Must leave the clan.

There are clusters of green peaks.

In the palace on the highest peak.

"Did Zhang Tailai really say that?"

"Zhu Rong has looked for their brothers before?"

Lin Boyue, the leader of Xuli Sect, looked at Zhuang Yi and Wang Tang below and couldn't help but ask.

Zhu Rong is the master of Hui Feng Valley.

"Exactly, I heard what Zhang Tailai said with my own ears! And the most important thing is that he said that he planned to contact a few more Jindan cultivators, and then elect Shen Fu as the sect leader and establish another sect!"

Zhuang Yi looked solemn and said: "Although it is mostly a joke, you must be careful!"

Lin Boyue frowned and looked at Wang Tang behind Zhuang Yi.

"Wang Tang, please tell me."

Wang Tang said respectfully: "Yes."

Immediately, he recounted everything that happened in Wang Ba's mansion.

Finally, he said seriously: "Everything Elder Zhuang said is true. This submission really needs to be taken seriously."

Hearing Wang Tang's words, Lin Boyue sighed in thought.

Then he slowly shook his head and said: "This application is indeed troublesome. I actually looked down upon Zhang Tailai to be able to stand up for him... When I returned to Fenggu Valley to find the two brothers Yuan Wenzhi, it turned out that they had other ideas. "

"But the key point is that these casual cultivators seem to be showing up again."

Lin Boyue's eyes flashed with a sharp look.

Seeing this, Zhuang Yi hesitated and said, "What does the sect master mean...we have to deal with those casual cultivators?"

Lin Boyue glanced at Zhuang Yi with a sigh.

All of his fellow seniors and fellow apprentices are pretty good at cultivation, but they just don't have the right brains.

And Zhuang Yi is already pretty good among them.

He shook his head and said:

"of course not."

"Even if we want to suppress these casual cultivators to prevent them from competing for resources with us, it's not now."

"At least, wait until we take Zhenling Palace."

"Then we just let them unite? This is not possible!"

Zhuang Yi suddenly said anxiously.

Hearing this, Lin Boyue sighed again and shook his head. He did not answer, but looked at Wang Tang behind Zhuang Yi.

"Wang Tang, what should we do in this situation?"

When Wang Tang heard Lin Bo asked for a kiss, he didn't feel nervous. Instead, he frowned and thought:

"In my disciple's opinion, the reason why Jindan cultivators are casual cultivators is because they seem to be in harmony, but in fact they don't trust each other."

"We don't have to collide with them head-on. We can easily dismember them by breaking the joints connecting them and destroying mutual trust!"

"And now it seems that Shen Fu, Yuan Wenzhi and Zhang Tailai are all important joints."

"That's right."

Lin Boyue heard this and nodded approvingly to Wang Tang.


Zhuang Yi was still a little confused.

Glancing at the confused Zhuang Yi, Lin Boyue shook his head secretly and then said:

"Yuan Wenzhi and Zhang Tailai are mediocre on their own, but together they are as good as three ordinary middle-grade golden elixir early stage monks."

"The key is that one of the two is working in the open and the other is working in the dark. Once one of them is missed, it will be very troublesome later, so it is really not appropriate to touch them for the time being."

"Then there is only one person we can deal with right now."


Zhuang Yi finally reacted and said quickly.

"Yes, you finally figured it out."

Lin Boyue sighed.

Zhuang Yi suddenly felt a little confused. I clearly said that I would apply for this right from the beginning!

"Although this applicant is indeed a talented person, my junior brother's previous response has offended the other party. In this situation, Old Fox Zhang of Danlongmen has probably begun to confuse him. If we want to conquer the applicant, the possibility is extremely slim. It's also my fault. If I knew it was the old fox who showed up this time..."

After thinking about it, Lin Boyue found out that he really couldn't bear the blame.

Because even if he knew that it was Zhang Zhenren of Danlongmen who came forward, he didn't have the right people to use. His brothers and sisters were good at destroying sects and sects. If they did all these twists and turns, they would probably get themselves involved. Go in.

