With his attention highly focused, Long Xuan forgot the passage of time and himself. After an unknown amount of time, the sky suddenly became overcast with dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

The dark clouds stretched for tens of thousands of meters. The sky darkened in an instant, the wind howled, and the thunder was deafening.

Long Xuan was finally awakened by the deafening thunder. He slowly raised his head and looked at the gray thunder in the dark clouds. He slowly showed ecstasy.

Success, success, really success, gray thunder, this is exactly the color of the eighth-ranked Thunder Tribulation Transformation Thunder.

"Hahaha... I have made my Samsara Pill. My Samsara Pill can really attract the Transformation Thunder."

"Looking at the entire Gu world, no alchemist can make this level of pills!"

"Only me! Only I, Long Xuan! I, Long Xuan, am the number one alchemist in the Gu world!"

Long Xuan looked up at the thunder in the dark clouds and shouted excitedly: "Let the storm come even harder!"

A thunder exploded, and his voice was drowned in the thunder...


At the same time, Luocheng.

This day was the day when the Fairy Miaoyin preached in Luocheng.

During this period, the seven-tone rhythm appeared in the Gu world, causing a major earthquake in the Gu world. This news was like thunder from the ground, shocking the entire music world and also alarming countless Gu cultivators who practiced the first path of music.

The one who mastered the seven-tone rhythm was a beautiful girl. She was not very old, but she was already the king of Gu. Not only was her cultivation talent rare in the Gu world, but her piano skills were also at the pinnacle, so she was called the Fairy Miaoyin.

Fairy Miaoyin intended to promote the seven-tone music in this world, so she preached everywhere. Every time she passed through a city, she would play the zither to teach the way, leaving behind various seven-tone music scores.

The zither players who learned these music scores were like treasures, and they studied them day and night, like a demon.

The appearance of the seven-tone music scores made all the musicians crazy. As more and more people learned the seven-tone music scores, the seven-tone music was sweeping the entire Gu world with an unstoppable force.

This day was the day when Fairy Miaoyin passed through Luo City and was going to preach in Luo City.

With the arrival of Fairy Miaoyin, the streets were suddenly deserted, and everyone crowded around an attic. The streets were crowded with people, and there was no space.

Everyone on the street was listening to the sound of the piano coming from the attic, looking intoxicated. In the attic, there was a beautiful girl with a thin veil, playing a strange piano with seven strings.

The sound of the zither was pleasant and lingering. Everyone around was mesmerized and intoxicated. They seemed to have their souls taken away and lost their minds.

After the song ended, the people below woke up as if from a dream. The crowd soon burst into fierce applause, cheers and discussions.

"It sounds good! The person is beautiful, and the song is beautiful! Is this the music played by seven strings? It is really memorable. In my opinion, the music played by seven strings is much better than the music played by five strings."

"Haha! It seems that the seven-tone music path is complete, and the five-tone music path learned by everyone is incomplete. It is really hard to believe that the music path that has been passed down from ancient times to the present is wrong. Many great masters who cultivate the music path have gone astray for thousands of years. It is really a tragedy."

"Haha! Most of the people who come to listen to the Fairy Miaoyin's preaching are Gu cultivators who cultivate the music path. They found out that the music they have been studying all their lives is wrong and has been doing useless work all their lives. Now their mentality is about to collapse!

"Puff! "

Just at this moment, someone in the crowd spit out blood and fell to the ground.

As this person fell to the ground, it seemed that a chain reaction had started. People kept spitting out blood and fell to the ground, and the crowd was in chaos.

These people who suddenly vomited blood had a common feature, that is, they were all Gu cultivators of the Dao of Music Cultivation.

Some even spit out blood and laughed wildly with bloody teeth, like a madman: "Hahahaha... I have been studying music all my life and am a well-known musician. Now my life is coming to an end, and someone told me that what I learned in my life is wrong, hahaha... God! You really played a big joke on me!"

Someone in the crowd suddenly went crazy, and the people around him showed fright and ran away.

"Run! Another person has gone crazy! This is the first time!"

