Longevity Species

Chapter 938 It doesn't matter whether the power is strong or weak, anyway, the surname will be

"right here!"

Lei Dao came to nothingness. In fact, although it was shattered by Lei Dao's domain, it is recovering quickly now.

The speed of recovery is astonishing.

There is nothingness all around here, and it seems that nothing can be seen.

However, under the cover of Lei Dao's domain, especially when Lei Dao used fifty-five times the power of the domain to shatter the space, he still felt something unusual, a very slight fluctuation.

It looks like things are back to normal now, but that might just be a cover-up.


The power of Lei Dao Domain enveloped this area, and then, this area was shattered again. Immediately afterwards, the crack in space became more conspicuous, appearing in front of Lei Dao, and bursts of fluctuations came from inside.

A kind of familiar fluctuation, which only belongs to the practitioners of the Ming Realm.

Lei Dao took a deep breath, it was just a space crack, but relying on the sensitivity of the ancestor god's body to space, it was not a problem to get into this space crack.

However, Lei Dao is not sure what is in this space crack.


The next moment, Lei Dao didn't hesitate at all, and stepped directly into the crack of space.

This time, Lei Dao felt a sharp fall.

Moreover, this seems to be a space passage, but it seems to be somewhat different.

In short, when Lei Dao's figure flashed and appeared from the space crack, the surrounding environment has changed greatly.

"This is?"

Lei Dao looked around, it was lush and lush, he was actually in a forest. But, wasn't he still in the maze corridor just now? The surrounding area is empty, why come to a forest now?

"There's a newcomer again..."

Suddenly, Lei Dao heard a voice, a voice he could understand.


Lei Dao looked towards the source of the sound.

Beside him, there unexpectedly appeared a cultivator, not even a master, just a Dazun.

"Are you a practitioner of the Ming Realm?"

"That's right, are you the master? Or the great master? In fact, there is no difference. Since you are here, you can stay at ease."

The Great Senior seemed to be careless and calm.

"Wait, what is this place? And, who are you?"

"Where is it? Didn't you come here, and you don't know what this place is? This is the Miyu Corridor..."

"The maze corridor?"

Lei Dao's heart sank.

Sure enough, this place is still a maze corridor.

"I'm just an ordinary Dazun, a Dazun who stayed for 100 million years..."

"You stayed for 100 million years? Right here?"

"Yes, it's right here. Do you think it's very long? Hehe, I'm actually nothing, just a mere 100 million years, and there are still one billion years, ten billion years, etc. Practitioners who have stayed longer than me, It abounds. And, you get used to it pretty quickly.”

Following the words of the Great Nine Springs, Lei Dao also gradually understood this place.

Here, it is indeed the maze corridor, but it is the core of the maze corridor.

Many practitioners will get lost once they step into the lost corridor. In the end, I will come to this place in a daze.

Of course, Lei Dao is different.

He "actively" found this place, although the process was different, but the result was the same, he got stuck here.

Here, it is called "the lost world".

The Lost Realm is a world, not a huge world. The environment here is very monotonous, and has not changed in any way, and, no matter what, it is impossible to leave here.

Even if it is destroyed for four weeks, it can be restored in an instant.

In short, the maze world cannot leave.

"Okay, you know what you need to know. For so many years, there are many forces in the lost world. Although the lost world cannot be destroyed, we practitioners will perish. Here, you must join a certain force, otherwise, you will There is no guarantee for your safety. After all, there is no way to leave the maze, and some powerful practitioners have begun to indulge in pleasure, intrigue, and scramble for power just like ordinary people."

Great Master Jiuquan could see it very clearly.

A world that cannot be left, even if it is a top master?

Isn't it to fight for power and profit? If you don't enjoy it, can you just sit there until the end of the era?


What's more, where there are people, there will be disputes.

After so many years, I don't know how many practitioners have poured into the Lost Realm.

"Is it possible to practice here?"

Lei Dao said suddenly.

"Practice? Maybe, maybe not."

"What do you mean maybe you can, maybe you can't?"

Lei Dao frowned, not understanding what this meant.

"It's very simple. What do practitioners rely on for their cultivation? It's not some energy, or some natural treasures, that slowly strengthen the body. But everything here seems to be true, but in fact, it seems to be It is illusory, otherwise, how could it be broken and restored immediately? If there is such a place, it is not a lost world, but a holy place, a holy place for practice! There are inexhaustible resources, and practice Isn't it easy to get up?"

"But in reality it's not that simple."