Although Wang Tang is smart, he is not strong enough to compete with Jin Dan.

Finally he sighed:

"It's a pity, but compared to the great event of the sect's rise, a mere application is not worth mentioning."

Lin Boyue's eyes immediately turned cold and he looked at Wang Tang:

"How did you go with the person I asked you to find?"

Wang Tang below was already so impressed that he fell to the ground with admiration. Hearing this, he quickly replied:

"The sect master has left no stone unturned! The disciple has already found 'Cao Xiang' of the Wei Kingdom. This person is the only remaining late-stage foundation-building monk among the foundation-building monks of the Wei Kingdom. He specializes in the method of 'cursing to kill'! He has once cursed to kill two statues. The achievements of the cultivators of the Perfect Incense Path are perfectly suitable to be used against Shenfu!"

Zhuang Yi was suddenly confused: "Wang Tang, why are you going to such trouble? Let's just go over there and kill him and we'll be done with it!"


Regarding this question, Wang Tang didn't know how to reply for a while.

Lin Boyue couldn't help but glare at Zhuang Yi, but he still had no choice but to explain:

"The spirit chicken essence refined by Shenfu is very popular among casual cultivators and sect monks. Some people who had no hope of breaking through have some hope. If we know that we have killed Shenfu, we will definitely Without their hope of progress, I am afraid that even the disciples of our sect will feel resentful towards us."

"But the curse killing technique can kill people invisible. Although our suspicion is not small, Huifeng Valley, Danlongmen and even Zhenling Palace cannot escape the possibility of being suspected. Even Jindan cultivators may think that it is us. The four major sects join forces together, and this will also have the effect of knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger."

Zhuang Yi understood it this time.

The eyes that looked at Lin Boyue were filled with admiration.

As expected of the sect master.

Wang Tang quickly took the order and left.

Zhuang Yi and other disciples also retreated.

Lin Bo was left alone, sitting cross-legged on the futon, his eyes a little absent-minded.

There was a hint of inexplicable expectation in his eyes.

"Now, everything is finally ready, just waiting for you to die...Zhang Daobai!"

The second floor of Linglong Ghost Market.

Teleport port.

"Fellow Taoist Tang!"

Wang Ba couldn't help but whispered in surprise.

"Haha, I said I can wait until Fellow Daoist Shen."

Tang Ji, who was dressed in white, had a smile on his face and seemed not surprised.

"Come on, let's go over and have a good chat after almost ten years apart."

Tang Ji greeted.

Wang Ba did not refuse and followed behind.

But for some reason, he felt that Fellow Taoist Tang seemed to be having some difficulty walking.

But he didn't think much about it.

Soon, under the leadership of Tang Ji, he came to the side hall where he and the old man in brocade, Shang Li, went together last time.

Shang Li happened to be there too, and had no special reaction when he saw Wang Ba. He just nodded slightly and walked out.

"Don't worry about him. You haven't had much contact with him. He has such a bad temper and looks difficult to deal with. But he's actually not a bad person."

Tang Ji smiled when he saw this.

Wang Ba also smiled.

Well, it really just seems difficult to deal with.

A monk immediately came over to serve tea, but Tang Ji waved him away.

I personally brewed a pot of third-level spiritual tea.

Wang Ba was flattered.

He is not a fool. He has come into contact with many Jindan masters over the years, but none of them are as completely invisible to him as Tang Ji.

Even the female nun on the carriage, which he felt was inscrutable, seemed far inferior.

It can only be said that this fellow Taoist Tang is probably the most top-notch existence among the golden elixirs.

If he were in the three major sects and was not the leader of one sect, he would probably be a sect elder like Master Zhang.

It's just that Wang Ba has a vague feeling that even Zhang Zhenren from Danlongmen is far behind compared to Tang Ji.

This also made Wang Hao respect Tang Ji more and more.

"I just came back and heard from Shang Li that you have become very famous in the Yan Kingdom recently. Everyone knows about it."

Tang Ji joked.

He quickly took the tea.

