Longevity: Start with your own wine-making technique

Chapter 300 The Ninth Master Goes to the Gambling Table

At this time, the God of Gamblers' clone was playing chess with Qi Huan, so the God of Gamblers' original body was idle. He looked around again and said with a smile: "Who else wants to gamble with me now?"

"I'll do it!"

The one who spoke was the Ninth Young Master. After he raised his hand, his eyes showed a serious look: "I wonder if the senior has any more golden toads in his hand?"

He looked at the God of Gamblers with burning eyes.

"Think twice, Ninth Young Master! This is a soul that has lived for countless thousands of years. He is experienced in any gambling method and it is definitely not that easy to win."

The Ninth Young Master suddenly spoke, which scared the surrounding Qian family Gu cultivators and they all spoke out to stop him.

"No problem!"

The Ninth Young Master looked back at the people behind him and said, "From what he said, if you bet with him for non-material things, you can only bet with non-material treasures."

"Similarly, if you bet with him for material treasures, you can only bet with material treasures."

"And what I lack the least is material treasures, I can bet with him casually, even if I lose, what's the harm?"

"With my wealth, I can definitely afford to lose, you don't have to stop me."

Hearing this, all the Qian family Gu cultivators behind him were stunned, as if this was really the truth.

The Ninth Young Master's wealth was enough to rival a country, so it didn't matter if he lost a little money, it didn't affect him at all.

On the contrary, if he really won, he would get a golden toad, and this deal could be done.

So all the Qian family Gu cultivators behind him stopped talking and never stopped him again.

The God of Gamblers smiled mysteriously and said, "That's the truth."

"But I am the same as those of you Qian's merchants. If you want to exchange my treasures, you must take out treasures that are several times more valuable."

"Do you accept this rule?"

"I forgot to answer you. I have golden toads in my hand, and a large number of golden toads. How many do you want to bet with me?"

"If you only bet on a few, I won't bet. I never play small."

"If you want to bet with me on golden toads, you must play with five at least once."

Hearing this, the eyes of the Ninth Young Master suddenly became hot. He didn't expect that the God of Gamblers had so many golden toads in his hand.

He wished that the number of golden toads was as large as possible, and a group of five was just what he wanted. He agreed a hundred times.

At this time, he could no longer suppress his greed and walked forward quickly.

Long Xuan looked deeply at his back. For some reason, although the Ninth Young Master would only lose some insignificant property even if he lost the bet, he always felt that the Ninth Young Master was going to be unlucky.

To be precise, all those who gamble with this gambling god will be unlucky.

All gambling is a huge trap, which will lead people step by step into the abyss of no return.

He has already felt that this gambling god is definitely an old shaman. If this old shaman does not use some shady tricks in this gambling game, his name will be written upside down.

"How do you want to gamble with me? Tell me your rules?"

Seeing that the Ninth Prince has walked to the gambling table, the gambling god asked with a smile.

The Ninth Prince had just thought about it carefully and had already thought of the rules to win the gambling god. At this time, he smiled:

"I know you have lived for countless tens of thousands of years. In the long years, you are enough to practice any gameplay to the point of proficiency."

"So, no matter what I play with you, it is impossible to win you. I know myself."

"But no one can win all the time. There are still ways to beat you."

The eyes of the Ninth Prince flashed with wisdom, and he smiled confidently: "Since you are experienced in playing anything, then I will make up for the age gap and let your experience It's useless."

"I'm not competing with you in any skills, I'm only competing with you in luck."

"My rules are very simple, that is, my people will shake a silent cup."

"I guarantee that there is no way to detect the points in this cup, and no sound can be heard."

"But for the sake of safety, I still have to stipulate that both parties are not allowed to use any abilities, and cannot interfere with each other by any means."

"All means that can increase the chance of winning are prohibited. We only bet on luck, and see who has the biggest points!"

"Do you dare to bet with me?" The Ninth Young Master looked at him confidently.

He was not really confident.

If it was just a complete bet on luck, both sides would have losses and wins.

Don't care how many games you lose, even if you lose nine out of ten games, as long as you win one game, you will definitely get a set of golden toads.

This is his calculation in his mind, a way to win a set of golden toads steadily.

He is not afraid of losing, even if he loses more treasures, he will go all out to get the golden toad steadily.

"Haha! You are smart. You don't compete with gambling skills, but only with luck. As long as I play enough games, I will lose sooner or later."

"It seems that I am destined to break the myth of invincibility today. What a treacherous boy."

The God of Gamblers showed a helpless expression and a bitter face.

"Bring your dice cup up and start. I said that the rules are set by you. Then I will never regret it. I will accept your bet." The God of Gamblers said again.

Seeing that the God of Gamblers took the bait, the Ninth Prince was overjoyed and immediately waved back. Soon, a Qian family female Gu cultivator with a good appearance ran to the table holding a large dice cup.

