Longevity: Start with your own wine-making technique

Chapter 297 Meeting the God of Gamblers

"Let's go in. As long as we pass this last hurdle, all the opportunities there will belong to us."

Qin Kai showed greedy eyes, waved his hand, and led people towards the depths of the palace.

The others took a deep breath and followed closely, slowly walking deeper into the palace.

However, what surprised everyone was that after they approached the palace, neither the puppets outside the palace nor the puppets inside the palace attacked them.

It seemed that all the puppets had fallen into a deep sleep and stood there motionless. Even if the Gu cultivator approached, these puppets showed no reaction.

All the Gu cultivators were stunned. The puppet did not attack them. This was beyond everyone's expectations and made them worry in vain for a long time.

All the puppets didn't move, and all the Gu cultivators finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, since these puppets did not attack the intruders, they were not stupid enough to attack the puppets now.

The puppet has already fallen into a deep sleep. What if you attack the puppet at this time and wake it up? No one dares to take any chances.

At this time, everyone was walking quietly, not daring to say a word for fear of waking up the puppets around them.

This kind of thing had been expected by Long Xuan. He knew that no matter how much noise he made, these puppets would not wake up.

So he boldly looked at everything in the palace.

The palace is splendidly decorated, with many sculptures of strange insects, birds and beasts carved everywhere, ranging in size from large to small. The large ones release suffocating pressure, as if they are alive, which is daunting.

No one is curious to touch these things. These statues are just decorations and not worth much. And no one is sure whether those statues are institutions, so no one dares to touch them.

Ignoring the various statues in front of the palace, the Gu cultivators walked to the open palace door and filed in.

There were many huge murals hanging in the corridors of the palace. Long Xuan turned to look at these murals carefully.

Frescoes often hide important information. Every time he goes to the ancient tomb, he will definitely look at the murals on the walls.

The information hidden on the murals is likely to be the key to clearing the level. It is impossible for the tomb owner to carve some meaningless pictures on the walls.

Most of the murals are scenes of various gambling, with various gambling equipment appearing on the murals, and there must be the same character in each gambling scene.

This man was wearing a green suit with the word "Gamble" written on it, which was particularly eye-catching and easily identifiable.

The murals on the wall contain the man's magnificent life, from youth to middle age, and from middle age to old age. He spent all his life gambling.

In his long life, he has experienced countless gambling games and played any gambling method, but no matter what he is good at or what he is not good at, he has never lost.

In every mural, he is the only one smiling, while his opponent looks desperate.

From the murals, Long Xuan can completely see how high-spirited he was at that time.

However, no one can walk by the river without getting wet shoes. No one is a victorious general, and no one can be undefeated once. If you bet thousands of times, you will always lose once.

In the last mural, his smile no longer showed a ferocious expression, while his opponent's smile was extremely proud.

The background of the mural is the same palace as here.

Long Xuan boldly guessed that the thing he lost in the last bet was probably trapped here forever.

And he was still trapped by his God of Gambling Gu, whose powerful binding force was unbreakable.

Use the God of Gambling Gu to gamble against others. If you win, you can win everything, and if you lose, you can also lose everything.

God of Gamblers Gu is a double-edged sword. It can also form a strong binding force on its master. People who gamble with God of Gamblers Gu will one day be bitten by their own God of Gamblers Gu.

At this time, the others were also curiously looking at the various murals on the walls, and saw that the murals were all about various gambling scenes. As long as the Gu cultivator was not stupid, he had already judged that the owner of the palace was fond of gambling.

Di Xin stopped in front of four of the murals, frowning slightly, with a strange look in his eyes.

Seeing her stop, Long Xuan also stopped aside and looked at the four side-by-side murals in front of Di Xin with curious eyes. These four murals were painted with four kinds of Gu insects.

The shapes of these four Gu species were very strange. He couldn't tell which type of insect they were, and he couldn't name them at all.

What is incredible is that people passing by these four murals all looked puzzled, and they seemed to not recognize these four kinds of Gu insects.

Including Jiu Gongzi, Cai Shao, Qin Kai, Zhu Yue, and Shui Juan Yun, they all kept their eyes on these four murals for a long time when they passed by them, and they seemed to not recognize these four kinds of Gu insects.

You must know that the backgrounds of these people are not simple. They are all well-informed people. If they don't even know the Gu insects, it only means that these four Gu insects are too far away and belong to the era before the Gu cultivator civilization. of worms.

At this time, Di Xin's soul came over and said, "I seem to know the origins of these four Gu insects."

"One is the famous God of Gamblers Gu, who can bet against others on everything."

"The remaining three Gu bugs are the equally famous Eating God Gu, Whoring God Gu, and Drinking God Gu."

"The ability to eat God Gu is to obtain all the abilities of the thing eaten. After any spiritual animal meat is made into a dish and enters the stomach of the owner who eats God Gu, all the abilities of the spiritual beast can be mastered by him."

"People who possess the God-Eating Gu have a bottomless pit in their stomachs. They can eat it non-stop, and they can increase their spiritual power by eating it."

"As long as the food you eat contains enough spiritual power, then the person who possesses the God-Eating Gu can break through to the realm of immortality in a very short time as long as he keeps eating."

"The cultivation speed of this kind of people is a hundred times faster than that of ordinary people."

"The upper limit of the God-Eating Gu is not inferior to the God-Gambling Gu, and the materials required for refining are also similar to those of the God-Eating Gu."