Wang Hao said modestly: "Fellow Taoist Tang is overly praised, it's just a coincidence."

As he spoke, he gave an overview of the situation in Yan State, as well as his embarrassing situation in it.

With the power of Linglong Ghost Market, it is not difficult to know this, so Wang Yan did not think about hiding it.

Tang Ji nodded and said lightly:

"Don't worry, when you get the chance to enter the third level, as long as you hide in, no one in Yan country can touch you."

After hearing this, Wang Hao felt much relieved, but he didn't have any doubts.

Tang Jidu is so powerful, how amazing is it to be able to make Tang Jidu have to abide by the rules.

Behind this exquisite ghost market, there may be many monks at the Nascent Soul level!

So Wang Yan took a sip of tea with great relief.

Although it was the second time he drank, Wang Yan still showed a very surprised expression.

Of course, the effect was still there. Although it was a little worse than when he drank it for the first time, it also made some of Wang Yan's problems in cultivating spiritual beasts suddenly clear.

Especially the formula for the bloodline breakthrough material of King Wuyu.

Wang Hao vaguely noticed that some parts of the formula he had drawn up before did not require the participation of third-level spiritual materials. Second-level spiritual materials could achieve better results.

Including the bloodline breakthrough formula of Jia Fifteen, there are also some adjustments that need to be made.

"My original formula only considered increasing the blood concentration as much as possible, but ignored the issue of purity. It is completely possible to add some additional materials to ensure the possibility of a breakthrough to the maximum extent."

Thinking of this, he quickly took out the record book of his daily experiments and recorded his thoughts one by one when inspiration burst out.

These extra materials are not as difficult to find as the third-level spiritual materials. They can be easily collected even on the second floor of Linglong Ghost Market.

It's just that the function of white dragon sulfur is quite special and cannot be replaced by other materials, so he still lacks this spiritual material.

The effectiveness of the spiritual tea also gradually weakened. Fortunately, Wang Yan was able to sort out his thoughts before the spiritual tea completely lost its effect.

Right now, as long as those spiritual materials are collected in place, he is quite confident that he can help King Wu Yuan successfully break through.

"Can you show me this?"

Tang Ji's voice suddenly sounded at this time.

Wang Bao looked up and saw Tang Ji's eyes full of curiosity, staring at the experimental record book in his hand.


Wang Ba was a little surprised.

"Yes, I want to take a look, but if it is inconvenient for fellow Taoists, then forget it."

Tang Ji did not hide his curiosity about the experimental record book in Wang Yan's hand.

Wang Hao hesitated for a moment, then handed the record book directly to Tang Ji.

This is his accumulation of spiritual beasts over the years. Due to the existence of the Shouyuan Panel, any experiment he makes on spiritual beasts can see the results in a very short time.

And many of his data and summaries on spiritual beast experiments are also in this record book.

Of course, the record book related to the Shouyuan Panel will only be taken out when no one is around.

So he wasn't worried about what Tang Ji could see.

However, when Tang Ji opened Wang Yan's record book, the reaction on his face was extremely strange.

With a hint of confusion.

"What are these symbols...?"

"Well, these are called numbers, which represent 'one, two, three, four...'. I found them from an ancient monk's notes. I thought they were very convenient to use, so I used them to record each spirit. Various conditions of the beast can be easily quantified and compared.”

"That's it! It's really simple."

Tang Ji traveled around the world and was well-informed, but he also saw similar symbols, so he quickly accepted the meaning of these numbers.

"What about this one? It's also quite weird."

"This is called an"

Tang Ji looked at the content on the page and was amazed.

But after all, he has a high level of cultivation and understands and adapts to these things quickly, and he quickly grasps the meaning.

He flipped through Wang Yan's record book page by page.

At first, his face was calm, and his eyes were more curious and casual.

But gradually, unconsciously, his page turning speed became slower and slower.

The original casualness in his eyes gradually became serious.

Even when I saw some of the content summarized by Wang Yan, I couldn't help but frown and think seriously.

It was so fascinating to watch.

