Longevity: Start From The Entry Of Luck

Chapter 100 Dragon Blood Grass, The Thing That Changes Fate Against The Sky!

Chapter 100: Dragon Blood Grass, a Heaven-defying Life-changing Item!

Just as he walked out of the courtyard and arrived outside, Liu Jie saw a middle-aged man walking towards him and quickly greeted him, "Liu Jie greets Elder Wang."

The middle-aged man nodded and then turned his gaze towards Jiang Yuan.

"As long as you're here, follow me to Tianzhu Peak to choose a suitable courtyard. As for the remaining six peaks, you can move out of the main peak whenever you join them," Elder Wang said.

Jiang Yuan nodded, "Elder Wang, please wait a moment. I'll go back and prepare."

After saying that, he returned to his own courtyard.

"Xiaoxiao, pack up, we're moving!" he said.

"Ah!" she was surprised as she was in the courtyard hanging clothes to dry.

She asked, "Young Master, are we moving today?"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuan nodded.

She looked around with a hint of sadness.

Then, she instantly cheered up and comforted herself in her heart, "It's okay, as long as Young Master is here, it feels like home."

After comforting herself, she smiled brightly, "Young Master, wait a moment, I'll go collect the clothes."

After a while, she came out carrying a large pile of clothes.

Jiang Yuan walked over, "Let me do it!"

With a wave of his hand, he stored all the clothes in a storage ring.

Since he had this thing, Jiang Yuan truly understood why it was so precious. Having a storage ring made daily life much more convenient.

As for Gu Mo, he only carried a few pieces of clothing and a long sword, nothing else.

Tianzhu Peak.

As the main peak of the Taixuan Sect, it was also the largest peak.

It reached a height of 2,123 zhang.

Clouds and mist could only linger at the foot of this peak.

All the important buildings were located on this peak.

The Scripture Pavilion, Pill Refining Pavilion, and the Divine Crafts Pavilion.

As well as various halls, such as the Punishment Hall and the External Affairs Hall.

As Jiang Yuan walked, he saw ancient trees and heard the cries of cranes. There was spiritual mist flowing in the mountains.

It was truly a holy land of immortals. The higher he went, the more he could feel the increasing density of spiritual energy in the air.

In such an environment, even an ordinary person who lived here for a long time could live to be a hundred years old and the efficiency of Body Tempering would be extraordinary.

After reaching halfway up the mountain, Elder Wang pointed to a group of buildings ahead and said, "This will be your residence for a long time to come. If you can break through to the Spirit Sea Realm, you can choose to move to a higher peak or join the other six peaks, or you can move away from here."

Then he looked at Jiang Yuan and said, "Do you have any thoughts of joining the Wushan Peak? The First Seat holds you in high regard and specifically asked me to inquire. Wushan Peak has the most female disciples in the Taixuan Sect. With your appearance, it would be very easy for you to find an outstanding Dao companion."

Jiang Yuan shook his head, "I currently have no intention of joining any other peak. I quite like it here!"

"Alright, I'll pass on your words to her later!" Elder Wang said.

Then he said, "Follow me!"

After a while, he led Jiang Yuan and the other two to a courtyard.

This courtyard was situated by the mountains and water, with excellent feng shui. In front of the main gate, there was a clear pond that was deep and bottomless.

In Jiang Yuan's pupils, this place is also excellent, a gathering place of spiritual energy.

Especially that clear pool, it is a place of spiritual insight.

Most importantly, this courtyard is quiet enough, not adjacent to other courtyards, with a sense of seclusion.

Steward Wang pushed open the gate of this courtyard.

"How is it? This mansion is not bad! I specially saved it for you!"

Shu Xiaoxiao glanced inside and her mouth opened slightly: "This yard is so big!"

Steward Wang also smiled: "Inner disciples are different from outer disciples, their status is higher, and they are the ones who live in the seven peaks. Naturally, their mansions are much larger."

"Come in and take a look!"

Entering the courtyard, he introduced to Jiang Yuan: "This mansion is divided into four courtyards: east, west, south, and north, all of which are arranged with Spirit Gathering formations."

