"It's Zhang Tailai."

Wang Hao reacted immediately.

He turned his eyes slightly, looked at himself, and found that there was no omission, then he stepped forward to open the door.

There were no monks from the three major sects outside the door. Only Zhang Tailai, smelling of smoke, strode in with a nervous look on his face.

Seeing that Wang Ba was safe and sound, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Little friend Shen, you haven't opened the door, you scared me to death!"

However, there was no flaw on Wang Ba's face, and he asked with confusion: "Zhenren Zhang, what's going on?"

Zhang Tailai shook his head and said, "I don't know either. I just heard two sudden noises outside, so I hurried over to take a look."

"Later I remembered Xiaoyou Shen, and I quickly came back."


Wang Hao was stunned.

He turned his head and looked at Bu Chan in confusion: "While I was in retreat, there were two noises outside?"

Bu Chan nodded: "Yes, the sound is very loud, I don't know what it is that is so loud."

"I went there to see it. It looks a bit like Tianleizi."

Zhang Tailai scratched his head and said.

Wang Bao seemed confused when he heard this, shook his head and said:

"Forget it, there's no need to go into details. It's probably because there are monks fighting outside the city."

"We're not going out anyway, so don't worry too much."

Zhang Tailai's honest face showed a look of understanding: "Oh, I'll go back first."

"Haha, Master Zhang, don't be in a hurry to leave. I've been in seclusion for many days and am feeling a little depressed. Why don't we drink some spiritual wine together."

Wang Hao opened his mouth to persuade him to stay.

Bu Chan glanced at Wang Ba, then smiled and stepped back to get the spiritual wine.

Zhang Tailai suddenly showed emotion when he heard the spirit wine.

But soon, he seemed to think of something, and there was a faint struggle on his face:

"Brother doesn't let me drink casually..."

"This spiritual wine can easily dispel drunkenness and will not make a real person drunk."

Wang Hao laughed and said.

Soon, Bu Chan took out the spirit wine and made some side dishes.

Zhang Tailai couldn't refuse, so he had to sit down and eat and drink.

Soon he was so drunk that he even opened his clothes and drank heavily.

When Wang Ba saw this, he had no choice but to pour his own cup and drink.

Not long after, the door was knocked again.

"Today is quite strange."

Wang Yan couldn't help but muttered.

Bu Chan had already walked to the door, lifted the formation, and opened the door.

I saw a monk wearing the robe of the Xuli Sect looked inside, glanced at Wang Yan and Zhang Tailai opposite, then quickly withdrew his gaze, and then whispered a few words to Bu Chan,

He left soon.

"What did he just say?"

Wang Ba asked curiously.

Bu Chan didn't hide anything: "He said that someone outside the city seemed to have released two second-level thunderbolts just now. He was worried that someone would do harm to senior brother, so he came to check and saw that senior brother was fine, so he left."

Wang Bao nodded slightly when he heard the words.

But Zhang Tailai's face showed a trace of pride: "Look! I was right!"

"Haha, Master Zhang's eyes are like a torch, so he can naturally see through illusions."

Wang Yan slapped him in a flattering manner, which immediately made Zhang Tailai laugh happily.

After drinking for a while, Zhang Tailai blushed and staggered out of Wang Ba's mansion.

Looking at Zhang Tailai's back, Wang Hao was slightly absent-minded.

"Senior brother."

Bu Chan walked to Wang Ba's side.

Wang Hao came back to his senses immediately, but his face was a little solemn:

"The situation is not right. I clearly just released a thunderbolt before, so why are there two sounds?"

"How long was the interval between these two sounds?"

"About six breaths."

Bu Chan recalled it and gave a number.

Wang Ba's eyes revealed his thoughts: "So, just after I used the teleportation array to leave for about two breaths, someone came to the scene and released another Tianleizi."

"But who is this person? What is the reason for doing this?"

Bu Chan's eyes flashed and he analyzed:

"Senior brother Fang Tianleizi used Tianleizi's voice to attract people from the three major sects and let them discover the Xianghuo Dao monks. However, the other person's release of Tianleizi is unlikely to continue to attract attention, or it happens to be When fighting with others, use this Tianleizi, or use the explosive power of Tianleizi to hide something."