Wang Hao didn't urge him, he just drank tea and thought about things.

Suddenly, Tang Ji didn't know what he saw. He sat up straight and stared solemnly at the contents of the record book.

There was a hint of shock in his eyes.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Wang Hao:

"You're saying here that as long as the bloodline of spirit beasts is repeatedly purified and traced, there is hope that they can truly recreate their ancestors?"

Wang Hao was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded:

"This is just a conjecture. Spiritual beasts have actually lost a lot of genetic information in the process of continuous reproduction and bloodline transmission. Even if you want to trace the origin, it is basically impossible unless you continue to gather the various branches of the same ancestor's bloodline."

"But in fact, this is not necessarily necessary. I think the mutated spirit beasts may actually be a trace of the bloodline of the ancestors. As long as we cultivate a large number of spirit beasts, we will always encounter some mutated ones..."

Listen to Wang Yan's story matter-of-factly.

Tang Ji stared at Wang Ba with strange eyes, as if he really knew him for the first time.

Staring at Wang Ba made him feel a little hairy.

"Fellow Daoist Tang, what's wrong with you?"

Tang Ji shook his head with a complicated expression:

"It's nothing, I just can't believe it."

"Do you know that tracing the bloodline of spiritual beasts is a field that the ancestor of the gods has studied?"


When Wang Bao heard this, he couldn't help but look puzzled.

Is this tracing of bloodline complicated?

Isn't it just a matter of repeatedly mating different species of spiritual beasts of the same genus, and then purifying the most primitive bloodline from them?

Of course, there are indeed many fields involved. He is just contemplating it now and does not have time to delve into it.

But in the massive experiments, he has clearly understood the idea and process of this matter. What is lacking is enough time and test products.

Maybe one day, when he doesn't have to worry about survival and development, he may be able to really be patient and study hard.

After hearing Wang Ba's words, Tang Ji's face suddenly showed a speechless expression.

"This kid really doesn't know how amazing what he is studying is!"

"That can artificially create a real divine beast!"

However, such speechlessness was quickly replaced by excitement deep in my heart!

"I thought he was a genius at controlling beasts, but I was wrong."

"He's not a genius."

"He is a monster!"

"This thick record book completely records his understanding of the way to control beasts. The speed of his growth is simply incredible!"

"Even now, his understanding of spiritual beasts is somewhat beyond my understanding."

"This kind of person is what 'we' need!"

Thinking of this, Tang Ji secretly made up his mind.

But at this time, Wang Hao suddenly couldn't help but sighed and said:

"It's a pity that I still haven't been able to cultivate the third level..."

Tang Jizheng was about to say something comforting, but suddenly stopped again.

He glanced around with some vigilance, hesitated, and said:

"Fellow Daoist Shen, I shouldn't tell you this matter, but with your talent, it will be a matter of time before you enter the third level, so I will tell you directly."

Wang Hao was affected by Tang Ji's serious attitude and couldn't help but become solemn:

"Fellow Taoist Tang, please speak."

Tang Ji did not give much foreshadowing and said directly:

"Your talent in the way of controlling beasts is really too high. As long as you are qualified to enter the third level, I will make an exception and find a good teacher for you!"

When Wang Bao heard this, he immediately became energetic.

"May I ask what level of existence this teacher is?"

"Don't worry, he is definitely better than me, and he is very good at controlling beasts. However, due to the rules, I can't say anything specific."

Tang Ji said seriously.

Wang Ba was suddenly even more surprised.

There are probably few people in Tang Ji who can rival him among the golden elixirs, but this good teacher is stronger than him. Could it be Nascent Soul?

But he was only happy for a while, and then he couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

It's not clear yet whether the materials needed by Wu Yuan King can be gathered together, but the white dragon sulfur needed by Jia Fifteen has never been obtained.

So what worries him most right now is the issue of entering the third level.

He couldn't help but asked Tang Ji for help, hoping that the other party could sell a piece of white dragon sulfur. Tang Ji did not refuse, but he turned over the storage ring and said helplessly:

"I remember I saved a few copies before... It's a pity that I can't go out at will now, otherwise I could help you."

