Longevity Species

Chapter 981: The Ancestral Divine Body Slays the Saint! (first update)


The saint made a move, without hesitation, he immediately mobilized the power of the ancient continent to bless the avatar, and all the power burst out in an instant, directly sealing off the void within a radius of ten thousand miles, and Lei Dao wanted to escape. impossible.

Compared with dealing with Saint Yi and the incarnation of Lingzu Saint in the past, the current Saint Ju is undoubtedly more cautious and never gives Lei Dao any chance.

This is the real saint incarnation!

The real power of a saint!

Even a top aspirant, under the aura of the sage sentence, it is extremely difficult to even move. It sounds unbelievable that all saints are ants, but in fact, it is true.

Below the sage, it is really not much different from ants.

Lei Dao took a deep breath, he was under terrible pressure all over his body, facing a real saint, and a saint who was prepared, Lei Dao was under a lot of pressure.

Now, the saints block the space, directly use the power of the ancient continent to bless the incarnation of the saints, and then attack Lei Dao.

Lei Dao could hardly bear that kind of pressure.


The next moment, the attack of the saint sentence fell on Lei Dao's head, as if he wanted to smash Lei Dao's body into powder.

"Ancestor Divine Body!"

Lei Dao let out a low growl, and suddenly, his body swelled rapidly, and 10% of the ancestor's blood in his body exploded, and waves of earth-shattering power continuously stirred in his body.

"This breath..."

The saint's eyes narrowed slightly.

He could clearly feel the aura on Lei Dao's body soaring, and there was a very familiar aura to him.

The breath of the ancestors!

That is the breath of the real ancestor!

However, there still seem to be some differences. This ancestor's breath is not so "perfect" or not so "perfect", but it is the genuine ancestor's breath.

How can a mere top aspirant have the aura of the ancestor?

Saint sentence is very puzzled.


With the skyrocketing divine body of the ancestor of Lei Dao, the aura of 100% divine body also broke out in an all-round way. Lei Dao's ancestor god body has become an indomitable giant, with the characteristics of various bloodlines on his body, and completely integrated into one body, forming a brand new form.

This is the form that belongs exclusively to the blood of Lei Dao's ancestor!

Moreover, 10% of the ancestor's divine body made Lei Dao's ancestor's divine body reach a small achievement, and it seemed that he could "completely" use some of the power in his body.

This kind of power is completely different from the previous ancestor's bloodline.

This is a completely new force that is completely integrated, fully integrated, and completely formed. Even the outbreak of the ancestral bloodline in the body is a brand new bloodline.

At this moment, Lei Dao's ancestor bloodline is a brand new bloodline, or in other words, the prototype of a new bloodline. If he gives birth to descendants in the future, it is possible to inherit his blood.

Perhaps this is also the blood of the ancestor!

It's just that the inherited bloodline is very weak. If you want to become the ancestor, you must find another way. You can't become the ancestor just by inheriting the ancestor's bloodline.

But now, Lei Dao has indeed possessed the characteristics of the ancestor.

This is the biggest feature of Yicheng's ancestor divine body!

In some respects, Lei Dao can already be called the ancestor!

"It turns out that this is Yicheng's ancestor god body..."

Lei Dao murmured in a low voice, many thoughts flashed through his mind, and deep in his heart, he became faintly excited.

Ancestor divine body!

Possesses certain ancestral traits.

In some respects, there is no difference between Lei Dao and the ancestors.

This is the biggest surprise!

Lei Dao never imagined that 10% of the ancestor god body would have such a huge change, it can be called an earth-shaking change!

At this moment, Shengrenju's palm was about to fall.

Lei Dao raised his head and looked at the sage's palm in the void, as if covering the sky and covering the sun, an irresistible terrifying power pervaded everyone's hearts.

This is the saint!

When the saint was angry, the sky fell apart!

However, it is impossible for Lei Dao to sit still. So, Lei Dao stretched out his hand, clenched his palm into a fist, and then punched upwards.


Lei Dao's punch seemed to shake the void all of a sudden.

Originally, the void was blocked by the sage sentence, and no one except the sage and the first ancestor could shake the emptiness blocked by the sage. But now, with Lei Dao's punch, the void is shaking.

Lei Dao shakes the void blocked by the saint!

This scene fell into the eyes of Shengrenju, causing Shengrenju's eyes to shrink slightly, obviously very shocked.


What was even more shocking was yet to come.

As Lei Dao punched out, the terrifying power erupted instantly, and suddenly, a seemingly invincible force swept forward in all directions.

Even the palm of the sage's sentence was instantly torn apart.

The aftermath of terrifying power swept directly towards the saint's sentence.

The sage's palm was broken in an instant.

"This is impossible!"

Sheng Renju opened his eyes wide, as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

He is a majestic saint, and this palm is blessed by the ancient continent, with continuous power. Below the saint, it is impossible for anyone to block his palm.