Long Xuan stared at this scene in a daze, and then looked at the God of Gamblers' expression that he was about to lose, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching a few times.

This guy is definitely acting. How could he lose if he played like this?

The IQ of the Ninth Prince is not low, but a wise man will make mistakes. He has never seen the God of Gamblers Gu and is completely unfamiliar with the ability of this God of Gamblers Gu.

He probably didn't expect that the God of Gambling Gu could even bet on a person's luck.

After such a long time, this god of gambling must have full luck now. Isn't gambling with him a court of death?

This ninth young master thought that as long as he gambled on luck, he would win a game sooner or later.

In fact, he couldn't even hope to win a game. If he played like this with the God of Gamblers, he would lose miserably.

But Master Ninth should not be stupid. If he plays ten games with the God of Gamblers and loses ten games, he should be able to realize that something is wrong.

With his wisdom, he should be able to stop in time, right?

As long as he stops in time, it's just a loss of some property, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

Long Xuan was thinking this in his heart at this time.

At this time, the gambling game had already begun. The beautiful Gu Xiu shook the dice cup. After the Ninth Young Master called out, she placed the dice cup on the table.

After the female Gu cultivator opened the dice cup, the number of points in the dice cup showed 555, a total of fifteen points.

The Ninth Young Master immediately showed a proud smile and said with a smile: "It's fifteen o'clock in total. It seems that I am very lucky."

"You only have three points to beat me with this score. As expected, I won this round."

The God of Gamblers looked up at him and smiled: "Don't talk too much. Who can know the final result until the last moment?"

"Shake the cup?" The God of Gamblers looked at the female Gu cultivator again.

The female Gu cultivator threw the three dice into the dice cup again and began to shake the cup, but before she could shake it a few times, the God of Gamblers called out to stop.

Hearing this, the female Gu cultivator dropped the dice cup and immediately raised it.

I saw that the points in the dice cup showed five, six, and six points, a total of seventeen points, which was two points more than Jiu Gongzi's points.

Naturally, the God of Gamblers won the first round.

The Ninth Young Master showed an astonished expression. How could he lose? Isn't this God of Gamblers very lucky?

But he didn't think too much about it. This kind of gambling was inherently possible for any number of points.

It is normal for the God of Gamblers to reach seventeen, which can only mean that he is lucky.

But if he was lucky once, could he be lucky again? Ninth Young Master was not discouraged at this time, he would win once sooner or later.

"I'm sorry, it looks like I won this round. I seem to have good luck today."

The God of Gamblers looked at the Ninth Young Master and said with a smile: "I'm going to collect my bet, so be mentally prepared."

Hearing this, Ninth Young Master's heart tightened, and he quickly sensed the treasure in the storage ring.

He soon discovered that the treasures in the storage ring were decreasing in pieces, disappearing out of thin air under his eyes, which was simply unbelievable.

I don’t know what kind of power this is that can actually take away treasures from other people’s storage rings out of thin air.

Fortunately, the disappearing treasures were random. Valuable treasures and worthless treasures all disappeared in equal proportions. This made him breathe a sigh of relief.

The loss was bearable to him.

To others, a treasure equivalent to the value of five golden toads is an astronomical figure, enough to bankrupt most people.

But for this wealthy Ninth Young Master, this amount of money can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket, and he can't afford to lose it.

"Let's continue!" Ninth Young Master raised his hand to signal the female Gu Xiu to continue shaking the cup.

Time passed by minute by minute, and before he knew it, Ninth Young Master had played seven games with the God of Gamblers.

And he lost all seven games, and he didn't even win a single game.

At this time, everyone already felt that something was wrong.

This is a pure luck game. No matter how bad a person's luck is, how can he lose seven games in seven games? This is no longer normal.

They were not the only ones who felt abnormal. Ninth Young Master had already felt something was abnormal. At this time, his back was soaked with sweat and his eyes were bloodshot.

"How is this possible? Are you sure you and I were betting on luck and not resorting to small tricks?"

The Ninth Young Master quickly took out the Integrity Gu, looked at the God of Gamblers with a ferocious expression and asked.

The God of Gamblers did not give up at all. He looked directly into Honesty Gu's eyes and solemnly said: "I swear, I only gambled on luck, and I never did anything that had nothing to do with luck."

"Are you satisfied with my answer?"

Seeing that the integrity Gu's eyes were not shining, the God of Gamblers looked at the Ninth Young Master and smiled.

The Ninth Young Master saw that the Honesty Gu did not shine, and did not hear any word games set up by the God of Gamblers' words, so his brows furrowed deeper.

He really didn't use any tricks, so what the hell is going on? It's really a ghost.

Ninth Young Master is going crazy.

In the end, he made up his mind, no matter what, he would just bet this last time. No matter he won or lost this last time, he would definitely stop.

You must never bet with this guy again, this guy is simply evil.

"I'll bet you one last time! Shake the cup!"

Ninth Young Master looked at the female Gu cultivator holding the dice cup.

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