Longevity: Start with your own wine-making technique

Chapter 228 Self-created Pill Recipe


Long Xuan roared, dragged the dragon head, and rushed forward quickly.

Under the impact of the dragon's Dharma image, the ground made a roar. Wherever the dragon's Dharma image passed, a deep gully was plowed out on the ground, and the whole ground was shaking slightly.

"What is this?"

Jun Mochen's face changed drastically, showing a look of shock.

"This speed... bad..."

The dragon head hit his chest heavily.


He spit out a mouthful of blood, and a sound of bone fracture came from his chest.

Immediately afterwards, he was dragged by the dragon and rushed backwards quickly, smashing one wall after another behind him. After knocking down countless houses, his back hit the barrier of the city defense formation heavily.


The barrier shattered with a loud bang, and he actually smashed the barrier directly, and he didn't know how far he slid on the ground, and finally hit a mountain wall and stopped. There was a straight gully behind him, and there was thick smoke everywhere.

Everyone stared at this scene in a daze, unable to recover for a long time?

Realizing that the breath of the Spiritual Sea Stage Gu Cultivator had completely disappeared, Long Dan opened his mouth for a long time.

It was unheard of for a Xisui Stage to kill a Spiritual Sea Stage Gu Cultivator, and he was really shocked.

Taoist Li kept twitching his mouth, and his hands hidden under his sleeves were shaking. He was completely frightened by Long Xuan's extraordinary fighting power.

At this time, he finally knew why everyone would die without him, and everyone would live with him.

No one could deal with that Spiritual Sea Stage Gu Cultivator except this monster. He was probably the only one in the entire Gu world who could cross a large realm and kill a Spiritual Sea Stage Gu Cultivator.

His premonition was indeed correct. With him on this trip, it would be 100% safe.

After a brief moment of daze, he rushed out of the siege. The city defense formation had been shattered by Long Xuan's ultimate move, and the imperial guards who besieged him had already suffered heavy losses by Jun Zaitian, and had completely lost their will to fight. He could now easily escape from the dead end.

The remaining dozen or so Western geniuses who had survived finally came to their senses at this time, showing joy, and fled madly in various directions to the outside of the city.

The barrier had disappeared, and this ruined imperial city could no longer trap them.

As long as they successfully left the city, they would be like fish entering the sea, and the Gu cultivators of the Black Wind Country would never catch up with them again.

Everyone smiled as if they had survived a disaster...


In a cave in the distance, Long Xuan threw Jun Mochen's storage bag on the ground and sat on the ground gasping for breath.

At this time, he only felt pain all over his body, his head was about to explode, and his whole body was aching everywhere, making him unable to help but let out a painful groan.

The side effects of opening the eight gates in a row were too great. He finally realized how much pain it would cause to use the gate of life and death. He was in so much pain that he wanted to die.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly. Is this called 100% safety? He was not dead, which meant 100% safety. Nothing wrong, nothing wrong. He just wanted to say that if he teamed up with that Li Youdu again in the future, he would be a dog!

After throwing a bunch of healing pills into his mouth, he checked his injuries and his heart sank.

Burning spiritual power, burning blood, and burning blood can regenerate, which is easy to say.

Burning those non-renewable things is a bit troublesome.

The external injuries caused by opening the eight gates in a row can be restored by water bear Gu, and the burned life span can be restored by the longevity sutra.

Although water bear Gu can restore vitality and a small amount of mental power, it may take several years to recover at this recovery speed.

The mental power is injured by the origin, which is because he has water bear Gu. If it is an ordinary person, once the origin of mental power is injured, it will never be restored in a lifetime.

Vitality is even more mysterious. After he lost a lot of vitality, he felt that his recovery speed slowed down. The muscles and cells of his whole body seemed to have lost their vitality, just like flowers and plants withered and without vitality.

And the heart began to fail, the liver began to fail, the kidneys began to fail, and the organs of the body seemed to be aging, and the working efficiency was extremely poor.

At the same time, the digestive ability was declining, the hematopoietic ability was declining, the detoxification ability was declining, and all the functions of the body were declining sharply.

All parts of the body seemed to be unusable, that is, the water bear Gu was holding on, otherwise his body would fall apart in an instant.

But although vitality is mysterious, fortunately, the water bear Gu can recover slowly.

But the aptitude potential and soul origin water bear Gu can not be completely restored.

His aptitude potential and soul origin are now severely damaged, which is considered irreversible damage in the outside world. It is difficult to recover. It is impossible to rely on time to heal by yourself.

Damage to aptitude potential is equivalent to a person's dantian being dug out. Even gods and people can't save him. If the dantian can be repaired, why are those Bai family geniuses still useless now?

Long Xuan felt a chill in his heart. He wondered if he was completely useless. He finally panicked and took out a pen and paper.

Thinking of the Bu Tian Tree he had just obtained, the medicinal power of the Bu Tian Tree was obviously related to aptitude. Could he use the Bu Tian Fruit as the main material to research a recipe for repairing aptitude?

And the Yanghun Wood he had accidentally obtained, the medicinal power was obviously related to the soul. Could he use the leaves of the Yanghun Wood as the main material to research a recipe for repairing the soul?

Although this world cannot find methods to repair aptitude and repair the soul, it does not mean that methods to repair these two things do not exist in theory. It may be that the people in this world have not found them yet, or they have been lost.

It is also possible that these methods have already existed, but the people who know them do not say it.