He looked at Jiang Yuan again and said: "But for you, these primary Spirit Gathering formations would waste your time. Now that you have obtained a huge fortune from the gambling house and have a strong physical body, you should accelerate your progress. For you, intermediate or advanced Spirit Gathering formations would be more effective!"

Jiang Yuan clasped his hands and said: "Please, Steward Wang, tell me where I can find a higher-level Spirit Gathering formation disc."

"There will be an auction at the Treasure Pavilion at the foot of the mountain tonight. There should be an intermediate Spirit Gathering formation disc that you need. You can go and take a look."

"Thank you for the reminder, Steward Wang!"

He waved his hand: "No need to thank me. It is our duty to serve outstanding talents like you."

Then he said again: "This mansion occupies a large area, with three courtyards: east, west, and north. If you need anything, there will be housekeepers and maids arranged to come tomorrow."

Jiang Yuan looked at Shu Xiaoxiao and said: "I don't need it for now! Gu Mo, what about you?"

"I find it troublesome and obstructive! I prefer living alone!" Gu Mo said coldly.

Steward Wang smiled and said: "That's fine. If you need anything, just come find me!"

Then Jiang Yuan looked around and saw artificial mountains and flowing water in the front yard.

Jiang Yuan clasped his hands and said: "Thank you, Steward Wang. I am very satisfied with this yard!"

"As long as you are satisfied. I was afraid that you would not be satisfied with this treatment based on your previous performance!" Steward Wang said with a smile.

He then said: "Now that this matter is settled, I will take my leave!"

"Xiaoxiao, see Steward Wang off!" Jiang Yuan said.

After seeing Steward Wang off, Shu Xiaoxiao closed the gate of the mansion.

"Master, is this our new home?" She adjusted her mood and said happily.


"Master, we won't move around randomly anymore, right?"


"That's great!" Shu Xiaoxiao suddenly became full of energy.

With her cultivation, she immediately began to clean the courtyard.


Jiang Yuan looked towards the foot of the mountain and could see the lights in the outer courtyard flickering like fireflies.

Shu Xiaoxiao came to Jiang Yuan's side: "Master, I have finished cleaning everything, your bedroom is also tidied up, and all your clothes are organized!"

Her face was a little red. Although she felt a bit tired after a few hours of busyness, she felt valuable being able to do things for her master.

"Let's go! Follow me down the mountain!"

After a while, the two arrived in front of the Treasure Pavilion.

The place was brightly lit, and from time to time, a person with a strong aura would appear and quickly enter the Treasure Pavilion.

Just then, the crowd suddenly became restless.

Jiang Yuan looked over and saw several people wearing black and red cloaks with a small blood-red sword engraved on their chest.

The pedestrians on both sides of the road saw them and quickly moved aside.

At this moment, the leader of the group saw Jiang Yuan's gaze and his expression froze.

Jiang Yuan was also here!

He couldn't help but think of the report from those people under his command during the day.

Lin Hao, an outer disciple, died by the side of the Cang River a month ago.

The only clue left at that time was the mark of the Shocking Wave Palm, a very powerful palm technique.

Originally, no one suspected Jiang Yuan, after all, they had no conflicts and Jiang Yuan didn't possess such palm power.

But during the inner disciple assessment during the day, with Jiang Yuan's actions, those who were sent to investigate instantly listed Jiang Yuan as the prime suspect and reported it to him.

Thinking of this, he walked towards Jiang Yuan.

Looking at the man approaching, Jiang Yuan looked puzzled.

Why would the Law Enforcement Hall be targeting him?

Could it be because of Lin Hao?

"You are Jiang Yuan?" the leader of the group said.


"Come to the Law Enforcement Hall tomorrow!"

His tone was calm, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

"Why?" Jiang Yuan asked.

"Why?" he said coldly, "I suspect you are involved in the death of the outer disciple Lin Hao. Come to the Law Enforcement Hall tomorrow to cooperate with our investigation."

Jiang Yuan shook his head, "I don't have time."

"I don't care if you have time or not. The captain's words are orders, not something to discuss with you!" a deputy beside him suddenly spoke up.

The leader didn't argue, but stared directly at Jiang Yuan, his aura surging as if he wanted to exert invisible pressure on him.

Jiang Yuan then smiled nonchalantly, "Suspicions are useless. Come find me when you have evidence!"

