Longevity: Start with your own wine-making technique

Chapter 75 Dragon Gu (with illustrations)

Long Xuan had no choice but to painfully replenish the spiritual stones, and then he returned to his small pavilion, finally calmed down and continued to study the Gu recipe.

His Dragon Gu Gu recipe progressed very quickly, and he was only 10% away from completion.

Since the materials have been basically collected, he also has to speed up the progress of the Gu recipe, and strive to work out the Dragon Gu Gu recipe as quickly as possible.

Unknowingly, three months have passed.

During this period of time, the protracted beast tide finally ended. It is unknown how many Gu cultivators were killed or injured in this battle. Whether it is a large number of independent cultivators or major Gu cultivator families, they all suffered heavy losses.

But the survivors were tempered in this battle, and also obtained a large number of rare materials, so their strength increased significantly.

Therefore, although the number of Gu cultivators in the Far West has been greatly reduced, the number of masters has increased.

Yan's clone also returned intact from the battlefield, so Long Xuan didn't have to run to meet him every two months, and he could save the time to go back and forth to study the Gu recipe.

Hard work pays off. Three months later, he finally succeeded in researching the Dragon Gu recipe.

Looking at the recipe with the progress of [100%] on it, he was overjoyed.

For some reason, he would be particularly excited whenever he saw this number, and would be ecstatic when he saw 100%, no matter what this number appeared on.

He quickly wrote down in the lower right corner of the recipe title: by Long Xuan◎

He put down his pen, kissed the recipe heavily, put it in a wooden box like a treasure, and put it in his storage bag.

This wooden box contained all his research results. No matter what he created, he would put it in this wooden box. It was his treasure box for storing his knowledge results.

After that, he began to prepare for the work of refining the Dragon Gu. It was better to start refining the Gu today.

He had already prepared all the materials for the recipe. It was nothing more than the few new materials that he had just written that needed to be purchased in the market, which would not waste much time.

When the Dragon Xuan Sect's Yan clone bought these new materials, he put a total of about 4,000 materials into a large cauldron.

Then he carefully observed the progress of the Gu refining. If the progress of the Gu refining did not appear, he would pour out all the materials and put them in a random order until the progress appeared.

When the number [0.0%] appeared in his sight, he smiled with joy and returned to the warm pavilion again.

The process of refining the Gu takes a long time, and there is no point in being anxious. He plans to do something else to kill time.

He suffered from speed loss repeatedly in the previous battles, and he has planned to develop speed-type abilities more than once.

Now he has time, and he plans to create a body method while waiting for the Gu to be completed.

Body method is a kind of physical skill, which does not require spiritual power to activate, and the upper limit of speed is not as good as the ability of the Gu worm.

He planned to create a powerful body technique to transition first, and then study the ability of space teleportation when he became a top-level strongman in the future. People of low realms definitely cannot teleport in space, and using physical techniques to transition is also a problem.

It is still the old rule, either do not create it yourself, or create something different and outstanding, with obvious advantages over conventional body techniques.

It is best to integrate some elements of the previous life, so that the body technique he created will not find similarities in this world, and thus stand out.

Otherwise, after he worked hard to create the body technique, he found that this body technique had already been created before him. Wouldn’t he be doing useless work, just like he was plagiarizing.

In this way, he can simply learn the body technique of this world, and he can also save a lot of time. Why bother to create it himself?

Only when the body technique he created is awesome enough and exceeds the body technique that can be learned in this world, it is worth his time and it is necessary to learn his own body technique.

Since he wanted to add some elements from his past life, he first thought of the Qinggong in the martial arts novels of his past life.

Of course, the body movements in this world are definitely not Qinggong. Although body movements and Qinggong are both fast, they are definitely not the same thing.

There is no Qinggong in this world, and there is not even this word.

Long Xuan actually relied on Qinggong. If nothing unexpected happened, he would be a heretic again. The works created by heretics would definitely not be similar in this world.

