Because of his long life span, Long Xuan was not afraid of wasting time. As a hard worker, working hard was his greatest pleasure. He didn't mind spending a lot of time on a broken map.

For the next period of time, he spent all his time on completing the incomplete map. He didn't know how many pieces of white paper he had spent. Finally, after three months, he finally completed the incomplete map and successfully guessed the location of the treasure based on the information on the treasure map.

Long Xuan was ecstatic holding the completed treasure map and walked around the house excitedly. No one could understand the joy of the hard worker after spending countless time and finally succeeding.

He kissed the map with his mouth, then rolled it up and put it in the storage bag, and began to pack his luggage, preparing to go on a long journey to find treasure.

So far, Long Xuan has never gone on a long journey, even to places that are very close.

On the one hand, it is because his strength is too weak, and it is not safe to go too far.

On the other hand, he is responsible for taking care of the medicine garden of Elder Long, so it is not convenient to leave for too long.

But now he doesn't have to think about this problem. He has five external clones, and he can just send one of them to take care of the medicine garden.

After Long Xuan left Lin's clone behind, he first went to the market, purchased some supplies for the wild, and stocked up a lot of food, and then went all the way north.

Speaking of which, there is no bigu pill in this world. In order to prepare enough food, he had to prepare an extra storage bag for food, which was extremely inconvenient.

He has made up his mind that when he has time, he must work out the bigu pill formula. Bigu pills are too important for outdoor adventures and must not be missing.

Half a month later, Long Xuan came to a steep mountain range that was hundreds of feet high and continuous, with several mountains towering into the clouds.

From a distance, it looked like a giant beast entrenched here, majestic and imposing.

There was no one here, no grass or trees on the mountain, no birds or beasts, and a dead silence.

But Long Xuan did not dare to underestimate this place. The more peculiar the terrain and the less people go, the easier it is to hide treasures.

Unowned treasures always appear in places where humans rarely set foot, otherwise they would have been found by people in crowded places, how could it be his turn.

Long Xuan took out the map and looked at it, and found that the treasure should be near this mountain range. He couldn't help but grin.

He put away the map and began to conduct a carpet search here.

Although the area here is large, Long Xuan's eyes can see the progress deep underground.

As long as there is a treasure here, no matter how deep it is buried, don't try to hide it from his eyes.

So not long after, Long Xuan stopped at a cave entrance buried by rocks.

This cave is very hidden. After the entrance is blocked by rocks, it blends into the mountain wall. Even if ordinary people pass by, they can't find a cave here.

Long Xuan immediately ordered four clones to move the rocks blocking the entrance of the cave, and he rested on the side.

There is strength in numbers, and a gap was soon opened at the entrance of the cave.

The entrance of the cave only needs to accommodate one person in and out, and there is no need to open it completely.

Long Xuan immediately ordered to stop digging, and then sent Yan's clone to squeeze into the entrance of the cave, letting him go in to explore the way and see if there is any danger in the depths of the cave. After confirming that there is no danger, the main body will go in again.

Although the external clone can be killed accidentally, after losing a clone, Long Xuan can completely condense another one.

The only disadvantage is that the newly condensed external clone needs to be cultivated again, and only one external clone with the same attribute can exist at the same time.

In the early stage, Long Xuan's spiritual power was weak, and the external clone could be repaired quickly, so he didn't feel bad even if it was lost, so he dared to use it for exploration casually.

But when the realm is higher in the future, the external clone must not be lost, otherwise it will be very hurtful to him.

Anyone who condenses an external clone needs to pay a very high price, and they all have the characteristics that cannot be easily lost. Long Xuan is already the one who needs to pay the least price.

After the Yan clone entered for half a day, he did not encounter any danger. To be safe, Long Xuan sent the other clones in one after another, and he walked at the end.

Suddenly, he felt unsure, so he stopped the last clone, and ordered him to be the last, and he walked in the middle of the team.

After thinking about it, he still felt that the middle position was the safest.

The cave was very deep, and Long Xuan and each clone held torches and moved forward carefully.

Soon, they met three predecessors who had turned into bones, and there were nine full storage bags on the ground.

Long Xuan was afraid that there were poison or mechanisms, so he asked the clone to pick up the storage bags and check the contents.

Long Xuan still had expectations for opening the blind box.

In addition to some ordinary sundries and a striking diary, the rest of the nine storage bags were all fossils. The entire storage bag was filled with large and small strange fossils.

However, in Long Xuan's eyes, 90% of the fossils did not show progress, and it was confirmed that they were dead insects.

The remaining 10% of fossils showed different progresses, with the longest decimal point having four digits, representing high-quality spiritual insects that mature once every thousand years, and there were quite a few of them, enough for him to make a small fortune.

Seeing this pile of fossils, Long Xuan had already seen that this cave was a fossil vein.

Long before entering here, he had already discovered that there were dense numbers in the center of the mountain.

But after all, he did not have true perspective, so he could only see the progress, but could not tell what the progress represented.

Now he could basically be sure that the progress showed dense insects.

The location marked on this treasure map turned out to be a rare fossil vein.

Looking at the three scarred skeletons, Long Xuan deduced from his half-hearted criminal investigation experience that they died in an internal fight.

After flipping through the diary in the storage bag, he roughly guessed what had happened here.

A long time ago, four casual cultivators accidentally walked into this desolate and deserted land. When they were looking for a cave to rest, they accidentally discovered a priceless fossil vein.

The four were immediately ecstatic. After preparing food and a large number of storage bags, they began to dig for fossils here.

But digging for mineral veins requires huge manpower and material resources, and requires the mobilization of thousands of miners.

The four of them dug desperately, even if they dug until they were old, how much could they dig?

They soon discovered that mining was a physical job and was a waste of time. They couldn't practice during mining. If they delayed a lot of practice time, even if they made more money, it would not be worth it.

The best option is to let mortals do this kind of hard labor. Gu cultivators' time is precious and they must not waste it here.

The rule of this world is that mortals are the main body of production, and all the dirty and tiring work is left to mortals to do. Gu cultivators only need to be responsible for cultivation.

But all mortal villages are controlled by the big clans, and the four of them have no ability to mobilize mortals.

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