Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 381 Maze, the last level (1/2)

Chapter 381 Maze, the last level

Gradually, with Gu Shang's various subtle operations, Guo Xiaoli finally couldn't bear the mental pressure and began to collapse.

She took two sharp steps back, then fell to the ground, leaning against the green wall behind her.

"You tell me this isn't true, this isn't true!!!"

The scene before me clearly violated the laws of physics.

Guo Xiaoli knew clearly that the world was objective and materialistic, and those things just now must have been her illusions and should not exist at all.

As a professional doctor, she is very aware of her current state.

That man was right, he was sick!

But at this moment, she still believed that the man was also sick.

"Crazy, crazy. It's not just me who's crazy, but also the world."

Guo Xiaoli's pupils expanded and she roared loudly.

When this state occurred, black smoke that only Gu Shang could see began to curl up from the top of her head.

As the smoke increased, the look in Guo Xiaoli's eyes gradually weakened, and finally turned into the same dull look as several other patients.

it's over.

In a daze, Gu Shang noticed that the lights in the office were even brighter.

Uncle Zhang, who was still standing here, suddenly disappeared, and the entire office gradually turned into dust. A few minutes later, they returned to the long corridor outside.

[Congratulations on passing the fourth level]

[Please keep up your efforts and continue to pass the remaining levels. After passing them all, you can leave the Huanan County Beishan Mental Hospital safely]

[During this period, if you fail to pass any level, you will automatically become a patient within it. For the safety of yourself and your life, please continue to work hard]

[Wish you a happy trip to Beishan Mental Hospital of Huanan County]

Another prompt sound with no big difference.

As soon as Gu Shang finished listening to this sound, he heard one roar after another.

I looked up and saw that it was coming from a ward in front.

"Let's go and take a look. This is the last level. After passing it, we will complete this mission."

Even after passing the four levels, Gu Shang felt nothing in his heart. He walked forward slowly with a cold face.

Gu Feng and Murong Yunhai followed closely.

After arriving at the door of the ward, Gu Shang glanced inside.

All kinds of decorations in the room are complete.

There are two canopy beds with bunk beds and four iron cabinets. There is a bathroom in the left corner of the innermost corner. There is even a cooking station next to the bathroom.

"It is indeed a different kind of mental hospital. Placing these dangerous items in the ward is really a fortress."

Gu Feng also saw this and couldn't help but complain.

In general.

The wards of mental hospitals are very simple. There are only beds, quilts, mattresses, and pillows. There may be a basin under the bed with toothpaste and toothbrush on it, and a pair of slippers next to the basin.

This is how most psychiatric hospitals handle substance distribution.

Everyone will be rigorously searched when entering to prevent them from bringing in any dangerous items and harming themselves and others.

But there are actually two on the console here. It looks like a very plump kitchen knife. In addition, there are various kitchen utensils on the hook next to it, which looks very dangerous.

Gu Han couldn't figure out who was the genius who designed such a layout. It was so amazing!

Among these beds, a thin woman was sitting on one of the upper bunks. At this moment, she was yelling and screaming.

What's a little scary is that this guy's scream is like a female ghost in a horror movie.

With his hair disheveled again, if you turn off the lights in the room and shine a flashlight on her face, it will definitely be a real-life horror masterpiece.

"Xiao Fengzi, go up and see what's going on."

Gu Shang kicked Gu Feng next to him.

The boy didn't hesitate and walked directly inside.

Then he smoothly climbed up the ladder next to the bed, stretched out his head, and looked at the woman carefully.

"You, it was you, you stole my child."

After seeing Gu Feng, the woman who was yelling suddenly stopped, huddled herself up, and pointed at him with a trembling voice.

"How do you know it was me who snatched your child away? I remember that I had erased your memory. It's incredible."

Gu Feng laughed and actually cooperated with her and started acting.

Gu Shang did not interfere too much, but hugged his shoulders and quietly inquired about all this. In the dark, he felt a lot of things were wrong.

"I knew you were a bad person, an out-and-out bad person, and you should be destroyed by my lost heroes!"

The woman lifted the quilt, pointed at the air in front of her, and said excitedly: "Great lost hero, please help me."

The next moment, a majestic light began to shine on her body.

The bed collapsed, and a powerful force vibrated around him with him as the center. Gu Feng was directly thrown down, and the woman also broke away from the bed and was suspended in the air.

A red cloak appeared on his back, and then, a set of white clothes made of various rags suddenly appeared and was put on by her.

"You bad guys, just sink into the endless confusion."

The woman sneered, took out a compass from her arms, and then swung it forward slightly.

The next moment, the surrounding space trembled, and all the scenes became blurred. Gu Shang and others came to another world in the blink of an eye.

There are only one long road after another, black and white.

Gu Shang tried to use his field or thoughts to explore the way, but this was a mental hospital, and his abilities were restricted, so there was no way to apply them.

After several attempts, he gave up.

"You two, let's go explore the road."

Gu Shang reached out and patted Murong Yunhai and Gu Feng beside him.

If you guessed correctly, the lost hero that the woman just mentioned refers to people who get lost.

According to his logic, this place should be a maze, and it is a maze with no exit. They will be trapped here permanently.

In the maze, most of the rules only have one, and that is to successfully get out after countless trials and errors.

Of course there is another rule.

After Gu Feng and Murong Yunhai left, Gu Shang smiled, punched out, and powerful light of nothingness came out, directly shattering the black wall in front of him.

"No matter what kind of maze it is, as long as you are strong enough and overturn all the obstacles, you can definitely get out of it successfully!"