Whether it is strong or not is another matter, but his masterpiece will definitely stand out among the body movements in this world. It is very different from the traditional body movements and has a different style.

Since he thought of Qinggong, he first thought of a superior Qinggong called "Tiyunzong" in the Wudang sect.

How awesome is "Tiyunzong"? This light skill can step on the right foot with the left foot, and the left foot with the right foot, and ascend to the sky on the spot.

In other words, you can fly by stepping on the right foot with the left foot. As long as you keep stepping on your feet, you can keep climbing up to the sky like climbing stairs. No one will care if you break through the atmosphere.

How difficult is it for humans to fly? It can be said that no body technique in this world can make people fly.

If his idea can really be realized, then his self-created body technique may become the only body technique in this world that can fly, which can be called a miracle in this world.

In this world, if Gu cultivators want to fly, they can only rely on flying mounts. It is extremely difficult to fly on their own. The flying ability is a super rare ability. There are very few Gu cultivators who have it. It is basically invisible at ordinary times. Only the group of Gu Kings can fly.

So flying will be a huge advantage in this world.

It can be said that when he faces a strong enemy, he can run away whenever he wants, and no one can catch up with him, no matter how fast the enemy is, he can't catch up to the sky.

And he has the only air superiority, then he will be the only one to fight others, how can others fight him, he must be invincible from the beginning.

Mastering the power of flying too early in the early stage is really helpful for actual combat.

The more Long Xuan thought about it, the brighter his eyes became, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was really creative. He immediately decided that he would study this kind of left foot stepping on the right foot. He just wanted to step on the left foot and ascend to the sky on the spot!

I just want to go to the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun! Who can stop me!

Long Xuan was full of heroic spirit, took out a piece of paper, and was about to write a passionate word!

However, when his pen tip was about to fall on the paper, he suddenly stopped.

He frowned, thinking hard, with a blank face, and didn't write for a long time, not even a word.

Needless to say, if nothing unexpected happens, he got stuck again, and he got stuck at the first word.

He just suppressed the emotions that he had finally built up. Passion comes and goes quickly, and there is no longer the enthusiasm he had just now.

Long Xuan felt like a basin of cold water was poured on his head. He no longer had the enthusiasm just now, and finally calmed down.

Everyone has imagination, and everyone can daydream. The key is what principle you use to realize your imagination. Everyone can think, but what's the use of thinking without doing?

At this time, Long Xuan was in this situation. His imagination was a bit big, so he was stuck there, with a confused face.

It seems simple to step on the right foot with the left foot to ascend to the sky, but those who have been to school know that the action of force is mutual.

The harder you step on your right foot, the more downward force your right foot will give you, so no matter how strong your strength is, even if you have the power to lift a mountain, you can't fly by stepping on your right foot with your left foot.

Just like you grab your left shoulder with your right hand, no matter how strong you are, can you lift yourself up?

Long Xuan scratched his head, wondering how to figure out the technique of stepping on the right foot with the left foot. He racked his brains. At this moment, he didn't know how many brain cells he had killed, and his brain CPU was almost burned.

The most direct way to realize this idea is to remove the downward force.

But how to remove the force has become a new problem. He thought of Tai Chi in his previous life, which can remove force, but he only knows a little about Tai Chi, and it seems that it doesn't work.

He thought of the law of levers, the downward force is very light, but the other end can generate a lot of upward force, but he doesn't have such a long lever, so can the lever be bent? It seems that there is no fulcrum.

Long Xuan's brain is about to explode.

As a last resort, he sent a large number of clones to use the original world to steal from others. The development of martial arts in this world is far beyond that of his previous life.

What was theoretically impossible in the previous life may not be impossible in this world where martial arts flourish. He can find a solution in this world.

Perhaps the principle of some spiritual arts in this world can realize his imagination.

He is planning to learn a lot from the principles of other spiritual arts. He may be able to use the principles of some spiritual arts.

Finally, a month later, Long Xuan looked at a book called "Force-Removing Skill" on the table and smiled proudly.