"Don't worry about him. Qin Lao is obsessed with music and has devoted his life to music. When he found out that what he learned in his life was wrong, he couldn't get over it and has now gone crazy. "

"Alas! Fairy Miaoyin always drives a group of people crazy whenever she preaches in a place. Just get used to it. These people are pitiful. Who wouldn't go crazy after knowing that what they have been studying all their lives is a wrong path? If it were me, I would go crazy too. "

In the attic, Qin Mingyue looked at the chaotic crowd outside and sighed in her heart.

She didn't want this to happen. She knew that publishing the seven-tone music path would drive many old musicians crazy, but there was nothing she could do about it.

The times need to progress, and progress must eliminate backward things. There will always be people who will become victims. She can only silently say sorry to those old predecessors in her heart.

After sighing softly, she stroked the strings of the zither and shouted to the people below: "Next, I will bring you the second song, which is also my favorite seven-string zither song. The song is called "Ten Sides of Ambush". Please be quiet. "

The flowers fell, and the chaotic scene below suddenly became quiet. Everyone opened their eyes wide, looking expectantly at the beautiful woman in the attic, waiting for the second piano piece.


A piano sound that made everyone's scalp tingle rang out, and everyone was intoxicated and completely immersed in it.

However, just when everyone was immersed in the sound of the piano, something unexpected happened.

At this moment, the sky suddenly changed drastically, with lightning and thunder. The weather that was clear just now was suddenly covered with dark clouds and strong winds.


Above Luocheng, the space suddenly cracked at this moment, and there was endless darkness in the huge space crack.

With the appearance of this space crack, the strong wind in the field became stronger, as if it was going to suck everyone in the city into it.

"What on earth happened."

"No! Run!"

Although they didn't know what happened, everyone in the audience subconsciously felt that it would not be a good thing, so they turned around and ran.

The Gu King flew away from Luocheng in a few steps, while the low-level people were all crowded together. There was chaos on the street, and a stampede occurred for a while. The low-level people could not escape the city in time at this time.

Just when the people who didn't have time to escape the city were desperate, a slender giant hand stretched out from the huge space crack.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, the arm of the giant hand slowly grew longer, swept through the crowd, and grabbed someone who was running away at an extremely fast speed.

Qin Mingyue turned around and turned pale when she realized the hand was grabbing her.

"Not good! Just when she wanted to speed up and escape from the palm in time, she found that her spiritual power was suddenly imprisoned, and all her abilities could not be used at this time.

Looking at the palm that was getting closer and closer to her, Qin Mingyue showed despair and slowly closed her eyes.

Just like that, in the shocked eyes of everyone, Fairy Miaoyin was captured by this huge palm.

After the palm held the person in its palm, it retracted into the space crack, and the space crack slowly healed at this time.

As the space crack was completely closed, the terrible vision in the sky disappeared instantly.

The strong wind stopped, the dark clouds dispersed, and the bright sunshine fell from the sky again. Luocheng once again returned to the sunny scene just now, as if the terrible scene just now had not happened.

Everyone was confused and looked at each other, and there was a brief silence in the city.

"What happened just now? How could a hand suddenly stretch out from the space crack and capture Fairy Miaoyin. "

"I don't know! However, the power of space is not something that everyone can control. Obviously, this person has the ability to break the void, and his true realm has far exceeded that of the Gu King. "Someone in the crowd said with a look of shock.

"What? This is actually a powerful person who can break the void. Why did she capture Fairy Miaoyin? What did Fairy Miaoyin do to attract such a terrifying existence? "

"What else could it be? The only thing Fairy Miaoyin does is to spread the seven-tone sound everywhere. I guess the reason for attracting this powerful person is because of this."

Someone said with a serious expression: "I see that the little finger of this hand is missing, so I have a bold guess."

"In ancient times, there was a powerful woman named Nine Fingers. Her combat power was extremely terrifying. People at that time called her the Nine-Fingered Qin Demon, and they were terrified when they talked about her."

"And the first qin of the human race was created by her. She created one of the qins in this world and was the founder of the five-string qin in this world."

"If it weren't for her, we wouldn't know what a qin is now. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone's face changed drastically, and they all took a breath of cold air.

