What Long Xuan didn't know was that not long after the Shenlong left here, another fleet entered here.

There were six ships in this fleet, all of which were in ruins, with traces of being baptized by artillery fire everywhere on the hull, and the flags were half burned by flames.

However, the half-burned flag vaguely showed a dragon, but now it has become a broken dragon, which is the flag of the Black Dragon Pirates.

It's just that they are more cunning. The fleet has a total of six ships, but they are not gathered together, but lined up in a long line, with each ship very far apart.

In this way, if the ship in front has an accident, the ships behind can evacuate in time, and they don't have to be wiped out here.

At this time, this arrangement really saved most of their lives.

I saw that a large piece of liquid suddenly climbed onto the deck of the ship in front, and then pounced on the pirates who were basking in the sun on the deck.

"Fuck! What the hell!"

One of the men was alert and drew his knife in time, cutting the thing flying towards him in half with one knife.

However, after the thing was cut in half, not only was nothing wrong, but it became two independent individuals, both of which could move independently.

The undead worms that were split into two parts split into left and right, and drilled into the two nostrils of the man at an unstoppable speed. He soon let out a painful scream and fell to the ground and rolled around.

This scene was also played out in other places on the ship.

The liquid creatures that suddenly flew out of the water caught everyone on the ship off guard. Who would have thought that ordinary water could be a terrible life form.

Caught off guard, the people on the ship were hit one after another, and there was chaos on the ship, with screams everywhere.

Large groups of undead worms jumped out of the water, some drilled into the pirates' mouths, some drilled into the pirates' ears, and some drilled into the pirates' nostrils, penetrating everywhere.

In a moment, there were corpses all over the ship, and the deck was in a mess.

At this time, the boat hanging far behind stopped instantly. Seeing the tragic scene on the boat in front, the people on the boat all changed their faces and looked terrified. They didn't dare to approach the waters in front.

"What on earth is that thing? It looks like water but not water, and it's so scary." The man with scars on his face said in shock.

This scarred man is one of the three Linghai period Gu cultivators who have fallen into a lower realm. His nickname is Scar. He is the captain of this mission.

"Captain, what should we do? The Black Shrimp is in trouble. Should we go to rescue it quickly!"

A man on the boat immediately walked to Scar and asked anxiously.

Scar slapped him on the back of his head heavily and cursed: "What are you saving! You are looking for death! We went there to deliver food to those things!"

"The people on that boat are finished! We can't save them at all, idiot! Hurry up and run, it will be too late if you don't run!"

With Scar's order, the remaining five ships turned around and left here quickly.

The ship in the front had already stopped making any sound. It was completely silent. Looking at the ship again, there was no living person on it, not even a pool of blood...


The incident with the immortal worm was just a small episode for the Shenlong. After that, the Shenlong encountered various dangers at sea, but they all passed without any danger.

Although the Endless Sea was dangerous, it was still inferior to the Death Sea in terms of the degree of danger.

After all, in the Endless Sea, as long as there was the Endless Jade, there was a possibility of getting out. However, in the Death Sea, as long as the performance of the ship was not up to standard, there was basically no possibility of getting out.

So although the Endless Sea was very dangerous, it was really not difficult for the Shenlong, which could survive in the Death Sea.

In this way, the Shenlong had been in the Endless Sea for two months without knowing it.

During these two months, as the Shenlong moved closer to the center of the Endless Sea, it encountered more and more ships.

These ships came from various regions and were all preparing to go to Tiandao to search for treasures.

As he got closer to Tiandao, he would naturally encounter competitors from other regions. This was inevitable.

Many large ships had ill intentions when they saw the Shenlong, which was much smaller than themselves, and were ready to approach and eat it.

There were no laws on the sea, and killing people for treasures was commonplace.

But these ships were destined to hit a wall. They were bombarded by Xiong Dali and basically became obedient.

Several ships were accidentally sunk. Under the strong gravity of this sea area, almost no one came up to the water, and they couldn't even be rescued.

On this day, the Shenlong encountered two ships going to Tiandao again.

These two ships were different from the ones he had seen before. They were actually the eighth-floor treasure ships that Long Xuan had never seen before, but they were much larger than the Jinqian, the ninth son of the Qian family. The number of Gu Xiu on the ship was enough to be described as a sea of ​​people.

It is conceivable how strong the forces that have the strength to build the eighth-floor treasure ship are?

Long Xuan had never heard of any force that had the technology to build an eight-story treasure ship.

So he had to speculate that the two eight-story treasure ships came from a powerful force in the Middle Earth, or even from a farther place.

The Middle Earth is the center of the Western Regions, and the strongest forces in the entire Western Regions are basically concentrated in the Middle Earth, so the forces from the Middle Earth cannot be offended in any way.

When Long Xuan saw the two giant ships, the first thing he thought of was to take a detour and hide, and run away quickly. It is estimated that it is difficult to sink such a large ship with a cannon.

However, after seeing that the two ships were fighting and had no time to do other things, he did not leave immediately.