This "Force-Removing Skill" is a physical skill of Old Long, which is considered one of the strongest and unique physical skills of the Long family.

Old Long accidentally took out this physical skill and put it on the table, and Lin Fen Shen, who was in charge of Old Long's medicine garden, learned it secretly.

Alas! How could he be so careless? He was too careless, hehe...

Long Xuan laughed proudly.

This physical skill called "Force-Removing Skill" is very powerful, and the theory in it can be used in his own body skills, which can be regarded as a great help to him.

As the name of "Force-Removing Skill" suggests, its function is naturally to remove force?

And his body movement of ascending to heaven by stepping on his right foot with his left foot can only be achieved by removing force. Just when he was looking for a way to remove force, he fell asleep and someone gave him a pillow. Whatever he thought of came true, and it came at the right time.

Long Xuan quickly picked up the "Force-Removing Skill", kissed it heavily, and then couldn't wait to flip through it, reading it fascinatedly.

"Force-Removing Skill" is a defensive physical skill, which is used to dissolve the force of others hitting you.

"Force-Removing Skill" can dissolve 30% of the force when it is practiced to a small success, and it can dissolve 100% of the force when it is practiced to a great success.

What does 100% of the force mean? It means that you will be immune to all physical attacks, and even if the enemy has the power to shake the mountain, it can't hurt you at all.

It's really too exaggerated, too perverted!

The Long family is indeed a big family famous for its strong physical body. Such a heaven-defying physical skill can actually be researched by this family. Awesome!

Old Long dared to use such a powerful physical skill casually, how careless.

Long Xuan smiled in his heart.

Although this is a defensive physical skill, not a body technique, but it can be used to polish jade, even different types of physical skills can learn from each other.

However, the "Force Removal Skill" removes the external force generated by external attacks, not the interaction force caused by oneself. It is definitely not possible to copy it completely, and he needs to make a lot of changes.

However, for Long Xuan, the difficulty lies in the beginning. Everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as he knows how to do it at the beginning, then the rest will be easy.

As long as he is given some hints, he can figure out the complete body technique.

Just like that, Long Xuan, who had the inspiration, wrote down his writing like a god, his thoughts flowed, and he wrote very fast. The paper quickly appeared from nothing, line after line of text.

And as time passed, the number of lines and text increased. Soon, the text filled the whole paper, and he changed another one...

A year later, Long Xuan bound the scattered papers into a book, and a new book that had not yet been named was placed on his stone table.

Looking at this unnamed new book, Long Xuan breathed quickly, and his mood was as excited as he could be.

At this time, he was in high spirits and really felt that he was so great that he could even study such an awesome body movement.

He is a great man in this world. His achievements in body movement in this world can be said to be unprecedented and unparalleled, enough to be recorded in the history of this world.

How awesome is this body movement he created?

First of all, his body movement can remove the interaction force, so that the human body can climb infinitely to the sky by stepping on the right foot with the left foot and the left foot with the right foot.

Not only that, the most important thing about body skills is speed. How fast can he go?

Long Xuan can remove his own gravity and make himself as light as a feather. How fast can he go?

He can also remove the resistance that prevents his speed, such as the friction generated by the air. How fast can he go?

Don't underestimate the impact of air resistance on speed.

When you walk slowly, air resistance will certainly have no effect. When your speed reaches the extreme, you will understand how terrible the air resistance is.

The friction between the falling meteorite and the air can produce flames, and the friction between the rocket and the atmosphere can melt the metal shell.

This is just the speed of the rocket. There are too many creatures in this world whose speed is much faster than that of the rocket.

Let alone how much air resistance will be generated at that speed, the friction generated by the air alone is enough to make you burn yourself.

What's more, the space in this world not only has air, but also spiritual power of various attributes, and the resistance is even greater.

Long Xuan's body movement can not only ignore the friction of the air, but also the law of conservation of force. The force he removed cannot disappear out of thin air. So where did all the force he removed go?

Long Xuan can completely transform all these forces into forward propulsion and further increase his speed.

Under heavy acceleration, how fast can he go?

