Jiu Kang counted the number of people and frowned, saying, "There are still more than 200 people left in the hall. I really don't know how many people will die in the next level, and how many people will be able to leave the He Shen God Realm alive in the end."

Cha Shan glanced around and sighed, "There are fewer familiar faces, fewer famous strong men, and even Shui Wuqing is gone."

"Shui Wuqing's combat power can at least rank in the top ten in the entire Middle Earth. I didn't expect that even he couldn't make it through this level. It's unbelievable." Cha Shan smacked his lips.

He Jiong said, "He either died at the hands of the ginseng or the weapon maniac. Except for them, there should be no one here who can kill Shui Wuqing."

"Once Shui Wuqing dies, the strength of the Shui family will be greatly reduced."

He looked at the man in black robes leaning against a pillar. Although he was dressed like a human, everyone could guess that he was the weapon maniac who caused heavy damage to the Huiyue Empire.

However, the next level is its death. In front of the red spider lily, this weapon maniac can't escape the fate of being swallowed no matter how strong he is. He Jiong sneered in his heart.

At this time, a man and a woman were sitting side by side on the pillar closest to the weapon maniac.

Everyone stayed away from this weapon maniac, but this couple seemed to be not afraid of the weapon maniac and dared to sit next to him.

Under the influence of Zhu Jiuge's amazing luck, as expected, Long Xuan has successfully swallowed the binary heavy water.

In the space inside the toad of the swallowing world, Long Xuan looked at the Gu recipe in his hand and smiled slightly.

The Gu recipe in his hand at this time was the tea Gu recipe.

He collected enough famous teas at this tea tasting conference, and the time for refining tea Gu was ripe. Taking advantage of this free time, he also researched the tea Gu recipe.

The tea Gu recipe includes thirty-six kinds of famous teas such as Wudao Tea, Bingxin Tea, Shadow Tea... etc.

Due to the small amount of materials, he successfully researched the tea Gu recipe in just a few hours after successfully conquering Tianshui.

Although the number of ingredients in the Gu recipe is small, the materials used are extremely valuable, and even the heaven-defying treasure such as Enlightenment Tea is used. The total cost is much higher than that of most top-grade Gu worms.

The number of Gu recipe materials and strength are positively correlated only in most cases, not absolutely. His tea Gu is one of the Gu species that uses few materials but is extremely heaven-defying.

Long Xuan showed a satisfied smile, put away the tea Gu recipe, and walked towards the tea garden.

Since the Gu recipe is ready, it is natural to go to the tea garden to collect materials for refining Gu.

His tea garden has all the materials used in the Gu recipe, so he doesn't need to continue to collect them.

Including the top-grade tea worms needed to refine the tea Gu, he also collected them in Shui Wuqing's collection.

The Shui family is a large family that refines tea Gu and wine Gu. It is not a coincidence to find top-grade tea worms on the head of the Shui family.

Walking to the tea garden, looking at the busy petite figure inside, Long Xuan showed a strange look on his face.

Because the spirit Yin Yang Xuanyu Ginseng loves to drink tea, he simply named it Cha Cha.

Cha Cha has recently become obsessed with tea frying technology and has been madly causing trouble in his tea garden. He fried all kinds of tea in his tea garden and drank them all. He still hasn't had enough.

It was like entering heaven when it entered this tea garden with a full range of varieties. It didn't cry or make a fuss, and never thought about going back.

But it's good in this way. He will have one more tea farmer and one more free worker.

Putting away the pots of tea that had already been brewed on the table, Long Xuan smiled slightly.

With such a free coolie, the materials for refining tea Gu are already prepared without worrying about it.

The process of refining tea Gu is exactly the same as refining wine Gu. Throwing tea worms into different spiritual tea combinations can make different tea Gu.

Tea worms can also be thrown into a single tea. Each type of tea can make a tea Gu, but the tea Gu made with a single tea is weaker.

Long Xuan placed a huge teapot on the edge of the tea garden and evenly poured thirty-six kinds of famous tea into the teapot.

Finally, he took out a green fat worm from the insect breeding bag. Seeing the fat worm twisting in his hand, Long Xuan showed an interested look.

This green fat worm is a tea worm that loves to drink tea, and it is a very rare and top-grade tea worm, which is worth a fortune outside.

This tea worm has a very sensitive nose. After smelling the extremely rich tea fragrance, it stared at the huge teapot on the ground, drooling, struggling desperately, and wishing to get in immediately.

This tea is a fried tea that has never appeared in this world. The quality is far beyond this era. How can a tea worm resist the temptation?

Long Xuan stopped teasing the tea worm, opened the lid of the teapot, and threw it in.

As soon as the tea worm fell into the tea, it greedily sucked the tea in the pot, with a crazy look, as if someone was snatching it from it, and swam quickly in the teapot.

The deliciousness of the stir-fried tea obviously conquered this picky tea worm. It had never tasted such delicious tea. At this moment, it was like an addict.

Long Xuan looked at the tea worm nervously. He had to be nervous. Every time he used the technology of his previous life to refine the Gu, something unexpected happened.

The wine worm, which had a great alcohol tolerance, drank distilled liquor and died of drunkenness.

The Evil Gambling Gu, which was immune to all poisons, ate the radioactive metal poison and fainted from the poison.

This time he used the stir-fried tea technology of his previous life to refine the tea Gu. This was his first attempt in this world. Who could have predicted what kind of unexpected changes would occur.

As expected, the accident still happened. The teaworm in the teapot had not swam in the tea for long before it closed its eyes, showing its round belly, and floated on the water without moving.

Long Xuan frowned. Tea is not wine. Could it be that if the tea is good enough, it can make the teaworm drunk?

He stretched out his finger and poked the round belly of the teaworm. Soon his brows relaxed. There was nothing wrong with the teaworm. It was just full of wine. At this time, its round belly was round and about to burst.

The belly of the teaworm is a bottomless pit. Although it is small in size, it can easily drink tea that is a thousand times larger than its size.

The tea in this teapot is not ordinary. The enlightenment tea alone contains a huge amount of spiritual power. How can a small teaworm easily swallow and absorb it?

Especially this teaworm is greedy. Seeing that the tea tastes good, it drinks desperately. As a result, it can't withstand the huge medicinal power in its body and faints.

Long Xuan is speechless.

Finally, he closed the lid of the teapot tightly and let it die on its own.

"Water clone, you stay here and refill its cup at any time. Keep an eye on Cha Cha and don't let her drink the tea in this teapot."

Long Xuan looked at Cha Cha who was excitedly frying tea with a suspicious look, and then left one clone behind.

Refining a teapot is the same as refining a wine Gu. The amount of tea is equivalent to the number of times the Gu is refined. The Gu refiner needs to keep refilling the teapot with tea until the tea worm transforms into a Gu worm.

If you are unlucky, even if you refill the cup a hundred times, it may not become a Gu. (End of this chapter)

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