
In the dim world, the Sword King woke up from the darkness and felt the wet touch of his body. He quickly thought of something and slowly showed an ecstatic look.

"Haha! Am I reincarnated? I should be in my mother's womb now. Haha, the effect of the reincarnation pill is real. It can actually allow people to reincarnate once with their memories."

"Now I can practice in my mother's womb. I can absorb the innate energy that has not yet dissipated from the umbilical cord and use the innate energy to polish my foundation. I was born as a peerless genius. Who of my peers can catch up with me?"

"The achievements I can make in this life will definitely far exceed those in my previous life."

"In this life, I want to stand at the top of this world!"

The Sword King clenched his fists excitedly and wanted to laugh out loud. Of course, he was not fully developed at this time, so he obviously couldn't laugh.

After the excitement, he began to practice the exercises and tried to absorb the innate energy in the mother's body. He couldn't wait any longer.

The innate energy is unique to the mother. It is the purest power and the root of the innate energy. It has infinite benefits. When the mother is about to give birth, the innate energy will dissipate when it comes into contact with the turbid air outside.

In other words, the innate energy is temporary and cannot be retained forever.

However, the fetus in the mother's body is unconscious, and does not know the exercises. It is impossible to absorb this innate energy. It can only let the precious innate energy dissipate in vain.

If someone can have consciousness in the womb and absorb this power in time, what kind of foundation will be formed is simply unimaginable. No one in this world knows how terrible such a baby will be in the future.

Because there is no precedent, it is impossible for a baby in this world to awaken consciousness in the womb, and it is naturally impossible to absorb the innate energy in time. From ancient times to the present, no genius has ever done such a terrible thing.

And he, the sword king, will become an exception here today. At this time, he was so excited that he almost couldn't breathe, and his fists were clenched.

He finally closed his eyes, and after slowly sensing the innate energy, he suppressed his joy and used his skills to try to absorb it.

However, at this moment, the smile on his face suddenly froze, and his face turned pale.

"How is it possible? How come I only remember half of my skills, and I forgot the other half? What's going on?"

"Damn it! If I don't remember the other half of the skills, I can't practice this skills at all. Without practicing the skills, it's impossible to absorb this innate energy. How could this happen? Is it because I only took half of the reincarnation pill?"

The face of the sword king gradually became ugly. At this time, he really experienced what it means to be overjoyed and then sad.

Such a sudden change was too fatal for him. The advantage of rebirth with memory was gone in an instant. All his fantasies just now became a bubble, and his mood gradually sank to the bottom.

"There is no other way. Since the innate skills cannot be cultivated, then I can only cultivate the rubbish skills. There are also many ordinary skills in my memory. At most, I can find a better skill when I grow up and then change it. The most important thing now is to absorb the innate energy."

The sword king took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and began to search for the skills in his memory.

However, the more he recalled, the uglier his face became.

It was not until this time that he finally realized that the consequence of swallowing only half of the reincarnation pill was to lose half of his memory, and this half of the memory did not disappear randomly, but he could only remember half of anything.

He remembered all the skills in his mind, but he could only remember half of them. The final result was that no skill could be used.

He was almost vomiting blood. The joy of rebirth was gone, and despair slowly appeared in his eyes.

The innate energy was right next to him, but he could not use it. At this time, no one could understand his current mood.

Just when he was about to collapse, he suddenly realized that a wisp of consciousness beside him had awakened, and used the soul power of the Gu King to check his situation.

The Sword King was stunned on the spot. He actually had a twin brother who also awakened his consciousness. Could it be that besides himself, there was another person in the world who could awaken his consciousness in the womb?

He suddenly realized something, and his face gradually became gloomy. Besides himself, only those who swallowed the other half of the Samsara Pill could awaken their consciousness in the womb during this period of time.

Who else could this person be but the black-robed man who ruined his good deeds? It was really a narrow road for enemies. It was not enough to rob my opportunity, but he actually came to rob my innate energy. It was really too much.

The Sword King clenched his fists and looked at him fiercely.

It was this person who robbed half of his Samsara Pill that caused him to lose half of his memory and could not absorb this innate energy. His current fate was all thanks to him.

The Sword King was about to go crazy, his face slowly became ferocious, and he revealed a murderous look.

"I'll fucking kill you!"

The Sword King rushed over like crazy, pinching the twin brother's neck with both hands.