"The former is a bit of a coincidence, but the latter, what is there to hide at the scene?"

Almost without thinking, Wang Hao and Bu Chan said the answer almost at the same time:

"It's those Incense Tao monks!"

"Someone is secretly helping Xiang Huo Dao!"

Wang Ba immediately added: "And according to this time interval, it is very likely that there are people from them in Yong'an City!"

Thinking of this possibility, both of them couldn't help but feel heavy.

The scene of the Incense Road raging in Chen State in the past is still fresh in their memory.

Perhaps a single cultivator of the Incense Path is not something to be afraid of, but the trouble with the Incense Path lies in its pervasiveness and vitality that is as tenacious as a weed.

But today's situation is a bit like the situation when Wang Yan was in Dongsheng Sect in the past. Incense Road is like the Tianmen Sect that used to hide in the dark.

It’s just that Incense Taoism is not Tianmen Sect.

But today's Wang Hao is no longer the same Wang Hao who was powerless and could be manipulated by others.

Wang Ba's eyes gradually calmed down and he quickly analyzed:

"The people in Xianghuo Dao probably don't know that I discovered them."

"They are afraid of the person who discovered them. I'm afraid they won't take any action for the time being. Instead, they will be careful to restrain themselves."

"Furthermore, when Incense Road comes to the hinterland of Dachu, it is unlikely to be a large-scale development of believers. It is probably arranged by the Kingdom of the Ten Thousand Gods to spy on intelligence. So if you put it this way, we don't need to worry too much at all."

"When Master Zhang from Danlongmen comes over next time, I will tell them about the Incense Road in person."

Bu Chan thought for a while, but he didn't have any better suggestions.

He just said seriously: "Senior brother, don't worry, I will practice the technique well."

Although Wang Ba was a little pleased when he heard this, he was also a little helpless.

Junior sister is good at everything, but her talent in magic is too average.

But he really couldn't dampen Bu Chan's enthusiasm, so he could only smile and nod, and returned to the quiet room alone.

Close the door gently.

Wang Ba's face suddenly darkened.

"Xuli Zong..."

The layer of protection formed by the Hundred Lives Soul-blaspheming Curse outside his Lingtai Temple suddenly disappeared, and he realized that someone had cast a curse on him.

Originally, his suspects actually included all the sects of the three major sects, and even some casual cultivators.

However, when the Xuli Sect disciple who was looking over his head looked towards him, he immediately realized that there was no one else but the Xuli Sect!

Because he clearly noticed the fleeting surprise and surprise in the other person's eyes.

It seemed as if he was surprised that he could still be sitting there.

As for why Xuli Zong wanted to kill him, Wang Hao could also guess some.

"It seems that Zhang Tailai's previous words still made them wary, so they simply took action..."

Wang Yan couldn't help but look slightly cold.

But he soon calmed down these emotions one by one, opened the storage bag, took out strips of second-level medium-grade psychic ghost loaches, and began to cast the 'Hundred Lives Soul-Desecrating Curse'.

After half a stick of incense.

Feeling the indescribable dark black outside the Lingtai Temple, the layer seemed to be more excited and twisting than before.

Wang Hao slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

This is how you feel safe.

But he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he vaguely felt that the Lingtai Temple seemed to be smaller than before.

"You mean, when you saw the application, you also saw Zhang Tailai?!"

In the palace at the highest peak of Xuli Sect, Zhuang Yi eagerly grabbed a disciple by the collar and asked urgently.

"Yes! I saw it with my own eyes! The two of them were still drinking together. That Shen Fu didn't look like he was cursed at all. By the way, that Zhang Tailai looked a little embarrassed."

The disciples of Xuli Sect said quickly.

If Wang Ba were here, he would definitely find that this person was the monk who knocked on the door before.

When Zhuang Yi heard this, he quickly turned around, cupped his fists and said to Lin Boyue, the leader of Xuli Sect, who was above him without saying a word:

"Sect Master! It must be Zhang Tailai who blocked the curse for Shen Fu, so that the curse's power backfired, not only harming Cao Xiang of the Wei Kingdom, but also implicating... nephew Wang!"

