emperor sitting in the Yuanling Dojo, who has disappeared so far, and has not even responded. There was a faint rage in Shengren Yuan's heart, as if it was about to erupt in an instant.

"My saint's dojo is destroyed? Who is it? Who is it?"

The roaring sound of Saint Yuan shook the void, and even the void was like a glass mirror, and everything shattered with a "click".

When the saint was angry, the space shattered!

With a radius of one hundred thousand miles or one million miles, countless gods, demons, and great emperors seemed to feel something in their hearts. For a while, it was like a dark cloud covering the top, and they were very frightened and depressed deep in their hearts.

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