Wang Bao could only sigh with regret when he heard this.

It seems that I still have to rely on myself.

After chatting for a while, Wang Hao also raised the doubts he encountered in practicing and cultivating spiritual beasts.

"Don't ask me about spiritual beasts. I'm just a dabbler."

Tang Ji directly refused to answer the question of spiritual beasts.

Regarding spiritual practice, he was very diligent in giving guidance:

"This skill of yours is extremely inconsistent with your nature. It's best to find another one that matches it."

Wang Yan said helplessly:

"I also feel that it is not suitable, but I have never been able to find a technique that suits me."

Tang Ji suddenly showed a relieved smile:

"Haha, don't worry. When you bow to me... the good teacher I introduced will naturally solve this problem for you. Just make do with it for now."

"That's all it can do."

Wang Yan sighed.

After chatting for a while, Wang Yan couldn't help but ask: "Dare you ask fellow Taoist Tang, is my senior brother Zhao Feng out of seclusion now?"

"Of course I'm out of seclusion."

When Zhao Feng was mentioned, Tang Ji couldn't help but have a hint of amazement in his eyes.

"Both of you brothers are geniuses. This Zhao Feng has been spotted by one of our sect... one of my senior brothers and is ready to be accepted as a disciple. He has also received a lot of resources now. He just achieved the golden elixir not long ago. Now we are consolidating our cultivation near the exit of the ghost market in the north."

"Senior brother, has the golden elixir been obtained!?"

When he heard the good news, Wang Yan couldn't help but said in surprise.

"Don't rush to find him. He is currently in the consolidation stage. If you disturb him rashly, you may delay his practice. It is better to wait for a while."

Tang Ji stopped him.

Wang Bao nodded quickly when he heard this.

He is still very clear about the importance of this.

However, thinking that Zhao Feng had already achieved the golden elixir, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

They chatted for a long time. Wang Hao saw that it took too long. If someone came to visit the mansion, his absence would be exposed, so he had to take the initiative to say goodbye to Tang Ji.

Tang Ji knew Wang Ba's situation, but he didn't go out of his way to persuade him to stay.

But before leaving, he seemed a little worried. He suddenly took out a "fragrance card" with complicated patterns from his sleeve.

"This incense card has been with me for some years. It has no other abilities. It is used for simple self-defense. Ordinary golden elixirs cannot defeat you."

"But don't be too showy about it. Once the mana I keep in it is exhausted, it will be useless."

Wang Ba immediately accepted Tang Ji's gift with surprise.

Immediately, he became a little embarrassed.

Tang Ji helped him a lot, but he never gave back, which was really inconsistent with his character.

It's just that the essence of his second-level spiritual chicken is probably not looked down upon by the other party, and since the spiritual beasts haven't reached the third level, the other party is also likely to look down upon him as well.

After much deliberation, Wang Yan simply took out a box from the storage ring and handed it to Tang Ji.


Tang Ji was a little confused when he saw the box being handed over.

"Fellow Taoist Tang has helped me a lot, but Shen has nothing to repay, so he can only use this small gift to express his gratitude."

Wang Yan said seriously.


When Tang Ji heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help laughing and waved his hands repeatedly.

"It doesn't have to be like this. If I recommend you, I can count myself as meritorious and I will get what I deserve."

However, Wang Ba was unmoved and insisted on handing the box to Tang Ji's hands.

Tang Ji also couldn't laugh or cry.

A little foundation-building monk actually wants to give himself a gift from the Nascent Soul Lord. This feeling is indeed very fresh.

After thinking about it, he was too embarrassed to refuse anymore, so he had to accept the box with a wry smile.

When Wang Bao saw this, he nodded with satisfaction, and immediately said goodbye to Tang Ji, and bought some more materials in the ghost market.

After briefly chatting with Shang Li for a while, he left the ghost market.

After Wang Ba left.

Tang Ji then opened the box and was stunned for a moment.

