"That's what my experience has been, but it's far less exciting than my junior brother's."

"Junior brother is already far better than me!"


Countless sword shadows loomed behind him.

Zhao Feng looked at Wang Yan with eyes filled with sighs.

In just ten years, not only did he escape from the Tianmen Sect on his own, he was also able to take root in the Yan Kingdom, and even participated in the game between several major sects in the Yan Kingdom.

He even fought with a seriously injured Jin Dan Zhenren until both of them lost their strength.

Wang Yan's growth rate really exceeded Zhao Feng's expectations.

Apart from being amazed, he was also extremely pleased.

He still vaguely remembered that when the two met for the first time that year, Wang Yan was just a little handyman that no one cared about.

It has only been thirty or forty years now.

When he had been practicing for thirty or forty years, he had only refined his Qi to the tenth level.

In comparison, it is far less stunning than Wang Yan.

Wang Hao shook his head repeatedly: "Senior brother, I am ridiculous. I am not so wonderful. I am just following the crowd out of helplessness."

It wasn't that he was trying to be modest, but that was exactly what he thought.

Over the years, the situation has been constantly changing, and individuals are not immune to it.

Although he had lived a comfortable life in the first nine years after coming to Yan State, with the defeat of Xianghuo Dao and the return of Yan State sect power, he was inevitably in trouble again. Restricted everywhere.

Days like this, compared to Zhao Feng's free and easy life, walking with a sword, are naturally a lot less interesting.

Zhao Feng smiled when he heard this:

"The experience of life was difficult at the time, but looking back, it is a rare treasure. There is no beauty in raw jade, only carving can make it into a useful tool. Junior brother, now, he has shown his brilliance."

Hearing Zhao Feng's praise, Wang Hao couldn't help but smile even though he had been working hard for many years and rarely expressed his emotions and anger.

Needless to say, Zhao Feng was like an elder brother to him.

In front of Zhao Feng, he didn't need to deliberately disguise himself, and he rarely felt relaxed and at ease.

This is different with Bu Chan.

Many times, in order to avoid Bu Chan worrying, even if something happened, he would try his best to bear it himself.

Even with Bu Chan's intelligence, he can often guess it.

"However, even though I passed the third floor of the Hundred Refining Building and got Master to accept his disciples from a distance, I still don't know the origin of Linglong Ghost Market. I only know that this ghost market seems to be similar to the one in Dajin. It’s related to the sect.”

Zhao Feng said suddenly.

"A sect from the Great Jin Dynasty?!"

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment and then became interested.

He had heard a long time ago that if there was any force in the entire Feng Linzhou that could resist the Incense Dao of the Ten Thousand Gods Kingdom, then it would be Da Jin and Da Yan.

It is said that Dayan is a demon sect, which is inconsistent with his character.

On the contrary, Da Jin, although the rules are strict, may be a very good destination for monks like him who don't like to fight.

Therefore, he had been paying attention to information related to Dajin very early.

It is a pity that even in the Chen Kingdom, which was a subordinate of the Jin Dynasty, there was very little information, let alone the Yan Kingdom, which was one country away from Chen.

Over the years, he had heard little about Da Jin.

Now that he suddenly learned that Linglong Ghost Market was related to the Jin sect, he was naturally extremely concerned.

Zhao Feng did not hide anything: "I don't know much more than you. Although I was accepted as a disciple by Master, I have not yet formally entered the sect. Master has not said much to me about the sect. He only said that he wants to It won’t be long before he comes to take me back in person.”

"Junior brother can get Senior Tang's attention, so there is no need to worry."

When Wang Bao heard this, he felt helpless.

Tang Ji told him directly that he would introduce him to a good mentor.

The only prerequisite is that he must successfully cultivate a third-level spiritual beast.

Wu Yuan King is now seriously injured, and it may take some time to recover. Besides, he still lacks a third-level inner elixir.

He actually thought about using Yuan Wenzhi's golden elixir instead.

But soon gave up.

