Accompanied by the sound of horse hooves.

A magnificent glow bloomed faintly on the horizon.

Soon, in the eyes of everyone with surprise and uncertainty.

The glow spreads out.

A carriage came through the air.

Feng Bao's eyesight was astonishing, and he could see the four horses in front of the carriage at a glance. Each of them had strange heads, high foreheads, eyes like copper bells, jaws like pigs and dragons, and two long beards fluttering in the wind.

The groom in the car was struggling to control the four horses.


"Is it Ryoma?!"

Feng Bao couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

"No, it has no horns on its head. It should be a hybrid horse."

"Looking at its aura, it should be a third-level mid-level..."

Master Yan said in a deep voice, and immediately looked past the groom, who seemed to be unskilled in the operation, and stared closely at the white gauze curtain on the carriage.

It seems that he wants to see clearly the figure of the person in the carriage through the white gauze.

Wang Tang, the monk surnamed Xu and others from the Xuli Sect all looked wary.

Zhang Yunlong of Danlongmen also showed caution.

A strange existence, suspected to be Jin Dan's real person, appeared out of thin air, and no one dared to underestimate him.

But Wang Ba and Wen Yong in the crowd were stunned when they saw the groom.

I almost couldn't believe my eyes.

"Fellow Taoist Li Ji?"

This groom was apparently the second-level weapon refiner who refined the second-level spiritual kitchen weapon for Wang Yan, the monk surnamed Li.

Not long ago, I had a great conversation with Wang Hao, and he even went out of his way to teach Wang Hao the secrets of weapon refining.

After escorting Wang Ba to Baiyunping, he left alone. Before leaving, they left each other's addresses and transmission notes, agreeing to come find him in the near future.

Wang Yan thought that the other party just said that, but he didn't expect that the other party actually came!

What a coincidence!

It's just that Li Ji is a dignified second-level weapon refiner and a late-stage foundation-building monk whose cultivation is not inferior to that of Wen Yong. Who has such a great reputation that he can be willing to be a groom?

Almost without thinking too much, a possibility immediately jumped out in Wang Yan's mind!

Golden elixir!

At least Jindan Zhenren can have such a pomp!

In addition, the auras of the four spiritual horses are much stronger than those of the Wu Yuan King and Jia Fifteen. It is obvious at a glance that they are third-level spiritual beasts.

The level of cultivation of the people in the carriage is naturally self-evident.

But at this time, Master Yan, who was returning to the Wind Valley, couldn't help but frown and think.

Using hybrid horses as chariots, this configuration had never been seen in Yan State, even by the Nascent Soul Lord Zhang Daobai.

It's not that Zhang Daobai can't afford it, but that third-level combat power is extremely rare in Yan State, and no one is willing to do it.

Moreover, most of the third-level spirit beasts have begun to truly open their spiritual intelligence. If they are treated like this, they will inevitably feel resentful. Therefore, if a normal Yanguo sect can get a third-level spirit beast, its treatment will be no better than ordinary people. Jin Dan is really bad.

After all, compared to the spirit beasts, the longevity of Jindan Master is far inferior.

From the perspective of the sect of the small country, a third-level spirit beast that has returned to its heart is actually more precious than some weaker Jindan Daoist.

"But... I always feel like I've heard it somewhere..."

Yan Zhenren was confused.

And Li Ji finally stopped the carriage and hung it above the gathering place of casual cultivators.

Master Yan's expression suddenly turned ugly.

This move undoubtedly did not take him, Jin Dan Zhenren, seriously at all.

It's just that he is also really afraid of the other party.

Not to mention the people in the carriage, there are also the four hybrid horses. Although they are not the main fighting spirit beasts, it is probably quite difficult to deal with them.

Noticing the vague glances from the monks around him, Yan Zhenren couldn't help but frown secretly, pondered slightly, then raised his hand and saluted, and said loudly:

"Back to Feng Gu Yanqing, I met fellow Taoist."

However, there was silence in the carriage, and after a few breaths, there was no sound at all.

Yan Zhenren's face instantly darkened.

The look towards the carriage was a little more angry and stern.

Li Ji, who was on the carriage, was suddenly a little embarrassed. He knocked on the shaft wood carefully and whispered, not knowing what he said.

Soon, Li Ji raised his hand with an embarrassed look on his face and saluted Mr. Yan from afar:

"My dear, please forgive me, but my uncle doesn't want to see anyone. Please step aside for a moment while we find someone."

Although Master Yan was afraid of the people in the carriage, when he heard what Li Ji said, he suddenly became a little worried.

He snorted coldly, but surprisingly did not speak again.

Jindan Zhenren's status is respected and cannot be humiliated.

But he has long passed the stage of fighting and fighting, and he will not arbitrarily make enemies with others just to save face.

Moreover, he couldn't figure out the other party's origins. Even though the other party's actions were almost humiliating, he felt that the other party's origins were mysterious and his strength was extraordinary.

However, he did have some curiosity and doubts about what kind of person the other party could come to visit in person.

"We who are here in the Wind Valley are all refining qi and building foundations, and the same is true for the other two sects. This person is looking for someone. Could it be that he has taken a fancy to one of the genius disciples of the three sects?"

Thinking of this, Master Yan's peripheral vision swept over everyone present, and paused slightly on Feng Bao, the monk surnamed Xu from the Xuli Sect, and Zhang Yunlong from the Danlong Sect.

In terms of qualifications, among the three major monks in front of us, these people should be the best.

