The black-robed man shook his head and said, "I'm not an insect armor master, I'm a fourth-grade weapon refiner."

"I'm going to Huiyue Empire to participate in the Western Region Weapon Refining Competition. Originally, there were many monsters in this Western Region Weapon Refining Competition, and I had no confidence."

"But if this kind of metal helps, I think I'll be the champion of this weapon refinement competition."

The black-robed man clenched his fists, held his head high, and showed a strong sense of confidence.

Hearing this, Long Xuan's face became strange.

Just him? He still wants to win the championship of the Western Region Weapon Refining Competition?

This guy is not a human, there is a high probability that he is a transformed spirit beast.

It is incredible that a transformed spirit beast has learned human weapon refining skills. It even dared to claim to win the championship of the weapon refining competition and crush all human weapon refiners. It's so arrogant.

No matter how Long Xuan looked at it, he felt weird. Could a spirit beast's weapon refining talent be stronger than that of humans? He really couldn't believe it.

He has been running the insect armor shop business, and people come and go. He is well-informed. He still knows that the ten countries headed by the Huiyue Empire are going to hold the Western Region Refining Competition.

This Western Region Refining Competition is exactly the same scale as the alchemy competition half a year ago. Almost all the refiners in the entire Western Region have gathered. Many people in the City of Sin have set out in advance to watch the excitement.

Not only that, he also heard that after the Western Region Refining Competition, there will be a Western Region Formation Competition, a Western Region Talisman Competition, and even more surprising is that there is also a Western Region Insect Armor Master Competition.

He was shocked. When did the things he messed up become worthy of so many forces to hold a competition covering the entire Western Region?

With the Eye of Heaven's Secret to shrink the weapon pattern, formation pattern, and rune, it would be unfair for him not to win the championship in these competitions.

But after thinking about it, Long Xuan thought it was better to give the opportunity to show off to the young people, and stop pretending to be cool, or he would be struck by lightning.

"You mean, you plan to melt one of the treasures of the store to refine it?"

Long Xuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. These alloy beetle armors were all his painstaking work. This spirit beast actually planned to melt it to refine it. It was really a waste of natural resources.

The black-robed man shook his head and smiled, "You are wrong. I don't want one of your treasures. I want all of your treasures."

Hearing this, Long Xuan became alert. Could it be that this spirit beast wanted to rob and rob?

The City of Sin has rules that prohibit killing people for treasures. Even the peak of the Gu King cannot violate it. The key is that this guy is an uneducated spirit beast. How can he care about human rules?

Just as Long Xuan was daydreaming, the black-robed man took out a bunch of spiritual fruits from his storage ring and put them on the table, laughing loudly: "Don't you just want the fire spiritual fruit, ice spiritual fruit and wood spiritual fruit?"

"I happen to have all these three spiritual fruits. I will accept these three treasures of the store."

As he said, the black-robed man grabbed a beetle with one hand, stroking it lovingly, with an excited smile on his face.

Long Xuan's expression froze at this moment. It's no wonder that he misunderstood. He spent half a year without collecting any of these three earth-grade spiritual fruits. Even if he was beaten to death, he would never have thought of this person. No... This beast actually has three kinds of spiritual fruits at the same time.

What is the origin of this spiritual beast? How can it be so rich? Could it be the beast king of a forest?

It's just that this spiritual beast's brain is not very good. He didn't write down the number of these three spiritual fruits, which means that only one of each spiritual fruit is needed.

This stupid spiritual beast actually gave him a bunch of each. Sure enough, spiritual beasts are spiritual beasts, and they are indeed not as smart as humans.

Long Xuan was afraid that he would regret it, so he immediately walked over and collected all the spiritual fruits on the table.

Each spiritual fruit was fresh, and it seemed that they had just been picked. The flesh was removed and the seeds were thrown on the floating islands of three attributes. Maybe he could have three more earth-grade spiritual fruit trees.

"Not bad! Not bad! This metal is really good."

The black-robed man grabbed the three insect armors hard, and after no marks were left, he laughed out loud: "I'm leaving! If you can still find this metal, come to the weapon sect of Huiyue Empire to find me, and I will buy it at a high price."

"To be honest, I have gold spiritual fruit, water spiritual fruit, earth spiritual fruit, wind spiritual fruit, and thunder spiritual fruit, and some of them are not even a little bit."

With that, the black-robed man left with three alloy insect armors.

On the street, seeing someone trade the three treasures of Master Song's insect armor shop, many demon cultivators flashed their eyes, showing greed, and slowly followed.

The spirit beast took the insect armor in its hand and stroked it lovingly. Not long after, it was followed by people with bad intentions.

Long Xuan looked at it and shook his head. He didn't know whether he was worried about the intelligence of the spirit beast or mourned for the group of demon cultivators behind him.

At this time, they didn't know who they had robbed.

"I really didn't expect that this spirit beast actually had a sect. I thought it learned its weapon refining skills secretly. Who dared to accept a spirit beast as a disciple?"

Long Xuan's eyes flashed, revealing a thoughtful look.

"Since this spirit beast can see the secret of the insect armor, it is not ruled out that others can see it too."

"It seems that this insect armor shop can no longer be opened. Since the last three materials of Daqian Wine have been collected, Master Song's insect armor shop will be permanently closed, and Master Song's vest will also disappear forever."

Long Xuan made a decision in his heart, closed the store door, put all the things in the store into the storage ring, and left through the coir hut.

Not long after he left the hut, the hut was burned to ashes by a timed flame...