Although both have the same level of power, monks cultivate magic power, while spirit beasts condense spiritual power. The two are similar but different. If they are introduced indiscriminately, it will easily affect the purity of Wu Yuan King's bloodline.

What's more, Yuan Wenzhi's golden elixir was already exhausted, and after the spirit soul escaped from the body, it collapsed and was destroyed.

"By the way, senior brother, are there any third-level spiritual beast inner elixirs here?"

Wang Yan suddenly thought that Zhao Feng had passed the third floor of Bailian Building and should have obtained the qualification for the third floor of Linglong Ghost Market.

"Third-level inner elixir... I don't have it, but it should be available on the third level of the ghost market. When the third level opens in a while, I'll buy one for you."

"How long will it take for the third floor to open?"

Wang Yan couldn't help but be a little curious.

"It is said that it is opened once every twenty years, and it should be open in another two or three years... However, those who are qualified to enter the third level, even if the ghost market is closed, can still enter the local Linglong Ghost Market to practice or Take refuge.”

When Wang Bao heard this, he was immediately disappointed.

He also wondered if he could get the inner elixir through Zhao Feng.

With that being said, the only thing I can do now is a trip to Return to Wind Valley.

"I heard that this place is not far from Dachu. If junior brother is in a hurry, I will go to Dachu and find some third-level spiritual beasts..."

Zhao Feng said suddenly.

Wang Ba was immediately moved. With Zhao Feng's talent, even if he entered the golden elixir realm not long ago, he still had considerable fighting power. It would probably be easy to kill a third-level low-grade spiritual beast.

However, after looking at the countless sword shadows that could not be hidden behind Zhao Feng, he immediately gave up this idea.

It's just too ostentatious.

Although he really wanted to get the third-level inner elixir, there was no need to put Zhao Feng in danger.

Instead of doing this, it is better to take Zhao Feng for a trip to Hui Feng Valley, maybe he can get the third level inner elixir.

At least compared to Da Chu, Yan State is not that dangerous.

"By the way, senior brother, how is your strength now?"

Wang Ba asked curiously.

Zhao Feng was a little unsure when he heard this: "This... I'm not sure about this, but the one at the bottom of the lake just now, I feel that when he was at his peak, he shouldn't be able to stop my three swords."

"Of course, the premise is that he has no other means."

Hearing Zhao Feng's words, Wang Hao's eyes suddenly lit up.

Yuan Wenzhi's cultivation level is in the middle stage of Golden Elixir. As a casual cultivator, his elixir level is only at the sixth level. With such a level of cultivation, even if he is not among the top ten in the Yan Kingdom, he is at least in the top two. Ten position.

Not to mention, in the battle between the three major sects and the Zhenling Palace, each family suffered heavy losses. Among the five golden elixir masters in Danlongmen, only Master Zhang was left.

The overall strength of Yan State has shrunk unprecedentedly.

Zhao Feng was able to defeat Yuan Wenzhi with three swords. In terms of strength alone, in the entire Yan Kingdom, there was absolutely no one who could defeat him with more than one hand.

Such cultivation is enough to dominate the Yan Kingdom.

There is no need to look at anyone’s face anymore.

Thinking of this, Wang Yan suddenly felt confident.

However, Wu Yuan King has not recovered yet, so he is not so anxious.

"Senior brother, what level of elixir is it?"

Wang Ba asked curiously.

Zhao Feng did not hide anything: "You also know that I am based on the soul nourishing beads, so there is no elixir grade, but I rely on the many resources given by the master. If it is based on the elixir grade, it should be the same as the first grade. The golden elixir is almost the same."

The elixir becomes a first-class product? !

Hearing this, Wang Hao suddenly showed an envious look.

More importantly, it feels so good to be able to grab resources at your fingertips, right?

Is this the benefit of having a master?

Sure enough, joining the sect is the wisest choice.

This made him yearn for it. When could he enjoy such treatment?

However, when he thought that he would soon be able to cultivate Wu Yuan King to the third level, and that he would be cared for by his master, Wang Ba couldn't help but feel a sense of expectation in his heart.

Even if his master is not as good as Senior Brother Zhao's master, it should be... not much different, right?

