Longevity: Start with your own wine-making technique

Chapter 294 The Golden Toad is in hand

Long Xuan relied on his strong body to charge through the puppet army and soon rushed into the depths.

At this time, the Gu Xiu army had not yet reached such a deep place. There were puppets everywhere, which seriously hindered his progress.

Long Xuan was very anxious. He was not sure how long the Ninth Young Master would be delayed. Now he had to race against time and take the golden toad away as quickly as possible. He must not delay too much time here, so as not to have more trouble.

Finally, Long Xuan had an idea in his mind and suddenly used the Heavenly Demon Devouring God Technique. One after another, the soul flew out of his body and then drilled into the nearby puppet.

He was not sure whether his soul could take over the puppet, but he could give it a try. Even if he failed, he would not lose anything.

Not long after, Long Xuan showed a look of surprise.

He found that the souls of sea beasts with extremely weak souls were controlling these puppets. These sea beast souls were in a state of confusion and had no willpower.

His clone could easily smash them and then completely gain control of the puppets.

Things went smoothly beyond imagination, so smoothly that Long Xuan felt incredible.

He almost effortlessly took over the bodies of a large number of puppets, and then controlled these puppets to attack his companions frantically.

The puppet army in this area was instantly in chaos, and countless puppets actually killed each other and attacked each other. The heads and arms of the puppets were flying all over the sky, and the scene was very intense.

Did he accidentally find the bug of the City of Divine Machines? Long Xuan was confused at this time.

At this time, no puppets attacked him anymore. All the puppets were attacking the puppets next to them. They had low IQs and could not figure out which were companions and which were betrayers.

Wherever Long Xuan went, there was chaos, and wherever he went, the puppets killed each other. Although there were many puppets, they could no longer stop him.

So Long Xuan, under the escort of many puppets, easily came to the house where the golden toad was hidden.

Long Xuan breathed rapidly, looking at the house with burning eyes. After controlling the soul to easily take over the two puppets standing at the door, he punched hard on the barrier at the door.


A muffled sound rang out, and Long Xuan took a few steps back, but the barrier did not move at all. He raised his head and showed surprise.

You must know that he is not an ordinary peak marrow cleansing Gu cultivator. He has the Ten Absolute Body, and the attack he can launch is far beyond that of a peak marrow cleansing Gu cultivator.

It can be said that his attack is not the power of a peak marrow cleansing Gu cultivator at all.

However, even if his attack can't penetrate this barrier, then the other marrow cleansing Gu cultivators can't even think of breaking through this barrier.

Long Xuan was secretly shocked. Could it be that this barrier can only be broken by the power of a Spiritual Sea Gu cultivator?

Is it necessary to use the first four gates of the Gate of Life and Death again? Long Xuan frowned.

Anyway, the old guy in the center of the city is a bastard. Normal people can't do anything about this barrier without cheating, so he had to cheat.

Long Xuan took a deep breath, quickly opened the four doors in front of the Gate of Life and Death, smashed the barrier with a punch, and then closed the Gate of Life and Death in less than a second. The backlash of the forbidden technique on him was very small.

After he rushed in quickly, he immediately saw a large treasure chest on the table.

He ran over in surprise, quickly opened the treasure chest, and saw that there was a huge fossil inside. He quickly closed the treasure chest, then put it into the storage ring and ran away.

So far, his mission on the trip to Tiandao has been completely completed. He can start refining Gu immediately after he returns. Long Xuan is looking forward to it.

As for the repair worm in the hands of the gambling god, he can collect it or not, it all depends on God's will.

If things can't be done, he has made plans to give up collecting repair worms.

After Long Xuan left the house, he quickly ran to the position of Emperor Xin.

The two of them had already discussed on the boat that they would join hands with her to deal with a person.

He didn't know who Di Xin wanted to deal with, but now he should reunite with her as soon as possible.

After leaving that area, Long Xuan removed the ability of the face-changing Gu, restored his original appearance, and no longer used the ability to control a large number of puppets.

He was not going to use the ability to control puppets again.

The one who had this ability was the mysterious man who took the golden toad. Of course, he didn't dare to use this ability again, otherwise he would be exposed.

He was not particularly afraid of the Ninth Young Master, but he had to be very wary of the Qian's Chamber of Commerce behind the Ninth Young Master.

Once the Qian's Chamber of Commerce knew that he had tried his best to collect the golden toad, it was hard to guarantee that they would not associate it with the Gu recipe of the three-legged golden toad. How could Long Xuan leave such a big hidden danger.

So he absolutely could not use the ability to control puppets again.

Because he gave up the ability to control puppets, his speed on the road was much slower, and he had to avoid the area with the largest number of puppets and took a big detour.

On the way, he finally saw a crew member who was frantically attacking the house barrier.

His crew had already scattered to various rooms to search for treasures, and it was not a coincidence that he met a crew member on the way.

The crew member he happened to meet was Leng Yan, who was holding a spiritual sword and slashing at the barrier in one of the rooms.

However, even if she used all her strength, the barrier did not move at all under her sword.