Although it is impossible to determine the identity of this mysterious and powerful person with just one hand, this guess is really too scary.

"It is rare that the ancestor of the five-stringed zither found that someone overturned her zither, so she was angry and wanted to kill her and then destroy the seven-stringed zither?" Someone boldly guessed.

Soon someone shook his head and said solemnly: "If she had the intention to kill, then Fairy Miaoyin would have been killed on the spot, not captured."

"If she really felt ashamed and wanted to cut off the inheritance of the seven-stringed zither, then she would definitely wipe out all of us together, so how could she only capture her. "

"This matter may be a blessing for Fairy Miaoyin, and she may even become the direct disciple of the Nine-Fingered Zither Demon. This is a great opportunity. "

"If things are really as I said, she not only became the disciple of the Nine-Fingered Qin Demon, but also jumped to a higher level world. Then she is now soaring to the sky and doesn't have to be trapped in the cage of Gu World with us." Someone said enviously.

The Gu World is a huge cage that no one can get out of. People trapped here will stop at the peak of Gu King for life. No matter how talented they are, they can't break through to a higher level. The peak of Gu King is the limit of this world.

Now Fairy Miaoyin is likely to jump to a higher level world and have the conditions to break through to a higher level, and even pursue immortality. How can he not envy her.

"Okay! That's just your guess. It's not certain whether the person who took Fairy Miaoyin away is the Nine-Fingered Qin Demon. Let's all disperse now."

"Although Fairy Miaoyin was captured, she preached everywhere and left the seven-stringed zither inheritance in many places. Even without her, the seven-stringed zither is enough to flourish in this world. It's only a matter of time before the five-tone scale is eliminated. "

Everyone nodded, talked to each other, and slowly dispersed.

However, what happened today was quickly spread.

After all, the person who took Qin Mingyue away might be the founder of Qin Dao, and this matter was enough to interest everyone.

At this time, Long Xuan suddenly woke up from his dream, sat up straight, and gasped heavily.

The Transformation Thunder was too terrifying. Although the Jie Gu successfully resisted the Transformation Thunder, it was already seriously injured at this time, with only half of its life left.

In order to protect the furnace of elixirs, Long Xuan was also seriously injured by the Transformation Thunder. If it weren't for the Water Bear Gu, he would have died long ago. How could he bear the power of the Transformation Thunder.

However, good and bad are interdependent. Although he was seriously injured by the Transformation Thunder, there are also benefits.

When he was on the verge of death, he triggered the advancement condition of the Water Bear Gu. The transformation condition of the Water Bear Gu is to break and stand. At this time, his state is completely satisfied.

When the Water Bear Gu wakes up, it can be advanced to the Alien Gu. It is really a blessing in disguise.

Long Xuan, who was seriously injured, didn't even want to move his fingers, so he lay on the ground and took a nap.

In his dream, he dreamed of Qin Mingyue, and he found that Qin Mingyue was playing the piano for an old woman.

Qin Mingyue trembled in front of the old woman, as if she was very afraid of her. She acted cautiously and didn't dare to provoke her at all.

The old woman was leaning on her head with her hands at the table, with a smile on her face. She seemed to be fascinated by the music played by the seven-stringed harp, with a look of intoxication on her face.

Seeing this scene, Long Xuan was immediately angry.

Good guy, she dared to let her beloved baby play the harp for her. How could she be so arrogant? Did she get his consent? Outrageous!

Long Xuan stood up, with a thoughtful look on his face.

He rarely dreamed, and this dream was more like a kind of omen. Did Qin Mingyue really have an accident?

Long Xuan didn't dare to waste time healing his wounds, and prepared to set off immediately to find Qin Mingyue as quickly as possible.

He walked to the alchemy furnace, slapped the furnace body with his right palm, and the lid of the alchemy furnace flew high.

At the same time, three pills emitting white halos flew out of the furnace. Long Xuan was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and grabbed the three pills.

He opened his hand and looked at the three round white pills in his palm, smiling slightly.

"Is this the Samsara Pill that can make people reincarnate with their memories? It looks really extraordinary and has a lot of charm. I didn't expect that three pills were produced at once, and only one was a useless pill."

