Longevity, starting from being a chicken raising servant

Chapter 202 The battle begins! (five thousand updates)

"A fight started?"

When Wang Ba heard this, he was immediately confused.

When had there ever been harmony between the Tianmen Sect and the Incense Tao?

"This time is different. This time, even Li Canghai died in the battle!"

The fisherman shook his head.

Hearing this, Wang Yan was really surprised.

"Li Canghai is dead?!"

"How can it be!"

He still remembered this Li Canghai, who had a rough face and a strong body. Even if he didn't do anything, he would give people a great sense of oppression.

Not to mention his tyrannical cultivation level, even Zhu Ziji, who was ranked fifth on the Tianmen Sect's combat power list, fled in panic.

What happened not long ago was still vivid in his mind.

Such a person actually died immediately?

"This...couldn't this be a fake death?"

Wang Yan couldn't help but said.

Most of the Yin Shen lineage are god-refining monks who are quite proficient in the art of soul. For them, seizing a body is as simple as eating and drinking.

Of course, generally speaking, they are not very interested in seizing the body. After all, the god-refining monks don't care too much about the spiritual roots. After seizing the body, they have to reopen the spiritual platform, which consumes the soul and wears the body. It is a waste of time and the gain is not worth the loss.

But if it's a matter of life and death, then that's another story.

Li Canghai was a leader among the cultivators of the Incense Tao. He still dominated the Chen Kingdom without the blessing of Yin Shen. He was rarely an opponent at the same level. He did not believe that such a person had no means to save his life.

The fisherman said:

"I'm not sure about this, but I heard that Li Canghai was chasing a monk named Zhu, but Yan Yun from your Tianmen Sect hid in the dark and succeeded with one strike."

"In this case, Li Canghai will probably not be spared."

"Yan Yun?"

When Wang Hao heard this name, he suddenly felt a little enlightened, and he really believed the news of Li Canghai's death.

After all, after Lu Yuansheng formed the elixir.

Yan Yun of the Sword Demon Dao is already the number one person in the Tianmen Sect's Foundation Establishment Realm, and he has a record of killing Wen Sheng, another leader of the Incense Dao monks.

It is not surprising to kill another Li Canghai now.

"Your Tianmen Sect is probably going to be serious this time. I heard that in the station, except for those Jindan masters who didn't show up, as long as they are somewhat famous foundation-building monks, they have all been sent out at one go. The station is probably empty!"

"Xianghuo Dao will suffer a big loss now! I probably didn't expect that your Tianmen Church would suddenly take action with all its strength."

The fisherman couldn't help but sigh.

As a casual cultivator, he doesn't have a good impression of the sect's powerful forces, but compared to the Tianmen Sect, which is still some distance away from Qianyu Lake, he undoubtedly hates the Incense Dao more.

Because of this, his tone couldn't help but feel a little more gloating.

Wang Hao didn't notice the other party's emotions. Instead, he was a little surprised. How did Wu Buping know so much?

The Tianmen Sect is far away from Qianyu Lake, and even he would have to fly there for a long time.

Besides, how easy is it for news from the Tianmen Sect to spread?

He vaguely felt something wasn't right.

However, he didn't think much about it, and quickly digested the information brought by the fisherman.

The Tianmen Sect and the Incense Tao finally went into full-scale war. In fact, Wang Yan was not too surprised.

After all, the Tianmen Sect recalled all of their monks who were not good at fighting and sent them to the front line.

Obviously it has reached the point of life and death.

It is also a wise choice for Tianmen Sect to take the initiative.

The only trouble is that when the two sides start a war, Wang Yan wants to return to his base at this time, both in terms of danger and difficulty.

"But it's a bit strange. Normally, if the Tianmen Sect is going to attack the Incense Road with all its strength, it should have told us in advance and asked us to go back as soon as possible. Only in this way can we concentrate our strength and make it easier to deal with the Incense Road. But now everyone is scattered, which is equivalent to We simply gave up part of our combat power in vain..."

Wang Ba was filled with confusion.

Foundation-building monks are no cabbage either.

The total number of Tianmen Sect's five major stations is only three to four hundred foundation-building monks.

Not to mention that every foundation-building monk who goes out to perform a mission is followed by at least twenty Qi-refining monks. This kind of staffing is not small.

It really doesn’t make sense that the Tianmen Sect would waste it in vain.

Wang Yan also couldn't figure out what the senior leaders of the Tianmen Sect were thinking.

But his attention was quickly attracted by the troubled look on the fisherman Wu Buping's face.

"Do you have something you want to say, fellow martial artist?"

Wang Ba took the initiative to ask.