Long Xuan doesn't know, and he doesn't dare to imagine.

He doesn't have any body training skills yet, and hasn't started body training yet. Insufficient strength will directly affect his speed.

So how fast he can go in the future, Long Xuan can't estimate it at all, but every time he thinks about it, he always feels like he's on fire.

He set five realms for his body movement.

The first realm, flying over eaves and walls.

The body is so light that it can quickly shuttle between eaves and cliffs.

The second realm, floating on water.

The body can be so light that it can walk on the water, like a dragonfly skimming the water.

The third realm, flying on the grass.

The body is so light that it can run fast on the grass tip without stepping on a single tender grass.

The fourth realm, stepping on snow without leaving any trace.

The body can be so light that it can run on the snow without leaving any trace on the snow.

The fifth realm, lift heavy things as if they were light.

You can run on the water while holding a large vat filled with water.

What is Qinggong? This is the real Qinggong, which not only makes oneself light, but also lighter than external objects, and can be as strong as a mountain.

When the body method is practiced to this realm, it means that the body method has been perfected, and a ruthless person who can run on the lake while holding a large vat will appear in the Gu world...

It is extremely difficult to practice to the fifth realm, and there are probably very few people who can practice it in the world.

The body method created by Long Xuan is too difficult, and it has strict requirements on comprehension. It is not something that anyone can practice.

So far, a body method with the concept of Qinggong has been successfully created by Long Xuan.

The Qinggong in martial arts will shine in this world, stir up the world, and shock countless people.

Since the body method has been successfully completed, it is time to give this body method a loud and atmospheric name.

Long Xuan frowned and thought for a moment. How about calling it "Ascension"? Why do I always feel that this word is weird, as if something is wrong.

After thinking about it, Long Xuan decided to name it "Stepping on the Stars". He could even step on the stars in the sky. This name is domineering and classy.

He wrote the words "Stepping on the Stars" on the blank book cover, and finally wrote below - Long Xuan◎author

At this point, Long Xuan's world-famous masterpiece was completely completed.

He blew the handwriting on it lightly and put it into the small box with satisfaction.

Next, he needs to urge the major clones to seize the time to practice, and he will supervise.

The five clones practice at the same time, return the results of practice at the same time, and enjoy five times the practice speed. It will take him no time to practice "Stepping on the Stars".

By then, he will have first-class speed, and speed will not only not be his shortcoming, but also his strength.

Almost no one in the same realm can catch up with his speed. He is confident in the body movement he created.

His "Stepping on the Stars" is definitely the best in the world, and there are very few body movements that can compare with it.

I dare not say anything about other places, but in this place of the Far West, his "Stepping on the Stars" deserves the title of the best body movement in the Far West.

Once Stepping on the Stars is fully mastered, his personal safety will be greatly improved. He can attack or defend, and no one in the same realm can catch up with his speed.

Unconsciously, a year had passed. Long Xuan had to sigh that time passed so quickly. He had never thought that creating his own body movement would take him so long. However, this was enough to show the complexity of "Stepping on the Stars".

Suddenly, he remembered that he had not checked the progress of the dragon poison for a long time. He was shocked and hurried to the big cauldron.

He was so absorbed in studying "Stepping on the Stars" that he forgot about time and even forgot about refining the dragon poison. He didn't know if his clone was watching for him.

Speaking of which, the dragon poison seemed to be not simple either. The refining time was really long. It had been a year now.

When he ran to the big cauldron, he found that the progress displayed above the big cauldron was [100%], which meant that the dragon poison had been made.

He was delighted. It seemed that he had come at the right time and was not late.

This dragon poison should have just been made not long ago, otherwise it would have run out long ago and would never stay inside honestly.

It is really better to arrive at the right time than to arrive early. Long Xuan was overjoyed and opened the lid of the cauldron. Suddenly, a green little dragon appeared in his sight.

The little dragon was curled up in the center of the cauldron, sleeping soundly, and looked a little cute.