On the high platform futon.

Lin Boyue said nothing, his face was terrifyingly dark.

In his eyes, there was a hint of sadness and anger that he had never seen before.

His eyes couldn't help but fall below.

There, two weird meat balls were rolling in place.

It was vaguely visible that one of the meatballs was wearing a robe from the Xuli Sect.

In Lin Boyue's mind, Wang Tang's face could not help but appear.

This is a good young man who he finally selected from the next generation of disciples who is dedicated to serving the sect.

He has worked hard to train him for decades, and he is likely to succeed him in the future and become the next head of the Xuli Sect!

Countless efforts.

Just like that, turned into a ball of meat?

Zhuang Yi had a stern look on his face: "Sect Master, why don't we go directly to Yong'an City and capture Zhang Tailai! We will torture him to death so that all the casual cultivators will know what will happen to the monks who dare to murder me..."

"shut up!!!"

Lin Boyue finally couldn't hold back anymore, and looked at Zhuang Yi angrily with anger in his eyes.

"you tell me!"

"Why wasn't you the one who died?"

"Why is Wang Tang dead?"

Zhuang Yi looked at Lin Boyue with a stunned look on his face.

"Senior brother...I..."

Lin Boyue suddenly closed his eyes, his chest rising and falling violently.

There was deathly silence in the entire hall!

After a long time, Lin Boyue took a long breath and finally opened his eyes.

There was a trace of unspeakable fatigue in his eyes.

He looked at Zhuang Yi and whispered: "Junior Brother Zhuang, I just couldn't help myself."

"No, it's Zhuang Yi who is useless. He couldn't even protect Senior Nephew Wang. He is the future of our sect. The sect can live without Zhuang Yi, but it cannot live without Wang Tang."

Zhuang Yi lowered his head with a look of shame on his face.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You are Zhenren Jindan and the pillar of the sect. No one is more important than you!"

Lin Boyue gave a light drink and said a few words of comfort.

Immediately he opened his eyes and said thoughtfully:

"Cao Xiang's curse-killing technique of Wei State can kill even those who have completed the Foundation Establishment. Although this application has extraordinary skills, in the final analysis, he is just an ordinary monk in the early stage of Foundation Establishment. I can't be wrong about this."

"And Zhang Tailai happens to be where Shenfu is, so this is probably not a coincidence."

"In this case, I'm afraid it was Zhang Tailai who blocked it for him. And from your description, before Cao Xiang turned into a ball of meat, he didn't seem to believe that he would encounter backlash, and on top of the ball of meat, almost all With the many curses produced by the soul that affect the physical body, it is obvious that this Zhang Tailai is probably also capable of spells, and the scope of his involvement is quite large!"

"So, this Zhang Tailai is probably far beyond our previous understanding of him. Everyone thinks he is a brainless fool, but this is his perfect disguise!"

Listening to Lin Boyue's analysis, Zhuang Yi suddenly forgot about his self-blame and couldn't help but said in surprise:

"What do you mean by the sect leader, this Zhang Tailai has been pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger? But this... doesn't look like it. There's no way he's pretending at all."

Lin Boyue immediately shook his head and said:

"This is exactly his brilliance. If you think it's impossible, others won't think it is possible either."

Zhuang Yi nodded immediately after hearing this, but felt that something was not quite right.

"Then let's arrest him now?"

Zhuang Yi couldn't help but said.

"No, now is not the right time."

"Yuan Wenzhi has been hiding in the dark and has not shown up. If he kills Zhang Tailai now, he will only cause trouble."

Lin Boyue's face was slightly cold, and there was a hint of fierceness in his eyes.

"hold on."

"First go and investigate all the information and achievements of this Zhang Tailai, and find out all his strengths and weaknesses..."

"These things will be used sooner or later."



Lin Boyue glanced at the mass of flesh below, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes, and he slowly closed his eyes.

"Give him a good time."


Three days later.


It rains blood.

Thanks to Feng Erchuuchi for the 500-point reward. Thanks to book friend 20230402184543854 for the 500-point reward. There will be another update in the afternoon.

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