A large amount of void light spurted out, directly smashing the two walls in front of him.

Gu Feng and Murong Yunhai, who were walking in front to explore the direction, were slightly startled. After looking back and seeing all this, they felt a little weird in their hearts.

They could naturally guess what Gu Shang was thinking.

So you are ready to do it so roughly, why do you still need to inform us and let us explore the way?

Isn't this unnecessary?

The two of them had dark streaks in their heads, but they didn't dare to show it, so they just stood there, quietly waiting for Gu Shang to arrive.

After knocking down three walls in succession, Gu Shang walked next to them.

"Let's go, maybe you can find a way to save labor. In that case, I don't have to do this kind of hard work."

At this point, he also sighed, and then kicked forward directly.

Powerful power burst out from his body, and this time his kick directly shattered more than thirty walls in a straight line in front of him.

Stones flew everywhere and hit everywhere.

A huge piece of smoke also appeared in front of him.

Gu Feng and Murong Yunhai did not listen to his words this time, but silently followed him through the ruins under their feet.

Gu Shang didn't care and continued walking forward.

All obstacles in front of him were easily missed by him. Everywhere he passed was ruins, and various debris paved a narrow path.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Gu Shang stopped.

"There's something weird about this thing."

At this moment, they arrived at a T-shaped intersection. There were two directions, left and right, in front of him. In front of him was a wall that extended infinitely to the left and right sides.

Somehow, Gu Shang had a feeling that no matter how many walls he broke, he would not be able to break out through this violent method.

"Sir, how about we find a real exit?"

"Or we can divide our forces into three groups, Murong Yunhai and I can explore flexibly, and you can continue to defeat them with force."

Gu Feng suggested from the side.

Murong Yunhai nodded in agreement.

Using both methods together, the probability of success will increase a lot.

"That makes sense, but I've found the secret to getting here."

Gu Shang said calmly, with determination written on his face.

"You can see me, sir."

Monk Gufeng Zhanger was confused.

Murong Yunhai next to him was also stunned for a moment.

During this time, he also observed carefully, but no matter what method he used, he found nothing special here.

"This maze has no end. No matter how hard you search, or no matter how much I destroy it, there is no way to get out, because it cannot get out at all."

Gu Shang raised his head.

There was a dark sky above, no moon, no stars, just darkness.

But in the center of various walls, there are lamps hanging. Headlights emitting yellow light.

Following his gaze, Murong Yunhai suddenly understood: "Young Master means..."

Gu Shang nodded silently.

The two looked at each other and smiled very appropriately.

Gu Feng next to him was a little confused. Are these two guys acting in a movie for him?

"You two, can you make it clearer?"

"My lord, what you mean is that we can't get out here, so since we can't get out, we can only fly out."

Murong Yunhai smiled, raised his head, and continued to look at the dark and misty sky above his head.

Gu Feng also took a look, but didn't find anything special.

"That's what I mean, but how did you confirm that I can fly out?"

"Because you are the young master, you are the core of all of us."

Gu Shang looked at this guy.

He thought the guy was trying to suck up to him, but he had no proof.

After coughing twice, he raised his head, stepped hard with his feet, and his body turned into a black line and rose directly into the sky.

At the beginning, he did not have the powerful power that he had before, but after he destroyed nearly dozens of walls, the forbidden power had begun to awaken.

With unlimited blue bars, he unleashed his strongest attack at this moment.

A bright light illuminates the sky.

Then a firework exploded.

In the endless sky, a smiling face of a little bear appeared.

"Interesting, you are the first person to find me in my maze. You deserve my respect, so I will show all my strength."

The smiling face of the little bear on the top of his head changed rapidly.

It gradually became real, and his mouth moved, and he spoke silently.

After saying this, his body below his head gradually turned into a real little bear, but this little bear had two antlers on his head, and a red cloak hung behind him.

The most ridiculous thing is that he wore his red underwear outside.

"Why is this image a little familiar, but I can't remember it..."

Gu Shang yawned.

His figure also slowly appeared in the sky.

In terms of size, he is much larger than the little bear in the red cloak, but the power emanating from the other party is very strong.

However, no matter how powerful he is, Gu Shang is not afraid.

"In this broken world, everything is empty. Only basic strength, plus a spiritual will that no one can shake, can break everything."

Shaking his head, he raised his fist and rushed towards the Lost Hero.

"Come on, let's see who is the most powerful."

The Lost Hero said with spirit.

He made a Superman flying posture and rushed towards Gu Shang at a very fast speed.

The two collided at the same time, and a wave of air bloomed in the sky.

The two were deadlocked together, and neither could do anything to the other.

But from their expressions, the Lost Hero seemed a little unbearable.

"You guy, you are so evil, you have such a strong power."

The Lost Hero's teeth were trembling when he spoke.

"Brother, why are you not so evil? Obviously, I am a powerful force of justice. As the evil side, you can't defeat me after all."

Gu Shang's mouth corners rose, and he felt more and more like he was playing an interesting game.

"Brother, light will eventually defeat darkness. When you get down there, remember to tell me my name, Wang Ergou!"

After saying this, Gu Shang swung his sword vigorously.

He didn't release much energy.

But strangely, a very sharp force burst out from his body, easily blowing the lost hero into pieces.

A lot of cotton slowly fell from the sky.

It was a vast expanse of white, as if it was a heavy snowfall.

Gu Shang returned to the ruins on the ground.

"Sure enough, it's all concentrated essence."

This lost hero looks so cute and so thin, but it's not easy to burst out so much cotton.


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