"I didn't expect that it would be so troublesome to form a third-grade golden elixir."

In the quiet room, Wang Yan was the only one left, playing with the wooden handle in his hand, frowning and thinking.

The wooden handle is a treasure obtained from Wen Yong. It records the process and experience of Wen Yong's father forming elixirs, as well as the method of condensing third-grade golden elixirs.

Perhaps because this is a legacy specially left to descendants, the process of forming the elixir is recorded in great detail, and each step is appended with the conjecture, practice and summary of the Jin elixir master.

Wang Ba took a look and roughly understood the steps.

However, due to the fact that the current state has not been reached, he only understands it, but cannot deeply understand it. Perhaps he can only gain something in the future when he reaches the perfect level of foundation building where mana turns into gold liquid.

In addition to these insights, the most important thing is the method of condensing the third-grade golden elixir.

"It's different from what I thought before. No matter what the qualifications of the monks are, they have the opportunity to condense into a third-grade golden elixir."

"Of course, it's just this opportunity. In fact, just the requirement for strong magic power has directly blocked most monks from the door."

Wang Hao recalled the information he had seen before.

There are nine levels of elixirs. The third-level golden elixir does not require a magic method. As long as you convert all your mana into gold liquid, successfully condense the golden liquid into elixirs, and survive the thunder tribulation of the golden elixir, you can hope to achieve the next three-level elixir.

And even the worst ninth-grade golden elixir can still easily kill a foundation-building monk.

Of course, any aspiring monk would not be willing to stop at the third level.

After all, although there is hope for the lower third-grade golden elixir to enter the Yuanying, the poor quality of the golden elixir will greatly slow down the progress of cultivation, and it is almost impossible to achieve the Yuanying in the end.

It is even possible to be stuck in the middle and early stages for life.

Such people exist in large numbers in the spiritual world.

In the old Tianmen Sect, Jindan Zhenren of the lower third grade probably accounted for the majority.

Compared with the lower third grade, the middle third grade has reached a very perfect balance in terms of the progress of cultivation and the richness of mana.

The speed of cultivation is much faster than that of the lower third level, and the amount of mana that the golden elixir can hold is just right.

If you want to achieve the third level, you will need some special methods and even some special spiritual materials to produce golden elixirs with special effects.

For example, increasing the speed of mana operation, attaching some special effects to mana, etc.

All in all, once the third-level golden elixir is mastered, it will undoubtedly be much stronger than the third-level elixir.

Of course, it is nothing compared to the upper third grade.

The difference between the two is like tofu and chopsticks.

Chopsticks can easily pierce tofu, and a third-grade golden elixir monk can easily pierce a middle-grade golden elixir.

It's just that it's so difficult that almost ninety-nine percent of the monks can't even think about it.

Not only are there requirements for the basic level of mana, but there are also requirements for the corresponding elixir condensation method, as well as supporting techniques and spiritual materials.

He even borrowed the Golden Pill Thunder Tribulation.

"With my current background, if I turn my mana into gold liquid, I can hope to condense a third-grade golden elixir..."

Wang Ba compared these requirements one by one with his own situation.

There is no doubt about the strength of his magic power. After all, he is the foundation of Heavenly Dao. In terms of magic power alone, only monks of the same rank who are also the foundation of Heavenly Dao can compare with him.

It easily reached the condensation standard of the third-grade golden elixir.

Apart from this, he has almost nothing to offer.

Although the "Three Phases of Creation Kung Fu" was considered good, it was not very consistent with its nature, and it was actually a bit of a hindrance to him.

As for spiritual materials, it goes without saying that some of the marked spiritual materials are basically resources monopolized by the sect. As a casual cultivator, he has almost no hope of obtaining them.

Wang Ba only had two third-level spiritual materials that met the requirements, and these two spiritual materials were obtained when he deceived Lu Yuansheng in the Tianmen Sect ten years ago.

After looking at the other requests, Wang Hao had no choice but to let them go.

"It's better to focus on the present first."

After putting away the wooden handle, he concentrated on refining the essence of the second-order spirit chicken.

half year later.

Specially designed Lingchu kitchen.


Hearing the sound, Wang Hao immediately carefully opened the lid of the pot.

At the bottom of the pot, a piece of amber transparent spiritual chicken essence was shaking slightly like a beautiful jade.

With the action of opening the lid, Wang Yan did not notice any spiritual energy overflowing at all.

A hint of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

"It's 100 percent pure!"

He immediately pinched a little of the spirit chicken essence in the pot and put it into his mouth, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Not to mention the taste, the main thing is that the 100% pure spirit chicken essence was quickly absorbed and digested by his body as soon as he took his mouth.

There are no impurities affecting its absorption efficiency.

"This half year was finally not in vain."

Wang Yan sighed.

The whole person couldn't help but feel much more relaxed.

During this period of time, he has been busy refining the spirit chicken essence, and even his practice has been somewhat delayed.

However, sharpening the sword does not waste time cutting wood, and the purity of the spirit chicken essence is improved, which has more advantages than disadvantages for his practice.

Immediately, he ate all the essence of the spiritual chicken without hesitation.

Then he sat cross-legged and started refining.

Two hours later, he finally slowly opened his eyes.

Feeling the changes in mana in his dantian, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Perhaps it was because he had not practiced for a while, but now that he had swallowed and refined a portion of the second-level spiritual chicken essence, his cultivation level suddenly increased a lot.