At the same time on the other side

"Hahaha... I'm rich! I'm rich! I'm really rich!"

"I didn't expect this trip to yield such a big harvest. The Heaven-Swallowing World Toad will become several times bigger again."

On the floating island, Long Xuan checked the looted property and laughed wildly with excitement.

You know, the Wanyao Pavilion is holding a pill exchange conference. There are so many precious spiritual medicines on display at the conference. Now he has caught them all. He is almost laughing crazy.

At first, he felt that exchanging the Samsara Pill for Shou Luo Chun was a bit of a loss, but now it seems that exchanging a useless Samsara Pill for so many spiritual medicines is completely worth it.

He just doesn't know how the person who stole the Samsara Pill is doing now. Has he entered the Samsara cycle? What will happen if he cultivates in the mother's womb? What changes will happen when absorbing the innate energy in the mother's womb? He is very curious.

But the mother body that the Samsara Pill makes people reincarnate into is random, and he really can't find the location accurately. The world is so big that trying to find this person is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

He can only suppress his curiosity and find the box of Shou Luo Chun from the pile of medicine.

Looking at this box of Shou Luo Chun, Long Xuan put away his smile and frowned slightly.

Drinking tea made with Shou Luo Chun regularly can prolong life, which requires long-term drinking. Drinking only one or two cups will have limited effect, so there is really a lot of Shou Luo Chun in this box.

However, the amount of tea required for the tea worm to advance is also not small. This box of Shou Luo Chun seems to have a lot of it, but it is very small when used for the advancement of the worm.

This box of tea alone may not be able to make the tea worm advance 100%.

Long Xuan picked up the leaves with petioles in the box, frowned and thought for a moment. The only way now is to borrow the power of the medicine worm and use the cutting technology to let the leaves grow into Shou Luo Chun tea trees again.

As for whether Shou Luo Chun tea trees can be grown with the help of the medicine worm, he is not sure. The success rate is about 50-50. At this time, he can only treat a dead horse as a living horse.

However, the growth cycle of the heavenly spiritual medicine is too long. It may take a long time for the medicine worm to ripen Shou Luo Chun.

He can only hope that the tea worm is powerful enough and can successfully advance with only these Shou Luo Chun.

Speaking of which, his chess worm has established connections with many geniuses and can share a small part of their luck.

The luck of these geniuses combined is very impressive. With the help of amazing luck, it is not impossible for the tea gu to complete the advancement with only these Shou Luochun.

After giving a few petiole leaves to the medicine gu, Long Xuan began to fry the remaining tea leaves. After a while, the rich tea fragrance spread throughout the floating island.

The tea gu sniffed, with excitement in his eyes, and flew over following the tea fragrance.

Even the Yin Yang Xuanyu Ginseng, who likes to drink tea, twitched his nose and ran over, drooling on the ground...


Two months later.

Long Xuan looked at the colorful butterflies flying in the air, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Things really did not disappoint him. I don’t know if it was the influence of the amazing luck of the chess gu. This tea gu actually succeeded in advancing with only this little tea, and is now flying happily in the sky.

Through the power of the blood contract, Long Xuan also quickly figured out its newly awakened ability after the advancement.

The tea gu is an auxiliary, and each level it advances will have an additional gain effect.

At the first stage, it awakened the healing aura, which was white and greatly increased its healing ability when put on the Gu worm.

At the second stage, it awakened the power aura, which was black and greatly increased its power when put on the Gu worm.

At the third stage, it awakened the speed aura, which was blue and greatly increased its speed when put on the Gu worm.

Just when it was promoted to the fourth stage, it awakened a new ability - the defense aura.

The defense aura was yellow and greatly enhanced the defense of the Gu worm when put on the Gu worm.

The increased defense ability was very practical and Long Xuan was very satisfied.

So far, his tea Gu has four buff effects. Once these four buff effects are superimposed on each Gu worm in a team battle, Long Xuan dare not imagine how strong his Gu worm's team battle ability is.

"Since the tea Gu has been successfully advanced, the next step should be the dragon Gu. In two months, with the foot strength of the World Toad of the Swallowing Heaven, it should be almost at the Dragon King City, right?"

Long Xuan's eyes flickered slightly.

The condition for him to agree to join the Longteng Empire was the advanced materials of the Dragon Gu and other Gu worms.