Thinking of this, hope suddenly arose in Long Xuan's heart. What was a dead end for others might actually have a way to break it for him.

He quickly wrote on the paper:

"Heaven-Building Pill Recipe"

Function: Repair qualifications and repair Dantian.

Main material: Butian fruit.

As soon as his pen stopped, a series of progress appeared on the paper, and Long Xuan immediately felt happy.

As long as progress appears, it means that the effects he designed for Dan Fang can be realized.

Sure enough, it is indeed possible to develop an elixir with the potential to repair qualifications using the Sky-Budding Fruit as the main material.

Long Xuan was overjoyed. He couldn't wait and quickly took out a second piece of paper and quickly wrote on the second piece of paper:

"Soul-Reviving Pill Recipe"

Function: Repair the soul.

Main material: Soul-nourishing wood leaves.

As soon as the pen was written down, progress appeared again on the paper. Sure enough, the soul-nurturing wood whose medicinal power was related to the soul could also theoretically be used to develop elixirs for repairing the soul.

Long Xuan was overjoyed again and couldn't help but laugh loudly: "Haha, there is no such thing as a perfect path! There is no perfect path for a human being! I deserve my life, but I don't deserve it!"

Now the two problems that were killing him were completely solved. He only needed to rest for a period of time, and when he took these two pills out, his physical condition would be back to what it was before.

It was also his good luck that elixirs for repairing qualifications and elixirs for repairing souls could definitely exist in theory.

However, if you want to refine these two heaven-defying elixirs, you will definitely need heaven-defying materials. Most people will never be able to find materials of this level.

Long Xuan also had good fortune, and by chance, he happened to have the Heaven-Building Tree and the Soul-Nursing Tree on him.

Without these two sacred trees, he would never have been able to develop the elixir to repair his qualifications and soul.

After settling these two matters, Long Xuan finally breathed a sigh of relief and no longer had any worries.

Although his injury was a bit serious this time, it was a blessing in disguise because he had just discovered that his tardigrade Gu had suddenly completed its transformation and turned into a powerful spiritual Gu.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly. At this moment, he finally understood the conditions for the transformation of water bear Gu.

The condition for the transformation of the tardigrade is actually to stand up after being broken. Every time it is on the verge of death, the tardigrade can complete a transformation.

He really hates this method of transformation. He is not a masochist. He really doesn't like to go around trying to kill himself and then stand up after being injured.

Being on the verge of death means that there is only a thin line between life and death. If he fails to break up and stand up, it will become real death. How can he be willing to make fun of his own life?

He smiled bitterly, and suddenly took out the Ice and Fire Hut from the insect breeding bag and placed it on the ground. Soon, the dragonfly that was sleeping inside came out and shook his head at him.

"Still can't teleport?"

Long Xuan frowned and took a deep breath.

His current physical condition is really bad, there are problems everywhere, and he urgently needs to return home to recuperate.

Now is when he is at his weakest, and there is no sense of security at all outside in a crisis-ridden world.

But now that the Troll Gu Cottage can no longer be used in this area, it is really a fatal thing.

After Long Xuan took a short rest, he let the flame clone carry him on his back and continue running eastward.

He didn't dare to stay here any longer. The fact that the Tian Tian Guo appeared here would most likely be leaked.

By then, countless Gu cultivators will appear here, and the Sky-Mending Fruit will be enough to attract a large number of powerful people.

The Black Wind Kingdom will surely be turbulent next, and countless greedy people will enter.

If he continues to stay here at this time, he is definitely seeking death. He must leave Black Wind Country as quickly as possible.

And you can't run west, because smart people know that the geniuses in the West are going home, so they will naturally intercept them on the way back.

He could only do the opposite and run away from Xitu.

And the farther away you are from Xitu, the easier it is to escape the influence of the Boundary Pearl.

The land in the far west is not affected by the Boundary Pearl, and the coir can be used here.

When the time comes, as long as he finds a location where the coyote can teleport, he can go home instantly and recuperate comfortably.

If we go west and go back on foot, it's a long way. Even if we escape the pursuit, it won't take several years to get back.

Now Long Xuan's only plan is to run as far as possible, to a place where he can use the hut, and return to his comfort zone.

For the next three months, the five clones took turns carrying Long Xuan on their backs without stopping for a moment, and they didn't know how far they had run.

He didn't dare to fly on the spirit boat because the sky was empty and the target was large. To be on the safe side, he only traveled quickly through the woods.

In fact, he was completely overly cautious. The mortal country is isolated from the world, and the news here was not known to the outside Gu cultivating forces so quickly.

What's more, the space transmission ability in this area has been disabled for a long time, and external forces are too exhausted to know the news here immediately, so Long Xuan has enough time to leave here.

At the same time, in the past three months, Long Xuan has not been idle, and his consciousness has been immersed in the liver elixir prescription in the soul bookstore.

The first thing he studied was the Heaven-Building Pill. His Dantian was cracked and leaking everywhere, and he was at risk of falling into the realm at any time, so repairing his qualifications was a top priority for him.

Although the soul is equally important, it can be delayed.

Although the source of his soul was damaged, he was unable to make elixirs and could no longer use his soul skills, but he had a clone, and he could borrow the power of the clone whether it was the Soul Bookstore or alchemy.

Therefore, there is no need to deal with the damage to the soul's origin for the time being, as the damage to his soul will not save his life.

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