Longevity: Start From The Entry Of Luck

Chapter 88 Solicit! (Seeking Subscription)

Chapter 88: Recruitment! (Seeking Subscriptions)

Smoothly returning to the outer courtyard, Gu Mo saw Jiang Yuan and greeted him, "Young Master, during the days you were away, there were inner disciples who came to visit."

Inner disciples?

Jiang Yuan looked surprised. He only knew Liu Jie and Liu Ruxi, so who else could it be?

So he asked, "Do you know them?"

Gu Mo shook his head, "I have never seen them! They said that they will visit again after you return to the sect."

Jiang Yuan nodded, not in a hurry. He would find out when they come to visit in a few days.

Looking at the pile of spirit stones in his ring, Jiang Yuan smiled.

Finally, he could indulge himself!

Soon, the forty lower-grade spirit stones were installed on the Spirit Gathering Array.

The entire small courtyard instantly gathered into a thin mist of spiritual energy.

Jiang Yuan closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, looking surprised.

It's different!

Completely different from before, he felt that his absorption efficiency of spiritual energy had greatly improved.

His body seemed to form a vortex, and the surrounding spiritual energy crazily poured into his body.

Jiang Yuan held his breath and focused, step by step opening up the meridians in his body.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The next day, Jiang Yuan slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, the Spirit Gathering Array had stopped running because the pile of spirit stones had been absorbed by him, turning into a pile of waste residue.

Jiang Yuan clenched his fist.

Feeling the increased spiritual power in his body.

So strong!

He couldn't help but be amazed.

Originally, these forty lower-grade spirit stones could support his cultivation for seven days.

Now, they were absorbed by him in one day, turning into a pile of waste residue.

Is this the amplification effect of the golden Luck?

After continuously absorbing spiritual energy for a day, he couldn't feel any abnormality in his meridians.

Whenever it lasted too long before, he could feel the burden on his meridians.

That golden Luck attribute, truly deserved the four words marking it as an unparalleled talent.

It is a comprehensive enhancement of aptitude.

However, it seems that now, continuing to break through requires more resources.

After one night, these forty lower-grade spirit stones were refined by him, and only five meridians were opened.

But he felt that they were wider and more resilient, as well as the capacity in his dantian. He could understand it again.

The ancient emperor, in the realm of humanity, could fight against the existence of a True Immortal who had condensed the True Immortal Dao Fruit.

Jiang Yuan even saw a record in a biography of the ancient emperor in an ancient book.

Once, an emperor, in a fit of anger, fought and killed a True Immortal from the lower realm with his bare hands, making the immortals bow their heads.

And it was because of him that the emperor's prestige was established.

From then on, when immortals descended to the mortal realm, they had to be respectful to the emperor.

This is the recognition of strength and status.

Unfortunately, these records are too ancient and cannot be verified. They can only be regarded as legends.

Moreover, since the separation of the Heavenly and Earthly Paths, there are no longer any immortals in the world.

Nowadays, many people already believe that there are no immortals in the world, and as for the ancient times, they are just folk biographies, mythical stories that are completely unreliable!

Opening his eyes, Jiang Yuan saw Gu Mo standing in the courtyard, holding a sword. He wasn't cultivating or practicing swordsmanship.

Jiang Yuan said, "Gu Mo, there's no need to protect me here. You should go cultivate!"

"Young Master, it's alright! I'm not in a hurry to cultivate for the time being!"

Jiang Yuan smiled. He knew Gu Mo's personality well and knew that persuading him wouldn't work.

So he said, "If you don't cultivate anymore, your strength will fall far behind mine. How can you be my bodyguard in the future? Won't you still need me to personally take action when encountering enemies?"

Upon hearing this, Gu Mo was immediately stunned.

Jiang Yuan's hand emitted a white light, revealing a small vial containing a few drops of milky white liquid, covered with a faint moonlight.

"Catch!" Jiang Yuan then threw it, and Gu Mo reached out and caught it.

"Young master, what is this?"

"It's Xuan Yue Earth Milk, there are three drops in it, which can greatly refine your soul!"

Upon hearing this, Gu Mo's expression instantly changed.

"Young master, this is too precious!"

After saying that, he walked over to return the item to Jiang Yuan.

He didn't dare to casually throw it like Jiang Yuan did. Any natural treasure that could enhance the soul was priceless.

Even if there were enough spirit stones, it might not be possible to buy them.

Once it fell to the ground without being caught, it would be too late to cry!

Jiang Yuan said, "Keep it, I have plenty more! And if you don't improve your strength quickly, you might not even be able to defeat my little maid!"

"Her?" Gu Mo was taken aback and looked towards Shu Xiaoxiao, who was not far away hanging clothes.

"Xiaoxiao, show Gu Mo your swordsmanship!"

She glanced at Jiang Yuan and sweetly smiled, saying, "Okay!"

