"Hundred Flower Pills, no wonder Elder Long's medicine garden is full of flowers, so that's why."

Long Xuan's eyes turned, full of excitement.

Alchemist, he found that he seemed to be able to become an alchemist.

Through the clairvoyance and slight perspective, he could see Elder Long's alchemy process at a glance. He could completely steal the alchemy technique and occasionally get a few recipes.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

In this world, alchemists are a rarer and more noble profession than Gu cultivators.

And they must cherish their own possessions and the method must not be passed on lightly. You can basically not buy alchemy recipes anywhere.

This also leads to each alchemist basically mastering several unique recipes, each alchemist is a school of their own, and the sectarian views are very strong.

Now there is a chance to steal the alchemy technique, how can he not be excited? He was excited too many times today.

It is precisely because of this that alchemists are extremely rare in this world, and their rarity also leads to their extremely noble status and transcendent status.

You should know that elixirs can increase the rate of breaking through the realm of Gu cultivators, and can be refined into life-saving elixirs that can heal Gu cultivators' injuries. Some elixirs can even make Gu insects reborn and complete a metamorphosis.

Therefore, the elixirs refined by the alchemists have a fatal attraction to every Gu cultivator, which also leads to every Gu cultivator trying their best to please the alchemists, and even working for them and being driven by them.

Therefore, every alchemist in this world has extremely terrifying connections and extensive friends. It is possible to make friends with any big shot.

Offending the alchemist may stir up a hornet's nest and attract countless powerful enemies.

It is precisely because alchemists are too rare that elixirs are equally rare, and they are far less common than in other worlds.

Long Xuan has never seen elixirs in street stalls, or it may be that this place is too barren. I am afraid that elixirs can only be seen at auctions.

If I become an alchemist, refine this Hundred Flowers Pill, and practice every day by taking drugs, it is possible to increase the practice speed tenfold.

Long Xuan was excited just thinking about it. He was fed up with that damn cultivation speed.

Since he didn't have enough qualifications, he would make up for it with cultivation resources.

If he couldn't buy the elixir, he would create it himself. When the Hundred Flowers Pill was useless, he would create the Thousand Flowers Pill and the Ten Thousand Flowers Pill. Long Xuan quickly made plans for his future cultivation path.

After making a decision in his heart, Long Xuan was fully focused and continued to observe the process of Long Lao's alchemy, even magnifying it and carefully observing its details, trying to learn the alchemy technique as soon as possible.

Soon a day passed, and Long Lao was exhausted. Finally, he finished a day's work and fell to the ground and fell asleep. His snoring was so loud and penetrating that even Long Xuan could hear it from a long distance.

At this time, he finally put away the Eye of Heaven. Although he looked tired, his little face was full of excitement.

This day's peeping brought him a lot of benefits.

He quickly sat down at the table and chair, took out paper and pen and started working again.

Soon the paper was filled with words, and finally the three big characters "Purple Demon Flame" were written on the top of the paper, and then he put down his pen and looked at it with satisfaction.

Flame is the secret of every alchemist, and its importance is even higher than the recipe.

Naturally, you can't use the flame produced by firewood to make alchemy.

In the Gathering Spirit Stage, you can use the flame produced by the fire spirit to make a first-grade elixir.

But if you want to make a second-grade or higher elixir, you must have a special flame. This is a hard rule. Without a special flame, you can only make the lowest-grade first-grade elixir for your whole life.

Not to mention the legendary natural fire, the flames of most alchemists come from only three places.

Either find a magma land and use the ground fire to make elixir. Or kill a fire-attributed spirit beast and use the beast fire to make elixir.

The last one is artificial spirit fire.

Spirit fire is a strange flame made by alchemists through various magical means and consuming various rare materials. The formula is extremely precious.

Spiritual fire formulas have strengths and weaknesses, and a sophisticated spiritual fire formula may not be inferior to the legendary heavenly fire.

