The development of the matter was completely beyond Long Xuan's expectation. Originally, he thought that he, a newbie, would have to endure a lot of failures before he could succeed, and he was already prepared to be frustrated.

Who would have thought that refining alchemy would be so simple for him, as simple as drinking water and eating. It was so simple that he couldn't recover and wondered if he was dreaming.

A hundred elixirs were refined by him very quickly. The essence of the elixirs was put into a hundred medicine bottles and placed neatly on the table.

The success rate was frighteningly high. Except for a few elixirs that burned to ashes in an instant due to the intense heat without any time to remedy the situation, there were almost no glitches with the rest of the elixirs.

With the help of this golden finger, he dare not say that the success rate of his alchemy will be 100%, but the success rate will definitely be much higher than that of other alchemists, even Mr. Long is far from being able to compare with him.

Long Xuan was very excited. This was an unexpected surprise. In this case, he was really suitable to be an alchemist. Moreover, he was an alchemist with devilish qualifications. He was born to eat this bowl of rice.

Now that the materials have been refined, all the elixir essences need to be put into the alchemy furnace in proportion, so that they can be fused and solidified under high temperature, and condensed into pills under the power of the soul.

This step is a great test of the soul's strength. If something goes wrong, all the materials will be destroyed, and wasting half a day on refining the elixir will be a useless effort.

Failure at this step often breaks down many people, especially when the elixir is extremely expensive.

However, Long Xuan didn't panic at this time. He poured the essence of various elixirs into the alchemy furnace in order and proportion, then lit a fire to heat it, and used his soul power to carefully observe the situation in the alchemy furnace to make all the liquids fully Fusion.

Not surprisingly, soon after all the elixir essence was poured into the alchemy furnace, the progress of the alchemy reappeared as expected. When the progress reached 100%, it was the day when the elixir was completed.

Once the progress becomes unstable this time, it may not only be a problem of flame temperature, but also a problem of soul control, or a problem of operating techniques. There are more problems that need to be paid attention to, and Long Xuan is also more careful. .

As time passed little by little, Long Xuan's forehead gradually showed a small amount of sweat, his expression was extremely nervous, and his nerves were tense, not daring to relax even a little bit.

Although he was an inexperienced novice and it was his first time refining alchemy, so he would make mistakes everywhere, but with the progress of cheating, he really managed to complete it without any danger.

When the progress on the alchemy furnace finally reached 100%, Long Xuan was overjoyed and couldn't control it anymore. He quickly walked over and opened the alchemy furnace.

In an instant, the rich fragrance of alchemy overflowed, and wisps of white mist floated from the alchemy furnace. The delicious fragrance of alchemy instantly filled the entire room, shocking Long Xuan's spirit, and he couldn't help but take a long breath with his nose. tone.

Looking closely, the alchemy furnace was filled with golden elixirs, which were large and round. I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but they seemed to be shining, which fascinated Long Xuan.

He was proud enough to be able to achieve this in his first alchemy refining.

Since there are so many materials, there are naturally a surprisingly large number of elixirs in the alchemy furnace, with a total of ninety-nine and eighty-one.

This is considered to be the full elixir of Baihua Dan, which means that the elixir refining steps are perfect and there is not a single useless elixir.

There is not a single useless elixir in a furnace of elixirs, which is something that many alchemists find difficult to achieve.

The only pity is that the flame is too ordinary and the impurity removal effect is not very good, so the quality of the elixir is not perfect, but Long Xuan is already satisfied.

According to this rate of elixir formation and elixir production, he could have the luxury of eating elixirs as food every day, eating dozens of them every day, and his cultivation level would still not rise like a rocket.

Long Xuan immediately grabbed a few Hundred Flowers Pills and threw them into his mouth, then put all the remaining Hundred Flowers Pills into pill bottles and put them away.

Since he was so talented at alchemy, he became even more attentive to the study of the Ice Divine Flame. After putting away the alchemy furnace, he sat down at the table and continued the recipe for the Ice Divine Flame.

He was too excited tonight and had no intention of sleeping. He was going to burst into tears and stay up all night...

With the Hundred Flowers Pill, Long Xuan's almost stagnant cultivation level finally started to show signs of rising rapidly every day.

Long Xuan's daily life is still a two-point one. He either hides at home with the Liver Spirit Fire Formula, eats a few handfuls of Baihua Dan when he is hungry, and eats a few Spirit Eggs from time to time to avoid malnutrition to supplement his nutrition.

Or I would go to the street stalls and pick up junk. From time to time, I would be a stall owner myself and sell the useless things I picked up in exchange for spiritual stones.

The spiritual stones sold are used to exchange for the materials that have been determined in the formula of the Ice Divine Flame.

As time went by, his alchemy skills became more and more proficient, and all the useless elixirs he bought were cracked into formulas. In addition, some of the elixir formulas he secretly stole from Long Lao from time to time, the formulas he mastered The number is not a small number.

Alchemist is a very lucrative profession. After Long Xuan learned a few general elixir recipes, he immediately changed his name and set up another stall in the market, specializing in elixirs.

Not surprisingly, his stall became a hit, and every time he sold all the elixirs, they would be sold out quickly, without him having to wait long at all.

The success rate of his alchemy is almost 100%. He rarely wastes materials every time he makes an alchemy, and he is often full of elixirs. This means that his profit from alchemy is much higher than that of other alchemists.

He made a lot of money every time, which made him smile from ear to ear.

However, after doing it a few times, he decided not to do it again.

On the one hand, refining elixirs was a waste of time, which delayed his extensive research on the spiritual fire formula.

On the other hand, although the elixir is a high-end commodity, it is not as valuable as the Gu worm.

After all, the elixir is disposable, while the Gu worm is permanent and can benefit from it for life.

The elixir recipes he mastered were all the lowest-grade first-grade elixir recipes. Even if he refined three furnaces of healing elixir, he could not earn as many spiritual stones as selling a cockroach Gu.

Moreover, it takes time to refine elixir, while you don’t have to watch over the cockroach Gu, you can leave and do other things.

In this comparison, the gains are not worth the losses, so Long Xuan only refined the Hundred Flowers Pill for himself and never refined pills for others.

In this way, Long Xuan refined the Hundred Flowers Pill while studying the formula of the spiritual fire. His progress was rapid. With the power of the Hundred Flowers Pill, he finally broke through the middle stage of the gathering spirit after a year.

At the same time, after a year of day and night research, he finally worked out the formula of the Ice God Flame.

The formula of the Ice God Flame has a total of 300 ingredients, which seems not much, but the ingredients are rarer and more expensive than one another.

The main material is the Millennium Ice Marrow. Just by hearing the name of the Millennium, you should know how difficult it is to collect.

Many things obviously cannot be bought with spirit stones, and can only be obtained by frequently participating in the Yibao Club.

In this world without prices, because there are no spirit stones as a reference standard, Long Xuan does not know how expensive the recipe of the Ice God Flame is, and the concept is very vague.

But it is certain that the cost is far more than the cost of refining the Eye of Heaven.

This cost has far exceeded the cost of Long Lao to refine the Purple Demon Flame, even more than ten times, which is simply outrageous.

With such a high cost, if the spirit fire he created is not as awesome as the Purple Demon Flame, he will not believe anything he says.

A penny can make a hero fall. Where can he get such a huge resource? When will he collect it? Long Xuan is completely numb.

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