After coming out of Emperor Xin's boudoir, Long Xuan returned to his room and officially started the plan of refining the liver robbery Gu Gu recipe.

At the same time, he researched the modification of the face-changing Gu Gu recipe, which did not waste much of his time.

The materials for refining the face-changing Gu were not rare. After getting some wool from Emperor Xin again, the materials for refining the face-changing Gu were complete.

However, the face-changing Gu should not be called the face-changing Gu now.

Since the face-changing Gu can not only change the face, but also the body, Long Xuan simply changed its name to the body-changing Gu.

The body-changing Gu is of course his unique Gu worm, and its upper limit is much higher than the face-changing Gu.

So far, all his Gu worms are finally unique Gu worms.

He does not plan to refine only one body-changing Gu, he wants to refine many.

It has to be said that his "Heavenly Demon Splitting Divine Art" is really a bit against the sky.

Others need blood-covenant Gu worms to complete the control of Gu worms.

However, his soul can directly control the Gu worms, and because it is not a blood contract, he can control a large number of the same kind of Gu worms at the same time.

The number may even be as high as hundreds or thousands.

In the ruins of Tiandao, he can control twenty Tufuzi at the same time.

So using this method, he can let all the clones have a transformation Gu, and everyone can change their appearance perfectly.

Then let all the clones transform into the appearance and body shape of another person, and then no one will know that these people are his clones.

But don't underestimate this ability. Let the clones play different people and act with him, and sing double acts in front of others. He can use many conspiracies and tricks to deceive many people.

He refined the transformation Gu and the repair Gu at the same time.

He only needs to wait patiently, and then he will devote himself to the liver robbery Gu recipe.


Four months passed in a flash.

Long Xuan held a black toad and stroked it back and forth lovingly.

This is the repair Gu. After four months, it finally became a Gu. It was just brought over by Yan's clone.

Long Xuan had no time to study the recipe of the robbery Gu at this time. He hurriedly stopped the work at hand and ran over to study this repair Gu and completed the blood contract relationship with it as soon as possible.

The repair Gu did not change much compared to the previous repair worm. They were all black, but he became a Gu worm and became much bigger.

The abilities of both did not change in any form at all, except that the latter strengthened its abilities.

Whether it is the repair worm or the repair Gu, there is a bottomless black hole in the mouth, and the end of the black hole cannot be seen at a glance.

This seems to be a strange space leading to an unknown world. The size of the repair Gu is not large, but the black hole space is extremely huge and can swallow everything.

Everything swallowed by the black hole will be brand new after being spit out by the repair Gu.

Old things will be repaired and worn out and become new.

Incomplete things will also be repaired.

Such abilities are simply against the sky and very interesting.

Long Xuan couldn't wait to study this terrible repair ability.

He wanted to see how strong the repair ability of the repair worm would be after it turned into a repair Gu.

Long Xuan took out a low-grade spirit stone from the storage ring, crushed it, and then threw one of the spirit stone fragments into the mouth of the repair Gu.

After a while, the repair Gu spit out a low-grade spirit stone, and Long Xuan caught the flying low-grade spirit stone with his quick eyes and hands.

He looked at the low-grade spirit stone carefully and found that this low-grade spirit stone was exactly the same as the low-grade spirit stone that was just crushed, as if they were carved from the same mold.

The low-grade spirit stone just now had been crushed into ten pieces by him. If these ten spirit stone fragments were put into the mouth of the repair Gu one by one, wouldn't it be possible to quickly turn him into ten spirit stones?

Long Xuan's breathing became rapid. Such an ability was simply against the sky.

From the small to the big, he could use this ability to turn into many treasures of amazing value.

However, Long Xuan knew that the more powerful the ability was, the greater the limitation was, so it was too early to be happy.

He began to stuff various treasures into the mouth of the repair Gu to test the limitations of this ability.

After a long period of experimentation, he had a clear understanding of the ability of the repair Gu.

After the repair worm transformed into the repair Gu, it could repair most of the treasures in the Gu world, except for the treasures that were far superior to the fourth grade.

At the same time, the time required for the repair Gu to repair various treasures was different.

It would repair the first-grade treasure very quickly, and the fourth-grade treasure would be very slow.

This was in line with the laws of nature, and Long Xuan had already expected it.

And the repair Gu was a living thing, he needed to rest, he could not work 24 hours a day, and his ability could not be used all the time.

This was also in line with the laws of nature, and this limitation was reasonable.

It was just that the repair Gu had a different standard for judging the value of treasures than humans.

It was possible that a treasure that was of low value in the eyes of humans was of high value in the eyes of the repair Gu, so it took a long time to repair it.

It is also possible that treasures that are very valuable in the eyes of humans are not valuable in the eyes of the repair Gu, so they can be repaired quickly.

At the same time, the time it takes for the repair Gu to repair various types of treasures is uncontrollable and uncalculated by the Gu cultivator. All the right of interpretation belongs to the repair Gu.

It will spit out the treasures whenever it wants.

There is no point in you being anxious.

Maybe one day it will be too lazy and you will have to wait for a long time for the treasure to come out.

Based on the above reasons, although the repair Gu can allow him to have more treasures, it is not a production machine and the resources it produces are very limited.

That is to say, when he needs to collect a lot of materials to refine Gu and pills in the future, he still needs to spend a lot of time to refine some treasures and exchange them with others.

It is impossible for him to rely on a repair Gu to live a retirement life.

This disappointed Long Xuan greatly.

He thought that after having a repair Gu, he could live a retirement life in advance without leaving the house.

Now his dream has been ruined.

The ability of the repair Gu is not so amazing that it can't create a mountain of wealth for him in an instant.

Maybe the repair Gu really has the ability to allow him to live a retirement life, but only the repair Gu with tens of millions of materials can do that. Now this weakened version of the repair Gu with tens of thousands of materials is too weak.

At this time, the repair Gu has repaired too many things and has shown a tired look. It refuses to eat anything that Long Xuan feeds it.

Long Xuan sighed in his heart, hard work makes you rich, how can you not work hard at such a young age?

Only those who endure hardships can become the best, how can I have a bright future if you don’t endure hardships?

Seeing that this repair Gu was so unmotivated, Long Xuan had no choice but to put it into the insect breeding bag and let it rest.

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