"Do you know Baili Fu's restraint method?" Long Xuan asked again.

He must ask this question clearly. He wants to know if the Teng family has any means to restrain Baili Fu.

If after investigation, the Teng family was unable to restrain Baili Fu, then he could go on the trip to the Teng family with confidence.

Yun Shuiyao explained patiently: "The reason why the Baili Talisman can teleport hundreds of miles instantly is that it borrows the power of space."

"All means that can confine space can render the Baili Talisman ineffective."

"It can also be said that all methods that can disable the teleportation array and the dragonfly can also disable the teleportation talisman."

"You don't have to worry about your future enemies having the means to restrain Baili Fu."

"Even if he does have it, he may not be able to use it in time."

"The method of making the Baili Talisman has been lost for thousands of years. This incomplete Baili Talisman is the only one left."

"Most people don't know that there is such a thing as a Baili Talisman in this world."

"Unless your opponent can predict the situation beforehand, it will never be possible to restrict you by means of confining space in advance."

Hearing this, Long Xuan became more confident about the trip to the Teng family, and said: "I think you will only accept barter for such a heaven-defying talisman, right?"

"Say it! What do you want!"

Yun Shuiyao immediately smiled and said: "Yes, of course I will not accept such a priceless treasure in exchange for a pile of useless stones."

"Since senior has just taken a fancy to the Demon-Swallowing Cauldron, he must be a third-grade alchemist."

"I would like to ask senior to refine the third-grade realm-breaking elixir for my Yun family. I wonder if you have the recipe for the third-grade realm-breaking elixir."

"He also has the ability to refine third-grade realm-breaking pills." Yun Shuiyao looked into his eyes and said bluntly.

The elixirs that can be used to break through the Gu King are more than a hundred times less than those of the Gu cultivators at the peak of Linghai everywhere. Even if the Yun family has a lot of money, they can't buy them if they want to.

So despite the treasure pavilion having all kinds of treasures, there really wasn't a third-grade mirror-breaking pill, so she could only ask someone to refine it.

Hearing this, Long Xuan finally knew the origin of this woman.

Now that he is on Tianxing Island, he must find out the forces on the island.

As far as he knew, there were many Gu cultivator families on this medium-sized island, among which there were five major families. However, the Yun family was the largest, and could fight against the other four families on its own.

Therefore, almost all the previous owners of Tianxing Island were from the Yun family.

This woman must be an important figure in the Yun family.

On the island, he heard passers-by discuss that the island encountered a beast tide a few months ago. A large number of amphibious sea beasts climbed onto the island, causing heavy losses to the major families on the island.

Presumably, the Yun family lost many Gu kings in this beast tide. The number of Gu kings was seriously insufficient, not even enough to maintain the Yun family's status on the island.

That's why there is an urgent need to find a third-grade alchemist to refine the realm-breaking elixir and immediately replenish the number of Gu kings in the clan.

Long Xuan thought for a moment and then said: "Listen to what you mean, doesn't your Yun family have a prescription for the third-grade realm-breaking elixir?"

Yun Shuiyao smiled bitterly and said: "If every force had a third-grade realm-breaking elixir, then the number of Gu kings in this world would already be all over the world."

"What's more, my Yun family is only a dominant family on a medium-sized island. Compared with the forces on those big islands, it is by no means a big family. Looking at the whole world, it is even less worth mentioning."

"My clan actually had the third-grade realm-breaking elixir formula ten years ago, but one of the materials became extinct ten years ago, so this elixir formula can no longer be used at all."

Hearing this, Long Xuan suddenly realized that he had many third-grade Zhang Jingjing Podan elixir prescriptions in his hands, such as the Long family's Xuanlong elixir formula, and the Leng family's Powang elixir formula.

In his many years of Gu cultivation career, he has had too many opportunities, picked up too many storage bags, and dug out several third-grade realm-breaking elixir recipes.

When he creates his own third-grade realm-breaking elixir in the future, these elixirs will be valuable experiences.

He had so many third-level realm-breaking elixirs in his hand. If Yun Shuiyao hadn't reminded him, he would have subconsciously thought that third-level realm-breaking elixirs were very common.

"I naturally have the recipe for the third-grade mirror-breaking elixir, and I am fully capable of refining it."

"But you must bring your own ingredients for the prescription."

"Let me state in advance that my third-grade elixir recipe is a unique elixir recipe. The ingredients in the elixir recipe are somewhat special and require a large number of thunder-attribute spiritual insects to make the medicine. Therefore, this elixir is called Thunder elixir." Long Xuan said seriously.

It's not difficult to guess what he was thinking. It was obvious that he wanted to use the help of Yun, a local snake, to quickly collect the materials for the Tribulation Gu recipe.

Yunshigui is the largest force in Tianxing Island and has extensive connections in the surrounding islands. Naturally, he has the ability to quickly collect the materials for the Tribulation Gu recipe for him.

He is lazy. With such a force collecting materials for him, he only needs to sit still and eat ready-made food, saving time and effort.

"You should prepare your own materials. Can you let me see what materials I need to collect first, so that I, Yunshi, can prepare them as soon as possible."