The fisherman glanced at the side who had been silent for a long time. He was a little distracted and convinced. He looked at Wang Yan again, and then gritted his teeth and said:

"I have a close friendship with Brother Shen, and Brother Shen also has an unusual relationship with fellow Taoist monks."

"Then I won't hide it from Fellow Daoist Wang. The situation is complicated now. I am afraid that I am powerless to escort Fellow Daoist back to Tianmen Sect's headquarters..."

"I wonder if you can change the conditions?"

Wu Buping then quickly explained: "Of course, if the fellow Taoist is really unwilling to change, I will definitely abide by the oath and escort the fellow Taoist to the outside of the Tianmen Sect's headquarters. However, if I encounter an irresistible force, I can only... "

Wang Hao's face darkened when he heard this.

Now the Chief Er has no value, and his understanding of the defense of Xianghuo Road has once again become unknown.

And he naturally knew the other party's potential meaning.

Of course he will give it away, but if you encounter trouble, don't blame him for running away first.

After thinking for a moment, Wang Hao asked, "If I don't need fellow Taoist escorts, what can my fellow Taoists do for me?"

Since there is no need to talk about human relationships, it naturally returns to the transaction itself.

One code is one code.

Wu Buping hesitated for a moment, then handed over a storage bag.

Wang Ba did not take over, but looked at him doubtfully.

Wu Buping explained:

"Here are all the things I have accumulated since my practice. In addition to the piece of 'Meteor Flame Red Gold and Iron', fellow Taoists can also choose one of them. This is my sincerity."

Wang Hao hesitated for a moment, but still took over.

In fact, to him, a piece of meteorite red gold iron was already worth a great deal.

One more thing and one less thing makes little difference.

But when he scanned the other party's storage bag, his eyes quickly lit up and he picked out one of the items.

"That's it!"

Wang Ba took it out.

An old compass.

Seeing this, Wu Buping's eyes suddenly flashed with a hint of distress.

"Fellow Taoist, you have a good eye. This is the 'Third-Level Dragon Searching Plate'. It can search for spiritual veins and collect spiritual objects. It is one of the few third-tier treasures."

Wang Bao looked calm when he heard this. He didn't seem surprised. He just smiled and said:

"Fellow Taoist, shouldn't you be reluctant to part with it?"

"It's natural to be reluctant to part with it, but since I've said it, I should do it."

Wu Buping shook his head and handed the third-level dragon-seeking plate directly to Wang Ba.

At the same time, he took out a piece of ore from his sleeve that looked like solid iron but was as clear as crystal, with fire rising inside.

Seeing this stone, Wang Yan suddenly became energetic.

This thing is exactly the meteorite red gold and iron that he longs for so much.

It is a third-level item with two attributes: gold and fire. It is exactly the second dantian carrier that Wang Ba needs.

However, Wang Yan also knew the rules and immediately took out a crescent-shaped magic weapon from the storage bag.

The two exchanged items, and each was extremely happy.

Suddenly there was no intention of continuing the chat.

After a few more polite words, Wu Buping made his farewell.

But before leaving, he said seriously:

"I have a message for my fellow Taoist. If you want to return to your sect's headquarters, it is best not to go north. I heard that there are many incense Taoist monks gathering in that area."

"Thanks for the advice, fellow Taoist."

Wang Yan said sincerely.

After Wu Buping left, Wang Ba and Shen Fu immediately left this place, hiding their whereabouts all the way, sneaking in the tall woods for more than a hundred miles, and then stopped in a barren mountain.

"Senior brother, don't worry too much. Wu Buping is quite reliable and he shouldn't do anything contrary to his promise."

Shen Fu suddenly spoke.

Wang Hao nodded when he heard this: "Of course I believe your vision, but I'm not worried about him, but I'm worried that other people have other ideas."

"Senior brother is saying that those casual cultivators in Qianyu Lake are greedy..."

Shen Fu was stunned for a moment, and soon showed a thoughtful expression.

"Just in case."

Wang Hao took out a huge map of Chen State from his storage bag.

Although it is an old map from the past and there is no relevant record of the Incense Road forces, it is still quite helpful for determining the current location and subsequent planning of the route.

"Do you think you can believe what Wu Buping said before he left?"

Wang Ba stared at the map and asked without raising his head.

Although Shen Fu was a little distracted, after hearing Wang Ba's question, he thought about it and quickly said:

"It should be no problem. He has no grudge against us, and there is no need to deliberately mislead us."