But Lei Dao blocked it!

Even, it was not just as simple as blocking, Lei Dao even smashed his palm with a punch, and even the aftermath swept towards him mightily.


The aftermath of Lei Dao slammed on Shengrenju's body fiercely. Suddenly, Shengrenju was shocked, and the terrifying impact was shaking his saint incarnation.

But that's all.

With a little aftermath, his saint incarnation could still easily resist it.

What's more, with the blessing of the power of the ancient continent, no matter how strong Lei Dao's power is, his incarnation can resist it.

This is the power of the saint.

As long as you are in the ancient continent, you are almost invincible!

"Leidao, you didn't become the ancestor, but you actually have some ancestor characteristics in your body, it's unbelievable, it's unbelievable..."

Sheng Renju opened his eyes wide, his face full of disbelief.

However, Shengrenju didn't think how strong Lei Dao was. Even if Lei Dao had some ancestor characteristics, so what? In terms of consumption, it is impossible for Lei Dao to consume more than the saint.

What's more, the saint can come down with a more powerful incarnation!

In fact, Shengrenju has already begun to prepare for the coming of a stronger incarnation, but it will take a little time.

He needs to bless the incarnation of the saint with the ancient continent to increase the power of the incarnation of the saint to the extreme.


The next moment, the void of the ancient continent trembled slightly, and a terrifying power descended instantly, blessing the incarnation of the sage sentence, and the power of the avatar of the sage sentence was also continuously increasing, and the momentum was also constantly improving.

Lei Dao's face changed slightly.

He knew that this was a sage sentence that was about to be taken for real!

How powerful is a saint?

Once a more powerful incarnation of the sage came, it would be impossible for him to kill the incarnation of the sage, even if 10% of his ancestor divine body possessed some of the characteristics of the ancestor.

After all, Lei Dao is not the real ancestor!

"Sage sentence, I'm sorry!"

Suddenly, Lei Dao spoke, as if he had also made up his mind.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

The sage sentence is still a little at a loss, not knowing what Lei Dao means by this sentence.

However, he soon knew.

"The realm is coming!"

The next moment, Lei Dao did not hesitate at all, the realm in his body exploded, and a magnificent and huge world suddenly appeared above his head, and then, this magnificent and huge world descended directly.


The eighty-five times the realm descended, and the terrifying pressure, even the sages seemed to be under tremendous pressure.

"Such a strong force?"

Shengrenju's expression changed again.

The divine body of Lei Dao's ancestor had already shocked Shengrenju enough, but now, another completely different power has appeared, which can actually bring huge pressure to Shengrenju.

However, eighty-five times the power of the domain, although very powerful, is still not as good as 10% of the ancestor god body. This is also the first time that the power of Lei Dao's ancestor god body has surpassed the inner realm.

Of course, this is also because Lei Dao has not expanded much in the inner body realm. After all, Lei Dao spent all his lifespan on the blood of the ancestors, trying to increase the blood of the ancestors to ten percent.

Therefore, the expansion speed of the internal realm naturally slowed down.

But even so, the power of eighty-five times the realm is terrifying, not to mention that Lei Dao is now urging the realm in his body, not to crush the incarnation of Saint Ju.

But for isolation!

Completely cut off the connection between the saint's incarnation and the ancient continent.

If it is not isolated, even if Lei Dao is ten times stronger, it will not be able to kill the saint incarnation at all. Just because he was able to cut off the connection between the incarnation of the saint and the ancient continent, Lei Dao was able to kill the incarnation of the saint.

This is the characteristic of Lei Dao's inner domain.


The next moment, the realm came.

The sage sentence also felt unusual all at once.

"Why is there no connection between this saint and the ancient continent?"

Shengrenju's complexion changed drastically.

This time, he was really panicked.

Even if 10% of Lei Dao's ancestor spirit body had the characteristics of the ancestor, in fact, the sage sentence was just surprised, without panic or fear.

But with the arrival of Lei Dao's inner body realm, which completely cut off the connection between the incarnation of the saint and the ancient continent, the saint began to panic a little.

Losing the connection with the ancient continent is equivalent to losing the blessing of the continuous power of the ancient continent, and for the saint, the biggest advantage is gone.

Without the advantage of the power of the ancient continent, the incarnation of the saint is indeed not much stronger than the top aspirant. With the power of Lei Dao, in this case, it is easy to kill the incarnation of the saint.

"It turns out that you used this method to kill the incarnation of the sage Yi..."

The sage's eyes flickered with brilliance.

At this moment, he really wanted to kill!

"Your Majesty the saint, you are offended!"

Lei Dao didn't hesitate at all, and Yicheng's ancestor's divine body punched out again, and it landed on Shengrenju's body in an instant.


Immediately, the incarnation of the sage sentence shattered, and was pulverized by Lei Dao's punch.

The incarnation of the sage sentence was also beheaded by Lei Dao!

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