Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 396 Equivalent Exchange (1/2)

Chapter 396 Equivalent Exchange

As the bald man operated, a soldier wearing black armor, with a cold face and gloomy temperament appeared behind him.

Looking at the other party's gloomy appearance, Gu Shang sighed.

"No matter how strong you make him, it is meaningless. Facing me, all the endings are doomed."

Even if the comprehensive strength of the soldier in front of him is increased by hundreds of millions of times, the result is the same.

The other party has only increased his strength, not the so-called realm.

For Gu Shang, as long as the realm is lower than his, no one can hurt him.

He stood still and the other party could be beaten to death by himself.

But unfortunately, the bald man did not understand this. After hearing his words, he became even more angry.

"Just talking is useless. Let me see how you do it."

After snapping his fingers.

His figure disappeared instantly.

Gu Shang kept moving the field, trying to find the other party's figure, but unfortunately, this process was futile and he got nothing.

At the same time, the stronger soldier also rushed up.

He held a black spear in his hand, and the whole person looked very majestic and terrifying. This look was full of deterrence just standing there.

"No one can stop my punch."

Throw away the spear in his hand.

The black-armored soldier slowly raised his mouth and revealed a faint smile.

Then he flew up directly and punched.

At the moment when he started this action, a deep dog night suddenly appeared on his face, and then his body rolled uncontrollably towards the sea behind him, at a very fast speed.

In the air, his head suddenly broke into pieces, and various liquids flew out of his brain and fell into the sea water, disappearing in a flash.

Everything was so sudden.

Under ten times the anti-injury, he just made a casual attack and ruined his life.

"What's the situation? Is this kid wearing anti-armor?"

The bald man pinching his watch suddenly appeared.

This time, he no longer had that calm expression on his face.

With a teleportation, he landed next to Gu Shang.

"Boy, where did you come from? Are you the master of this space?"

The other party's cheat is too big.

Although the level is also a kind of game, it is too obvious to cheat.

Gu Shang shook his head.

"Whenever you want to communicate with me, come to me again."

Turning around, he returned to the island and stood next to Lin Yuan.

"Young Master, I remember you have a way to recover from injuries. Come and give it to me. I really can't stand it!!"

As soon as he appeared, Lin Yuan became a little anxious.

Looking at him covered in blood and injuries, Gu Shang nodded: "You worked hard to absorb some special data before."

Gu Shang casually shot a black mist to cover the other party. Gu Shang consumed a little bit of the light of nothingness and instantly recovered all the injuries of Lingyuan.

"What is this method, healing? Or super recovery ability?"

The bald man suddenly appeared and looked at Gu Shang with an incredible face.

"Tell me what's going on. Similarly, I will tell you everything I know. We can exchange equal value, and no one will suffer."

The bald man raised his right hand and said with some expectation.

"Oh, after hearing what you said, I really want to have a good equal exchange with you."

"As you said, I have some superficial control rights over this world, such as making these soldiers stronger and more numerous..."

"In this world, I am equivalent to a controller and can change all the data here, but this data is also within a certain limit."

The bald man hugged his shoulders and said silently.

"So, you seem to be a manager. What I want to know is what your real identity is? Who were you before coming to this world?"

Gu Shang asked.

"I have told you an answer. Now it's your turn to tell me an answer. We are exchanging equal value."

"I want to know why you have such a strong energy attack here?"

This is the most puzzling question for the bald man.

Everyone who has entered this space over the years, although they have all kinds of super powers outside, can only have some combat experience, combat skills, and physical fitness that is better than ordinary people here. As for other special powers, they can't be brought into this world at all.

And the man in front of him completely overturned his cognition.

"I don't know how to answer your question. In fact, I don't know what the answer is. It's possible that I am the protagonist of this world, favored by heaven and earth, so I can always achieve things that ordinary people can't do."

Gu Shang sighed.

He felt that it should be the reason for the infinite blue bar.

It is precisely because it can condense the light of nothingness without limit that it can offset the various suppressions of this world on him.

It was also because of this when he was in Beishan Mental Hospital before.

If you go to a new space, there is no light of nothingness that can be absorbed, or other existences to replenish energy, then the various means possessed by the exorcists will naturally disappear slowly.

But his blue bars can be restored indefinitely, so naturally they won't disappear.

"main character?"

The bald man looked at him deeply, and then came to him. The distance between the two people was no more than half a meter.

This term is rare in this world.

"The building outside the Qingshan Tower outside the mountain?"

The bald man stared into Gu Shang's eyes.

"When I see you, I feel worried."

Gu Shang smiled.

Now it is confirmed that this bald man is indeed a time traveler, and he is also very interesting.

"I didn't expect you to be a fellow countryman."

Although he had never heard of the latter sentence, the other party's answer still rhymed and sounded very modern.

"I didn't expect to see a fellow countryman here."

Although I don't know if the other person is from the same planet as him, there is no doubt that the two people's growth environment before traveling through time was similar.

It is the so-called parallel space.

"I also forgot when I came to this world. Before I came here, I was just an ordinary student. I was hit by a car on the way home from school. After I woke up, I came here and became the manager of this space. Who——"

"There are new intruders coming in here every once in a while."