"What a pity! Although the Samsara Pill is against the sky, it is useless to me. I don't think I have to escape into reincarnation. No one in the world can kill me."

Long Xuan smiled confidently, put the three Samsara Pills into three pill bottles and put them separately, and then reached into the alchemy furnace again.

Not long after, a black pill was picked up by him.

Looking at this black pill, Long Xuan was thoughtful.

This black pill was the waste pill produced by refining the Samsara Pill.

Samsara Pill is really too difficult to refine. Even with his superb alchemy level, he used all his skills and accidentally refined a waste pill. Otherwise, the full pill of Samsara Pill should be four.

However, good and bad are interdependent. Losing one Samsara Pill may not be a bad thing for him. It may be a good thing.

You should know that waste pills cannot be eaten because they are poisonous. All waste pills are poison pills.

The Samsara Pill is such a heaven-defying pill that the waste pills produced must be quite toxic. The advanced materials of this evil poison are in sight.

You should know that the attribute of the Samsara Pill is reincarnation, and the waste pills will also have some reincarnation power.

So Long Xuan immediately came up with another bad idea, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

He was thinking, can the toxicity of the waste pills of the Samsara Pill be combined with other poisons to create a peerless poison.

This poison is called the Samsara Poison because it has the reincarnation power of the Samsara Pill.

The characteristic of the Samsara Poison is that it can be infinitely reincarnated in the human body. Even if the best antidote is used to remove the poison, the Samsara Poison will reincarnate again in the body.

This poison will accompany a person for life, not afraid of any antidote, and is absolutely unsolvable.

Thinking of this terrible poison, Long Xuan felt a chill in his spine. Even he was frightened by the poison he imagined.

Undoubtedly, with the terribleness of the reincarnation poison, it can definitely make the Evil Poison Gu complete the upgrade.

It is no exaggeration to say that the reincarnation poison he imagined is enough to enter the top ten of the list of strange poisons in the Gu world, and it may even have a place in the top three.

Once the reincarnation poison is studied by him, it will be a great invention that will shock the world. Whoever is poisoned by this poison will die.

Long Xuan immediately decided that the next task is to study the formula of the reincarnation poison. The next upgraded Gu worm will be the Evil Poison Gu.

Long Xuan clenched his fists, finally put away the alchemy furnace, and left here as quickly as possible.


Half a month later, Luocheng.

It is not difficult to find out about Qin Mingyue. After finding out Qin Mingyue's whereabouts in this city, Long Xuan frowned slightly.

Qin Mingyue was actually taken away by a powerful man who broke the void. Such a thing really exceeded his expectations.

"Nine-fingered Qin Demon, could it really be her?"

On the street, Long Xuan murmured softly and took out a terrifyingly bright chess piece.

This chess piece was the one that established a fate connection with Qin Mingyue, and it would rise and fall with her.

Since this chess piece was still glowing at this time, it proved that Qin Mingyue was fine, at least she was still alive.

And this chess piece was so bright that it proved that Qin Mingyue was not only fine, but also lived a good life.

You have to know that the brightness of the chess piece is completely positively correlated with her performance. The better she develops, the brighter the chess piece will be.

Long Xuan was playing with the chess piece in his hand, and suddenly thought that the more music from his previous life he taught Qin Mingyue, the brighter the chess piece would be. He had expected that Qin Mingyue would encounter a great opportunity after leaving the deserted island.

Could this be the great opportunity she encountered? If she really ran to a wider world and was accepted as a disciple by Qin Zu, then this would be more than a great opportunity. Her fate would be rewritten and she could achieve any achievement in the future.

Long Xuan took a deep breath. In this case, there was a sign of this incident on the deserted island. It was all caused by the music score from his previous life. In fact, he should be blamed for this incident.

Qin Mingyue was captured because of the music scores that did not belong to this world. If he had not taught her so many classic seven-string music scores from his previous life, this would never have happened.

However, according to the brightness of this chess piece, Qin Mingyue was not only safe, but also had a brighter future. There was no need to worry.

Long Xuan took a deep breath and finally stopped worrying. (End of this chapter)

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