Well, it shouldn't be bad.

Tang Ji has said that he will find a good teacher and accept a disciple.

Chatted for a while.

The two of them were busy practicing their own spiritual practices.

Wang Hao took the opportunity to count Xia Yuan Wenzhi's storage instruments.

In addition to a dozen high-grade spiritual stones and a bunch of medium-grade and low-grade spiritual stones, there is also a batch of spirit chicken essence that Wang Yan gave to Yuan Wenzhi before, but less than half is left. I think the other half should be in Zhang Tailai In his hands, it is estimated that they have now fallen into the treasure houses of the three major sects.

There are also several third-level talismans, but they are not of great value and are all auxiliary.

There are quite a few jade slips and gold paper rubbings.

Some of the jade slips have been used, while others are still brand new.

There are also some spiritual materials matching the jade slips.

Presumably it is used to practice third-level powerful spells.

However, judging from the fact that the spiritual materials were not used up much, it is estimated that Yuan Wenzhi was probably unable to do so when practicing this spell and had no choice but to give up.

This is the normal practice of monks.

Even Master Jin Dan is still full of choices and helplessness.

In addition, the storage rings and storage bags also contain some first- and second-level magic weapons, elixirs, and even an extremely old family tree of the mortal Yuan family.

It can be seen that Yuan Wenzhi is also a nostalgic person.

It's just that Wang Yan's heart didn't fluctuate much.

Everyone has a soft and warm side, but they also have to pay the price for the consequences of their actions.

He packed up things that were useful to him.

The biggest gain was Yuan Wenzhi’s third-level middle-grade large-brush magic weapon.

But now there is no place to sell it, otherwise it could be sold.

After cleaning up these things, he began to prepare healing medicine for Wu Yuan Wang and Bo Li.

Boli only hurt his beak, not the root, so the healing medicine was very simple. Just use some spiritual materials and spiritual ointment to wrap Boli's beak until it recovered, and then take it off.

Anyway, for spirit beasts, even if they don't eat, they can still maintain their most basic needs for survival by passively absorbing spiritual energy.

But King Wuyu is much more troublesome.

"Blood-growing grass, thousand-year-old ginseng, black tiger spirit bone..."

Fortunately, Wang Hao had accumulated a lot of spiritual materials and elixirs during his years in Yan State, and he managed to collect the materials.

After another two days of refining, I finally successfully refined several dark ointments.

It was applied to the body of Wu Yuan King by Wang Ba.

"Recklessness is not a bad thing, but you have to use the spells I taught you. Look, if you had used the 'Golden Armor Hiding Technique' at that time, you wouldn't have suffered such a serious crime."

Wang Ba applied medicine to King Wuyu and saw the shocking wounds on its body. After all, it was a third-level injury. It would be difficult for King Wuyu to heal by itself.

I muttered a few words with great distress.

King Wu Yuan was taught a lesson by Wang Ba and listened honestly.

There is no trace of the demonic nature or mania that he had when he transformed into a demon ape.

However, the bared teeth from time to time also let Wang Yan know clearly that King Wuyu was seriously injured this time.

After all, the last time Wu Yuan King fought with Zheng Yuanhua from Incense Road, even the flesh and blood on his arms had been scraped clean, and he didn't even frown.

While healing Wu Yuan King, Wang Yan also took Wu Yuan King to review the previous battle process.

In fact, even if he couldn't win against Yuan Wenzhi, who was seriously injured in his upper body, Wu Yuan King, who already had weak third-level strength after his transformation, shouldn't have been so injured by a single blow even if he couldn't win.

It was completely because King Wu Yuan was too over the top, ignoring the possible hidden methods of his opponent and also neglecting to protect himself.

But this can be considered a side effect of the transformation.

After the transformation, the overall strength of Wu Yuan King has been directly upgraded to a new level.

But the price is that its character has become extremely manic. Except for Wang Ba, he beats up almost everyone he meets.

In this state, except for the landslide and earth-shattering technique that it has mastered naturally, which is used based on instinct, it is difficult to cast other spells in time.