At this time, Leng Yan's forehead was already sweating, and her eyes showed an anxious look.

Long Xuan shook his head helplessly, walked over and used the Five Elements Jade with 100% strength to hit the barrier heavily.

The barrier did not even last a second under his Five Elements Jade and shattered with a sound.

This barrier is much weaker than the barriers of the houses in the city center. Long Xuan does not need to open the gate of life and death. He only needs his own attack that is far beyond the peak of marrow cleansing to completely break this barrier.

"Go in! You owe me another favor. Remember to pay it back later."

Long Xuan smiled at her. He was not curious about what was in this house. He walked towards Di Xin again.

Leng Yan looked at his leaving back with complicated eyes, sighed slightly in her heart, and finally ran into the room.

Not long after, she found the treasure chest in the room. After opening the treasure chest excitedly, three white fruits soon appeared in her sight.

Leng Yan immediately showed a look of surprise. It turned out to be the anti-aging fruit, and there were three of them. Her face flushed and her breathing became rapid.

At this time, she thought of Wu Yaoyao's prophecy to herself. Has one of the prophecies come true? She really found the anti-aging fruit in the ruins of Tiandao.

The Black Dragon Pirates were crippled, so it was obvious that the Great Island was the winner of the war, and this prophecy was fulfilled.

Now there was only one last prophecy left. Would the last prophecy also come true?

Leng Yan put away her smile, finally put the three anti-aging fruits into the storage ring, and left the room.

When Long Xuan arrived at the location where Emperor Xin was, she found that the barrier of the house next door had been broken, and the treasures inside had long been looted.

At the door, she was fighting with a handsome young man in green clothes.

Emperor Xin did not release a Gu worm, while the young man released a bunch of Gu worms to besiege her.

But Emperor Xin was famous for having many hands, and she was not afraid of fighting one against many. She had hundreds of arms, and each arm could release a spiritual technique to hit the Gu worms rushing over.

The two sides fought back and forth, and the battle was currently in a stalemate, and no one had the upper hand.

Gu Tian turned his head to look at the person who came, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Huh! Another one? No matter how many come, we will kill them. My Gu family is the nemesis of Gu cultivators in the world!"

After saying that, he separated five Gu insects from the battlefield and besieged Long Xuan.

Long Xuan was about to take out five Gu insects from the insect breeding bag to fight the enemy, but suddenly frowned.

At this time, he finally found that all his Gu insects were in a dormant state. Not only could he not use the external Gu, but all his internal Gu were also in a dormant state. No matter how he communicated with his mind, they would not wake up.

In other words, he could not use any Gu insects at this time. All the Gu insects in his body were banned.

Long Xuan was shocked. What kind of weird ability is this that can actually disable all the Gu insects of a Gu cultivator.

Most of the power of a Gu cultivator comes from Gu. If a Gu cultivator does not have Gu, what kind of Gu cultivator is it? A Gu cultivator without Gu will at least lose most of his strength and can only be slaughtered in the end.

This ability is simply invincible. Where on earth did this person come from? He was so terrifying.

"This person has the King of Gu, which can ban all the Gu worms in the world. Be careful!" Emperor Xin's voice came at this time.

Long Xuan showed a solemn look. He didn't have time to think about it. Since all the Gu worms could not be used, he could only use his clones at this time.

He immediately released all his clones to fight against the Gu worms that rushed over.

Don't think that he is useless because he can't use Gu worms. Long Xuan is different from other Gu cultivators. Once other Gu cultivators are banned from Gu, they are really useless.

And he has always been idle and has studied too many things that have nothing to do with Gu worms. Even if he can't use Gu worms, his combat power is not weak.

Apart from other things, each of his clones is no weaker than a top-grade Gu worm.

How can the five Gu worms released by Gu Tianyi do anything to him?

Soon these five Gu worms were dragged by Long Xuan's five clones, and they fought back and forth, and Emperor Xin's pressure was greatly reduced.

Gu Tian was shocked. He wanted to use five top-grade Gu worms to kill the man in seconds, and then concentrate on besieging the tricky female Gu cultivator.

He thought that if he couldn't use Gu worms, no one could resist the siege of five top-grade Gu worms, and this man would be killed instantly by his five top-grade Gu worms.

However, the development of the matter was far beyond his expectations. This man's fighting power was equally terrifying when he couldn't use Gu worms, and he was not afraid of the siege of his five top-grade Gu worms at all.

Gu Tian cursed in his heart, what kind of ghosts he met today, he was afraid of meeting Gu cultivators who were not doing their job, who didn't study Gu worms all day, but only studied some non-Gu worm power, this kind of people were the nemesis of his Gu family.

It happened that he met two of these nemesis in one breath today, which was really unlucky. He thought to himself that it was not good. Under the siege of these two nemesis, he was afraid that he would be in danger today.

At this time, he was very decisive, knowing that he could never beat the combination of these two people, so he took out the Dinghai Pill and threw it into his mouth without hesitation.

Anyway, he would have to use it next, so he naturally had no scruples.

Instantly, a painful and ferocious look appeared on his face, and the aura began to rise from his body. (End of this chapter)

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