Longevity: Start with your own wine-making technique

Chapter 15 Disadvantages of Gold Finger

At this moment, Long Xuan finally knew that there was no need to stick to the rules when refining Gu, and the materials did not have to be insects. He could put in some materials that ordinary people dared not think of.

In this way, the upper limit of Gu was much greater.

Inspired by the bull's eye, Long Xuan quickly thought of the eagle eye, which also had the ability to magnify objects, and was even sharper, seeing prey ten kilometers away as if it was close.

If the eagle eye was added to the Gu recipe, it might give him the ability of clairvoyance.

When he wrote the word "eagle eye", the progress on the Gu recipe changed again, instead of disappearing, which proved that he succeeded again...

The next step was the long plot of working on the Gu recipe. Every day, Long Xuan would go to the Jixi Market to collect the materials on the Gu recipe, pick up leaks and make money crazily.

He had already seen that the cost of the second Gu worm was probably an astronomical figure.

This had to be said about one of the disadvantages of the golden finger.

You have to know that the same material will be used in many Gu recipes.

How does the golden finger identify which Gu recipe the residual recipe written by Long Xuan belongs to?

So the golden finger determines the Gu recipe that requires the most materials.

You should know that the number of materials recorded on each Gu recipe is different, some are more and some are less, the least may be nine Gu, and the most may be tens of thousands.

The quality of Gu worms in this world is determined by the quality of spiritual insects, so how strong the ability of Gu worms can be is completely determined by the number of spiritual insects.

The strength of Gu worms depends on the quality, and the same quality depends on the number of materials.

But this kind of thing is not absolute. Gu worms with more materials do not necessarily mean that they are stronger than Gu worms with less materials, and this situation still happens frequently.

Because the judgment standard of strength and weakness by the Heavenly Dao is different from that of humans. For example, the lighting technique of Guangguang Gu worms seems very weak in the eyes of the Heavenly Dao, but is it still weak after being developed by someone?

What's more, Gu worms are also divided into practical and non-practical types, combat and non-combat types.

There are many examples of Gu worms that cost tens of thousands of materials to refine but carry impractical auxiliary abilities and have no combat power.

In ancient times, the spiritual power of heaven and earth was abundant, and spiritual insects were everywhere, so people could study the Gu recipes regardless of consumption. The Gu recipes of that period were longer and longer.

It is said that some Gu recipes are like a book, with hundreds of millions of materials, and no Gu-making vessel can hold them.

When making Gu, one can only use mountains, rivers and basins as vessels, or even the world as vessels.

When the Gu is made, the world will suddenly change, and strange phenomena will come, causing extremely terrifying scenes.

The Gu worms in these long Gu recipes also have the power to destroy the world, and can even carry the power of space and time.

So if the golden finger is determined by the maximum number of materials, then Long Xuan can create any number of Gu recipes, even if the progress of the Gu recipe appears in seven decimal places.

But humans generally have a mentality, that is greed.

Even though they know that a long Gu recipe will consume a lot of time and materials, and the Gu worms made may not be stronger than those with less materials.

But in order to pursue perfection, Long Xuan still persevered.

At this moment, he dared not imagine how much spiritual stones this seemingly long Gu recipe would cost him.

Fortunately, the reputation of the Xiaoqiang Gu he developed has fermented.

When Li Erniu was fighting with his mortal enemy, he successfully killed his enemy by exchanging injuries for injuries.

At the same time, his heart was pierced by the enemy's dying blow, but Li Erniu did not die.

This incident caused a sensation, and Xiaoqiang Gu became completely popular because of this battle. It was a mess.

Xiaoqiang Gu became widely known overnight, and since then, Xiaoqiang Gu has completely opened up sales, and people come to trade every day.

If Long Xuan was not afraid that others would discover the secret that his Gu refining success rate is 100%, he really wanted to sell it every day regardless of the number.

By selling Xiaoqiang Gu, he occasionally went to the street stalls to pick up bargains, and occasionally went to the gambling stone shop to pick up bargains. He made a lot of money, which could support the consumption of his second Gu recipe.

Of course, he completed all kinds of transactions by disguising himself, and he covered his face and disguised himself as a different identity for each transaction.

Although there is a rule in the market that prohibits killing people for treasures, as long as he does not carry valuables, he will not be targeted, but he is cautious by nature and decided to play it safe.

Time passed, and two years had passed unknowingly. He was still the same. In the early stage of gathering spirits, his cultivation had not increased much, and he was completely numb.

Fortunately, he can live forever, and if his qualifications are not enough, time will make up for it.

Long Xuan believes that he will stand on the top of the world sooner or later, and he is very optimistic about his future.

Speaking of longevity, although his cultivation qualifications are surprisingly poor, he is a genius in practicing health-preserving exercises.

In just two years, he broke through two levels and cultivated to the twelfth level of the "Eternal Life Sutra", and his life span soared by two hundred years.

Therefore, even though two years have passed, he still looks like a boy under 18 years old, so young and scary.

The total life span has increased, and the time to mature will naturally be extended in proportion, which is also very distressing for him.

As for the research on the new Gu recipe, since he didn't spend time on deducing the "Eternal Life Sutra", he succeeded after two years of hard work.

Although he had already prepared for the possibility of a lot of ingredients in the Gu recipe, he was still shocked when the Gu recipe with more than 3,000 ingredients came out.

You should know that other scattered Gu recipes only use dozens of ingredients, and the more than a few hundred, and the number of his thousands of ingredients is simply too much.

The Gu recipe with thousands of ingredients, including many expensive high-quality spirit insects, the cost of refining the Gu alone is an astronomical figure.

A rough estimate is that it would cost millions of spirit stones, which is ridiculously expensive.

He has been visiting the market frequently over the years, using his golden finger to find countless treasures in the market, and selling countless small strong Gu, and finally gathered the spirit stones required for one set of materials.

However, this time he has basically spent all his wealth on refining Gu, and he has returned to the pre-liberation era overnight.

Long Xuanrou was in pain.

It cost so much money and took so long. If he didn't carry the illusion after the Gu was made, his mentality would be broken.

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