As for the casual cultivators...he simply ignored them.

It's not that he looks down on casual cultivators. In fact, almost all cultivators with good qualifications have been taken away by the three major sects.

Occasionally, even a little bit of it is useless.

Most of the casual cultivators are the poor quality left over from the sect.

When Li Ji saw this, he had no choice but to smile awkwardly, then his eyes swept across the crowd and quickly landed on the crowd, his eyes lit up:

"Fellow Daoist Shen!"

This shout immediately made everyone's eyes fall on Wang Hao again.

Master Yan couldn't help but show a hint of surprise.

"The person the owner of the carriage is looking for is actually him?"

Not to mention Wang Tang, Zhang Yunlong and others, all looked at Wang Ba with different expressions.

Doubt, confusion, surprise...

After all, the spirit chicken essence is only effective for Qi refining and foundation-building monks. In fact, for monks in the middle and late stages of foundation-building, the effect is basically not obvious.

Not to mention Master Jindan, even Wang Tang and others don't actually attach much importance to the spirit chicken essence itself.

What they value more is the role of Spirit Chicken Essence in helping mid- and low-level monks break through bottlenecks, and its attraction to those with good strength in casual cultivators.

Especially when the three major sects are in urgent need of external strength.

So when it comes to the owner of this carriage, they are really a little confused.

"Unless...this person also runs a force."

Not only did Wang Tang and Zhang Yunlong think of this idea, but even Master Yan could not help but narrow his eyes.

Submission is far less valuable to an individual than to a force.

This is the consensus of everyone.

Therefore, Master Yan will never allow anyone outside the three major sects to get involved in the application. Otherwise, even if he is destroyed, he will never be allowed to be controlled by others, at least not within the Yan Kingdom!

Although Wang Hao in the crowd had some feelings in his heart, when he heard Li Ji calling him, he couldn't help but feel shocked.

But there was no emotion on his face. He smiled, nodded, and said with cupped hands:

"Friend Daoist Li, long time no see."

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Shen is out for a visit. We just met a few days ago. How can we not see each other for a long time?"

Li Ji said with a smile, and immediately drove the carriage down.

Seeing this scene, Master Yan's face suddenly became even more ugly.

Li Ji seemed to realize that something was not going well, and repeatedly expressed his apologies and helplessness to Master Yan.

But soon, he seemed to hear something, and his expression couldn't help but become embarrassed again. He hesitated for a moment, and said politely to Master Yan:

"Zhenren Yan, I have a heartfelt request from this junior...Uncle Master wants to have a chat with fellow Daoist Shen alone. I wonder if you can step aside for a moment?"

As soon as these words came out, Master Rao Shiyan tried hard to suppress the anger in his heart, but his face turned completely cold.

And Feng Bao couldn't help but said angrily: "Your Excellency hides his head and shows his tail, yet you dare to speak nonsense here!"

"Feng Bao."

Master Yan gave a light drink.

Feng Bao glared at Li Ji with a look of dissatisfaction, but Li Ji just smiled helplessly.

However, Master Yan's gaze went beyond Li Ji, looked at the carriage again, and said coldly:

"This fellow Taoist, I have been tolerant many times, but my fellow Taoist still pushes me too hard. Could it be that I am deceiving no one in Yan country?"

There was silence in the carriage.

Master Yan's face turned a little ugly.

There was silence all around.

The monks from the three major sects all sensed the danger and retreated alertly.

Just looking at the carriage, there was also a hint of indignation in his eyes.

Wang Ba was a little embarrassed.

Behind him was his house. To be honest, at this moment, he really wanted to take the opportunity to sneak in, take Bu Chan, and quickly activate the teleportation talisman to fly away.

With his current huge reserve of Yin Shen power, if he concentrates on hiding after escaping, even if Master Jin Dan searches for him personally, he may not be able to find him.

This is one of the reasons why he dares to take risks.

After thinking about it for a while, he finally chose to give up.

Although Feng Linzhou is large, there is no pure place for a long time. Even if we escape today, what can we do?

His huge herd of spiritual beasts needs to be fed, and feeding requires resources.

Spiritual veins, food full of spiritual energy, spiritual fields, etc., without a stable environment, even chicken feed is difficult to obtain.

In small countries where resources are scarce and competition is constant, it is difficult for a casual cultivator to achieve stable self-sufficiency.

Who knows if he is hiding in a corner one day and will be kidnapped by the monks from the sect who suddenly appear.

If you regret it at that time, it will be too late.

The only way is to give up the usual low-key development, only to join the world, and only to participate in it.

Only then can you get opportunities for development.

After that, he cultivated a third-level spirit chicken as soon as possible, entered the third floor of Linglong Ghost City, and found a powerful force that was safe enough to shelter him.

Of course, none of this matters.

The important thing is that even if he fails, he is sure to escape.

After all, it is impossible to send Jindan Zhenren to guard him all the time.

Under the golden elixir, he was not afraid.

The key is that the arrival of Li Ji and his 'Uncle Master' allowed Wang Hao to see the possibility of reviving his immature plan, which was already on the verge of collapse.

Thinking of this, he pulled Bu Chan and retreated to his house, only stuffing Bu Chan inside while he stayed outside.

Some monks from the three major sects didn't think much when they saw this, and their eyes focused more on the carriage.


Under the watchful eyes of many monks.

In the carriage, a cold and calm female voice finally came out:


There will be another update in the evening, but it may be very late, so everyone should go to bed early.

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