This dragon Gu can't be said to be like a dragon. It looks exactly like the Azure Dragon in the previous life, and its whole body is green.

Its horns are like deer, its head is like camel, its eyes are like rabbit, its neck is like snake, its belly is like clam, its scales are like fish, its claws are like eagle, its paws are like tiger, and its ears are like cow.

Each part is like an animal, a living oriental dragon.

The only difference is the size.

The Azure Dragon is so huge, and the one in the cauldron is a mini version of the Azure Dragon, which has been reduced by hundreds of times.

After all, it is an insect, and the characteristic of insects is that they are small, so it is understandable that they have such a size.

However, looking at the little guy in the cauldron, who is only as thick as an arm, he fell into deep thought.

Can this be ridden? What about the promise to refine a mighty and domineering mount? How did a tiny thing come out? Can it be ridden in this state? Will I ride it or will it ride me? Long Xuan fell into deep thought.

Would he raise another ancestor? It seems to be able to sleep like Xiaobai, except that it has four more legs than Xiaobai, and it is another Xiaobai.

With a nervous mind, Long Xuan bit his finger and dripped blood on its forehead. While it was sleeping, he established a blood contract with it. In an instant, Long Xuan knew what its ability was.

His eyes began to brighten.

It must be said that each of the Gu worms he created is awesome. He actually refined a top-grade Gu worm with a domain.

This domain is not simple. It is called the teleportation domain.

From the name, it can be fully understood that it can appear instantly at any location within the domain.

Note that the key word is teleportation. Teleportation has no speed and appears directly. Such an ability is simply impossible to defend against, and there is no way to defend against it at all.

Let’s not talk about the basic abilities of the dragon worm, or its physical strength. The teleportation ability alone is enough to put it in the forefront of the best worms.

The only thing that can break the martial arts in the world is speed. As long as the speed is extremely fast, then you are the best in the world.

No one can be faster than teleportation. It doesn’t need to have any other abilities. It can be invincible with just one trick.

If he had a dragon worm when he went hunting in the Ten Thousand Mountains, would that fragile worm dare to act presumptuously in front of him? The dragon worm can kill the fragile worm in one teleportation.

The ability of the dragon worm is a natural nemesis for those fragile worms.

Long Xuan was very satisfied with the teleportation ability, and he couldn’t be more satisfied, but he soon became depressed again.

He had just created a body method that was the fastest in the world, but a worm that was faster than him appeared right after him. Wasn’t this a deliberate attack on him?

However, thinking that the teleportation range of the dragon gu is only within the domain, the domain can move slowly but cannot teleport with the dragon gu, so it is definitely not faster than his "Stepping on the Stars" in terms of long-distance raids, Long Xuan finally felt relieved when he thought of this.

"Since you are all green, I will name you Xiaoqing! I hope you can grow up to the point where you can ride one day."

Long Xuan is still obsessed with the mount, and he doesn't know how big the dragon gu can grow at full growth. Can it reach the same size as the dragon?

He took the coiled dragon gu from the big cauldron and held it in his arms, gently stroking its green skin and the pair of young dragon horns, and couldn't let it go.

So far, Long Xuan's third top-grade gu worm has been completed. Counting the Xiaoqiang gu, he now has four gu worms.

With three top-grade gu worms in hand, plus a Xiaoqiang gu, Long Xuan is confident that he can not be afraid of anyone of the same level in this area. Even if the opponent is the first genius of a certain clan, he can't think of posing a threat to him.

If he encounters a Gu cultivator whose realm is much higher than his, he can also use "Stepping on the Stars" to escape.

The speed of Stepping on the Stars is too exaggerated, and it can also fly, so it is hard to say whether the Gu cultivators in the Spiritual Sea Stage can catch up with him.

After this retreat, Long Xuan's strength has greatly increased, and his combat power has undergone earth-shaking changes, which can be said to have increased several times.

At this time, he can finally walk out of the Novice Village, boldly go out to take risks, and wander around.

With his current trump card, there are not many dangers that can put him in danger.

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