Hearing that the third-level alchemist agreed to make alchemy, Yun Shuiyao felt happy, but the expression on his face remained unchanged.

Long Xuan handed a thick book directly to her without any politeness.

Looking at such a thick book, Yun Shuiyao was stunned. What kind of elixir was this that was so thick?

She curiously took the book and flipped through it as fast as she could. The corner of her mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Good guy, the materials in this book are almost all spiritual insects with various thunder attributes.

How can one pill recipe require so many spiritual insects?

It is true that spiritual insects can be used as medicinal ingredients, but it is pure nonsense if the ingredients on a prescription are almost all spiritual insects.

At this moment, she still couldn't see that it was a lie that this person wanted her Yunshi to collect the materials for the elixir, but it was true that he wanted to use Yunshi's hands to collect the materials for the Gu prescription for him.

Yun Shuiyao took a deep breath, but in the end she didn't point it out.

She didn't care what this third-level alchemist wanted, as long as this third-level alchemist could really make a third-level realm-breaking elixir for the Yun family, she would believe him even if he used metal materials to make the elixir.

"The materials on this elixir are very rare, and many of them are not available on the island. We need to trade with other chambers of commerce."

"It will take some time for us to collect all the materials on Danfang."

"How about you come to my Yun family for a while?" Yun Shuiyao invited her warmly.

"Then lead the way!" Long Xuan nodded, accepting her invitation.

Yun family.

In the conference room, a group of gray-haired old men sat together, their expressions full of sadness.

"How is the condition of our ancestor? How long can we last?" An old man asked worriedly.

"His injury can last for another year at most." An old woman said with an ugly face: "This is the last Gu King of our Yun Sect. Once the last Gu King is gone, what will happen to our Yun Sect? You can guess it even if I don’t tell you.”

"We must think of countermeasures. Without the Gu King, the Yun family cannot maintain its position on Tianxing Island."

"Should we go or stay, and where will we stay after we leave? Do you have any good suggestions?"

"Hmph!" An old man with a fierce look on his face slammed the table and said angrily: "Fuck you! Do you really think those four families will let us leave?"

"When the beast tide happened a few months ago, the Gu kings of those four families pretended to die in the beast tide, and let our family bear all the sea beasts. This is why all the Gu kings of my Yun family almost died."

"After we finally pushed back the beast tide, the four Gu kings who had died in the beast tide miraculously survived again."

"Even a fool knows that they are deceiving. Their purpose is to use the power of the beast tide to severely damage my Yun family so that they can carve up my Yun family's territory on Tianxing Island."

"Now that the bridge has been drawn, why don't they eradicate it and give us a chance to make a comeback?"

"They are not taking action now because they are afraid of our last ancestor of the Yun clan."

"The Gu King's death-defying counterattack is at its peak. It's not difficult to replace at least one of their Gu Kings."

"They just want to drag our last Gu King to death and occupy my Yun clan's territory without any losses in a year."

"What a good calculation."

"If we have no other options, whether we go or stay, Yun's family will be dead."

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became heavy, and everyone looked gloomy.

"Can we just sit back and wait for death? At worst, we can fight them while our Gu King is still here."

"If you try hard, you can hit them hard, but if you don't, it will be in vain!" A young man suddenly shouted angrily.

"Master, don't be reckless!" The old woman quickly stopped her and said, "Doing this is tantamount to striking an egg against a stone."

"The beast tide cost us more than just the Gu King's power. Low-level Gu cultivators also lost most of their power in that beast tide."

"But the strength of the other four companies is quite intact. We don't have the capital to seriously damage them."

The old woman sighed in her heart. This tide of beasts had caused heavy losses to the Yun family. Even the head of the house and his wife died in this disaster.

All they could do was catch the duck and drag the family head's youngest son up to succeed the next family head.

But now it seems that this young family leader is young and energetic, acts impulsively and does not care about the consequences. He may not be able to take on a big responsibility.

I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse to hand over the position of the head of the family to him.

Suddenly, as if she sensed something, she took out a communication talisman from her storage bag. After seeing the content on the communication talisman, her brows immediately stretched, revealing a look of ecstasy.

"Our Yun family is saved. That kid Shuiyao picked up a third-grade alchemist from somewhere."

"This alchemist has the ability to refine third-grade realm-breaking elixirs. All of us should go out to greet him."

The old woman stood up immediately and ran outside excitedly.

"What? Are you serious?" Everyone in the room was shocked and stood up one after another, showing expressions of ecstasy.

Many of them have reached the bottleneck of the spiritual sea peak, and only need a few realm-breaking pills to break through the Gu King.

As long as the alchemy level of this third-level alchemist is at a normal level, it is enough for the Yun family to defeat many Gu kings within a year.

What they currently lack is Gu King. As long as there are enough Gu Kings, all crises can be easily solved.

"This third-level alchemist came just in time. Now Yunshi is saved. All of us quickly went out to greet him and received him with the highest courtesy. We must not neglect this important person."

The senior executives of the Yun family swept away their previous worries and walked out of the conference room one after another, leaving in the blink of an eye.

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