After listening to what Elder Long said, Long Xuan was slightly excited. Creating his own technique was as difficult as ascending to heaven for others, but it was completely possible for him. The method of the liver poison recipe was also applicable to the liver technique.

It would be fatal for others to have the Ten Absolute Body, but it became his opportunity to have the Ten Absolute Body in his hands. Perhaps the Ten Absolute Body could shine in this world and become his capital to be invincible. He clenched his fist.

Now the most urgent task is to create a technique suitable for the Ten Absolute Body as soon as possible. With the technique, the speed of practice can be further improved.

Nothing is more important than this. Long Xuan immediately decided to make creating his own technique as his next project. He must create a unique technique in the world, so that he would not be in vain in this world.

Although thinking this in his heart, Long Xuan pretended to be very depressed. After saying goodbye to Elder Long, he left in a daze.

Back to his residence, Long Xuan sat on a chair, spread a piece of white paper on the table, picked up a pen and began to ponder, frowning.

According to his understanding of the exercises in this world, a complete exercise has three components: the route of spiritual power, the magical power of the exercise, and the supporting spiritual arts. These three components are also called the three elements of the exercise.

Of course, Long Xuan's "Eternal Life Sutra" is a health-preserving exercise, not a cultivation exercise, and does not belong to this system.

If you create your own cultivation exercise, you only need to consider the route of spiritual power for the garbage exercise, and you can ignore the other two parts.

But if you want to create a powerful exercise, the three elements of the exercise are indispensable.

The route of spiritual power determines the speed of cultivation, the attributes of spiritual power, and the strength of spiritual power.

The same attribute can also be strong or weak due to different exercises.

There are also differences between different attributes. Mutated spiritual power is always stronger than basic spiritual power, and there is also a gap between different mutant spiritual powers.

Poison spiritual power, star spiritual power, dragon spiritual power, earth spiritual power... All attributes that are different from the seven systems of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder belong to mutant spiritual power.

How to cultivate mutant spiritual power is also determined by the first part of the practice.

Supernatural power is the special feature of the practice. Some practices cultivate more pure spiritual power than other practices. Some practices cultivate a larger spiritual sea, with a spiritual power reserve far exceeding the same level.

Some practices can cultivate five spiritual seas, which are invincible at the same level. These special features are the supernatural power of the practice.

Including the characteristics of "The Book of Longevity" that can increase life span, they are all considered supernatural powers.

Matching spiritual arts is the attack method of a practice. The matching spiritual arts of a practice are different from the general spiritual arts that everyone can learn.

The spiritual power cultivated by each practice is unique. Even if the practice cultivates the same attribute spiritual power, there will be a difference like heaven and earth.

The diversity of spiritual power will naturally affect the adaptability of spiritual arts. The same spiritual art used by people who practice different practices has completely different power, so there will be a difference in the degree of fit between spiritual arts and different practices.

It is extremely difficult for the degree of fit to be 100%, unless the same author tailors the matching spiritual arts for the exercises.

Because the degree of fit between the matching spiritual arts and the matching exercises is often 100%, the matching spiritual arts must be stronger than the general spiritual arts.

This is why powerful exercises must create matching spiritual arts, otherwise, no matter how powerful the exercises are, they are just paper tigers that have power but cannot perfectly exert their power.

Of course, the attack method of spiritual arts is very different from the ability of Gu worms.

Spiritual arts are the attack ability exerted by stimulating spiritual power, while the ability of Gu worms is talent, and talent cannot be imitated in the form of spiritual arts.

For example, Gu worms' mind reading, Gu worms' space teleportation, Gu worms' precognition, Gu worms' time reversal...

Spiritual arts can never imitate these abilities in the form of text, which has exceeded the scope of spiritual power, and simply changing spiritual power can never realize these abilities.

It can be understood that spiritual arts are martial arts moves, and Gu worms' abilities are fantasy moves, one low-matching and the other high-matching.

However, there is a limit on the number of Gu insects that a Gu cultivator can possess at the same time. Although spiritual arts are weak, they must be learned by Gu cultivators.

Of course, spiritual arts in this world are quite rare. A small Gu cultivator family that has one spiritual art will regard it as a treasure of the clan and become a secret that is not passed on.

In a sense, learning one more spiritual art is equivalent to having one more quota for Gu insects, and the strategic value can be imagined.

Long Xuan has too many ideas about how to create spiritual arts, and he has already had a plan in his mind on how to design mutant spiritual power for the exercises.

For example, the multi-attribute fusion mentioned in the previous life animation to form a blood limit, so can spiritual power be formed by multi-attribute fusion to form mutant spiritual power?

He doesn't know how the mutant spiritual power in this world is formed, but he thinks that it is entirely possible to study mutant spiritual power through the fusion of multi-attribute spiritual power.

However, although he has a lot of ideas now and has countless magical ideas, he just doesn't know how to start. He doesn't even know what to write for the first word, and he has no clue at all.

It's not enough to have an idea, but you also have to know how to realize it. Everyone can have a fantasy, but they are at a loss as to how to do it specifically.

Self-created skills are different from self-created Gu recipes. Self-created Gu recipes have a lot of luck factors, and you can rely on luck. As long as you work hard, you will get it sooner or later.

But skills can never be created by luck. You need to read thousands of books, understand a lot of things, and learn a lot of things.

Long Xuan, a small casual cultivator who had never seen a cultivation technique, didn't even understand the basics, how could he have the ability to create his own technique.

If you want to create your own technique, you must learn from a lot of techniques. It is impossible to create a good technique by working in isolation, even if you work hard.

So Long Xuan was stumped. People in this world are fond of their own things, and techniques are not something he can easily obtain.

It's not that there have been no techniques on the stalls of casual cultivators, but none of them show progress.

This means that these techniques have many errors and loopholes, and the golden finger didn't detect that this thing is a technique at all. How dare he learn from such rubbish.

So Long Xuan created his own technique after a long time without a single word, and he was stuck on the first word, and he was almost worried about it.

Finally, he had a flash of inspiration, and he thought of the illusion he had never used before, the original world.

The first thing he thought of was whether he could cast an illusion on someone to cheat him of his technique.

But thinking of the characteristic of the original world, which is to perfectly copy the scenes in the real world into an illusion, everything in the illusion is exactly the same as the reality, and the person who is under the illusion cannot find the difference from the real world and notice that he is under the illusion, so Long Xuan has a different idea at this time.

The more he thinks about the characteristics of this illusion, the more he feels that this illusion is not simple. How can the illusion produced by such an expensive pupil poison be simple?

Speaking of which, he forgot to deeply develop the original world. The original world seems to be a perfect illusion that makes the person who is under the illusion unable to find loopholes, but after he used his brain, he felt that this illusion can also develop many abilities.

For example, illusions are all used on enemies, so can we diverge our thinking, break the routine, and use illusions on ourselves? Letting himself cast an illusion on himself, Long Xuan felt that he had opened the door to a new world.

What if he put himself in the library of a big power? Since the illusion is 100% real, then are the books in it also real? Can you get them for free in the illusion, and the guardian of the library in the real world will not notice anything.

Long Xuan took a deep breath. He felt like he was stuck. Could this ability to easily learn the secrets of a powerful force really exist?

Did the Heavenly Dao know that this ability could be used in this way?

Did it neglect it again...

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