Looking at the cute little girl who was happily drinking tea, Long Xuan thought for a moment. Suddenly his eyes lit up, and he thought about it, and a sinister smile appeared on his lips.

"Do you like tea? What I have here is good tea."

He still had some leftover roasted Enlightenment Tea for sacrificial tea. The quality of Enlightenment Tea far exceeded all the tea trees in this medicinal garden. He didn't believe that he couldn't lure it into taking the bait with such divine tea.

Long Xuan no longer hesitated and immediately took out a cup of Enlightenment Tea and placed it on the ground. He also took out the Poisonous Poison Gu from the breeding bag and ordered it to spit a drop of venom into the tea cup.

The Disaster Poison Gu can imitate any poison that has been swallowed. At this time, what it spits into the tea cup is a poison that is not fatal but can cause a creature to be instantly comatose.

"This tea?"

Looking at the cup of tea and sniffing the aroma of tea, Zhu Jiuge showed a very solemn look on his face.

She carries Shadow Tea with her everywhere, so she is naturally an expert in tea tasting. Just by smelling the aroma of tea, she can already tell the quality of this tea, knowing that even Shadow Tea is far behind.

Seeing this tea, she finally understood why the He Mysterious Realm had increased difficulty. It turned out that it was all this guy's fault.

Once such a level of divine tea is secretly poured into the river, it will be strange if something goes wrong in the mysterious realm of the river. This person is really guilty.

She couldn't help but roll her eyes at Long Xuan.

"No time to elaborate, let's go!"

After putting the poisonous cup of Enlightenment Tea away, Long Xuan saw the strong aroma of tea beginning to float out. Long Xuan did not dare to stay, so he immediately took Zhu Jiuge's wrist and left. Finally, he ran to a far away and hidden location to hide. Okay, two pairs of eyes are looking in the direction of Enlightenment Tea.

Zhu Jiuge couldn't see his trick at this time, he raised his brows slightly and whispered: "It would be too childish to capture it in this way. A cup of tea appears out of thin air in your own home, even the most stupid person can do it." I can see there is a problem.”

"Haha!" Long Xuan said with a smile: "You are right, this trick cannot deceive anyone, but this is a spiritual medicine. I have just opened my spiritual wisdom, and my spiritual wisdom is not very high."

"Although this plan is full of loopholes, it may have a miraculous effect on a newly transformed elixir."

Long Xuan showed a confident smile and looked at the little girl in the center of the medicine garden. If he had used this strategy before, he would not have been completely sure, but now with Zhu Jiuge's incredible luck bonus, he felt that this matter The likelihood of success is high.

In his sight, the little girl with braids suddenly sniffed and looked suddenly in a certain direction, her eyes shining brightly.

The Wu Dao tea was extremely mellow, and the fragrance of the tea floated into the air for a long time. Even though they were far away, she could clearly smell the Wu Dao tea.

Since this little girl loves to drink tea, she naturally understands tea. When she smelled this smell, she immediately took a deep breath, trying to smell all the fragrance into her stomach, and slowly showed her intoxication.

She dropped the bad tea in her hand that had been diluted into water, and immediately ran in the direction where the scent of tea came from, looking excited and moving very fast.

In Long Xuan's eyes, she stopped some distance away from the Enlightenment Tea, with a vigilant look on her face, and suddenly looked around.

However, both Long Xuan and Zhu Jiuge have farsightedness, and their locations are far away from Wudao Tea, which is obviously not something she can easily detect.

The corners of Zhu Jiuge's lips curled up and he chuckled: "You're not too cautious. It seems like your plan is going to fail. I'll tell you, even a three-year-old child wouldn't fall for such a loophole-filled trap. How could she?" Get into the trap.”

Long Xuan shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't draw conclusions too early. The matter hasn't reached the last moment yet. You can continue reading."

Although Long Xuan looked confident at this time, she began to feel nervous in her heart. This elixir was not stupid at all. At this time, she was already wary, fearing that it would be difficult to be fooled.

He could only hope that with Zhu Jiuge's luck, the IQ of this elixir that would turn into a spirit would drop to a negative number as soon as possible.

The little girl didn't keep him waiting for long. She looked around and found no suspicious enemy, and her vigilance remained unabated.

How could a cup of excellent tea suddenly appear out of thin air in her home? She was really fooled into thinking she was a fool. She was sure there must be an ambush there.

She showed a human smile, suddenly opened her mouth, and sucked hard, and the enlightenment tea in the distance was sucked into her mouth from a distance.

After the Enlightenment Tea was in her stomach, she said "Yeah!" and looked intoxicated. She didn't have time to taste it carefully and was about to run away. However, the poison of the Poisonous Poison Gu was too strong. She shook a little, finally fell to the ground, and fell asleep immediately. .

Zhu Jiuge patted his forehead and said speechlessly: "It's really stupid. She guessed that there must be an ambush around the tea. She planned to take the tea from the air and run away, but she never thought about whether there was something wrong with the tea. She was really stupid. Hopeless."

"Is it really so easy to capture the elixir that turns a spirit into a spirit?"

Seeing that the magic elixir finally fell, Long Xuan finally breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "This is the result of being greedy. Sometimes it is so easy to deal with a person's weaknesses by knowing them."

He couldn't wait any longer and immediately rushed over. After running to the side of the little girl, Long Xuan smiled as if he was succeeding.

"Come in, please!"

He picked up the little girl and threw her into the breeding bag. The Sky-Swallowing World Toad in the breeding bag couldn't wait and swallowed her in one gulp.

As if he thought of something, Long Xuan put his hand into the insect breeding bag again. When he stretched his hand out of the insect breeding bag again, there were already two more braids in his hand.

"for you!"

Long Xuan threw two braids at Zhu Jiuge.

"This spirit medicine must have a miraculous effect. We have made a worthwhile trip with this treasure."

"I am not sure about the relationship between the red man and this little girl, so I plan to leave this level immediately, and I will not look for all the treasures in this level anymore."

Zhu Jiuge took the two pigtails, sniffed them under his nose, and threw them into the storage ring without much research. He looked at Long Xuan and smiled:

"These two spirit medicines have lived here for many years. They have grown close over time. How can their relationship be bad?"

"Let's leave as soon as possible, otherwise the ginseng will find that we have kidnapped its companions and will fight us to the death."

"That ginseng is not simple. I think it has an 80% chance of surviving the transformation thunder! Its combat power is enough to sweep away any human Gu cultivator in the secret realm."

Looking at the direction where the thunder tribulation fell in the distance, Zhu Jiuge's eyes showed a solemn look.

Hearing this, Long Xuan's scalp suddenly tingled: "Let's go quickly and leave this world as soon as possible."

After saying this, he recalled the puppet army that was frantically looting the medicine garden and rushed out of the medicine garden quickly.

Although most of the spiritual herbs in the medicine garden had not been picked in time, he was already satisfied.

Although he had been in the medicine garden for a short time, the number of puppets was too large, and the number of spiritual herbs collected for him by the puppet army in this short period of time was enough.

... (End of this chapter)

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