"You must survive for seven full days in this space. Only by meeting this condition can you survive successfully and get generous rewards when you get out of the level."

"My mission is to cause you all kinds of trouble during these seven days and prevent you from living."

Gu Shang completely understood this time.

"It looks like an artificial assistant."

"Your analogy sounds apt. I am indeed like an assistant in an evil space. After so many years, I have not received any salary at all, and my fun is gone. These days are becoming less and less fun... …”

The bald man sighed.

After so many years, he has used all the functions of this space. For him, life has become more and more boring, and every day is a new kind of torture.

He desperately needed something to soothe his mental deficiency.

"Then what are you going to do next? Although this space is magical, I am absolutely sure that I can survive here for seven days. No matter how outrageous your operation is, it will not threaten my life."

Hearing him speak so arrogantly, the bald man should have felt unhappy, but for some reason, he didn't get angry, but curled his lips.

"Since you are so powerful, can you take me away? I don't want to stay in this space anymore. I feel like a tool spirit. It's so boring."

"I'm sorry, I don't have this ability either. This is a regular weird thing. Only by obeying the rules here can I leave here smoothly -"

Just any other kind of weird.

He had already imitated all the opponent's abilities and successfully escaped.

"That's really a shame."

The bald man sighed, feeling a little disappointed.

"If I can leave here, I will probably get some interesting rewards, and there may be a certain chance of taking you out."

Gu Shang suddenly spoke, seductively.

"It is indeed possible. After completing the mission, you will randomly receive part of the reward, but the probability of a reward that can take me out is really too low..."

The bald man was a little sad.

"After I get out, I will have a way to make this weirdness disappear completely..."

Gu Shang suddenly said something meaningful.

The bald man looked at his strange eyes and was suddenly stunned, then nodded vigorously.

"What do you want me to do? Just ask, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse!"

In order to leave this broken space and gain true freedom, he could give up everything.

"What I want isn't much, nor is it complicated."

"Just let me spend these seven days smoothly."

On this island, his life is like a vacation.

It makes no difference to Gu Shang whether there is interference from the other party. The only impact is that the other party may suddenly launch an attack and kill Ling Yuan next to him.

In this case, he would have to waste more time resurrecting the other party.


The bald man nodded.

Ever since, the two people communicated carefully for a while.

While talking, Lin Yuan also joined the conversation.

After all, these three people are all so-called time travelers. They come from a parallel world with roughly the same cultural background. They have the feeling that fellow villagers will burst into tears when they meet fellow villagers.

Of course, Gu Shang was pretending to be like this.

Staying is staying, just have a good chat with these two guys and put on a show.

Time passed slowly amid this weird conversation.

The first day passed without any incident.

The bald man did not change the data here and began to ignore this level.

The next day, the sea suddenly rose and flooded the entire island.

Some of the creatures on the island were instantly drowned.

Faced with this situation, Gu Shang remained unmoved and silently used some energy to ensure Lin Yuan's survival.

Under the inspection of the field, he found that the island had been completely destroyed by the sea water. The soil built under the island actually lit up under the sea water's cannon. The face kept sinking, and it quickly dissolved when it reached the ground.

All the matter above dissipated instantly.

Their living space turned into an ocean, and there was no material that could be used.

Gu Shang could only lift Lin Yuan up and let the two of them float in the air.

"This is the automatic evaporation of the level. I can only strengthen or weaken it, but there is no way to stop it."

The bald man stretched out his hands and said weakly.

Gu Shang naturally understood what he meant.

In other words, the scene they were talking about was default, and there was nothing that could stop it from happening.

Then came the third day, the fourth day, and the fifth day.

Until the seventh day.

Within a day, all the damage caused to the island before would be reset to zero, and all the materials here would return to their original state.

Then under this situation, a new three wars appeared.

For example, a wave of cannibals suddenly appeared on the island, or the largest water monster emerged from the sea, or a large number of black birds flew over the sky, wanting to swallow them and eat them.

With his powerful strength, Gu Shang easily blocked all of this.

It was like cheating in the game.

Although he won in the end, he didn't feel excited or happy.

At dawn on the eighth day, he got a reminder from the Ten Days Space.

[Congratulations on passing seven levels]

[Due to your excellent performance in passing the levels, you will be given the same level of passing rewards]

As the voice sounded, Gu Shang and Lin Yuan had left this space and came to the outside world.

In his hand, the so-called reward appeared.

The thing turned out to be a recorder.

"After playing, the creatures that hear the sound will obey you."

After taking a look at the specific information of this thing, Gu Shang couldn't help but sigh. It's really a guy without it.

After the level was completely passed, he and Lin Yuan immediately took action.

The two of them performed a wave of operations and finally successfully solved this weirdness. It's just a pity that they couldn't pull the bald man out of this space. In the end, they could only tie them together and forcibly decompose them.

Perhaps for the bald man, death is also a way to gain freedom, although this process is very painful.

Bald man: Thank you so much.

After solving this regular weirdness, there are still two irregular weirdness left, that is, the weirdness produced under normal circumstances.

Gu Shang and Lin Yuan collected them smoothly.

At this point, Lin Yuan's task was more than half completed.

"How is it? Now all the ninth-level weirdness and some minor weirdness have been solved, and only we, the spirit-outers, are left..."


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