Time passed slowly, and another three months passed in a flash.

This day was the day when Daqian wine was brewed.

On the main island, Long Xuan lifted the lid of a wine jar, and the extremely strong aroma of wine floated out, quickly filling the space. After sniffing the aroma of the wine, he was intoxicated.

"Is this the Daqian wine brewed from the fruit of the world tree? The aroma of this wine is really strong, and people can't help but get drunk after sniffing it. What if I drink a sip? What if I distill it again?"

Long Xuan smiled and couldn't help it anymore. He scooped a little wine with a ladle and poured half a cup into the wine glass. He took a deep breath, raised the glass and drank it all.

Daqian wine went into his stomach, and the mellow aroma of the wine flowed from the tip of the tongue into the throat, and then from the throat into the stomach. In an instant, his whole body felt warm.

After drinking a glass of wine, he felt extremely comfortable all over, and his soul was about to float out of his body, feeling ecstatic.

The Daqian wine lingered in his tongue for a long time, and its mellow fragrance made him linger. This was the most delicious glass of wine he had ever drunk, no one else.

Long Xuan resisted the urge to drink another glass. Even if this wine had not been distilled, it was not ordinary strong. Drinking half a glass was already his limit.

The huge energy contained in the fruit of the World Tree was all hidden in this strong wine. Even if he only drank half a glass, Long Xuan felt like he was about to burst.

How dare he drink more? He immediately closed his eyes and tried his best to refine the medicinal power flowing into his body.

The more amazing the wine is, the more amazing its effect is. It is definitely not just to satisfy the desire for food. The World Tree is so amazing, how can the wine brewed with the fruit of the World Tree be ordinary?

In the process of refining the huge medicinal power, Long Xuan finally understood the special effect of Daqian wine.

Those who drink Daqian wine can awaken the body of fire spirit, ice spirit, and wood spirit.

But there may be certain requirements in terms of quantity. The amount of wine must be large, not one or two drops, not half a cup, otherwise the awakening will fail due to insufficient medicinal power.

The fine wine that can awaken special physiques is really against the sky. Long Xuan's eyes released a blazing light, and his breathing was a little rapid. This Daqian wine did not disappoint him.

It's a pity that the Ten Absolute Body is the world's first strange body, which rejects any weak physique. He can only satisfy his appetite by drinking Daqian wine, and there is no effect. This big jar of Daqian wine can only be cheap for Xiaobai.

How much Daqian wine can be brewed from just three world tree fruits? After Xiaobai drinks Daqian wine and completes the transformation, this Daqian wine will probably not leave him a few drops.

Long Xuan showed a bitter smile.

Since Daqian wine has been brewed, the next step is to distill Daqian wine.

Long Xuan took out the distillation tools and began to distill Daqian wine by himself.

After a while, the Daqian wine was finally distilled.

The distilled Daqian wine was extremely concentrated, and the aroma of the wine was several times stronger than before. Even if you smelled it, you would have the urge to get drunk.

Long Xuan's face was flushed. In order to avoid getting drunk, he pinched his nose tightly and looked at the severely shrunken Daqian wine in the wine jar, feeling very painful.

Daqian wine was originally scarce, and there were only a few drops left after distillation. I don't know if these Daqian wines are enough for Xiaobai to transform.

He no longer hesitated, and finally pulled Xiaobai, who was sleeping in the insect breeding bag, out and threw him directly into the wine jar.

Xiaobai fell into the wine jar and finally woke up from his dream.

It fluttered subconsciously, and the wine inevitably entered its mouth. Feeling the extreme wine aroma in the tongue cavity, its eyes suddenly lit up, as if it saw a new world.

This is the peerless wine it has never drunk in its life, and it is the best wine it has ever drunk, no one.

Even the distilled sour, sweet, bitter and spicy wines that he had drunk before were far from comparable to this kind of wine.

Jiu Gu was addicted to alcohol. Seeing such a good wine in front of him, Xiao Bai was immediately excited and couldn't wait to drink it.

Not long after, I don't know how many sips it had, it closed its eyes, turned its white belly up, and floated on the surface of the wine.

Good guy, this Jiu Gu that never gets drunk after drinking a thousand cups was drunk again at this time.

How many times has this happened? Jiu Gu is known as the world's best drinker and is a creature that will never get drunk.

And this Jiu Gu got drunk repeatedly in his hands, which was simply embarrassing and nothing.

Long Xuan closed the lid of the wine jar with a sense of disappointment and let it soak in it.

At this time, Daqian wine was successfully brewed, and the matter of Jiu Gu's transformation had been resolved. Long Xuan finally calmed down and practiced once.

In less than half a year, the tea tasting conference and wine tasting conference of Huiyue Empire will begin.

After the wine party and tea party, the Heshen God Realm will be opened. I don't know how many Gu Kings who have dropped their realms will rush into the secret realm. His realm of the middle stage of the Spiritual Sea is still too low, and he is not good enough in front of those Gu Kings.

Even if a group of Gu Kings drop their realms in the secret realm, they are still at the peak of the Spiritual Sea. Facing this group of strong men, he can only be guaranteed to break through the late stage of the Spiritual Sea.

It is not safe to fight at the two poles, but he is still certain to jump one level, at least he can guarantee that he will not be defeated.

His current priority is to break through the late stage of the Spiritual Sea before the tea tasting conference and the wine tasting conference.

Time is urgent, and it is rare for him, who has never practiced, to join the practice...

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