Master Jiuquan waved his hand and directly picked a vermilion fruit.

This fruit is so bright and colorful that it looks very extraordinary.

"This kind of vermilion fruit, we call it Vermilion Fruit, can strengthen the physical body. After taking it, we can clearly feel that the body is gradually strengthening, and the effect of cultivation is very good, but is this true?"


The next moment, Master Jiuquan pinched it hard, and Zhu Guo turned into powder.

However, not long after, a vermilion fruit reappeared in his hand, which was exactly the same, and it still had the same effect after eating it.

Raidou frowned.

He also realized the seriousness of the problem.

"So, the lost world we're staying in is an illusion?"

"Maybe, maybe not, who can say clearly? Anyway, no one can leave the maze."

Great Master Jiuquan shrugged, he didn't care about these anymore.

Anyway, for a whole hundred million years, he failed to become the master.

Well, anyway, most of the masters of this world are fake, just illusions, but so what? Great Master Jiuquan has been completely numb, and he doesn't even want to practice.

"No, if you can practice all the time, even if it's an illusion, is there anyone who can become the ancestor?"

"Ancestor? Hahaha, even if you have endless resources and endless time, want to become an ancestor? That's just a dream. However, although you can't become an ancestor, there are many people who ask..."

"Are there many questioners?"

"Yes, many aspirants have been born here. Anyway, there are endless resources in the maze world, and there is a lot of time. After all, some people will cultivate hard, and it is not so inconceivable to become aspirants. Some people even speculate that even if this is an illusion , but everything experienced in the illusion is just like reality. In fact, returning to the Ming Realm, perhaps many people can re-cultivate according to the experience in the Lost Realm, until they reach the strength and realm in the Lost Realm. Impossible. If that's the case, the Lost Realm will become a holy place for practice. It's a pity that no one can leave the Lost Realm..."

Lei Dao has now basically figured out the situation in the maze. This is the core area of ​​the maze corridor. Practitioners who basically disappeared in the maze corridor have all come here.

But there are many ways for practitioners who come to the lost world.

Some people, walking in the maze corridor, ended up here inexplicably.

Some practitioners saw a world in the maze corridor, and then came here.

Some people also tried to destroy the Lost Domain Corridor just like Lei Dao did, but ended up here inexplicably.

In short, once you come to the maze world, you can no longer leave it.

However, Lei Dao faintly felt that the way he came here was a little special, as if it was different from other people. He should have "actively" found the lost world, so he entered the lost world.

Perhaps, Lei Dao used fifty-five times the realm to descend, and once again destroyed the entire maze, he could find some clues, or the way to leave may not be certain.

Of course, Lei Dao needs to know more about the maze world.

Even, Lei Dao also wanted to find Yao Xin, the daughter of the Bull Demon Lord, before talking about it.

Even if you want to leave, you have to take Master Yaoxin with you, and it's not a waste of time to come to the Lost Realm.

"Lord Jiuquan, you have introduced so many things to me, after all, there is a purpose, right? What do you want?"

Lei Dao looked at Master Jiuquan with a half-smile.

This great venerable answered every question, without any concealment at all, the other party was so frank, Lei Dao didn't mind giving the other party a little favor.

Master Jiuquan smiled and said: "I'm just a little Dazun. In the lost world, masters are everywhere, and the great master is nothing. I was just sent to win newcomers. Master Lei is not the same at first sight." In general, you must be a famous person in the bright world, but in the lost world, you have to be careful. Here, although you don’t know if it’s true or not, once your strength increases, you can exert its power here. Moreover, If the cultivator is dead, he is really dead. You are new here, it is best to join a faction. The faction I am in is called Dragon League, and there is Longhui Master sitting in the town, and I am also an aspirant, which is enough to guarantee your safety."

"So, you are pulling me to join the Dragon League?"


"Okay, I'm joining, take me to Longmeng."

Lei Dao said directly.

Anyway, he also wants to use the power here to find the master Yaoxin, and he can join any power. Seeing that Master Jiuquan is so "pleasing to the eye", then it is no big deal to join the Dragon League.

On the contrary, Great Master Jiuquan opened his eyes wide, a little surprised.

"You have never been to the Dragon League, and you didn't even know much about it, so you agreed to join?"

Lei Dao stood with his hands behind his back, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: "It doesn't matter if you understand it or not, as long as you have the power of the Dragon Alliance. It doesn't matter whether the power is strong or weak, anyway, I will be named Lei from now on... ..."


Great Master Jiuquan opened his eyes wide with surprise and uncertainty.

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