"This is the focus of your practice for the next period of time. You must be able to control your emotions and judgment after transformation."

"And to go one step further, it is to take control of your body at all times and let your consciousness control your body, not the other way around."

Wang Ba assigned a task to King Wuyu.

King Wu Yuan seemed to understand somewhat.

Wang Ba didn't care too much.

Wu Yuan King has a very high spiritual intelligence, but after all, it is still a second-level spiritual beast. It may not be able to understand what he means until it reaches the third level.

But three days later.

When Wang Hao watched Wu Ape King transform into a six-foot-long giant ape, and then crouched in front of a small slope that was shorter than it, with his face flushed from holding back, Wang Hao realized that he still underestimated Wu Ape King. The spirituality of the ape king.

"What a good monkey!"

Zhao Feng was also attracted by King Wuyu's cultivation method, and after hearing Wang Ba's introduction, he couldn't help but show appreciation.

Wang Yan couldn't help but nodded.

King Wuyu's potential is much greater than he imagined. After King Wuyu recovers, he will have to train this little guy well.

In addition to treating King Wuyu, he was mainly busy studying the changes in the Lingtai Temple these two days.

My mind sank into the spiritual platform.

Then I saw a faceless statue standing in the middle.

The Yin God's bow has been completely swallowed by it, and the face of the faceless statue has also changed.


Wang Ba stared at the chin of the faceless statue, slightly lost in thought.

Like, so similar.

The facial outline of the faceless statue before made Wang Hao feel vaguely familiar.

But he didn't think much about it.

But when the statue swallowed the Yin God's bow, Wang Hao was shocked to find out.

The curvature of the chin on the statue's face is exactly the same as his.

If the upper part of Wang Ba's face was covered, even he wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

"Could it be that... the face of this statue will eventually look like me?"

Wang Yan couldn't help but have such speculation.

"What does this mean?"

When he recalled that when he was in the Zhenling Palace, he seemed to be a different person, constantly calling for the Yin God to come to the world, he couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in his heart.

He was vaguely aware that the statue that appeared in the spiritual platform might not be as simple as he imagined.

At least in the original "Yin Shen Great Dream Sutra", it was not mentioned that when entering the second level, there will be a statue of the god.

But he didn't think about it at the time.

And when he was practicing the second level, there was a sound that almost shattered his soul.

This all indicates that it may have other secrets.

But then he had a thought.

In the hands of the statue, a bright red wave of water quickly emerged like flowing water, and soon it condensed into the shape of a bow.

"The Yin God comes to the world bow..."

Wang Ba looked at the Yin Hong Longbow, which was full of suppressed aura, and his face was slightly solemn.

After being absorbed by the idol, the Yin Shen's Bow of Coming to the World can be condensed out at any time.

This is also the result of his research in the past two days.

And he also vaguely felt that he could also use this long bow.

It's just that part of the Yin Shen Bow's origin was consumed by the idol, and the remaining part is probably only enough to shoot one arrow.

"But... with this arrow, at least I can fight against the golden elixir."

At a higher level, he didn't dare to think that he could threaten Jindan with his foundation building body. It must be enough within the scope of Yan Kingdom.

With a thought in Wang Ba's mind, the long bow turned into red water and poured into the statue.

After taking a deep look at the statue, Wang Hao's mind quickly left the spiritual platform.

Two more days passed.

Zhao Feng found Wang Yan:

"Junior brother, Senior Tang has an edict!"

Wang Ba's eyes lit up:

"Is it okay, Junior Sister?"

Zhao Feng shook his head: "I don't know. It didn't say anything in the transmission notes sent by Senior Tang. Let's go and take a look first."

Wang Hao nodded.

The two immediately found the nearby Linglong Ghost Market and successfully entered the first floor.

Originally, the opening date for the second floor had not arrived.

However, as a distinguished guest who can enter the third floor, Zhao Feng is qualified to take Wang Yan to the second floor even if it is not open.

As soon as the teleportation came out, Tang Ji was seen standing not far away.