The small box was filled with pieces of spiritual stones. Counting them carefully, they only amounted to two hundred pieces.

However, Tang Ji's expression showed a hint of surprise:

"Two hundred pieces of high-quality spiritual stones? Did this kid steal the savings of a certain golden elixir monk?!"

Two hundred high-grade spiritual stones are really nothing to him, but he has also cultivated since he was weak. When he was building the foundation, he had never been exposed to so many spiritual stones.

Even if he becomes Master Jindan, he will never have so much money.

After all, everything requires spending spiritual stones. The higher the realm, the more it costs, and it is impossible to save it.

"This kid just took two hundred high-grade spiritual stones as a gift, and I'm afraid he still has a lot of them with him. He's really not afraid that I'll rob him!"

As he said this, Tang Ji couldn't help but reveal a smile.

Although the gift was a bit tacky, he quite liked it.

He glanced at Shang Li who came back from outside.

He didn't know why, but Tang Ji felt that this grand nephew was quite happy even though his face was expressionless.

But he didn't think much about it. After hesitating for a moment, he took out a few pieces of ore from his storage ring.

There are faint white lines meandering in the stone. At a rough look, it looks like long white dragons in it.

If Wang Ba were here, he would definitely recognize it. This is the third-level spiritual material he couldn't ask for, white dragon sulfur.

Tang Ji couldn't help but show a hint of shame and helplessness:

"Boy Shen, don't blame me. I'm doing this for your own good. If I really give it to you, if those old men find out, even if you really join our sect, they will probably kick you out in the future. It’s better to cultivate a third-level spirit beast honestly and take the least controversial path to join the sect.”

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly said to Shang Li:

"You kid, hurry up and contact me Senior Brother Qi!"


Shang Li, who seemed to be a little distracted, was stunned when he heard this: "Why are you looking for Uncle Qi?"

"There are so many questions. I tell you to hurry up!"


To Tang Ji's expectation, today's grand nephew's unexpected cooperation made him a little uncomfortable.

"Have you changed your Taoist companion? You are so easy to talk to."

Tang Ji couldn't help but said.

Shang Li's face suddenly darkened.

However, I still found a stone from the side hall, kneaded it and recited a mantra, and immediately infused it with mana.

But there was still no sound among the stones.

Shang Li said with a dark face:

"Uncle Qi Shi is probably still in the sect and has not started the 'Single Company'. Why don't you try the 'Group Company'."

"Group Company?"

Tang Ji hesitated.

This stone is a remote communication tool specially used for the Yuanying within the sect. It can communicate individually or with everyone at the same time.

"Then, let's try it."

Shang Li didn't waste any time and chanted the incantation again. Soon, there was a sizzling noise in the stone.

Tang Ji immediately walked up to the small stone, coughed, and then said:

"Is Senior Brother Qi here? I am from Tang Dynasty."

"Senior Brother Qi?"

"Senior Brother Qi, are you here?"

I asked a few questions in succession.

From the small stone, the voice of a slightly distant middle-aged man came:

"Junior Brother Tang, what do you want from me?"

"Haha, of course it's a good thing!"

Tang Ji didn't care about Senior Brother Qi's cold attitude.

As the monks practice for a long time, some people's emotions will become indifferent, and Senior Brother Qi is good at controlling beasts, so he doesn't think twice among the Yuanying monks.

Being obsessed with spiritual beasts all day long, naturally there is less of a human touch.

But that doesn't matter. The most important thing is to find a suitable teacher for the application.

Senior Brother Qi is undoubtedly the most suitable person to apply for submission.

So he said directly:

"Senior Brother Qi, in the Yan Kingdom under the jurisdiction of Da Chu, I found a foundation-building monk named Shen Fu who is very good at cultivating spiritual beasts and has many unique insights into spiritual beasts. I would like to introduce him to you as a disciple. I wonder what Senior Brother Qi thinks?"


Senior Brother Qi's cold voice came from the small stone, with a hint of surprise that was almost non-existent.