She wiped her hands, which were covered in water stains, on her skirt.

Then she casually picked up a bamboo stick and waved it towards Gu Mo.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth was drawn, and a river of sword qi instantly appeared out of thin air.

The river surged, with waves crashing.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth continuously poured into it, making this river of sword qi extremely solid in an instant.

Gu Mo's pupils contracted and his expression changed upon seeing this.


A long sword was unsheathed.

A sense of solemn killing instantly filled the entire courtyard.

After a moment, the courtyard returned to calm.

Shu Xiaoxiao threw away the bamboo stick in her hand, clapped her hands, and said, "Alright! I'll continue to hang the young master's clothes!"

Leaving Gu Mo alone in a daze in the wind.

Jiang Yuan laughed and said, "See! If you don't work hard, you won't even be able to compare to my little maid!"

Only then did Gu Mo slowly speak, "Such strong sword intent, able to draw upon the spiritual energy of heaven and earth! And the true meaning of water, is this what a true genius looks like?"

At this moment, the slight self-satisfaction in his heart disappeared completely.

Now, relying on his realm suppression, he felt that he could still defeat Shu Xiaoxiao.

But if Shu Xiaoxiao were to break through and reach the extraordinary realm...

Just based on that move just now, she could make him bow his head.

"Young master, I won't decline anymore, I'll go cultivate."

After saying that, he quickly walked towards his own room.

Shu Xiaoxiao looked at his departing figure and said, "Young master, did I use too much force just now? If I had known, I would have held back a little!"

Upon hearing her words, Jiang Yuan also momentarily became dazed.

So she had held back just now!

If Gu Mo had heard this, he would probably have been even more devastated.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan finally understood the terror of the golden Innate Luck.

Shu Xiaoxiao's performance fully lived up to the title of Sword Immortal.

If he didn't work hard, he might be caught up by this little maid.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan also prepared to return to his own room.

He took out a small vial containing Xuan Yue Earth Milk from his storage ring.


Shu Xiaoxiao, who was hanging clothes, turned her head and said, "Young master, this thing is useless to me! Don't believe me? Look!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Jiang Yuan felt a divine sense sweep over him.

She said again, "My spirit is very strong! This thing is meaningless to me! Give it to me, or the young master can take it!"

After speaking, she spread out a white robe, smoothed it out with her hands, and hung it on a bamboo pole.

Jiang Yuan watched this scene and suddenly became a little absent-minded.

It seems that he had underestimated her.

The reincarnation of the peerless sword immortal, truly worthy of being the reincarnation of the peerless sword immortal.

How could the spirit of such an existence be weak?

Jiang Yuan returned to his room and stopped thinking about it.

He sat cross-legged directly.

Then he took out a drop of Xuan Yue Jade Milk and put it in his mouth.

A round moon slowly rose in his spiritual platform, bathing his spirit.

It kept changing, with his features becoming clearer and his expression more lively.

Then the drop of milk fell into Jiang Yuan's abdomen, and a chilling force spread throughout his body, making him feel like he was in an icy cave, trembling slightly.

But as time passed, that extreme coldness in his abdomen gradually gave birth to strands of spiritual energy.

And as time went on, there was a tendency for it to burst.

Jiang Yuan quickly gathered his mind and began to refine these strands of spiritual energy.

Half an hour later, he had already refined more than half of it, and the bursting momentum of the Xuan Yue Jade Milk in his abdomen was unstoppable.

It turned into terrifying spiritual energy that ran rampant.

If it were someone else, they would have to give up this sudden burst of spiritual energy because the quantity was too large.

It was impossible to suppress and refine it, and forcibly suppressing this chaotic spiritual energy would only cause self-injury.

But Jiang Yuan was completely different now.

He suddenly contracted his pores, forming a state of no leakage.

He crazily refined the spiritual energy that ran rampant throughout his body, and his meridians slowly and firmly opened one by one.

After a long time.

He slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a breath of impurity.

"Not bad!"

At this point, he had opened up eighty-six meridians.

Jiang Yuan looked at the Xuan Yue Jade Milk in front of him and said, "There are three more drops, I wonder if it's enough for me to break through!"

Feeling that his spirit in the spiritual platform had become more solid, he murmured, "But the biggest effect of this thing is to enhance the spirit, and improving spiritual power is secondary."

Swallowing another drop of Xuan Yue Jade Milk, Jiang Yuan closed his eyes again.

Continuing to refine.

The next day.

A big sun rose from the east, spreading endless light and heat.

Jiang Yuan slowly opened his eyes and pushed open the door.

Looking at the distant mountains, his mood suddenly became extremely comfortable.

After four drops of Xuan Yue Jade Milk, the power of his spirit had greatly increased.

Now his divine sense could cover an area of more than five hundred meters.

It should be noted that this was the coverage area, and each expansion of one hundred meters was a doubling of the coverage area.