"The God-Prostitution Gu and the God-Drinking Gu have similar abilities to the former two. They both use various means to plunder various miscellaneous abilities and gather countless abilities into one body, thus possessing invincible power in the world."

"The four Gu of eating, drinking, whoring and gambling are of the same origin. It is rumored that people who have collected the four Gu of eating, drinking, whoring and gambling can also use these four Gu insects as materials to synthesize even more heaven-defying Gu. of Gu worms.

The person who synthesizes this Gu worm will gain invincible power in the three realms. "

Hearing this, Long Xuan looked at Di Xin curiously and couldn't help asking: "How do you know these four Gu worms? And you know so much about them, but even the five leaders don't know the origins of these four Gu worms. "

Di Xin frowned, and after a moment of silence, he finally said: "I don't know how I know it. "

"I have never learned about these four Gu worms in any book. "

"But as long as I see these four Gu worms, I feel familiar with them inexplicably, and then I know all the information about these four Gu worms. "

"Then you are probably the reincarnation of some great man, right?" Long Xuan looked at her and joked.

Just as the two were talking mysteriously with soul transmission, the team passed through many corridors and finally entered the hall in the center of the palace.

The space of this hall is very huge, decorated with magnificent gold and splendor. In the center of the hall, there is a mysterious silver altar, which is engraved with countless strange runes.

On the altar was a crystal coffin. Through the crystal, a skeleton in a green robe could be vaguely seen.

On the crystal coffin, three hundred treasures of various kinds floated in the air, each of which was wrapped in a transparent bubble.

These treasures were all valuable treasures far exceeding the anti-aging fruit.

Seeing these valuable treasures, everyone's breathing became rapid, and they looked at the three hundred treasures floating in the air with burning eyes, wishing they could rush up and plunder all the treasures on the coffin.

But everyone was very rational, resisting the greed in their hearts, and did not rush up rashly.

Almost all places where treasures are hidden have unknown dangers, otherwise the treasures would have been taken away long ago, and they would not have waited for them.

Just as everyone was thinking about how to take away the treasures above, a sudden voice sounded in the air.

"After five hundred years, someone finally comes here again? But there are fewer people this time!"

The sudden sound startled everyone. All the Gu cultivators changed their expressions and looked around to find the source of the sound.

Finally, everyone's eyes focused on the coffin, with nervousness in their eyes.

The sound came from this coffin. They couldn't believe that this Tiandao ruins that had existed for countless tens of thousands of years actually hid a mysterious soul. How many tens of thousands of years had this soul lived?

How could a soul that had lived for countless tens of thousands of years be simple? All the Gu cultivators had solemn faces and showed deep fear.

The hall was silent for a long time. Seeing that no one was talking, the mysterious voice continued:

"Who am I, what is my name, and how long I have lived, you don't need to know, just call me the God of Gamblers."

"Since you are here, you must abide by my rules."

"If you want to rob the treasures here by force, you will definitely not be able to rob them. Those who don't believe can come up and try."

"I love gambling all my life. What I like to do most is to gamble with all kinds of people, so the only way for you to take the treasures above is to gamble with me."

"You can only take any of the treasures above if you win the bet against me."

"And my bets are far more than those in the air. As long as they are in this world, except for the treasures with the only attributes in the world, I have All of them."

"And my ability is very special. Not only can I bet on material treasures, but also on non-material treasures."

"If anyone wants to increase his qualifications, he can bet on qualifications with me."

"If anyone wants to increase his lifespan, he can bet on his lifespan with me."

"If anyone wants a special physique, he can bet on a special physique with me."

"If anyone wants to become smarter, he can also bet on wisdom with me."

"In short, my ability can bet on everything. As long as you can name something, you can bet on everything with me."

"As long as the value of the things you bring out is high enough, then you can get everything, even betting away a lifespan of 100,000 years is not impossible." The God of Gamblers said in a voice full of temptation.

"Now if anyone wants to bet with me, just step forward ten steps."

"If anyone doesn't want to bet, I won't force them. You can go back the same way now. It's all voluntary."

"But those who go back will lose all their memories after entering the inner city. You can't take any information out of here."

"Okay, now who comes up first? I can't wait any longer."

After the words fell, a mysterious old man appeared in the air. This old man was wearing the same clothes as the bones in the coffin, and his body was transparent, obviously in the form of a soul. He must be the soul of the bones in the coffin.

It's just that this soul has been floating here for countless tens of thousands of years and has not dissipated yet. It is really incredible.

At this time, the old soul smiled, and was obviously in a good mood. He must have been trapped here for such a long time and was almost going crazy because of boredom.

It was a miracle that he didn't go crazy after being trapped here for such a long time.

Now that there are finally so many people coming to play with him, he will of course be in a good mood. He can only have one month to play in this lifeless place every five hundred years, which is pitiful.

Long Xuan had to admire this gambling god. A normal person who endured such a long period of loneliness would probably have a mental breakdown and committed suicide.

How strong is his willpower that he can endure countless years of loneliness.

At this time, everyone below looked at each other, all showing unbelievable expressions, and all were shocked by the words of the gambling god.

The ability to bet on everything is simply incredible.

This ability is really too heaven-defying. Everyone understands that once this ability is handed over to a gambling master, it will create a terrible monster.

They have never heard of such a heaven-defying ability. This is the first time they have heard of it.

It was because everyone could imagine how terrifying a person with this ability would be, so they were even more afraid to act rashly.

No one in the audience dared to rush to the altar to plunder the treasures on it. (End of this chapter)

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