Wang Ba nodded when he heard this, looked at the map, and thought thoughtfully:

"Dongsheng Sect is located in the far west of Chen State. Not far to the north is the junction with Fu State. To the east are the Great Rimen Sect, Chihe Sword Sect, Shanhai Sect, and Jiuling Sect... "

"The Incense Road is located in the central, south and southwest of Chen State."

"If it is true as Wu Buping said, we can't go to the north, and I have enmity with the Shanhaizong in the southeast, let alone the central part. There are probably a lot of people gathered now... In this way, the only way is to go south, and then Turn back to the Dongsheng Station via the southwest."

After listening to Wang Yan's analysis, Shen Fu couldn't help but nod:

"Senior brother is right, the only place we can leave is probably here."

The two discussed it for a while, but unfortunately neither of them were very familiar with this area, so the route they mapped out was really rough.

This reminded Wang Yan of Hua Meng and others before.

If they were here, they might be able to come up with a better plan.

It's a pity that Wang Ba dispersed them when he was preparing to rescue Shen Fu. At this moment, most of them had followed the casual cultivators and hid in Qianyu Lake.

Fortunately, the map is quite detailed and Wang Yan can understand it himself.

Dang even flew south at low altitude with Shen Fu.

I don’t know if it’s because Tianmen Sect and Incense Dao are at full war, so most of the Incense Dao monks have gathered at the Eastern Saint Station. On the way south, they didn’t meet anyone.

However, when Wang Ba and Shen Fu came to the vicinity of Xionghu Mountain again, they still encountered several first-level monks from the Incense Path.

Without Wang Ba taking action, Shen Fu easily subdued them.

After searching for the soul, Wang Ba unexpectedly got a lot of information and couldn't help but look shocked.

"Lu Yuansheng actually left the station on his own initiative!"

"And not long ago, he personally took action and captured the largest city in Chen Kingdom: 'Zhongyuan City' that was previously occupied by Incense Taoist monks!"

"However, Incense Dao also immediately launched a counterattack. Now... wait! Six third-level real people have joined forces to besiege Zhongyuan City?!"

"Xianghuo Dao... there are six third-level monks coming to Chen Kingdom?!"

Wang Ba was shocked when he heard the news.

Although he was shocked that Lu Yuansheng was alone, he dared to attack decisively.

I was also surprised that the incense trade in Chen State had become so rampant!

Six third-level... The number of high-level people is almost the same as that of the Dongsheng Sect in the past.

"There should be many high-level people from the Yin Shen lineage who have not come, otherwise, I am afraid that this lineage alone would be enough to sweep across the entire Chen Kingdom!"

"And this is just one lineage in the Kingdom of All Gods."

Wang Ba couldn't help but secretly marveled at the power of the Kingdom of All Gods.

Then he asked some more questions, and unexpectedly discovered that these people were actually slave monks who specialized in delivering orders to the Incense Tao monks.

"The chief ear is missing, and the spirit ear doesn't dare to be used, so we can only run back and forth to deliver the news."

The incense Taoist monk who was in a soul-searching state said with a dull look on his face.

Wang Hao was stunned when he heard this.

Only then did he realize that he had unknowingly caused a lot of trouble for Incense Road.

Then he asked curiously: "Then what is the content of your message?"


An Incense Taoist monk opened his mouth with a dull expression and was about to speak when a look of discomfort quickly appeared on his face. Then without any warning, his body suddenly exploded!


Wang Hao removed the magic barrier on his body and looked a little solemn.

This Incense Dao was too cautious and cruel, and actually cast such a vicious spell on the messenger.

It is estimated that if there is no special person to remove the spell, once these messengers speak, they will die immediately!

Wang Ba didn't believe it, so he tried it again one by one.

For a long time, he looked at the several blood pits that were exploded in front of him, and shook his head with an ugly expression.

There is no way, it seems that there is really no way to ask.

Although he was a little unwilling, he had no better way, but fortunately after searching for souls, he had some understanding of the nearby Incense Road defenses.

Immediately, he agreed with Shen and continued to go south.

Zhongyuan City.

This largest mortal city in the Chen Kingdom, which had been occupied by Incense Dao for several years, unexpectedly attracted the attention of countless monks, either overtly or covertly.

Inside the city.

On a high platform where the aura was most abundant, a handsome young man with a handsome face sat cross-legged.

He was dressed in black and had a cold expression.

It is none other than Tianmen Sect’s new Jindan Master, Lu Yuansheng.

At this moment, standing in front of him was a middle-aged monk who bowed his head carefully, with a confused look on his face:

"Elder Lu, it's not that I don't want to cultivate it, it's just that I want to cultivate a third-level spiritual chicken. It's beyond my ability..."