As long as he arrived at the Dragon Emperor City, he could get the advanced materials of the Dragon Gu. If nothing unexpected happened, the Dragon Gu would devour the materials and enter the metamorphosis state on the same day.

He couldn't wait for the Dragon Gu to advance.


Three days later, Dragon Emperor City.

Dragon Emperor City is a newly built city in Jinchuan. This city was originally called the City of Slaughter and is a gathering place for a group of demon cultivators.

The City of Slaughter is similar to the City of Sin. They are all fugitives and demon cultivators from various countries who fled here and gradually formed a city. There are evil people everywhere in the city, and there is no good person. It is a gathering place for demon cultivators. Because it is too chaotic, it is not governed by various countries. Like the City of Sin, it is a no-man's land.

Originally, the demon cultivators in the city lived and worked in peace and contentment, and their lives were very comfortable. Unexpectedly, a few years ago, a mysterious force suddenly came here and attacked the City of Slaughter on the grounds of losing a child.

This mysterious force has many huge Gu insects, each of which is extremely powerful and can throw huge rocks of astonishing weight.

In that battle, the sky was like a meteorite rain. Under the bombardment of the meteorite rain, no matter how strong the defense of the city defense formation of the Killing City was, how could it withstand the bombardment of countless meteorites.

In just three days and three nights, the city defense formation of the Killing City was broken.

Without the barrier to block it, countless meteorites fell from the sky, and a large number of Gu cultivators in the city were killed by the falling meteorites before they could fight.

Then the group of Gu insects of astonishing size rushed into the city. These Gu insects carried one mountain defense formation after another on their backs, which could move with the movement of the Gu insects.

The mountain protection formation was so powerful that it was not something that could be easily countered by human power. Before long, the demon cultivators in the city were killed by various mountain protection formations, and blood flowed like a river.

The demon cultivators in the city were all stunned, and they almost collapsed at the first touch. Without making any decent resistance, they were killed and fled from the Killing City, leaving behind a large number of corpses.

The Long family's Gu cultivators chased and killed them for three thousand miles, and the blood was stained for three thousand miles. Most of the demon cultivators died on the way to escape, and in the end, not many could really escape the pursuit of the Long family's Gu cultivators.

Along the way, a large number of forces were also uprooted by the Long family on the charge of harboring demon cultivators.

So far, the Long family has completely controlled the Killing City and the large area of ​​land around the Killing City.

After this battle, the Killing City was renamed Dragon Emperor City, and the Long family has completely established a foothold in the Central Region.

However, the Killing City is located in a remote area, with a small area and insufficient resources. Otherwise, it would have been occupied by other countries long ago, and it would not have become a no-man's land.

Given the insufficient area and resources of this land, the Long family set their sights on the Yaoye Forest adjacent to the Killing City, preparing to slowly open up the wasteland and gradually expand the territory.

The Yaoye Forest is the territory of the spirit beasts, and there are countless powerful spirit beasts in it, which is definitely not something that the human empire can easily take advantage of.

So far, the war between the Long family and the spirit beasts has begun. This is a protracted war. It is unknown how many spirit beasts have died under the butcher knife of the Long family's Gu cultivators, and how many Long family strongmen have died in the claws of spirit beasts. In just a few years, both sides have paid a heavy price in double deaths.

But as time goes by, the battle line is pushed deeper and deeper in the Yaoye Forest, and the territory of the Long family is getting bigger and bigger.

This is the simple information that Long Xuan learned before arriving at the Dragon King City.

He seemed to have seen this scene before. How similar is the development strategy of the Longteng Empire and the Jixi Long family?

The Jixi Long Clan was the same. They wanted to seize territory, but they had no reason to start a war. It was easy to arouse public anger without a reason.

So the Jixi Long Clan directly robbed a concentration of demon cultivators. Killing demon cultivators, a group of evil people who did all kinds of bad things, did not need an excuse for war. They were too lazy to even find a reason. They just claimed that their children were lost, and then started to attack the city without saying anything, killing all the unlucky demon cultivators.

After that, they also opened up wasteland in the barren land. As time went by, they slowly controlled a large area of ​​land, and finally grew and became one of the strongest forces in this area.

At this time, the development of the Longteng Empire was very similar to that of the Jixi Long Clan. (End of this chapter)

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