Seeing Wang Ba and Zhao Feng, a smile suddenly appeared on Tang Ji's face.

"Fellow Daoist Shen, if I don't look for you, you don't know how to look for me."

Seeing Tang Ji's smile, Wang Hao's heart suddenly relaxed.

Just about to speak.

Zhao Feng suddenly sent a secret message to Wang Ba.

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment and then lost his thoughts.

He quickly saluted and said with a look of shame on his face:

"Tang Dao... Don't blame me, senior. I concealed something before. This junior is not called Shen Fu. His real name is actually Wang Yan."

"Wang Ba?"

Tang Ji was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes suddenly flashed with surprise:

"You...you're not from the Tianmen sect in Chen country, are you? The one who is good at raising spiritual chickens?"

This time, Wang Hao was stunned.

"Senior Tang knows about me?"

"Of course I know, I went to Chen Country before..."

At that moment, Tang Ji explained everything he had encountered in Chen State, except for the matters involving the sect and the 'eyes'.

When Wang Ba heard the news that the Tianmen Sect had been almost destroyed from top to bottom, with leader Ning Daohuan and all the Jindan monks perished, and the remaining Tianmen Sect members also fled in all directions, he couldn't help but be stunned. .

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel mixed feelings in his heart.

He thought about the destruction of Tianmen Sect.

He even thought that one day, after he had accomplished his cultivation, he would return to the Tianmen Sect and kill all Ning Daohuan and Lu Yuansheng.

But when he actually heard about the collapse of the Tianmen Sect, instead of the specks of speculation he had heard from others before, he actually felt like he was in a different world.

"You are actually a member of the Demon Cult..."

Tang Ji also came back to his senses and couldn't help but frown slightly.

Zhao Feng suddenly said from the side:

"Senior Tang, it's no wonder junior brother."

Now let’s talk about Wang Ba’s difficult journey from being a handyman in the Dongsheng Sect.

He is not a very good storyteller, but he is more truthful and full of calmness.

Tang Ji listened to Zhao Feng's narration and looked at Wang Ba's eyes, but his eyes gradually became full of brilliance.

He didn't expect that Wang Yan would have such a complicated experience.

In just thirty or forty years, he has experienced more than most monks have experienced in half a lifetime.

Even though he faced such a difficult situation, he still maintained his true nature and managed to grow to where he is today.

He couldn't help but think of the scene where Wang Hao and Bu Chan fought against the Jin Dan master.

Then suddenly he said:

"Don't worry, I, Mr. Tang, am not that pedantic. How can I have any sectarian views?"

"Besides, this can be regarded as our sect's oversight, allowing a demonic sect like the Tianmen Sect to break in..."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of Senior Brother Yao who guarded Chen State.

It was this old guy who was not doing his job every day and didn't care about what happened in the territory. This allowed the Dongsheng Sect to be destroyed by the external demon sect, and thus implicated Wang Yan, the most insignificant person at the time.

But now, this old guy came all the way here just to accept Wang Ba as his disciple.

Things in the world happen by chance, one drink and one peck, it is really difficult to predict.

Shaking his head, Tang Ji didn't express any more emotions. He thought of business and said sternly to Wang Hao:

"Wang Ba, I'm calling you here this time because it's your Taoist companion who wants you to decide on something."

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment.

It’s just healing, why are there still things to decide?

He quickly raised his hand and asked:

"May I ask Senior Tang, what happened to Bu Chan?"

"That's not true. It's very safe now."

Tang Ji immediately realized that his attitude had caused Wang Yan to misunderstand, and quickly shook his head.

"What is that matter needs to be decided by the juniors..."

Wang Yan was also a little confused for a moment.

Seeing Wang Ba's confused face, Tang Ji's face suddenly showed a smile:

"a good thing."

"Did you know...that your Taoist companion is pregnant?"


Wang Hao was stunned for a moment.

Thanks to the 500-point reward from A Wisp of Green Hair in the Sky and the 1,300-point reward from book friend 20230402184543854

Giving birth to a child... won't this be criticized as a failure again? I have a psychological shadow...

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