After saying this, Jiang Yuan turned and left, walking straight into the Treasure Pavilion.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan understood a bit.

No wonder everyone was so afraid of the Law Enforcement Hall. After seeing Xiao Ruochen's performance last time, he thought these people were making a big deal out of nothing, but it turns out the Law Enforcement Hall is quite strict.

But now it seems that some people who enforce the rules of the sect think highly of themselves.

No wonder ordinary disciples avoid them like snakes and scorpions.

Seeing Jiang Yuan leave, the man's face instantly darkened.

Originally, he was just planning to ask routine questions and had no intention of making things difficult for Jiang Yuan, after all, he was the new rising star.

But Jiang Yuan's recent actions made him feel a burning pain on his face, as if he didn't take the Law Enforcement Hall seriously at all.

Especially when he heard the whispered words behind him, it made him even more embarrassed.

At this moment, his deputy beside him said, "Brother Qian, this Jiang Yuan doesn't take us seriously! He's just the top scorer of the inner disciple assessment, but he thinks highly of himself. Brother Qian, you were different when you were the top scorer of the inner disciple assessment!"

"Enough said."

As soon as the words fell, he led everyone into the Treasure Pavilion.

It wasn't until they entered that someone dared to speak up.

"The Hall of Enforcement is still as arrogant as ever! Without any evidence, they want Jiang Yuan to go to the Hall of Enforcement for investigation!"

"Who said it wasn't! They are the ones who enforce the rules of the sect. Innate holds the moral high ground, so we dare not complain!"

"Yes! Fortunately, Lord Xiao has been reorganizing the Hall of Enforcement recently. Hopefully, things will improve!"

"It's difficult! Human nature is like this!"

Upon hearing this, everyone sighed.

Treasure Pavilion, third floor.

"Master Jiang, please take a seat!"

A maid led Jiang Yuan and the others to a private room.

Jiang Yuan looked down and saw that the seats were mostly occupied, and the stage was already prepared.

After the time it takes to burn an incense stick.

An old man with an immortal aura and dressed in Daoist robes walked out from behind the curtain.


He tapped the table.

"You have all heard of my identity. I am the Chief Appraiser of the Treasure Pavilion and will also preside over this auction. I can guarantee with my reputation that if any of the auction items are fake, I will compensate tenfold!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he tapped the table again.

"Enough nonsense. I know your time is precious, so I announce that the auction begins!"

As countless gazes gathered below, he nodded in satisfaction and unveiled the first item covered by a red cloth.

"The first auction item, Blood Drinking Knife, a treasure with three layers of restrictions, starting at 1000 lower-grade spirit stones."

Jiang Yuan was instantly surprised when he saw the item below.

Because he recognized this knife, it was the long knife with three layers of restrictions contributed by Lin Hao.

This treasure knife was also sold to the Treasure Pavilion by him personally, priced at 1300 lower-grade spirit stones.

He became curious about how many lower-grade spirit stones this three-layer restricted knife could be sold for.

Soon, someone below started bidding, starting from one thousand and then reaching one thousand three. After that, there were not many bids.

Finally, when someone shouted 1380 lower-grade spirit stones, no one else bid.

After a moment.

The old man tapped the table and said, "1380 lower-grade spirit stones, congratulations to customer number sixty for winning the three-layer restricted treasure knife."

This price was somewhat unexpected for Jiang Yuan.

He had sold this item to the Treasure Pavilion for 1300, but he didn't expect them to make only eighty lower-grade spirit stones from the auction.

From this perspective, the Treasure Pavilion was indeed conscientious.

Jiang Yuan thought to himself.

After that, one item after another was auctioned off, but Jiang Yuan lacked interest and couldn't get excited.

About a quarter of an hour later.

The old man said, "The item being auctioned this time is Dragon Blood Grass from three hundred years ago. This item can strengthen one's blood and has extraordinary effects for those in the Body Tempering realm. Even for inner disciples in the Meridian Opening Realm, it can enhance their foundation and strengthen their physical body, making it easier for them to break through."

"There are a total of five Dragon Blood Grass being auctioned this time, starting at 2000 lower-grade spirit stones!"

(End of this chapter)

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