At this time, Long Xuan recorded a spiritual fire formula called Purple Demon Flame, which is the unique secret of Old Long and the untold treasure of the Long family.

However, now it was easily obtained by Long Xuan. It was also because Old Long was careless. Why did he take such an important spiritual fire formula out of the storage bag? It was too careless.

Holding this spiritual fire formula that he had memorized, Long Xuan was so excited that he could not restrain himself.

With this spiritual fire formula, he could refine Purple Demon Flame and use special flames to refine pills, which could increase the medicinal power of spiritual pills and further promote his cultivation speed. He was ecstatic.

However, his smile soon stopped, his eyes were full of hesitation, and his heart became calmer.

In this world, stealing other people's untold secrets is a taboo. Once discovered, you will be beaten to death.

Although you can use it secretly and not let others find out, all those who were found stealing thought so at the time.

Why is it so difficult to learn the unique Gu recipe secretly? Can't you kill people and rob them of treasures and torture them to extract confessions? It really can't.

The same kind of Gu worms can sense each other from a long distance. If you dare to refine the unique Gu recipe of a big family, then wait for the whole family to hunt you down.

Since the same kind of Gu worms can sense each other and are extremely sensitive to their own kind, will the spirit fire also have this characteristic?

Once he refines the purple demon flame, will it be sensed by Old Long immediately, and then rush in angrily and snap him.

Long Xuan immediately shrank his neck, and his back felt cold.

There is such a possibility, but the problem is that he really doesn't dare to gamble. Even if there is only a 1% chance of being sensed, he will never dare to gamble.

Even if the probability is low, it is stupid to gamble with your life.

Long Xuan took a deep breath. There was no other way. Since he didn't dare to use it, he could only create it by himself. What if he created a spiritual fire by himself?

Long Xuan's eyes became brighter and brighter, and his eyes revealed excitement.

If he didn't get this spiritual fire formula, he would never be able to create a spiritual fire formula by himself.

Because he knew nothing about the process of making spiritual fire, even if he wanted to create it by himself, he would have no idea where to start.

But now that he has the Purple Demon Flame formula, he has a template and a format. He knows what kind of materials should be used and what method should be used to refine it.

As long as he follows the rules of the formula and imitates it, it may not be a difficult task for him to create a spiritual fire by himself.

It's just a matter of how long he works.

Long Xuan's spirit became excited again, and he took out a blank paper again, full of energy.

The first step to create a spiritual fire is to think about what kind of flame to create, what characteristics it has, and what abilities it has.

The first thing Long Xuan thought of was the kind of flame that often appeared in the novels of his previous life, which emitted cold air.

But this world is not a novel, it is a real world, how could there be such a flame that violates common sense.

There has never been a cold fire that can release cold air in this world.

Burning must release heat, and it is impossible to burn without releasing heat. Burning without releasing heat is completely contradictory. It is completely impossible to achieve from a scientific point of view and belongs to pseudoscience.

But Long Xuan still wanted to try it once.

Anyway, he never had any cost to create anything by himself. At most, it would waste some time. What's wrong with trying it once? What if it succeeded?

Long Xuan first created a name for this spiritual fire and wrote the four words "Ice God Flame" on the paper.

This is already a proposition. If the spiritual fire he created next has nothing to do with the word "cold", then the remnant will not show any progress at all, because it does not match the title and is contradictory.

Propositional self-creation will undoubtedly increase the difficulty and waste more time.

After Long Xuan wrote down the topic, the first thing that came to his mind was the principle of saltpeter ice making in his previous life.

Saltpeter also exists in this world, and it is rich in spiritual power. The ice making effect is probably even stronger than in his previous life.

So he didn't think twice and wrote saltpeter directly under the topic, and specifically noted a large amount.

As he finished writing, he found that the progress of [0.1%] suddenly appeared on the paper, and Long Xuan was overjoyed.

He understood that he had succeeded, and the imaginary fire in the novel could really be realized in the real world...

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