These two eighth-floor treasure ships obviously come from different forces, with different ship types and different flags.

The flag of an eighth-floor treasure ship has a strange candle painted on it, and the flag of an eighth-floor treasure ship simply has the word "water" written on it.

At this time, the two eighth-floor treasure ships were engaged in a sea artillery battle. Each side of the ship launched rows of cannons from each floor, and then fired at each other.

Each ship has more than a thousand cannons, and its firepower is really quite large.

The deafening explosions were connected together without any gaps at all, blasting countless waves out of the water. The ship's hull was also filled with flames. The battlefield was extremely fierce, and Long Xuan was enjoying watching it for a while.

There was an artillery battle on board, and the water was not idle either.

The treasure ship on the eighth floor with the candle flag painted on it released cavalry riding sharks. This shark is so powerful that it can ignore the influence of gravity in the endless sea.

At the same time, the eighth-floor treasure ship with the water flag also released cavalry riding killer whales, and they fought in a melee with the invading shark cavalry.

At this time, the battle became more intense. As soon as the cavalry from both sides fought, the sea surface was dyed red with blood. From time to time, people were knocked off their mounts and sank into the abyss of the sea.

This was the first time he saw a sea cavalry battle, and he was fascinated by it for a while.

Sea cavalry combat is obviously more technically demanding than land cavalry combat.

Because the battle of the sea cavalry takes place not only on the water, but also in the water, which requires the cavalry to have extremely high water resistance and lung capacity, and the battlefield situation is obviously more complicated.

The knowledgeable Leng Yan came over to stand side by side with him and introduced to him: "The force that hangs the candle flag comes from the Zhu family in China. This ship is called the Candlelight. The force that hangs the water flag comes from In the Shui clan of Central Earth, the ship's name is Jingtao."

"The Zhu family is good at riding sharks, and the Shui family is good at riding whales."

"These two major forces have the strongest shipbuilding technology and are the maritime overlords of the Western Region. Among the many maritime forces in the Western Region, it is basically impossible to choose a maritime force stronger than these two families."

"The Black Dragon Pirates only show off their power in their own territory. Looking at the entire Western Region, he is not even worthy of carrying shoes for these two maritime overlords."

"There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. Once the two strongest forces appear on the sea, they will inevitably become hostile."

"So the Zhu family and the Shui family are feuding families, and they will definitely fight when they meet."

"Both sides have had a large number of important people die at the hands of the other side, and there is already irresolvable hatred."

"It is not a good thing for us that these two maritime overlords appear here. This means that we will face two extremely powerful competitors."

"We are completely unqualified to compete with them for treasures. I'm afraid it will be difficult for us on our next trip to the island."

Long Xuan glanced at her and smiled: "You have to have confidence in yourself. Wu Yaoyao predicted for you that you will finally find the beauty fruit in the ruins of Tiandao and achieve eternal youth."

"Our trip to the island is auspicious, so you can rest assured."

The cold expression said calmly: "Maybe, but we must be careful next. We must not place our confidence on illusory prophecies."

"Let's not watch the excitement here. They are evenly matched. As long as they are not stupid, there is no way they will fight here and lose both sides."

"This conflict may be just a tentative attack by both sides, and it will never cause damage to both sides."

"If you think they're going to lose a lot of money here, that's absolutely impossible."

"There are already Gu cultivators from other forces on the ship trying to break up the fight. I think this conflict will stop soon. Let's leave quickly to avoid unnecessary trouble."

Long Xuan nodded, listened to the advice and stopped watching the excitement, turned the boat around, and quickly left the place.

Another ten days passed in a flash.

Long Xuan stood on the deck and saw a huge island in the distance, with densely packed ships docked on the shore.

Each ship is bigger than the other, and there are many fifth-floor treasure ships on the shore. Compared with these ships, the Shenlong is undoubtedly the smallest here.

At this time, there were also densely packed Gu cultivators on the island, too many to count, but they were all in the realm of the marrow cleansing stage, belonging to different forces from all over the world. At this time, there were conflicts in some parts of the island. Melee.

"Is this the Heavenly Island?" Long Xuan asked subconsciously.

Leng Yan came over and said: "The island will rise to the surface of the water every five hundred years, and it will sink to the bottom of the sea again in one month."

"How could this be Tiandao? We came early and the time for Tiandao to be born has not yet come."

"No one can accurately calculate the time on the long sea. Ships that arrive early can only find the nearest island to settle."

"This desert island is undoubtedly the closest to the place where Tiandao was born, so almost all ships that arrive in advance will temporarily park their ships on this desert island."

"That's not all. As time goes by, more and more ships will sail to this island, including the two eighth-floor treasure ships behind us."

"The number of Gu cultivators on the island will be greater than your imagination. The Gu cultivators here come from any region in the world, so you must not underestimate the final number of Gu cultivators here."

"Every time Tiandao is born, more than 100,000 Gu cultivators will gather here, and this does not include most of them who have been buried at sea."

Hearing this, Long Xuan's scalp felt numb. With so many people, is the competition so fierce?

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