Lu Yuansheng said with a cold face when he heard this:

"Is there really nothing you can do?"

"No, the younger generation can only cultivate the second-level top grade at best. If you are lucky enough to cultivate it beyond that, it will probably take at least thirty to fifty years."

The middle-aged monk shook his head.

Lu Yuansheng pondered slightly and suddenly asked: "Why does it take so long? Isn't ten years enough?"

"Ten years? Absolutely impossible!"

The middle-aged monk heard this but vowed: "If it takes ten years to cultivate a third-level spiritual chicken, the former Jiaohu Ancestor... Taoist would have cultivated it long ago."

"The gap between the second level and the third level is too big. Even if it is the best second level spiritual chicken, if it wants to be promoted to the third level, it will take a lot of time to accumulate spiritual power. In the meantime, all kinds of spiritual medicines and spiritual materials will be needed. Can't stop..."

When Lu Yuansheng heard this, he suddenly narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

It seems that I have been deceived!

This bastard is waiting for him to come back. This time, he will be killed!

After thinking about it, Lu Yuansheng suddenly whispered: "Cheng Shu, let me ask you, if the third-level spirit chicken inherits part of Fan Ming's soul, can it reach Yuanying?"

"Third level? Inherit the interpretation?"

The middle-aged monk Cheng Shu frowned and thought for a while: "It should be possible. It is said that the higher the grade, the more souls it can carry. If it reaches Nascent Soul, it is still very possible."

Lu Yuansheng thought for a moment and suddenly asked:

"Then, if a second-level spiritual chicken and a third-level spiritual chicken inherit Fan Ming's soul at the same time, and use the spiritual chicken to reversely control Fan Ming's body, will there be a conflict between the two?"

Cheng Shu thought seriously for a while, but finally shook his head helplessly and said:

"The senior asked this, but the junior really doesn't know."

Lu Yuansheng was about to say something.

Then I heard a message from a monk below: "Bai Yu of the Blood and Bone Dao wants to see you."

"come in."

When he heard it was Bai Yu, Lu Yuansheng immediately stopped talking.

Cheng Shu was very discerning and quickly excused himself.

At this time, Bai Yu also walked up to Cheng Shu.

The two nodded politely to each other and passed each other.

Later, Cheng Shu faintly heard Lu Yuansheng's somewhat annoyed voice.

"... Jinhong Station... has all gone over there... these elders... I can only carry them here."

Cheng Shu shook his head, looked at the faint dark clouds outside Zhongyuan City, and sighed.

What an eventful time!

at the same time.

Outside Zhongyuan City.

In the formation camp set up by the Incense Tao monks.

Six third-level monks, headed by a long-bearded monk, were arranged in order and sat high on the futon.

And below, a middle-aged monk with a broken arm was sitting on his knees.

"We all look down upon this Tianmen Sect!"

The leader of the long-bearded monk said solemnly.

"I didn't expect that a newly promoted Jindan monk would actually master the combat power of the Nascent Soul True Lord level..."

"Today, one person was surrounded by six of us, but he was unharmed!"

"Hateful! If God is still here and has his blessing, this person will definitely be defeated!"

"Brother Gong Dao, please don't exaggerate the ambitions of others and destroy your own prestige. This person is just relying on the bones of his Nascent Soul level! It's not like we don't have the means to deal with him."

A third-level monk couldn't help but said.

"That's right! Our divine artifact hasn't been used yet. Why don't we send someone to inform the people there and ask them to transport the divine artifact over."

"Yes, brother Taoist, we created this thing to deal with Nascent Soul-level monks, and now we just use this person to test its power!"

The monks on the futon all spoke.

When the long-bearded monk heard this, he immediately stroked his beard and nodded:

"Well, I share the same general thoughts with you."

After saying that, he looked at Zheng Yuanhua who was kneeling down below: "Yuanhua, have you already done what I told you before?"

"It's been done."

Zheng Yuanhua said quickly:

"Junior has sent out several messengers before. It will take at most three days to transport the divine object."

"Okay! Let's set it three days later. We will deliberately provoke this person again. Then we will secretly use the divine object... and we will surely win it easily!"

"Once this place is back in our hands, we can surround Tianmen Sect, and then we can occupy Tianmen Sect in one fell swoop."

The bearded monk nodded with satisfaction.

"Go and prepare now. In three days, I will kill this person with my own hands!"


Zheng Yuanhua immediately took the order and left.

As he left the camp, he couldn't help but think to himself:

"This time, nothing will happen, right?"

Happy Dragon Boat Festival, everyone! Don't wait tonight, go to sleep

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