Of course, we are still far away from entering the late stage of foundation building, and I am afraid it will take at least ten or twenty years.

There was nothing he could do about it. Thanks to the Heavenly Dao Foundation, although his cultivation speed was extremely fast, the spirit chicken essence was also free to use.

But because the foundation is too strong, the amount of mana required is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Naturally, the time cannot be too short.

However, Wang Yan remained calm and followed his plan in an orderly manner, step by step.

But not long after, Wang Hao vaguely noticed some movement and couldn't help but frown.

After thinking about it, he simply tidied up, got up and left the kitchen.

From a distance, he could see the formation quickly closing, and Bu Chan was walking back with something helpless in both hands.

Seeing the things in Bu Chan's hand, Wang Hao quickly walked up and took some for Bu Chan.

Looking down, he saw a second-level Canghu Tiger Whip among them, which was quite eye-catching.

"These people give gifts every day... Senior brother, why don't you tell them clearly, otherwise it won't be a problem if you keep giving them like this!"

Even though Bu Chan has a good personality, he can't hold it in anymore.

"Here to give gifts again..."

Wang Ba was also a little helpless when he heard this, he spread his hands and said:

"I have no idea. These people are counting on me to give them the purchase quota for the second-order spirit chicken essence. But in fact, I don't have any quota here."

"I'll leave it all to Wen Yong."

"The key is that they don't believe it."

Ever since the Shanli Singing Concert, which was moved to Yong'an City three months ago, released several second-level spiritual chicken essences in the finale, Wang Yan, who was already very popular, has become famous again in an instant as expected. to a level.

The monks who were in the middle and late stage of foundation building who were not originally too interested in Wang Hao came one after another and politely approached Wang Hao to buy.

Even some golden elixir masters from the three major sects came forward in person to collect more second-level spirit chicken essence.

Although the effect on Jin Dan's real person is much less, it can still have some effect after all.

However, under Wen Yong's suggestion, although Wang Yan wanted to exchange spiritual materials with people from the three major sects, he still refused them all.

The reason for releasing it was simple. It was not easy to make the second-level spirit chicken essence, and the raw materials were limited. It wasn't that he didn't want to give it, but that he really couldn't get it.

Even if it is taken out, it cannot be divided equally. It can only be put into the singing club, and everyone can do it according to their ability.

When the monks of the three major sects saw Wang Ba, they did not favor one over the other, but they did not embarrass Wang Ba.

Don't dare to be embarrassed.

After all, only Wang Yan has mastered this craft.

It's just that the following days will be difficult for Wang Yan.

All kinds of monsters and monsters came to visit him, giving him gifts and spiritual stones, just for the chance to buy the essence of the second-level spiritual chicken.

Of course, Jin Dan Zhenren didn’t do that. In fact, some of these people specifically helped Jin Dan Zhenren buy it.

When Bu Chan heard this, he didn't know what to say, so he had to take the tiger whip back from Wang Ba's hand and prepare to make soup with it.

The tiger whip of the second-level Canghu has rich spiritual energy and abundant essence, making it a rare tonic for monks.

Of course, there are some innocuous side effects.

In order to improve himself, Wang Yan expressed his willingness to accept the side effects calmly.

However, he soon remembered that Wen Yong seemed to have given him something before, and he said it was a treasure that was provided to the Da Chu royal family.

He originally planned to take it back to see, but he forgot about it because he encountered the monks from Returning Valley who were searching for loose cultivators.

Thinking of this, he immediately opened the storage ring and found the special royal treasure given to him by Wen Yong from the corner.

An extremely delicate and compact wooden box.

He immediately opened the wooden box and saw a piece of silk inside.

Mentioning it gently, Wang Hao was stunned.

The silk was embroidered with lifelike men and women, but all of them were naked, holding pills in their mouths, and making strange movements one after another.

There are also a series of formulas and explanations closely attached to the side.

"This is... a dual cultivation technique?"

After all, Wang Yan had read a lot of books and quickly identified what the content on the silk was.

We also know from the contents on the silk that this is a dual cultivation method specially provided for the disciples of the Dachu royal family.

Combined with the corresponding elixir, the effect is very significant.

He immediately noticed that there was indeed a luxurious white porcelain bottle under the silk.

He gently opened the cork and took a gentle sniff.

"It's actually pure vegetation..."

Wang Ba's face showed a strange color.

I couldn't help but feel a little excited.

He and Bu Chan have been Taoist couples for so many years, and they have always practiced separately.

Compared with Wang Ba, Bu Chan's cultivation speed is still somewhat slower.

Wang Hao was sometimes worried about Bu Chan's progress in cultivation.

After all, Bu Chan is different from him. His lifespan is almost endless, while Buchan's lifespan is only about 180 years.

It is not that easy to achieve a golden elixir in such a short period of time.

And if we can practice dual cultivation together and speed up Buchan's cultivation progress, this can save Wang Ba's worries.

Soon, the night was falling, I drank tiger penis soup and drank some wine.

The two naturally began to discuss the path of spiritual practice...

Early the next morning.

As soon as Wang Hao stood up, he received a transmission note from Wen Yong.

"Be careful to leave the clan."

Thanks to Feng Er Chui Chui for the 500 point reward

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