"You don't believe it?" Long Xuan glanced at him and said with a smile: "You will know if I am exaggerating or not if you try it?"

"My Xiaoqiang Gu has the ability to regenerate broken limbs. You chop off a hand now and see if I can reattach it."

Li Laodao would of course not agree to chop off his hand. What if Xiaoqiang Gu didn't have the ability to regenerate broken limbs? Wouldn't he be a fool to chop off his hand?

"Why do you need to chop off your hand to verify the ability of Xiaoqiang Gu? I will know it after I test it."

Li Laodao was successfully provoked and decided to replace it whether it was true or not and verify its ability on the spot.

If what he said was false, he would settle the account on the spot. Can he run away under his nose?

Li Laodao walked directly to Long Xuan's stall, grabbed a Gu jar at random, opened the Gu jar without even looking at it, and directly made a blood contract with the Xiaoqiang Gu inside.

As long as the blood contract is established with the Gu worm, the owner can clearly know its ability.

The information transmitted by the soul quickly stunned Li Laodao's expression, and his face changed again and again, gradually revealing a look of disbelief.

"How is it possible? It is obviously a very weak insect, how could it have such a terrible ability." Li Laodao murmured softly.

"Okay, since you have already signed the blood contract, then quickly hand over the spirit stones. For the sake of neighbors, I will only charge you 299 spirit stones." Long Xuan yawned and kept urging.

Li Laodao looked at Long Xuan, and the look in his eyes when he looked at him was different at this time. The person who could create such a Gu recipe was definitely not an ordinary person. At this time, he had already thought about making friends.

"Haha, I'm not very good at seeing things. I didn't expect that weak cockroaches could be used to make Gu. I'm really surprised. You really can't underestimate any insect in the world."

"But I'm glad I didn't listen to you and cut off my hand. Although this little strong Gu really has the ability to regenerate broken limbs, it's not exaggerated to the point of instant recovery."

"Regeneration of broken limbs is an extremely slow process. It may take several years. If I really listened to you and cut off my hand, I would be in big trouble. People in the Gu world are helpless. Who doesn't have enemies?"

Li Laodao also threw three medium-grade spirit stones on Long Xuan's stall and said with a smile.

Another order was placed so quickly, and Long Xuan showed a happy smile on his face.

Seeing that Long Xuan did not continue to speak, Taoist Li, who wanted to make friends, continued to talk: "I have done your business, and it is a courtesy to reciprocate. Should you also take care of my business?"

"Although my Gu worm is not a unique Gu worm, it is definitely the most ferocious Gu worm in this market. I guarantee you will be satisfied."

Hearing this, Long Xuan also became interested and turned to look at his stall.

Compared to the shabby single-digit items on his stall, the things on Taoist Li's stall are too rich. It is almost full of bottles and jars filled with various insects.

It's just that his bottles and jars are smaller and smaller, and the insects inside are also smaller and smaller. They are all internal Gu for parasitism.

It's just that his internal Gu has no benefit to the host. It is all used to parasitize the enemy's body and harm people.

It is precisely because it is not used by itself, so it does not take up a quota. You can raise as many as you want. It is a consumable.

It is worth mentioning that there is a quota limit on the number of Gu worms that Gu cultivators can use. The quota for each Gu cultivator is different and related to the soul talent, but the average quota for Gu cultivators in the Gathering Spirit Stage is about four.

Of course, Long Xuan has lived two lives as a human being, so the number of Gu worms that he can make a blood contract with at the same time may be more than that of ordinary people, or even more than twice as many.

Most Gu cultivators have a very limited number of Gu worms in their blood contract, and they must be careful with them. The internal Gu used to harm people is the only type of Gu that does not occupy a quota, and almost all Gu cultivators will raise some.

This Taoist Li actually likes to refine this kind of Gu worm. He is definitely an old cunning man. We should be careful of him. Long Xuan immediately became wary of this person.

Looking at the introduction of the Gu worms in the bottle on the worm bottle, Long Xuan suddenly felt a tingling sensation on his scalp.

Stone Gu: It looks like stone particles and is often placed on a road full of gravel. When pedestrians pass by, the stone Gu will jump into the human body. The stomach of the person who is Gu is as hard as a rock, the stool is constipated, and the person will become thinner and thinner. He will die within half a year.

Rice-grain Gu: It looks like a grain of rice and is often placed in the enemy's rice. The infected person's appetite increases dramatically, and he often cannot eat enough. He becomes mentally ill. If there is no way to cure the Gu, he will die within a month.

Wart-sized Gu: It is often hidden in the gaps between the fingernails. It is planted in the target's body by close contact with the target, or by patting the shoulder or shaking hands. After the Gu infects the blood, it will eat up all the internal organs in the target's body. The infected person often cannot survive for more than a day.

Looking at the crueler ways of death, Long Xuan's face changed slightly.

This was the first time he understood the sinisterness of the Gu in this world. For example, this stone Gu looks exactly like a stone grain and cannot be distinguished at all.

And the road back to his village is full of stone grains. If someone puts a few stone Gu on his way home, what will happen?

Thinking about this possible scene, Long Xuan couldn't help but shudder.

He couldn't tell which was a stone grain and which was a stone Gu. No matter how careful he was, it was useless.

This is just the most common stone Gu. There are more hidden Gu insects than stone Gu. There are many different ways to poison people. It is impossible to prevent them. How can he prevent them?

You should know that he cannot see the progress of bacteria and viruses now, which means that the gold finger is ineffective for things that are too small.

He cannot see the progress of many insects that are several millimeters away from him. He can only see the progress when they are very close.

Even his gold finger cannot help him prevent poison.

Long Xuan was really scared at this time. This was something that could kill him, but he had no countermeasures now. If someone secretly poisoned him, he really didn't have the confidence to escape.

No, the research on microscopic poison must be put on the agenda. No, the second poison worm should be used to refine microscopic poison.

Without microscopic poison, those small insects used to harm people cannot be defended at all. As long as the microscopic poison comes out, no one can poison him anymore.

At this time, Long Xuan had made up his mind to focus on the research of microscopic poison in the second topic.

He was really afraid of death in his new life. He must pay attention to any factors that could threaten his personal safety.

After looking at the poison worms with fear again, Long Xuan said to Li Laodao: "No, I am not interested in this kind of poison worm."

His current funds have other uses, and he doesn't plan to waste them on unimportant things.

And even if he wants this kind of poison worm, he plans to obtain it by himself.

As long as the microscopic Gu comes out, he can research microorganism Gu worms. Microorganism Gu worms are so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye. They can fly directly into the enemy's mouth without being noticed. At that time, they can harm anyone they want, and no one can counter them.

In terms of concealment, what kind of Gu worm in the world can be more difficult to guard against than the microorganism Gu? The stone Gu is just a younger brother in front of the microorganism Gu.

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