After the heads of the seven clans entered the auction venue, they walked straight to the front seat of the VIP seats and sat down next to Long Xuan.

Sensing the aura of the seven people emitting the spirit sea realm masters, Long Xuan suddenly felt a lot of pressure and felt like sitting on pins and needles.

His worries were right. In such a short time, they actually attracted all the spirit sea realm masters. If it dragged on for a few more days, they would definitely attract a group of Gu Kings.

He didn't dare to guarantee that all his preparations could be hidden from the eyes of the Gu Kings.

Seeing this group of big guys entering the venue, the few casual cultivators who were bidding the most suddenly wilted. They were still hesitating, and now they dared not bid.

"Master Long bid 1.1 million spirit stones, is there anyone else who wants to bid?"

Qian Jinjin looked around and shouted: "1.1 million spirit stones once! 1.1 million spirit stones twice! 1.1 million spirit stones three times!"

"Deal! Congratulations to Master Long!"

Qian Jinjin knocked the golden hammer on the table, and the dust settled.

At the same time, the maid holding the jade plate came down and came to the head of the Long family to complete the transaction on the spot.

"Haha! Head of the Long family, I will keep the spirit stones for the finale auction this time, so I won't compete with you. Otherwise, don't even think about getting it at such a low price. I just don't know if you can still compete for the fossil veins after wasting 1.1 million spirit stones as soon as you come."

On the side, the head of the Feng family, who has always been at odds with the head of the Long family, said with a fake smile.

"Haha! Don't bother you to worry about this. My Long family is big and powerful, and there are plenty of spirit stones. This million is also called spirit stones? It's just a drizzle, it doesn't matter if it's spilled."

After checking the spirit gathering pill, the head of the Long family put it into the storage bag, glanced at him sideways, and said with disdain.

He sneered in his heart, so naive, the value of the fossil vein is so amazing, how can you bid for it?

All the chambers of commerce in the extreme west have come, and you can have more spirit stones than several chambers of commerce?

Even if you sell everything you have to take the fossil vein, are you sure that other forces won't be jealous? This is a resource that is enough to trigger a war.

Let's not talk about whether there are enough spirit stones to take it, even if you can take it, whether you can keep it is also a question.

Compared with the other heads of the family, the head of the Long family is much calmer and is not overwhelmed by the huge temptation.

Of course, he is also envious of the fossil vein, but he will not act rashly.

The head of the Feng family also looked at him with a squint and sneered: "Your Long family is called a big family? Everyone knows that your Long family is an outsider. It has been less than two hundred years since you established your family here. Where did you get your family background?"

"I think you know that you are the poorest, so you want to withdraw from the competition. You are quite self-aware."

"Who said that? The fossil vein will definitely fall into the hands of my Long family in the end. Do you believe it?"

Just as the two were arguing, the second auction item entered the venue.

When Qian Jinjin lifted the red veil covering it, another bottle of Gathering Spirit Pill came into everyone's eyes. Many people were shocked on the spot. There was actually another bottle. When could Gathering Spirit Pill be mass-produced?

The second auction item was beyond everyone's expectations, and many people's hearts were excited again.

This is the cleverness of the auction house. If the same item is auctioned, you will never be told how many there are in total.

Otherwise, everyone will have the mentality of withdrawing from the competition and maybe the second one will be cheaper. Because there is a bottom line, they will not bid too hard. Scarcity makes things valuable, and the buyer can never know the specific number.

The head of the Long family didn't think about it. Before Qian Jinjin said the starting price, he couldn't wait to speak directly: "I'll offer one million spirit stones!"

Although he is already a master of the Spirit Sea Stage and does not need the Gathering Spirit Pill himself, as the helmsman of a large family, he must first consider the family.

The growth of the child is the key to the future of a family. The time of a genius cannot be delayed, and he must not be stuck in one realm for too long.

Therefore, he would take as many spirit-gathering pills as he could get, and he was not stingy. In his opinion, it was worth spending as many spirit stones as possible.

At this time, the head of the Feng family had stopped talking. In his opinion, Long Wanli was crazy, and dared to waste so many spirit stones before the fossil veins were auctioned.

Seeing the head of the Long family bid again, the group of casual cultivators behind him gnashed their teeth in hatred, but they did not dare to say anything.

They were of low status and did not dare to compete with the big families, but there were also many people who were not afraid of the status of the head of the big family.

"I will offer 1.3 million spirit stones!" A fat man in the crowd shouted loudly.

Long Xuan heard the voice and looked over. He was immediately happy to see this person, even though he was disguised so that people could not see his face clearly.

But Long Xuan recognized him as Qian Duoduo at a glance. His round body was only one aspect, for reference only. The most important thing was the progress. A person's appearance could be changed, but the progress would never change much in a short period of time.

The progress of humans and Gu worms before they were minors represented maturity, and the progress after adulthood turned into a countdown to lifespan.

This fat man's disguise skills are superb and can deceive others, but he can never deceive him.

Long Xuan was surprised that people at the auction could also participate in the bidding? If so, when the fossil vein is auctioned, will this fat man also participate in the bidding? This is interesting.

The head of the Long family frowned slightly. He didn't expect that there was really someone who was not afraid of him and was quite courageous. He looked back at the fat man and continued to shout: "I will offer 1.4 million spirit stones!"

After the voice fell, Qian Duoduo did not continue to raise the price.

Others didn't know the inside story, but he knew that there were four bottles of Gathering Spirit Pills. There was no need to fight with the head of the Long family. The third and fourth bottles might be cheaper. As the manager of a chamber of commerce, he had the same mentality as many buyers.

No one dared to pay the high price of 1.1 million spirit stones, let alone 1.4 million spirit stones?

As expected, the second bottle of Gathering Spirit Pills also fell into the hands of the head of the Long family.

However, when the hammer fell and the third bottle of Gathering Spirit Pills was brought up on the jade plate, everyone was completely unsettled.

There's more! There's more! Is it over? Isn't this a special auction for Gathering Spirit Pills? Countless people shouted in their hearts.

The head of the Long family was stunned for a moment, and a solemn look began to appear in his eyes.

As the head of the family, he was well-informed and knew that ordinary alchemists could not refine so many Gathering Spirit Pills. Even the highest-grade second-grade alchemists in the extreme west could never refine so many Gathering Spirit Pills.

This is enough to show that the alchemist's alchemy skills are very advanced. It is very likely that he is a third-grade or even a fourth-grade alchemist. When did such a big man come to Jixi?

He had the idea of ​​making friends with him. Alchemists above the third grade are enough to be worshipped as guests of honor by all forces. As long as he is the head of the family, it is his duty to make friends with such a big man.

Who knows if this alchemist has a unique recipe that can help the Linghai period break through the Xisui period? If so, making friends with such a person may allow the family to have another Gu King and take the family's strength to a higher level.

The number of strong people is always the most important thing for a family. There is no other, and he has to pay attention to it.

"I offer one million spirit stones!"

Before Qian Jinjin shouted the bottom price, the head of the Long family interrupted and quoted the price.

Everyone behind him is going crazy. Come again? Is it over? Is he trying to catch all the Juling Pills in one fell swoop? He is so greedy that he is not afraid of being full.

Qian Duoduo gnashed his teeth and shouted, "I'll pay 1.3 million spirit stones!"

"1.4 million spirit stones!" The head of the Long family decisively raised the price, not giving the other party a chance to breathe.

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