But it was not as surprising as Tang Ji thought.

There was a slight silence in the small stone for a while, and then Senior Brother Qi spoke:

"Then has he cultivated a third-level spiritual beast?"

Tang Ji: "Well...he is only in the middle stage of foundation building now..."

"That means I don't have it anymore. It's not something I'm good at."

Senior Brother Qi said calmly.

"No, he is really good at it. When I saw the record book he wrote, I was stunned."

"Guess what, he is actually studying the purification and tracing of the bloodline of spiritual beasts, and his thinking is clear. He even suggested that mutated spiritual beasts may be part of the traceable bloodline of ancestors. This is something that only transformed gods are involved in..."

Tang Ji quickly argued.

In the small stone, Senior Brother Qi did not speak, but there was a subtle sigh.

"It seems that this guy is still a little ambitious."

"Have you passed Baiwen Tower?"

"Uh...this...not really."

"Besides that, are there any other advantages?"

Tang Ji hurriedly said: "Tiandao Foundation Establishment! He is Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment!"

However, regarding this, Senior Brother Qi sighed again: "This does not count... for my disciples of the beast control lineage, it is much easier to build the foundation of heaven than for ordinary monks. Is there anything else?"

Tang Ji was stunned immediately.

Doesn't this work?

Senior Brother Qi’s requirements are so high?

But apart from controlling beasts, does this application have any other advantages?

His character is not bad and he repays his kindness, but this is not a big advantage.

Tang Ji couldn't remember it for a moment, but he glanced at the box filled with spiritual stones in his hand, and suddenly his eyes lit up and he said:

"He is very rich! He has a lot of spiritual stones! And he is very good at earning spiritual stones!"

There was silence in the small stone.

Just when Tang Ji thought there was no chance, Senior Brother Qi finally spoke:

"Okay, since it was recommended by Junior Brother Tang, he must have some skills. After I go to Dayan Dynasty, I will go to Yan Kingdom..."

"Go to Dayan Dynasty first?"

Tang Ji breathed a sigh of relief at first, then couldn't help being stunned and said quickly:

"No way! Senior Brother Qi! The disciple I found for you is in crisis now. I deliberately did not help him. If you can come in time and save him from the crisis, he will definitely calm down!"

However, regarding Tang Ji's words, Senior Brother Qi's voice was a little indifferent in the little stone.

"Okay, Junior Brother Tang, if nothing happens, I will end it first."

"Senior Brother Qi, this boy is absolutely extraordinary. His talent in controlling beasts is the only one I have ever seen in my life...Senior Brother Qi? Senior Brother Qi?!"

A far away place far away from Yan State.

A middle-aged figure with gray hair and an indifferent face directly blocked the sound from a small stone.

Frowning slightly with an expressionless face:

"This Junior Brother Tang really doesn't follow the rules and actually interfered in my recruitment of disciples."


Soon, he forgot the name.

He quickly set foot on the teleportation array heading to the Great Yan Dynasty.

There, it is said that there is a genius with extremely high attainments in beast control, who is exactly the type he hopes will be able to pass on the mantle.

And at the same time.

The second floor of the Linglong Ghost Market in Yan State.

Tang Ji's face was full of astonishment.

I never expected that the mentor I was looking for to apply for the service would directly reject me.

Shang Li didn't know what to say.

I can only sigh secretly for ‘Shenfu’.

I'm afraid he doesn't know it yet, but he has quietly lost a huge opportunity.

But at this moment.

The small stone suddenly made a 'sizzling' sound again.

Shang Li suddenly showed a puzzled look: "Someone wants to attack us alone?"

Tang Ji was still immersed in frustration and said impatiently: "Just take it."

Shang Li nodded.

Quickly pinch the magic formula.


In the small stone, an old voice suddenly sounded:

"Haha, little Tangzi, I heard that you have a little guy with a lot of spiritual stones?"

Hearing this voice, Tang Ji was instantly excited!

In an instant, he remembered the fear of being dominated by the other party not long ago!

Two chapters in one, no more tonight, thank you!

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