This proved that the strength of his spirit had increased exponentially.

Moreover, not only that, but his meridians had also opened up to one hundred and five.

He was only three meridians away from breaking through.

With his current spirit and physical body, as long as the meridians were fully opened, he could easily break through.

In other words, he was just a stone's throw away from breaking through.

As long as he activated the Spirit Gathering Formation one more time, he could easily complete the breakthrough.

And now, he had obtained a lot of spirit stones from Lin Hao.

It could fully support his cultivation for a long time.

Just at this moment.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, there was a rapid knocking on the door.

Jiang Yuan frowned, and the situation outside the courtyard instantly appeared in his mind.

Outside the courtyard.

Two men appeared outside the gate of Courtyard 27.

After knocking on the door a few times.

Sun Chengdao: "Brother Tian, why is there no response? Could it be that Jiang Yuan hasn't returned yet? It shouldn't be! Someone saw him coming back from outside the sect a few days ago!"

"Should we knock on the door a couple more times?"

"Okay!" Sun Cheng responded.

Then he raised his hand and knocked on the door urgently.

Shu Xiaoxiao hurriedly walked out of the house.

Seeing that Jiang Yuan had already appeared in the courtyard, she quickly said, "Young Master, should I go and open the door?"

"Go ahead!"

Jiang Yuan nodded.

With a creak, the courtyard gate slowly opened.

At the moment Sun Cheng saw Shu Xiaoxiao, his eyes instantly went blank.

"Please come in, my young master is waiting for you inside!"

Jiang Yuan sat in the pavilion and frowned when he saw Sun Cheng's expression.

After a moment, Tian He pulled Sun Cheng's sleeve, and only then did he come back to his senses.

The two of them then strode into the courtyard.

However, when they saw Jiang Yuan sitting calmly in the pavilion without getting up to greet them, Sun Cheng's expression instantly turned displeased.

As inner disciples, whenever they came to the outer courtyard.

Everyone would be respectful and deferential to them, as if they were the center of attention.

But in order to complete the task given by Senior Xu, they had to suppress their displeasure.

The two of them came in front of Jiang Yuan: "I am Tian He from the Slanting Moon Peak, and this is my junior brother Sun Cheng!"

Jiang Yuan said lightly, "Please take a seat. May I ask what brings you here today?"

Sun Cheng snorted coldly, "Junior Brother Jiang seems to dislike the two of us! Not even a greeting, not even a word of address. We kindly brought you the healing elixir!"

"Shut up!" Tian He immediately reprimanded.

Then he bowed to Jiang Yuan, "Junior Brother Jiang, please forgive my junior brother's character."

Sun Cheng snorted coldly and sat down directly.

Tian He also sat down with a smile on his face, but he was somewhat troubled in his heart.

He shouldn't have brought Sun Cheng along. With his character, he would always be arrogant when he came to the outer courtyard, easily offending people!

Shu Xiaoxiao stood aside, pouring tea for the three of them.

Tian He saw that Jiang Yuan was not speaking, so he pondered for a moment and said, "Junior Brother Jiang, aren't you curious about why we came?"

"Shouldn't it be your job to tell me?" Jiang Yuan replied.

"True!" Tian He nodded. Then he slowly said, "We were entrusted by Senior Xu to inform you. Have you heard of the name Senior Xu?"

Jiang Yuan shook his head, "Never."

"Junior Brother Jiang—"

"Shut up!"

Just as Sun Cheng was about to speak, he was scolded by Tian He.

Then Tian He smiled and said, "Senior Xu is one of the true disciples of our Slanting Moon Peak, a strong contender for the next Peak Master of Slanting Moon Peak. He has recently broken through to the Spirit Sea Realm, with extraordinary talent!"

Then he took out a jade bottle from his body.

"This is a gift from Senior Xu, a healing elixir, a second-grade spirit pattern pill. It can completely heal the injuries in your meridians!"

Jiang Yuan shook his head, "No need, take it back!"

Tian He pushed his hand, "Don't reject it so hastily! Senior Xu values you greatly and intends to recruit you. After becoming an inner disciple, you can choose Senior Xu as your backer."

"This bottle of life-giving pill is just a gift from Senior Xu to you, worth only a hundred lower-grade spirit stones. If Junior Brother Jiang is willing to join, there will be many benefits!"

Jiang Yuan shook his head, got up and said, "I have no such intention, please leave!"

"Ah, forget it!" Tian He sighed and took back the bottle of life-giving pill in front of him.

Suddenly, Sun Cheng spoke up, "Wait a minute!"

Then he looked at Shu Xiaoxiao beside him and said, "Jiang Junior Brother, how about selling your maid to me?"

Jiang Yuan's face darkened, and his eyes suddenly became extremely sharp.

"Does the inner courtyard still have idiots like you?"

(End of this chapter)

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